s to nice guy real quick

sooooo, as everyone knows from my blog.. (abnormallistic.blogspot.com) i always, ALWAYS, talk about this one guy whom i call him 41-11147 and how up he was. guess what guys, I MOVED OOONNN!!! and i don't know why, i fell for a total nerd. but the hot-kind-of-nerd. tall, white, specs and quite smart and good looking. oh god. weirdly, for the first time ever, i couldn't fantasize about him as much as i did to others. i guess, this is why he is special hahahaha 


well, school has been hectic for me and next year i'll be sitting for my REAL FINALS and after that i will graduate highschoooooollll~~~ i really want a date before high school ends but i doubt that. ahhahaha *sweats;die*


i don't want to end high school without memories. so yeah, idk... 


i have lots more to say and i will as weellll write more because heck! it's school holidayssss!!!!!


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