I need help naming a new story!!

So I am in the midst of writing the sequal to My Precious Omega for NaNoWriMo b/c my other project stalled badly the first week.

And I need a title for the sequel.

One preferably BTS related.

The sequel's a bit darker than the first story. 

Basically a rogue group of werewolves inflitrate the council, slowly causing havoc within the organization, creating loopholes that allow for bad things to happen without the council's notice, eventually leading up to somethings that I won't spoil here, and the group of 7 werewolves (plus babies!), end up moving out to their own area for recovery.

The 7 will have to go through heartache, pain, dealing with multiple deaths, and the sudden restructuring of everything they've known in their lives as a war explodes in the city, forcing the group to flee further into the wilds surrounding the city.

I won't go into much more detail than that (I'm still working on a suitable summary for when I upload the first chapter)

But I would love some imput on what would be a good title.


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bookworm83197 #1
....I at naming things. ._. I can't even name my teddy bear. ._.

...."When you aren't bulletproof"? OTL /runsaway