❊❇ ↝ EQSOL | Riya | Sassy Main Rapper, Vocalist↜ ❇❊

chariya sirisopa

stormatsea / clara / 8

character name

Chariya Sirisopa - thai name
Izumi Kameko - japanese name


♦ turtle - she can make any atmosphere an awkward one so the girls call her turtle. 
♦ sassmaster - she's super sassy and when she gets into a heated arguement it comes out. 
♦ thai pepper - a combination of her sharp tongue and love of spicy food, so she's called this.
♦ oni - japan line calls her this because she's an absolute demon when being woken up.
♦ papaya-yaya  - what Jun calls her because he thinks it's really clever, and was later adopted by Joshua who thought it was actually really cute. 
♦ ninja sass - what her fans call her because you never know when she's gonna say something over the top.
♦ riya - what the other members call her as a cute little nickname, and it's easiery to pronounce for some of them.

birthdate & age

March 1, 1996 + 19


Bangkok, Thailand


Bangkok, Thailand




Dual Citizenship Thailand, Japan


♦ Thai - fluent, native language
♦ Japaense - fluent, father was japaense and taught her, and she visted Japan every summer growing up.
♦ Korean - advanced, has been learning ever since she became a trainee at YG
♦English - conversational, learned in school and learned from the tourists that came to visit Bangkok.
♦ Chinese - basic, currently trying to learn from the Chinese members. 


My Beauty.

face claim & backup

Erika Mori  


Standing at a sad height of 160 cm and a healthy 52 kg, Chariya is most of the time looked at like a small girl rather than an actual adult, something she constantly reminds people of daily when they make fun of her for being such a shorty. Long brown hair and rather full lips she tries to make herself ier to seem more her age only to be completely shot down and teased because she reminds people of a little girl playing dress up in her mom's closet. 

Chariya's style is all over the place, but you can bet whatever she wears she will make it look fierce and absolutely amazing, her overall prensence making up for her small stature. She can dress up or dress down any outfit, but it doesn't matter even if she's wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt she will wear some form of heel to make herself seem taller with the rest of the girls. Skinny jeans, crop tops, high waisted skirts and shorts, jewelry Chariya will not leave the house unless she is sure that her entire appearance is on point. 

the inside.


Chariya is the definition of sassy. No seriously you look up sassy or sass in the dictionary and her picture will be right there next to it. She has a comeback for everything, and never ever gives in since she has to be the winner in a verbal arguement, no matter who is talking to her. She has gotten in trouble because of many times, accidently talking back to one of her instructors or sunbae, her no brain-to-mouth filter creating issues for her as well as some of the members all the time. Now that doesn't mean Chariya doesn't have any redeeming qualities because she does, despite the mouth that never stops, her sass and stubborness is sometimes a good thing since she doesn't let anyone else give up either. She's the one to go to when you need a swift kick in the to get yourself back together, and has the opposite way of motativing people. Her running you hard and talking more just means that she wants you do do the best you can do and can see the potential in people. Because of this Chariya can be pretty charming when she wants to be and as much as gets her into trouble it can get her out, a few nice compliments here, a couple of innocent looks there and bam! She walks out of a store with bags full of stuff all discounted. She is also very very adaptable to her surroundings, from moving around a lot, and is kind of the fix it girl around the dorm. Have a broken computer? Chariya can fix it in a matter of a few hours, shelf keeps falling out? Give her a hammer and a couple of nails and its fixed. She can fix just about anything that's broken and is the go to girl if you have a problem with something. 

