ignore my post..some random stuff..

1 - I cry because of a  movie (inside out)

2 - I keep hold back and I cry inside.

3- I'm getting Frustrated by this kind of sadness..

4- I go and watch naruto...with that heavy feeling

5 - I cry inside when I went cut my hair..

6 - I cry for everything I did..

7 -now, I begin to cry again..

8 - I'll sit here and try to hold the various feeling In me..






.9 - I'm getting crazy....

10 - I don't want to burden anyone....






So...I'm fine *smile*


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Or maybe it's just time for ur period to start so ur hormones are all ed up atm
Happens to me@_@
Basically u need to let that shizz all out or else ur just gonna b seen as a weirdo and a crybaby@_@ just let it all out ftw
Sorry ( ,_,)

...but I got stuck on one: You still get upset when you get your hair cut??