Important message to readers - Hiatus.

Hello Everyone. 



If I decided to make a blog post today it's for a really special reason. Some of you might have noticed that my only non rated M story ( Timeless) have been featured yesterday ( July 24 , 2015 ) and I happened to face a lot of reactions lately. 


First of all , I wanted to thank all of you for that because it's you , my lovely readers, who made that possible. I was deeply touched with all your sweet words and your support. For the new readers,I was truly happy to know some of you liked the story and even got interested in some of my other ones. I like to see myself as someone relatively friendly and I was really happy to know they were some people as sweet and caring as you and to make new friend was a true blessing <3


Then I realised that being featured isn't that great in the end. It is more like a poisoned gift than anything else. At first you are really happy and can't believe you have been lucky enough to be chosen but then the comments arrive... Most of you posted awesome comments to be cheerful and sweet but I got some others that actually hurt me. 


I happened to be facing a lot of trouble since it became featured. First of all, I got two people inboxing me , telling me I copied their stories. I was at first really shocked because, as some of you might know , I got copied myself in another one of my stories and I know what it feels like. I never copied those persons since  I never heard of their stories to begin with and I respect the work of someone enough not to touch it. Anything similar was pure coincidence , I swear. I realised some of them were a bit overreacting it since there is a lot of " Time Traveling " stories and I first thought they might have been looking for attention or something. In the end I understood what they meant and everything cleared up between me the said authors. If only it was only that...


Then I got many comments and also someone who personally took the time to inbox me again to say how many mistakes I made. I know my work isn't perfect. I know I don't have the most interesting plot and my writing style may not be for everybody but I felt really offended. In the comments people kept complaining about the structure , the grammar mistakes and so on ... Those who really know me will understand. I am Canadian and I speak English. I am able to write rather comprehensible texts in English but I am not FULLY AND UNDENIABLY billingual. I like to say I am 85 % billingual just to make it clear that I have still a lot of work to do but that I think I am good enough to write ,speak and read correctly. Also, I am Canadian but I come from Montreal, which is a French city. Therefore , I speak French at home , not English. You can't expect me to be perfect and even Native English speaking persons might do some mistakes sometimes. At least I try my best for you guys and I have been really hurt when I read comments such as , and I quote , " I am really disapointed." You might think it and I respect your opinion but there are things you don't necessary have to say and I think this is one of those things. I am working with my editor on my other story and , as soon as it'll be over I'll proceed with my other ones , just be patient. 


Again , I know what some of you might think and say to yourself. I must just ignore it. I must ignore all those people who have been mean to me but I am simply not that kind of person I guess. I actually take things personally and I am hurt by comments like this. Pretending it doesn't hurt me would be a big lie and I think I wouldn't be true to myself by pretending to be that kind of person. All the people who know me know that I am not the type of person who likes to arguee with people. I don't like to be mean and to have people being mean against me. I can take critics when it's nicely approached and said but I found myself being more and more depressed as the time passed these past few days. 


I have a really busy life right now. Money isn't going to appear in my bank account by itself so I must work hard. I tried my best to deal with passion for writing , my real life job and my family/ boyfriend because I still wanted to please you guys but lately have seen what it brought to me and I was sad to notice it was anything else but sadeness. 


I am really sad to come to this point but I think I need some time appart. I first came here to read awesome stories written by awesome writers that , I hope , one day will have the chance to get published. Then I found myself wanting to do the same. I wanted to write and I tried. I liked it so much that I wanted to share it all with you and my two first stories have been really pleasant for me to write and it is my best memory so far when it comes to this site. Why? Because it wasn't " commercial " . There was no Karma points involved. At least I didn't know of them yet. I didn't want to get notice that much , simply to have the opinion of some good and sweet people to give me enough strengh to maybe try my chance as a real author. Now I found myself trying to write without a real plot in mind simply to please people and I understood it wasn't the right thing to do. That's not what  real writers do. 


I am truly sorry. For all of you true and sweet readers who waited for my updates each time , leaving awesome comments about what you thought was going to happen and what you liked about the characters. That literally made my days. Unfortunatly , I can't take it anymore. 


I have decided to take some time appart. I will go on Hiatus for some time. Maybe a week , maybe a month , a year ... who knows? At least the time everything become clearer in my mind. I hope you will understand. I actually don't know if I'll actually come back one day so the duration of that Hiatus is undeterminated. I don't feel like writing for people who takes a real pleasure to bring me down. Not after all the efforts I tried to make to please you all. ( I know it doesn't concern my good old readers but rather the ones that are being mean. ) 


Sorry to disapoint you again. I love you all truly and I'll miss you. I'll still come to visit and read a bit but not to write anymore at least not for now. You can contact me anytime if you want more information. For my part , I'll simply continue to write for my own pleasure at home when I'll have the time , without any pressure and stress of people's judgement. 


