✕ GROWN UPS. + tristan barnes

NAME » tristan Buchanan barnes
— bucky
age » 29
BIRTHday » september 29

HOMETOWN » rocklan county, new york
— english
— romanian

FACECLAIM » sebastian stan
APPEARANCE » standing at the  height of 180cm, tristan is slightly taller than the average American men, however is seemingly short for a basketball player. he has seemingly brown hair taht reaches to near his shoulder. tristan has greenish grey eyes (which is what he uses to capture women's hearts) and has a a slightly scruffy beard if not, shaved clean. he would seem slightly scrawny at first but if wearing a tight shirt (or not wearing a shirt at all), it is visible that he is rather muscular and has a chocolate abs.

STYLE » tristan has a thing for scarves, v-neck shirts, button-ups and jackets along with tight jeans and sneakers. he works well with both bright and dull colours but he would prefer the dull ones. he usually leaves the first three buttons on his shirt ed.

EXTRAS » he has no tattoos or piercings as he finds them a waste of time and skin. he also has a birthmark shaped like an arrow on his upper left of his back
grown ups: chaos in the making
character introduction» named after tristan corbiere, his mother aimed for him to be the child that was great in studies and loved poetry. however, he turned out to be the exact opposite, he was terrible in studies and despised poetry. However, tristan took an interest in sports and was great at it and to his mother was grateful he was at least good at something that would help him in his future. he currently works as a stunt-man and is busy most of the time yet is able to find spaces in his schedule which allows him to party and go on blind dates

tristan is emotionally balanced and is able to cope well with feelings like anxiety or anger. he is rather outgoing and enthusiastic and has a tendency to talk and assert himself. he has a strong belief in justice and being self made, however he is impulsive and can be very casual and whimsical. the way he socializes with people allows him to leave a great impression but can sometimes come across as slightly intimidating. his friendliness can sometimes be mistaken for romance which caused him to break many hearts, he also makes friends rather easily and can get into intimate relationships quickly which was why people gave him the play boy title. he is also rather laid back and is hardly nervous in social situations. No mattter how carefree he is, when under alot of pressure, he tends to become confused and starts to panic. tristan is also a risk-taker and seeks for thrill and adventure in his life. he is very passionate in what he does and when he wants something, he'll make sure he gets it no matter how harsh the consequenses will be. although he is thought to be a person that shares his secrets and background easily, he is a hard person to break through to and does not give in very easily to temptations or cravings unless it is too strong to resist. he is rather playful and when feeling bored, he would usually tease people. he would also be a slight to the person he likes because he doesn't know how to reveal his feelings no matter how outgoing and talkatve he is.  however, upon messing or hurting with the people he loves, his happy, lucky go image would be broken and replaced with the exact opposite. it would be as if smoke was coming out from his head.

— He has a thing for adorable little children yet dislikes the fact that they can be nosiy, dirty and can annoy the living hell out of a person.
— he has a pug which he calls steve
— he really really really likes m&ms
— his mother died after he graduated due to cancer
— his father died before he was born. there were pictures of him though.
— tristan get scars here and there for the stunts he does, the biggest one is on his left thigh
— drinks every once in a while
— smokes when under too much pressure to stop panic.
— no matter how many one night stands tristan gets, he wants to find true love
— he loves captain america comics
kids will be kids, some longer than others

— tristan was born in Constanta, romania and lived there until he was about four when his romanian mother decided to move to new york and when he was eleven, he moved to centennial grove. growing up, he was never really social so when he moved to centennial grove, he told himself that he wanted to start a new social life and became more talkative and social. he also started to take an interest in sports and started to play basketball and tons of other sports. after awhile, he took more interest in basketball and football and grew up playing those sports. when he entered claremont, he went for the team audition despite the its poor reputation. it was there where he met his closest friends. after months of hard work and training, it payed off when they won the senior high school basketball championship. however, it was then and there after the last game, he sprained his ankle and was unable to play for a while. when he graduated from high school, his mother passed away from cancer and he had a small funeral and he travelled into the world, working part-time jobs to get by and got a career in becoming a stunt man for movies and shows. while working part time at a bar, he met a woman by the name of amelia pond whom became his mother figure and took care of him and helped him through tough times. he is also very close to her daughter whom he treats like his little sister
. after he was evicted for some odd reason, amelia offered him to stay with her thus growing close and it felt like he had a family. upon hearing his coach's death, he attended the funeral and hoped that he was able to look for his one true love when he was staying back for awhile in centennial grove.

relationShips »
amelia pond | 56 | mother figure
— the red headed scottish woman who works at the bar was the one who got tristan through all the hard times and even paid some of his rent in the apartment he used to stay in. she was the one that changed his very miserable life, less miserable. without amelia, he probably would be on the streets by now. she was secretly the reason why tristan got evicted. she found out that he was being forced to pay a hundred dollars more and confronted the land lord, in the end, fist fighting the guy and got him tristan evicted but she had an extra room, so she let him move in
name | age | relationship
— brief description of the character and their interactions. copy and paste this part (preferably through the source code) as much as you need

don't kiss boys- they have cooties

love interest » none at the moment
back up love interest » name here.

— start here.

— include a brief background description. did he/she also attend claremont high? was he/she also a resident of centennial grove? was he a member of the winning basketball team? or did they just meet sometime after high school? also include brief description of his/her life, like their job and the likes.

— this is where you elaborate on their relationship. you can write their first meeting, how their relationship progressed, and if applicable, what you want for their future. basically, write anything you want about their relationship here, as long as it's reasonable (this is not a fantasy story sorry). to reiterate, they could be married, engaged, just together, or maybe an old high school romance rekindling their love. be creative and go crazy (but not too much) and give me something that will pull on my heartstrings.

hey, you made it!
QUESTIONS » if there is anything confusing you, please do not hesitate to ask. i don't bite srsly.
COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » screams because i love grown ups
activity rate » 8
username » gotthesnitch

— maybe he finds his true love?
PASSWORD » hahahahahahahahaha


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just realized you applied for this too <3