♕ Royales | Younha | The Rebel


Bae Younha

USERNAME — Jey-chan



NAME — Bae Younha


  • Yuyu - As a short form for her name
  • Thai Princess - often referred as the female counterpart to 2PM Nichkhun
  • Derping Queen - She tends to derp a lot and gain a lot of attention with it
  • Troublemaker - That's what the SM staff call her as she is always doing as she pleases
  • Royal ess - That's how the female idols who saw her  making out with other male idols call her (refers to her group's name and her Thai Princess title)

BIRTHDATE — 11/18/93

BIRTHPLACE — Bangkok, Thailand

HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY — Thai/ Korean

LANGUAGE(S) — Korean, Thai, English (all fluent since   

                           she went to an international school in Seoul)

The beautiful beast

face claim — Jeon Minju (The Ark)


backup face claim — Ham Eunjung (T-Ara)



appearanceYounha is 165cm and - as the main dancer - is slim but still very muscular and has a toned body with female abs she often shows off during training by wearing belly tops etc. Due to her muscular statue she weights about 52kg which is covered up by the Entertainment and she's often told to diet. Still she eats and drinks as much as she wants and whenever her food is taken away from her, she catches up the calorie loss with alcohol.  To others Younha looks always happy and attracting as many people want to befriend her because of her positive appearance and because she easily makes friends. She has a birth given aura to attract people - especially males.

fashion style — If it's up to her she dresses all manly. She loves Boy London and brands of her favorite dancers like Lyle Beniga. If it comes to her group and her appearance in front of the camera, she dresses a bit more female - but even then she tends to wear either y or more likely boyish clothes. Cute is an absolute no - no to her.

mirror mirror - who i really am

traits — { + overly confident to the outside, passionate, playful, humorous, honest } { - loud,  stubborn, hot tempered, impatient, extremely competetive, secretly insecure, forgetful, alcoholic}



Whoever watched Younha perform in front of others once knows that she is a born stage hog. Whenever she enters a stage or has to perform in front of others she gives her everything to it and her stage presence is one of a kind. If she's not partying wildly, she's head banging in front of her fans. And if none of the other members is taking the mic off her, she'll keep it to the end of the showcase and scream into it to cheer and make the audience cheer until her voice conks out. But not only on stage she she is special. Younha was born with the talent to make friends very easily. She's not afraid of social contacts and knows how to present herself as a likeable person. The girl is playful and humorous which in connection to her merciless honesty does not always end up well. If she doesn't like a person, she let him or her know for sure and not seldom shows it by making fun of them and cracking jokes on their costs.

In front of others and especially in front of the Media Younha is a bundle of energy. She is always laughing and smiling and one is for sure - wherever she goes, she'll get all the attention because of her loud voice. Being the center of attention is what she is looking for as she covers her secret insecurity with her overly confident acting and behavior. People would never consider the outgoing Younha insecure but indeed she is whereas she'd never tell anyone except for the three most important persons in her life - her sister, her best friend and her all - time crush. Life means irony as these her sister and her crush are the main reasons why the power performer ended up being addicted to excessive drinking. While Younha is struggling to get famous with her group, her younger sister is already a well - known singer and songwriter around the globe, famous for her skillful guitar playing. Compared to her 4 years later born sister, she often feels like a loser because the younger one already made it big and the older one is still fighting to get on top of the Korean Music Industry. The thing about love? Wait for it...

Even though Younha loves dancing, her secret passion is singing. As nobody ever believed in her singing career and told her to give up on it and leave it to her sister, she worked even harder on her singing abilities just to be positioned as the main dancer and just sing and rap as a minor. This is secretly depressing her a lot and often turns out as angry tears whenever she fails at singing or rap parts (of course she would never cry in front of others and rather drink it away, so if it happens it always happens when she doesn't get home drunk enough to pass out and even then she locks herself up before giving in to crying).  

Her worst traits would be her impatience  - yes, she needs things to be done directly otherwise she gets mad or forgets them - and her hot temper. Don't mess with her when she's put something into her head. You won't be able to change it. And if you try - or even start arguing with her - she'll get really pissed and will even shout at you...and maybe throw something after you. Yes, she can be violent at times - especially when she's drunk.

Party is her favorite word. Partying with alcohol is even better and also fun to others as long as Younha doesn't get totally messed up. If you ever meet her extremely drunk - don't get her mad. She can be the nicest person on earth when she's drunk. She'll get touchy, she'll get nice and throws compliments at you...but just as long as you don't get her mad. If you get her mad, she'll try to beat you up...yes, even if you're a man.