Now despite her crazy sassy comments and overflow of charm Chariya is actually really awkward. She'll say something that will just make people turn and look at her, questioning her intelligence or like she had just grown two heads cause what she had just said made literally no damn sense, or make awkward jokes on variety shows making everyone groan and roll their eyes at her lame attempts of being funny. Because she's very interested in her appearance and looking her best, Chariya is sometimes looked at being superficial and fake since it seems like she doesn't care about whats on the inside and only paying attention on the outside. Some people actually get pretty turned off from Chairya's constant worrying over her makeup and outfits, espeically when she's trying to add different accessories to what most people would call a lazy outfit, and has to be pulled out the door because she'll take way too long with trying to look better when they were heading to the salon. And she's also considered a big flirt a lot of the time getting her teased by the other girls for pulling herself too thin with all the guys she's hanging around with, even though she was really only being friendly. Chaiya has a problem being a little over critical to people when she sees that they're doing something worng over and over again coming across as a know it all and pompus, especially when she'll be making mistakes herself. However she is extremely loyal to her family and the other members as well as the butterfly trainees, and will get into a fight for them and stick up for them if she deems that they're not being treated the way she thinks they should be, that being one of the many reasons for her getting in trouble with the instructors. 

The one thing that you could never do is forget Chariya or mistake her for someone else, and even while on stage you can easily tell her apart from the rest due to her overwhelming pressence and refusal to become part of the background. But overall Chariya is the sassiest girl you'll ever meet, full of spice but is kind to those who she's close to. 


-Fashion - duh 
-Anything Spicy- food, desserts, if it can be made spicy she's going to do it to the point where you think is going to explode from the spice.
-Anime - She is addicted and sits down to binge watch all of it. Usually making it a thing by grabbing all the other anime lovers and popcorn covered in chili flakes. 
-Rapping - it gives her a sense of freedom when she does it, and writes her own lyrics collaberating with one of the others every now and then.
-Shopping - who doesn't love clothes?
-Nights - she's definitely a night owl
-Coding - She's actually quite the nerd and is very good with computers and coding websites
-Cooking Shows - She's also a pretty good cook and likes to learn new dishes, although she always adds too much hotness to the distress of some of the members.
 -Exile - who wouldn't have you seen them?
-People Watching - it's iteresting to see people who aren't paying attention to their surroundings and act like themselves.
-Bitter Tastes - she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth so she likes more bitter tasting things, and drinks her coffee black with no addd sugar or cream.
-Cultures - someone who came from a dual cultural life she's very interested in learning about cultures from all over the world and is willing to learn their ways of life.
-Anything Involving Horror - it's a thrill and she likes scaring the crap out of herself


-Overly Sweet Tastes - doens't match with her taste palette.
-Mornings - she's literally evil when waking up in the morning
-People Making Fun of Other People- she thinks it completely disgusting and absolutely refuses to acknowledge them.
-Being Judged Based on Looks - even though she likes to look good and keep her appearances she hates that people just assume that she's dumb and doesn't have any thoughts besides what's the greatest sale going on.
-Bugs - they're gross, but she's not afraid to go and kill it if no one else is around.
-Big Messes - she'd go and clean it up grumbling about how she's going to shove a chili pepper down the person's throat who was responsible for it.
-Her Height - since everyone else in EQSOL are pretty tall besides Seulhye her own small stature is the bane of her exsistance and she's always trying to make herself seem taller.
-Most Fruits - way too sweet for her.


-Is a huge fan of Cher.
-Is an avid gamer, and plays all kinds of games on all consoles
-Had a pretty bad crush Infinite's Dongwoo, and it was always brought up in conversation
-Learned how to do Thai and Japanese tranditional dance
-If she wasn't an idol she would want to go to school for computer engineering
-Spends a lot of time on the internet and has a kinds of accounts on every social media site available twitter: thaispice_chariya, instagram: the_fashionista, tumblr: eqsol_sorority.
-On her tumblr account she posts a lot of pictures of her fellow members and butterfly members to show off their fabulousness as well.
-Can play a variety of instruments, piano, guitar, clarient, violin
-Enjoys learning languages and hopes to learn more in her spare time.
-Loves all kinds of music and likes to sing in the shower
-When she gets excited or passionate she will start to talk in a mixture of Thai, Korean and Japanese so it's amusing to watch but hard to understand.
-Loves the idea of cosplaying and would do so if she ever had the chance
-Her cousin is pretty big in the underground rap scene
-Likes to eat, a lot. But she exercises often so she doesn't gain too much weight from her binge eating.
-Loves the show Supernatural and quotes it all the time.
-Wishes she could travel more.
-Really loves her fellow members, though she tries not to show it, but it slips out every so often so the members saying her love is showing.
-Started the Short Models Club with Seulhye.
-Is incredibly flexible and is a yoga addict
-Graduated from school a year early so she could become a trainee at YG

the dream.

