elite ; song nara 。the kaleidoscopic goddess

song nara
( stormatsea / clara / 9 / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Song nara
( nicknames ) : 
• nabi (butterfly) / she absolutely loves butterflies and has them decorated all over her room, so she gained this nickname. / the other members. 
• naguma (nara + goguma / has an unhealthy obession with sweet potatoes always eating them and so maya had started to call her this. / maya
• babo yeoshin (stupid goddess) / despite her extremely good looks, her personality is the complete opposite so her fans gave her this nickname. / her fans

( dob / age ) : 12 • 02 • 1995 (20)
( birthplace ) : Seoul south korea
( hometown ) : seoul south korea
( ethnicity ) : korean
( languages ) :
• korean / native language / fluent
• japanese / had been learning since she was very young and is still currently learning / advanced
( height ) : 163 cm
( weight ) : 50 kg
( appearance ) : she has three piericings on her left ear and two on her right. 
the face
( fc ) : aoa choa gallery 
( backup fc ) : apink naeun gallery
( style ) : nara is a huge girly girl when it comes to fashion. Cute frilly skirts, bow clips, and a cute pair of heels ar her go to outfits. no matter if she's going out on the town or just to the grocery store you can bet that nara will dress to impress, since you never know who you're going to run into. but does have her moments of wanting to wear something big and casual. 
the deep end
( personality traits ) :
→ outgoing, funloving, easygoing, adaptable, brave, creative, strong, energetic, charasmatic.
→ sarcastic, crazy, annoying, loud, graceless, unpredictable, easily distracted, irresponsible.
( elaboration ) :
"Time is precious...Waste it wisely." Nara is an extremely outgoing person, like seriously this girl is not afraid to go up to strangers and would treat them like they were her long lost friend. She loves going out and being around other people, she's often reffered to as a puppy because she'll get so excited when meeting new people. That also contributes to her being funloving. She loves to have fun and doesn't have a problem with playing with little kids on the playground, no matter how many weird stares Nara will get from kids and parents alike. She's the weird noona or unni to all the younger trainees in JYP, and they can't ever decided if they want to be around her or run away from her. But she's a real easygoing person and can go with about any plan always the one to agree and happily show her support them. She's the perosn you want to go to when you have a crazy idea because she'll be the first one on board. Want to go and dance in the street dressed in pokemon onsies? Then Tachibana Nara is your girl.

"Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues." Nara has a very easy time adapting to situations. When most look at it as their life is going to be ruined she looks at it as a fun adventure and new challenges that will test just how well she can do. She is also extremely brave and isn't afraid to ruin the idol image that everyone has for her, which is a good thing considering just how different she is on and off stage. On stage she's the charasmatic goddess that the fans love and go crazy over, but as soon as she gets off stage she's crazy loud and most of all super annoying to the point where people wonder if she belongs in the idol world. She'll be the first in line for bungee jumping, skydiving, eating weird food that may or may not include soy sauce covered crickets. Of all the girls Nara is the one that's probably the least idol of all of them and instead of being embarrassed she takes pride in it thinking that it's her defining character in the group. And to all the haters out there "haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna po-tat."

"Oh you wanna fight? bring it I have my caps lock on!" Nara is a very creative soul. She's quite the artist and loves to draw and paint. Seriously she'll go around drawing anyone who's available, making a mess all over her bedroom because she was painting and got a little too excited. She's also very very strong and can hold her own in an arm wrestling contest because of her constantly going to the gym and her training in Karate. Of course that means she'll go around breaking things because someone dared her to or challenged her by saying she couldn't do it. Obviously Nara is an energetic person and likes to try and brighten the mood with corny jokes or really cheesy pick up lines. Now whether they work or just makes the person shake their head in dispair that she actually said it in heavily accented english depends on the person, but either way itll put a smile on your face from her trying.

"Laughter is the best medicine. But if you're doing it without reason you need medicine." This girl is about as crazy as crazy gets. It's amazing that she hasn't been locked up yet. Nara will sit around and actually have an entire conversation with herself over nothing in particular and everything under the sun. It can get very annoying to hear her speak and refer to herself in the third person or laugh at a joke that she made herself, and she has been known to be scolded or told to act her age and stop being a child by the manager and several of their coaches. Nara is the one that's always pranking the other members, it doesn't matter what day it is or when it happanes the only constant is that she was involved somehow. She has a tendincy of getting really loud when she's excited or really passionate so pretty much all the time.