Talking about men... if it's not for that one and only, she's changing her boyfriends more often than her underwear. This doesn't mean she dumps them. It's more likely her to collect them as admirers and lovers when she feels like missing a male next to her. In fact she needs a lot of love and has a lot of love to give. She would even be happy in a relationship for long...if she wasn't comparing all the males to the one who doesn't love her back. And that's how all of her relationships burst.



As a child of a mixed marriage Younha never had it easy. She was born and raised in Bangkok until she turned 8 and her mother caught her Thai husband cheating on her.  The Korean mother took her two children and returned to Seoul to raise them alone there. As a child Younha was very introverted while her sister was the complete opposite to her. She quickly started copying her sister's behavior and often (even until now) got made fun of her sister for acting younger though being the elder one. The siblings ended up in an endless competition with each other about who was the more loved, more talented and more matured. Unfortunatelly Younha was the less talented which left her with insecurities but also with a very strong defined will to fight and win. 

After a couple of years, Younha developed her passion to singing and dancing but due to her voice being very special (not in the good way), she only succeeded in dancing and therefore made it big in the dancing scene. She used to study dancing at the 1million dance studios and visited lots of professional workshops where she gained the attention of her favorite dancers and finally the attention of a SM choreographer who also visited the workshop and suggested her to audition. She did and she got accepted at age 16.

Being accepted didn't get her further a lot, though. Her lacking in singing was often blocking her way to debute and after debuting and failing, Younha watched how Red Velvet got a big hit while her group was left in the shadows. Her drinking habbits which excessively started at the age of 18 turned even worse and now she's stuck in the limbo of her own bad desires, escaping from her painful thoughts and fears into the warmth and happiness that alcohol provides.



♕ Dogs

♕ Party

♕ Food & Alcohol (best served together)


♕Anime & Manga

♕TV Shows such as Big Bang Theorie, Game of Thrones etc.

♕Caps and shoes

♕Professional dancers such as Ez Twins, Lyle Beniga and Duc Anh Tran


♕Guys who sing or dance well, she admires them easily until she gets annoyed or exhausted by their personalities

♕Strawberry - Soju, SoMaek and Jaegerbombs, there is nothing else better than this on a party!

That person



♕Girls who dance better than her (she gets competetive then)


♕Crybabies (she doesn't want to react to crying people as she considers it as being weak)





♕Not being in the spotlight

♕Being compared to others

♕Anyone who dares to touch her one and only

♕Lending something to others (she's scared of her stuff being ruined afterwards)


♕Red beans

♕Cleaning (yupp, she's messy)



♕Playing piano or bass guitar



♕Cooking and baking


♕Video Games



♕Running in circles when she gets nervous

♕Always shows off her female abs

♕Whenever she enters a club, she goes for the DJ stage to dance there

♕Drinking a loooooooooooot

♕Flirting with any guy that looks handsome to her

♕Can't hide it when she dislikes someone and goes straight to tell them

♕When she thinks about past conversations, she'll automatically start reproducing the dialogues and it seems as if she's talking to herself

♕Starts acting like a hardcore rapper whenever getting a mic into her hands

♕Breaks up with her boyfriends whenever things get serious



♕Was a well-known dancer in the underground Hip Hop scene of Seoul and used to hang around the Hongdae playground a lot

♕She originally planned to go to America and become a dancer there

♕She is a big fan of Taeyeon and Illinit

♕Dislikes Seohyun for sharing a kiss with Cho Kyuhyun

♕Always posts derp photos on her instagram and SNS

♕She once had to give the phone number of her co-members to a stranger guy because she lost against him at 8ball

♕Partied at nb2 with G-Dragon and iKon's BI

♕Her favourite food is NeNe Chicken

♕She knows masses of Korean Drinking Games

♕She once met Outsider and lost a rap battle to him. The penalty was to give him the bra she was wearing

♕Was once seen how she beat up a guy who tried to touch her at the club

♕Already had some dating scandals as she was spotted with some other male idols on alleged dates or parties

♕She can't watch any horror movie and is afraid of creepy stuff

♕Even thought tattoos look cool to her she would never get one herself

♕The other members once stated during an interview that amongst them the messiest is Younha and that she can be compared to Seo In Guk 

♕She has a signed Lyle Beniga cap and a pair of signed Adidas sneakers by Ez Twins

♕Younha talks a lot about when she gets home drunk and shocks the others with it very often

the reason i drink

My family 

— Khumma Sittichai | Father | Businessman

Younha and her father don't share a close relationship. He only calls her when it's her birthday and he doesn't forget about it. Or if he wants to scold her for not working at his company and instead follow foolish dreams and jumping around in weird clothes whereas being an adult. He used to be a musician too in his past but failed. Once his youngest daughter started to play the guitar, he invested a lot of his money in buying her expensive guitars and make it possible to Sora to meet famous guitarists and learn from them. His hopes in Younha had never been high, therefore he never tried to support her. Instead he tries to force his business partners on her since they desperately want to get with an actual Korean idol.