stage name



The Thai Pepper


Dragons (there's a kind of thai pepper that is called the dragon pepper.)

fanclub color

Deep red #cc0000




Sassy Main Rapper, Vocalist

vocal twin

Sistar's Bora.

rap twin

Yoon Mirae.

dance twin

Girl's Generation Yoona.

trainee years

2 1/2 years.

trainee life

Chariya actually auditioned for YG when she was visiting Korea with a couple of her friends for a vacation. They had tried to convince her not to since if she did make it through then she wasn't going to be able to move to Korea and do school in Thailand, but did she listen to them? Of course not and did what she had wanted anyway, She had made through the rounds of auditions easily only fumbling a little while speaking Korean, since it wasn't her native language and was accepted as a trainee. It didn't take much to convince her parents to go, as if they could tell her no anyway, and stayed with her cousin who was living in Seoul. Chariya had started off on the wrong foot with some of the other trainees because of her overconfident attitude and inablity to shut when she's supposed to. But after she had stuck up for one of the more meek trainees who was getting bombarded with critique she was given another chance with everyone else. 

Obviously Chariya excelled at rapping, it being one of her better talents, her singing wasn't the worst, but she needed a lot of work on her dance. That was when she had gotten closer to the dancers of EQSOL because they were willing to help her when the choreographers wouldn't so she had caught up and even started improving her endurance and strength so she could continue to keep up with everyone else. She wasn't picked on because of her different race and being mixed, mostly because Chariya wouldn't let anyone and if she had seen someone do that to another person she immediately gave them a huge tongue lashing lecturing about how they're uneducated and dumb. It was pretty obvious though that she was a pretty good fit with YG her attitude being strong so it took someone who also had a strong personality to rope her in. After her years of training she was extremely happy to learn that she would be debuting with everyone who she had gotten close to mainly being the Spark and Crystal members, as well as Seulhye because short people for life!

pre-debut experience

Sang the opening for the animes Akame Ga Kill and Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji  
Did a few modeling photoshoots in both Thailand and Japan
Did some underground rapping in Seoul thanks to her cousin


the outside.


Chariya was born in Bangkok Thailand to a Thai mother and a Japanese father. She loved growing up in Bangkok, there was always something to do and it was so culturally rich it never felt like something else was taking over. Even as a kid she was full of sass and had quite the mouth on her, because of this her parents figured that if she had something to do and keep her busy she wouldn't have time to talk back and get in trouble at school. So they put her in a variety of lessons, piano, violin, clarient, and thai traditional dance. After a few years her father thought it would be a good idea for her to also learn more about her Japanese side and put her in Japanese traditional dance as well. Chariya enjoyed every single lesson she was put in, maybe minus the clarient that was kind of boring until she learned she could play anime openings and ending on it, especially the traditional dance. It was fascinating to her and it really love her mixed blood since it gave her the best of both worlds. 

Every family vacation and summer they would go to Japan where her father grew up and he would teach her about the customs he grew up with and the meanings behind her name. Again she loved every vacation and listened, for the first time, to her father and hung on every word he said. It was there that Chariya had found her newest love and interest, rapping. She was walking through a shopping district and came across a music video that had a very strong rapper who looked like he was having the time of his life while still being charismatic and commanding the stage he was on. She was hooked, and started to research it on the computer looking at all amazing rappers from all over the world comparing and constrasting until she had eventually made her own style of rap from the inspiration of different kids and genres. When Chariya was talking to her friends at school about it many laughed at her, much like they did when she offered to fix one of their laptops, saying there's no way someone like her could every do anything that cool or suceed in it, and should just stick to fashion since it was the one thing she could do. After that she was determined to prove all of them wrong and show that a fashionista and computer geek could be a cool rapper. 