Thank you all <3 








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kpop_angel44 #1
Author-nim, though I do not know how you feel because I, for one, am not a writer. I love to read and though I DO find two stories similar, I never have witnessed plagiarism and I highly doubt that you would do such thing. Coincidences are real and I believe that you are one very honest, amazing, and talented writer who was subjected to harsh comments and rude people. I wish that you never have to go through that again, but life is life and it is truly unpredictable. So therefore, I can only wish for you the best and hope that you feel better! I know in my heart that you didn't do anything wrong and I know you do too! So be happy and take as long of a hiatus as you'd like! But I sincerely hope that maybe one day, you will return!!!

Though I have never commented on any of your work before... well, not that I remember at least, but when or if you do come back, please notify me!!! I will be anticipating your return! But in the meanwhile, I hope you have a wonderful hiatus and take time and make yourself happy! (ice cream, kdramas, food, comfy clothes.... you know, the works! :D)
Bon, je poste en français parce que j'ai la flemme de réfléchir.
Je comprends tes sensations, en temps qu'auteur française, je me demande souvent si j'aurais le courage de traduire certaines de mes fictions pour la peur des fautes de traduction. Je sais que c'est dur d'avoir le courage d'écrire dans une langue qui n'est pas notre langue maternelle. Ne te démonte pas pour certains commentaires blessant, lau! J'espère que cette pause te sera bénéfique et j'espère aussi pouvoir te lire un jour ou l'autre, même si tes histoires ne sont pas parfaites, temps qu'écrire te plait tu peux tout faire!
Bonne chance~
i love youuu! stay strong, i'm waiting for your comeback even if it will be late.
Oh my I just read this
I made the same mistakes as you too

I can see that there's a lot of advice here in the comment section

And don't worry about it
Come back strong~~~
Author-nim hope you'll be fine already when you're back :( you work is great don't let those words bring you down you're awesome! If you want I'll help you with those grammars if it bothers some readers so they'll stop pestering you :) but if its okay with you of course :)) i've always love your stories! ♡
:'( i'll miss you ...
but i respect any decision you made :) i know it's hard to be a writer (i ended up deleting my own story because it's haha), but don't worry, u are an amazing writer, i always excited every time your stories came up on my notification ;)
i hope those mean and negative comment will only make u stronger (i'm non-native english speaker myself so i understand -i made a lot of mistake too-), well .. haters gonna hate so we'll move on even though it takes time .. :)
Fighting and wish you all good luck and love author-nim <3 ^_^
I understand you Authornim! You don't have to be sorry, this isn't your fault. Constructive criticism is one thing, but insults and accusations is another. You have the talent to write all these beautifully written stories and you add in some experience, which is one of the many reasons I REALLY LOVE READING YOUR STORIES! Authornim, you were the one that first got me into reading fanfics. Love Me Like You Do was the first story I read and I couldn't stop reading until I finished it! I believe you have a gift to write and people don't accept that. I understand that English isn't your first language and that's okay. They shouldn't be complaining. They're the ones reading your story. You definitely didn't plagiarize. It's just a coincidence to those people, but those who are plagiarizing should not be let off. I'm so sad about your hiatus because I love reading your stories, but unfortunately haters gotta hate. But remember us readers will always fully support you and understand! Stay healthy and take your precious time. Fighting Authornim! All the best!^^
Random bored fellow Canadian passing by. After reading your blog post here....I have to say that I support you going on hiatus for now. Recharge yourself dear. =] You are absolutely right on about writing for a writer, at the end of the day, it seems it's always best to write for yourself. Really glad that you get to know that now, even though you have dealt with some rough patches on your journey.

lol as for the English thing, totally speak my mind too. I'm a Chinese-Canadian and I don't really speak English at home unless if it's with my brother or sometimes thinking in my head. XD So, even though I'm a Canadian (grew up here), I still make mistakes here and there. On a related regard, I actually find people who are not native English speakers tend to write better in English because they are aware of the rules and such and while native English speakers aren't as aware of all these grammatical structures.
Honestly, I can imagine how you feel. I am Brazilian, so English is not my native language. But I feel that there is great pressure from most native people it than others are able to speak and write perfectly. But they forget that English is just another language among several, and be fluent in it do not make them better or worse than anyone else. They have to put yourself in another's place. Anyway. You really are an amazing writer and I hope you stay well, and when you feel better to keep writing, I'll be waiting for you to read their stories.
Drowning- #9
It'll be alright