—  Bae Haneul | Mother | Chef

The one who had to come up for all the education expenses for the siblings. She's a loving, yet cold single mother who pressures her children to always work hard. The typical tiger mom, so to say. Even though she cares for both of her daughters, she prefers the younger one. Haneul has certain standards and morals. She hates alcohol and taught her children to always value the female body. If she knew about Younha's alcohol problems and life, she'd probably abandon her and never talk to her again. If Younha would care... After Haneul and Sittichai divorced, Younha blamed her mother for the break - up und the two don't get along very well.

Haneul tries to profit from her daughters. She often tells her costumers that her daughters are both famous musicians.

—  Bae Sora | Younger Sister| Singer/ Songwriter

She's loved by everyone - her father, her mother and even Younha. Even though both of the siblings started a huge competition with each other, they still are each other's best friend. Sora often makes fun of Younha for being a K-Pop idol while she herself is a famous guitarist and singer who travels around the world. She has a very similar character to Younha and always calls her her 'copy'. Who knows what will happen once Younha gets more famous than her younger sister? Will it destroy their relationship?


the ones who love(d) me

my friends 

— Nichkhun | Best Friend | 2PM member

Younha's best friend after Royales debuted and they shortly after had an affair. Nichkhun still is Younha's friendship plus and after his break - up with SNSD Tiffany he calls her even more often. Both share their secrets with each other and he's the only one who even knows about Younha's all - time -crush. Most of the time they speak Thai to each other so nobody can understand them.

— Jeonguk | Ex-Boyfriend | 24k member

The troublemaker's recent conquest. He impressed her with his dancing skills but got too clingy, so she broke up. He's still calling her often and shares the same troubles since 24k also lacks of fame and kept being underrated for a long time.

— Jungkook | Admirer | BTS member

After Jungkook turned 18, he went partying with his friends who brought Younha along. They had a one - night stand and Younha took Jungkook's ity. She can't remember that night but ever since he has a crush on her and visits her several times to comfort her and try to take her on dates. Younha lovingly calls Jungkook her 'Baby Boy' not realizing how this evokes stronger hopes in the young guy.

— Jackson | Party Buddy | GOT7 member

Jackson is one of the few guys Younha didn't make out with. They once met at Ellui and partied together. Since that day they meet every weekend to drink and it often happens that Jackson tries to get one of SM female idols phone numbers through Younha. Most of the scandals are about Jackson and Younha as they love to provoke the Media and let paparazzi take photos of them whenever they're out to party or post photos on instagram.

— Hoya | Friendzoned | Infinite member

After SM bought Woolim Entertainment Hoya got to know Younha and eventually fell for her. He confessed to her several times but she always rejected him, telling him that he's a too important friend to her. In reality he's too nice to please her and not really her type. Hoya hates Nichkhun because he envies him for being Younha's best friend and also share an obvious physical relationship with her.

Haters gonna hate. I'll kick their asses, though.

stage name — Younha

position — Main Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist

persona — Boisterously party banger

fanclub name — Head Bangers
Fanclub color— Ruby Red #C71B1B

vocal twin — Gilme
dancing twin — Sori Na
rapping twin — Gilme

trainee Year(S) — about 4 years
trainee life — After passing the auditions life wasn't all beer and skittles for Younha. Her mother didn't like the idea of her daughter joining a company and dancing on stages in reveiling clothes. She had always wished her daughter to attend Ewha Womans University and marry rich. Instead Younha started tough years of training. She got along very well with the dancing coaches but ended up fighting a lot with the singing and rapping coaches. During that time she also started consuming alcohol. By getting along with the dancing coaches, some of them took her along and made it possible to her to lay finger on alcohol even before turning 18. She then fell for the strong effect of alcohol on the human mind and body.
pre-debut experiences — Before debuting Younha was part of the 1million dancing studios.

so, you think you know me?

plotline — The rebel

the issue — Alcohol problems

when did you first know about it — Problem? Which problem? Until now she didn't really believe that her alcohol consume is a problem. Whereas her friends tell her often that she's slowly turning into an alcoholic, she's denying it until the very end. Or just simply drinks it away. That's how we do, right?


how do you feel about it — As she thinks she's got everything under control, Younha strongly believes that she does not have a problem and denies it. In fact she has it dawning on her lately that she really might turn into an alcoholic but instead of doing something about it, she ignores it and tries to distract herself.

do you plan to tell anyone or the group — Never. She'd rather die than admitting to her problems or looking for help. 