She got her chance when they had all decied to go to South Korea for a trip after they got out of school for vacation. They were shopping and seeing the sights when something had caught Chariya's eye. It was an open audition for YG Entertainment, and being a big lover of music and going to Japan so often she knew a lot about Kpop and saw it as her chance to prove those friends of her wrong and a step in the right direction of achieving one of her dreams. So what did she do? She went right up and auditioned ignoring all the protests and laughter from her group of friends, not really believing that she could do it, and were completely blown away and surprised when she had passed all the rounds and was accepted as a trainee. Of course that led to the problem that Chariya was living in Bangkok, and she'd have to move to Korea in order to be a trainee, and she's still in the middle of school with a year to go before graduation. 

Convincing her parents to let her go wasn't hard, in fact they were excited to see their daughter want to branch out and experiment with different things, and her cousin was living right in Seoul near the company so she wouldn't have to commute very far. The main problem was school, but she was already really smart and studied her off in order to be able to graduate early, which only made her parents even more proud and willing to let her go. And so with a wink and blowing a kiss to the nonbelievers Chariya packed up her things and moved in with her cousin Klahan who was happy to have her, and started her new life. She loved living with him, especially when he took her to the underground rap scene, and showed her yet another new style that he himself had fallen in love with. With his help and constant motivating, as well as the motivating from the other girls Chariya had aced through training and was estatic for the debut to come.


Izumi Tatsumi (Faceclaim: Hiroshi Abe: Birthday December 15 1967: Age 48) | Father | Chariya is definitely a daddy's girl. He adores her and loves everything that she's accomplished always sending her new gifts to show his pride in her. They get along great and Chariya loves listening to him talk about his time over in Japan with her grandmother and how he came to meet her mom.
Apsara Sirisopa (Faceclaim: Aff Taksaorn: Birthday June 28, 1969: Age 46) | Mother | Her mother is on the quiet side, and spent most of her life raising Chariya at home so, she obviously has a very good relationship with her. She always Skypes her parents when she has the time thanking them for letting her go and do her own thing and go along her own path.
Khalan Sirisopa (Faceclaim: Mario Maurer: Birthday February 10, 1988: Age 27) | Cousin/Loving Older Brother | Well first and formost both of them being interested in rapping had made them living together a lot easier. She is grateful that he let her live with him without paying any rent or utilites and even helping carve her own rapping style into something more polished and professional. They get along great with one another, and one day she swears that she's going to get him a girlfriend for all his trouble and is always trying to hook him up with the nice receptionist in YG.


Fujimoto Misumi (Faceclaim: Watanabe Mayu: Birthday May 31, 1996: Age 19) | Bestest Friend | Misumi is her friend from Japan who is also their next door neighbor when they stay there. Being a huge anime fan she is the one Chariya binge watches with the most and they go out to conventions thinking about how when they have the money they're going to cosplay and rock them. They often text one another and message or video call over Skype.
Kamala Aromonde (Faceclaim: Wannarot Sonthichai: Birthday November 9, 1996: Age 19) | Nonbeliever | Kamala was/is Chariya's friend from school, and was the first nonbeliever of her dreams saying she couldn't do it. Chariya likes to brag about her accomplishments, but still has a soft spot because they've been friends for so long and can't really get too mad at her because of this.
▪ Joshua Hong (Seventeen) | Super Crush | Chariya turns into a mess when this particular male is around. It is no secret that she is totally head over heels with him, but her stubborness refuses to let her admit it. (see love interest section)
▪ Wen Jun Hei (Seventeen) | Stupid Friend | Jun loves to tease Chariya about two things constantly, 1. how much taller he is than her, and 2. the one and only Joshua Hong. Jun knows about the crush she has on him, granted everyone but Joshua knows it's pretty freaking obvious, and is always teasing her about how her usual strong self is immediately switched out for a shy school girl when the other male is around.

