zodiac survey


A/N: You just answer each question, the questions go hand and hand to the zodiac’s personality. 

What or who is your inspiration? 
- anything, everything, and nothing.
Do you often have a short-temper? 
- used to...have toned down a lot, but still....kinda?
Do you often have days where you either hot or cold with anybody, not in-between?
- hmm, not sure...maybe days without music? music balances my emotional state. lol.

What’s something you have a very strong opinion about?
- stupidity (please don't judge unless you know me well enough to know my definition of stupidity)
Would people consider you to be materialistic?
- probably not. but how would i know?
Is it hard for you to accept change? 
- not too hard but i might put a fight if it seems like an unpleasant change...depending on situation...

What would someone have to do in order to catch your attention?
- be their own selves. i'm quite good at smelling generic fakeness...n maybe express themselves? or how would i notice them rite?
Do you often feel at world with two different aspects of yourself? 
- not sure...maybe at times?
Would people consider you to be flighty?
- how would i know?

What gets you emotional?
- hope, kindness, happiness, blessing, acceptance, reconciliation, emotions, memories/nostalgia, music, words, etc.etc.
Are you family orientated in everything you do?
- well...maybe not EVERYthing...but kinda?
Do you feel the need to be needed? 
- who doesn't? eh...idk though...depends on situation i guess...i don't need to be needed, but it's nice to be needed. or even better...to be appreciated. bcuz 'need' is kind of...an arrogant term...to me...

What are you best at?
- being myself
Do people often assume you’re pretentious?
- again...how would i know? but my bet is...yes.
Do you hate being alone? 
- not really.

Name an interesting fact about yourself.
- the most recent singer that got me head over heels is a group of two ahjussis who debuted in 1993 n has disbanded in 1999. n i only learnt about their existence in idk 2013 or 2014...and become obsessed right now in 2015.
Do you often over analyze simple situations?
- yes?
Are you often skeptical? 
- oh...yes.

How far would you go to make someone feel better?
- as far as i can/am willing to go
Do others consider you to be stuck up?
- yet again...how do i know? but from the way i carry myself...i won't be surprised if they do.
Do you often try to find common ground when in a political debate?
- political debates are often too stupid...i'd just state my take on it n the rationals behind it.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
- such thing does not exist my dear, the first sight thingy is called attraction, or sometimes lust, certainly not love.
Would you often call yourself a moody person?
- yes.
Do you tell it like it is to your friends? 
- well, depends on how close we are.

What’s your biggest goal in life?
- oh...tis too deep a question...i shall need to go into deep ponder n i'm too tired...
Are you often humorous? 
- hmm, unintentionally i guess...i make people laugh more than i thought i would...but when i really tried to make people laugh...sometimes it major failed.
Would you like to go on many adventures?
- back then i'd answer no...but now...yes...just...not too adventurous i guess...n my adventurous doesn't include extreme sports or even sports thank you....T^T...

Are you someone who trusts easily?
- only when i'm in blur mode n only towards certain people...but certainly NOT when it concerns money or news i watch/read on medias especially of political related contents.
Are you self-sufficient?
- not very but...kinda...?
Do you often conceal yourself from the world around you?
- yes.

How loyal are you to other people?
- more than anyone would've thought. sometimes, to a fault but of course it depends on how worthy i think the people are for such loyalty.
Do you come across as cold and aloof at times?
- yes.
Do you often think about the complexities of life? 
- maybe not that often but yeah kinda.

Do you hide how you feel or do you speak your mind? 
- i used to hide, but now i speak every bit of my mind, embarrassingly even...
Have you ever given it your all just to have someone walk away from your life?
- i'd never...my pride is too great to even attempting such risk...
Do you have any skills or interests in the arts? 
- hmm...idk...no? i like arts...kinda...but skills...no.

About You:
What sign are you?
- guess what......of course the coolest, Sagittarius...lol.
What sign is your best friend? 
- uhm...Gemini?
What sign is the person you like/significant other?
- none.
Do you believe in astrology? 
- not really but it's fun.
If you could change your sign will you? 
- eh...why would i? Sagi rockz n you know it...:p



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uniqdreamz #1
I am a Sagi :)