He doesn't love me - but i'll make him do!

love interest — Cho Kyuhyun (Super Junior)


personality — Cho Kyuhyun acts out quite mean. He teases others and likes to play the tough guy, looking down on them. Actually, he's just acting halfway like this. He can be very gentle and caring - especially to trainees. He loves to talk about his hobbies and passion and always does whatever he likes. Kyuhyun already had made his experiences in life which left him very unromantic.

First Meeting — Kyuhyun met Younha when she was practicing singing. She was playing piano while singing along and the Super Junior member couldn't believe how someone could play so well but sing so bad. He for being bad at singing and picked a fight with her but then helped her out a lot. Younha fell for his soft, angelic voice and his beautiful smile and he is until now the only guy she ever really fell for. Nonetheless, the relationship worsened after Kyuhyun met Seulgi and started supporting her more than Younha which left her brokenhearted and with hatred towards the Red Velvet member.

relationship — Kyuhyun used to treat Younha very nicely even after chosing Seulgi over her. His mood changed after his fellow member Donghae approached the rookie. The Super Junior maknae grew jealous but instead of being angry at Donghae, he let out his anger at Younha. They picked a fight with no justified reason as none of them was able to tell the other about their feelings. In the end they stayed in a sunbae - hubae relation with an awkward aftertaste.


Effect on her problem - Kyuhun will try to confront Younha with her alcohol problem and force her to stop. He will catch her at the worst moment and help her out until she can fight her desires. Kyuhyun will deal with Younha's family issues and finally make her find peace with her father, mother and sister.





PERSONALITY — Kyungil is like Younha a typical party boy. He hooks up girls, especially female idols, very often and afterwards never calls them again. He loves his freedom, just like Younha and to some small differences resembles Royales troublemaker a lot. Maybe that's the point why a relationship between the two of them might be too difficult. They are way too similar.

FIRST MEETING — It was a party night like every other when Kyungil and Younha met for the first time, being attracted to each other in an instant. But in contrast to the other guys Kyungil was harder to approach. He's a very well skilled playboy who likes girls to chase him, so he let Younha approach him with a lot of creativity and even challenged her with it. After they shared a night with each other, he never called her back, leaving her in wonder about the one- night- stand. 

RELATIONSHIP — Since they met often even after the one- night -stand at parties, Kyungil started to ignore Younha at the beginning. She grew furious and then challenged him by openly making out with another guy in front of him. They shortly afterwards started to talk to each other again, being masked as competetive friends, criticizing the others 'game' with females/ males. In the end neither Younha nor Kyungil can forget about their pride and so they have difficulties to confess to each other that they like each other... just a little bit.


EFFECT ON HER PROBLEM - If it's Kyungil who will be with Younha, he'll have the same problem as her. They will both fall because of their addiction but Kyungil will admit it to himself that he's got a problem and will try to make Younha confess it, too.  Kyungil won't deal with her family issues and will suggest her to do the same as he did - abandon them and instead found a new family with him.


Can't wait for the story!

comments/suggestions — Since I don't know what exactly you will write, I'm waiting patiently. I'll write comments and suggestions as soon as you will upload :D Btw: I'm a Korean Studies major at Univ and I've lived in Seoul for a few months, too (and will actually study at Ewha Univ starting February myself), so if you need someone to check if the content of your story is really relatable to the actual Korean Life, I could do it. I read a lot of stories on aff that mess up with actual facts (just recently read something about a Korean student showing her bus ticket to the bus driver...that drove me crazy because Koreans use T-Money cards and they simply check in with it when entering, that's it.) Plus, if you need information about Hip Hop dance (even in Korea in particular) I can provide them for you as I'm a Hip Hop dancer who knows about Seoul's Hip Hop scene myself.

scene requests — I wish to see how Younha interacts with her male friends, but also with the other members. I'd  like to see how you will make her react when one of them starts crying over something. I'm also looking forward to scenes where she's all wasted and maybe beats someone up while Jackson is standing next to it, laughing. xD I'd also like to see Younha pick a fight with Seulgi over Kyuhyun - that would definitely make my day!

password — Cho Kyuhyun



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