▪ Spark Members | Crazy Sisters | The members who she spends most of her time with and so she adores them, and the fact she can be with them in Bangkok and show them around pointing out all the fun stuff to do makes her the happiest she can be. She loves Roza to death, it's kind of hard not to with how nice and positive the girl is, and Yilin is amazing for dealing with the two of them and wouldn't judge her for her troubles. 
▪ Song Seulhye | Co Leader of the Short Models Club | Seulhye is the one member who really understands the troubles of being short, and so they bonded over that and now band together against the taller members when they start messing with them. The two of them together just means trouble and really shouldn't be left alone in a room without anyone else.

▪ EQSOL/Butterfly Members | Crazy Sisters | She loves all of the members, and tries to treat them like such, though her sass gets in the way. Chariya always cooks for them even though most can't handle the spice they still suffer through because the look of happiness she gives them when they eat is too adorable to crush. 

My Love.

love interest

Joshua Hong (Back Up Jun Hei)

Birthdate & Age

December 30, 1995 + 20 


176 cm 


63 kg


Although he doesn't show it, Joshua is extremely intelligent. Seriously he's about as smart as they come and is very clever. He always has an answer no matter the question.. He is also pretty considerate to those he's close to. Though from time to time his consideration is hard to see and you have to question if he's doing it for you or for himself you can't deny that he's doing something kind for another person. Joshua has an easy time adapting to his surroundings. He takes everything in and doesn't let his emotions get the best of him, trying to stay positive no matter how bad the situation seems at first. He's also very quiet, he doesn't talk much to those he's close to and even less to those he doesn't know, but tries to not come across as rude or ungrateful because of his lack of talking. Sehun is extremely simple, he doesn't like things that are too extravagent or out there, liking things more on the calm and easy side.

But because of that Joshua does come across as being rude and cold, becuase he doesn't really show what he's feeling too often, not wanting to bother those around him with his own problems. He comes off as one dimensional and narrow-minded because he doesn't talk much and people have been known to go as far as call him boring. When asked about his opinion on a topic that could be considered sensitve Joshua will often divert the question to someone else and find a way not to answer it, not wnating to step on anyone's toes or offend someone with his thoughts, making him pretty non confrontational and cowardly in other people's eyes, but no one would think that he was just being nice and harass him about not having any thoughts of his own.


Chariya first caught a glimpse of Joshua when Spark was visiting Blossom for one of their performances and she ran right into him, I know so cliche, and just as she was about to yell and tell him off for not seeing her, like how can you not, she caught one glimpse of his face and immediately fell into a trance at how attractive she thought he was. Roza and Yilin just kind of stared at the two of them shocked that Chariya hadn't said something yet and that she was left utterly speechless, something that almost never happens. It was the start of a huge crush for her, and just got deeper when he had asked her if she was alright, being the gentleman that he is. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry I should have been paying more attention." Chariya just stares at Joshua, who was now kind of panicking because she wasn't saying anything back. Roza moves to nudge her a bit laughing having a small idea of what was going on in her head. "Um Riya. Earth to Riya." Chariya blinks and snaps out of it, pushing her unni away and shakes her head giving him a small smile. "No, it's alright I'm sorry as well." He smiles back giving the girls a bow before joining the rest of s who were now laughing at him, while Roza grins and starts to run off to see the Blossom members. "Just wait until I tell everyone Riya's got herself a little crush on a cute guy!" Chariya snaps out of her daze completely glaring at the running girl and runs after her. "Don't you dare! I will put extra chili powder in your food for this, and hack your instagram account!" 

After that Chariya had gotten to become friends with Jun, who was emmensely amused with the infatuation that she had with his bandmate. But because she was around more often it let her get to know Joshua and fall deeper in love with him as she visited more and more often. They soon got to be friends, kind of since she was caught staring at him a lot. Joshua smiles at Chariya, chuckling when she had trailed off yet again in their conversation. "Are you doing alright? You seem distracted today." Chariya, who was busy staring again just nods a little too hard cracking her neck in the progress and sighs looking annoyed now. "Uh-hh yeah I'm fine. Sorry guess I'm just a little out of it today." He shakes his head blinking at the crack but doesn't point it out, being polite. "It's okay, if you need to rest I can take you home. A girl shouldn't be walking the streets alone it's not very safe." It was her turn to shake her head giving a bigger smile trying to ignore her embarrassment. "No really I'm fine, and you don't need to go out of your way like that. If I have to I can always call one of my unni's or cousin to take me back." Joshua was already getting up and grabs their things still smiling holding out her bag. "Nonsense. I'll walk you home. It's getting late and I'm sure they're all busy or doing something, I have nothing else to do it's no big deal." He proceeds to walk her all the way back to her dorm, them conversing about nothing in particular, Chariya still just crushing even more hardcore at his generous nature, her sassy and powerful self, resorted to nothing in front of this one person. When they reached the destination Joshua turns to leave waving to her. "Have a good night, papaya-yaya." Chariya freezes and turns around her hand still mid air at hearing the nickname. "How did you know that nickname?" "Jun told me. He said you really liked it and that I should call you it to become closer with you." Chariya nods and gives a stiff smile, not able to tell him that she absolutely hated that nickname and tells him goodbye. "I see well see you later Joshua, thank you again for walking me home." 

Chariya and Joshua stayed like this for the longest time, while she was trying to work up the courage that she liked him. Did she ever work up the nerve to tell him? Yes. Did it work in the way that she had orginally thought? Absolutely not. She had planned everything out and thought about the way she was going to word everything and explain as her usual confident self, but in the end all of that went right out the window and she felt that she had made a complete fool out of herself, something that Chariya hates almost as much as people underestimating her, and ulitmately was forced into admitting it, while Joshua had proved he wasn't as oblivious to her feelings that she had thought he was. Chariya sat there on the bench waiting for Joshua to show up, checking her makeup and picking at her impecible outfit she had so carefully chosen. Joshua shows up a little while later smiles and rubs the back of his head looking apologetic. "I'm sorry for being late." She jumps up in surprise, almost dropping her phone but regains her cool, what's left out it, and gives a smooth smile. "It's okay I wasn't waiting very long." He sits down next to her, holding out a coffee he had bought for her on the way, a straight americano no extra just the way she liked it. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Chariya blinks at the coffee taking it tentitively taking a sip, sighing when it was just the way she liked. She stiffens at the question playing with the skirt she was wearing and looks to the side. "Well it's kind of awkward to say..." She trails off a bit cursing herself for not following her plan and being a complete idiot. He smiles a little also looking away and watches the people walking past them. "Is it about you liking me?" Chariya almost drops her coffee in shock and stares at Joshua as he laughs, being right on the money. "H-how?" "It's not all that hard to figure out when you're staring a lot and act differently with me than you do with everyone else. I was worried at first that you acutally hated me. I was kind of deserpate for the sassmaster to say something sassy to me, but I heard Jun teasing you and pieced it all together after that." She just stared at him in shock that she was totally outsmarted by the boy sitting next to her, and opened and closed , once again left speechless by Joshua. He saw the question on her face and laughed softly. "Why didn't I say anything? I didn't want to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable so I just left it alone and pretended that I knew nothing. There's something that I would like to ask you something though if that's okay." Chariya nods still just staring at him speechless. "Would you like to go out with me?" She stares and stares for a moment, making Joshua look at her a bit worriedly until she jumped off the bench pointing a finger at him which made him jump in surprise. "How dare you! How dare you run over my moment with your smooth words and kind gestures! Do you know how long I thought this through? I had everything ready and planned on what I would say and you had to go and ruin it! Now what am I supposed to do? I've been outshined." Joshua blinks at the rant but laughs looking extremely happy. "There's that fireball personality I kept wanting to see. As for what to say, it'd be really nice if you said yes." Chariya blinks a little when he didn't really react to her sudden rant and outburst but then sits down meekly, thouroughly embarrassed and gives a small nod. "Yes I'll go out with you."

last messages.


I couldn't help but make another character for this story, I just love it so much and it's so much fun and really helps with the writers block funk I've been in lately. But if someone comes by with another better character then by all means use them instead ^_^ And I don't mind adjusting her so she could be in the butterfly group too. Thanks again! 
PS. I'm really really sorry for the super cringeworthly love interest section. I didn't mean for it to come out that cheesy.

scene request

-Chariya making food, and the overwhelming smell of spice can be smelled throughout the dorm making all the girls groan
-One of the members finding out that Chariya's home screen on her phone was a picture of Joshua, and immediately tells everyone else so she was teased badly
-A few scenes with her interacting with Japan line and forcing one of the Chinese members to try and teach her the language.
-Really cute puke inducing scenes with Chariya and Joshua





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Okay, I've noticed something about your character that has me torn. Your face claim, Erika Mori, is like perfect for the short models club thing because her face is everywhere in Japan, from magazines and endorsements but when it comes to Riya, who is social media savvy, she kinda falls behind in that aspect. Erika isn't on social media (there is an Erika Mori on instagram who also happens to be a Japanese model but it's just a case of having a common Japanese name, I guess :/ ). My question to you is if you want me to keep Riya as a blogger, who is mainly on Tumblr and/or Ameblo, and posts model-y, aesthetic pictures?
Or do you want to change your faceclaim to someone else? Here's a link to a bunch of different Japanese models, it's become a go to for potential faceclaims ( http://celebrity-instagram.com/c/6 ). Ayaka Miyoshi and Yuko Araki are taken because I'm using them as Yuna's little sisters, Rinka and Jun Hasegawa are on the older side and have kids so I'm not sure if you would want to use them. The others are cool except for Kiko since she will be part of the GD/Jinkyong drama to come.
Let me know what you decide! =^_^=
Hi, hi! Sorry for the late response. School is starting to quicken its pace and it seemed like everything was due at the same time lol. Now to dive in.
First and foremost, Chariya's face claim is soooo adorable, omg. I also love that she's Thai because, even though I'm still a bit torn on whether to have Spark promote in Vietnam or Thailand, it helps with Thailand having someone to identify with. I also like that she's half Japanese which can help her identify with some of the other Exile Tribe members, and Yueqin/Tori. HAHA! She's part of the short model club with Pocket (Seulhye)??? I love that! I also love the aspect of her being such an awkward turtle despite having such a sass master persona. She cooks Thai food for the girls, ooh, Yuna and Yilin would be so down since they could handle the spice (maybe not the others though well except Sey and her badassery haha). I like how she's also ambitious and despite the doubts and warnings of her friends she still went after her dreams of being an idol which shows how independent she is and I love that. Yo, Chariya needs to come teach me the ways of coding (it took me a month to make my little simple chapter layout since I truly otl T_T). Omg...YOU. PICKED. JOSHUA!!!!!! (my son, my baby bae, ahh, I'm so happy!) And you have my other extra and affectionate child, JunJun as a back up my heart. Lol, I find it funny that Riya was put into a trance of love when she looked at Josh for the first time so cute. Aww, they way they end up together is so cheesy and cute, like one of those sickeningly cute shoujo manga moments haha. But hey, who doesn't like a little cheese? :3 Thank you so much for applying and helping me out, I like your character just like I like Chocopuff Lyn hehe.