"Sarcasm, just one of the many offers I provide." Nara is about as sarcastic as they come. She has a response for everything that's thrown at her no matter the insult, and has to have the last word of every argument. It can get her into a lot of trhouble, and scolded all over again. She's also extremely clumsy, seriously she'll trip over nothing break something by back into it since she didn't see it, and injure herself all because she missed a step on the stairs and took a tumble down them knocking into other people as she rolled. A lot of the time Nara is easily distracted and will run off if she sees something interesting or super sparkly in the sunlight. She's been known to come home with extra bags from several stores when told to go out grocery shopping because when walking she'll spot stores that have super cute stuff and will buy it because she can't help herself. Overall Nara is the kind of girl who's extremely easy going and fun but can be extremely unpredictable and is undeniably crazy.
( background ) :

nara was born on Febuary 2, 1995 in the middle of the bustling city of seoul south korea to two loving and doting parents. She grew up rather spoiled since her parents gave her everything that she ever wanted and only had to ask and it was hers. Which meant when she wanted to try out several different lessons her parents were only all too happy to oblige hoping that all the activities would give her a way to spend all that pent up energy so they don't have to chase her down. The two hobbies that seemed to stick morst with nara was painting and drawing, as surprising as it was since it required a ton of concentration and she was about as add as they came, but it was the one thing that would have her sitting around for hours on end fixing and working on each picture until it was absolutely perfect each time. Her parents thrilled, would hang the pictures all over their apartment proud beyond belief by her paintings, and though now most of them have been changed to her better and bigger painting every other one that you come across would be one that she had done when she was little. 

it wasn't until she had started middle school that nara had really started paying attention to kpop and getting into it, well that and a friend of hers was a huge tvxq fan and always fangirled around her about the newest performace and cd that was coming out later that month. Nara didn't really get into it that much still too focused on her art and other activities that occupied her time. but slowly she'd buy a cd here and there getting more and more interested until she was completely hooked. it wasn't really the good looking boys or the cutesy girls that caught her interest, it was the hardcore rappers, both male and female who she really admired and aspired to be like them. so she had started practicing her rapping skills ever since then trying to get better and better with each time she tried. during her last year of high school her close friend decided that they should both go to the open audition for starship entertainment thinking it would be fun, and so nara not being one to back down to a challenge agreed and actually made it in on the first try. her parents were'nt as willing to let nara leave the nest so quickly but could still never say no to her and allowed to her become a trainee due to the constant begging of their daughter. 
likes ) : 
• coffee ; it's her life
• butterflies; she thinks they're so graceful and just beautiful to look at
• chocolate ; who doesnt?
• bright and pastel colors ; but not too bright 
• excersing ; gotta work off all the chocolates

• painting & drawing ; if she weren't an idol she'd be working on her art
dislikes ) : 
• spicy food 
• being late
• someone touching her things 
• people who can't take a joke
• sleeping in 

• spiders 
• strawberries
hobbies ) : 
• composing her own rap lyrics
• painting 
• drawing 
• playing her bass guitar

• singing 
habits ) :
• makes a popping sound with when bored
• rolling her eyes when annoyed or exasperated
• flipping her hair dramatically when acting silly 
• tapping her fingers on hard surfaces when bored or spaced out

• bites her lip when nervous
( trivia ) : 
• is really close friends with member maya 
• extremely talented artist, both in drawing and paiting      
• doodles while waiting backstage or at the dorm    
• is a really big anime fan, and has an attack on titan key chain
• a super fan of shinee, infinite, and sistar
• is terrified of bees and wasps 
• allergic to oranges 
• can be bribed with food and art supplies
• tries to go to the gym at least once a week
• would like to do the cover art of one of their cd's in the future
• looks to yoon mirae as her rapping idol 
• sleeps like a rock, but is always up at 7 am every day 
• constantly tries to prove to maya that butterflies are beautiful and not scary creatures 
• is the number one offender of eating midnight snacks 
the interview
( persona ) : the kaledoscopic goddess
( position ) : main rapper, vocal 
( back-up position ) : lead dancer, rapper
( vocal twin ) : girls day yura 
dancing twin ) : 4minute jihyun
( rapping twin ) : sonamoo d.ana
how many years of training? ) : 1 years 6 months 
trainee life ) : nara's trainee life wasn't the worst or the best. It was a constant somewhere in the middle, and was most of the time overlooked even though she has emmense rapping abilities that made up for her average singing and dancing skills. she worked really hard to improve the skills she was lacking in and after a year and a half of training she was given the opportunity to debut in the same group as her trainee friend and accepted the offer a little too happily jumping around like a squirrel given coffee, which isn't far off the mark in describing nara. 
pre-debut experience ) :
• acted in school 2013 as a minor role 
( scandals? ) : 
• nara caught yelling at sistar's bora? false she was talking to bora and got really excited about the promise of sweets and raised her voice in said excitement thanking bora for her kindess. 
the romance
( love interest ) : chae hyungwon mosta x
( backup ) : park jinyoung got7
( birthdate/age ) : 15 • 01 • 1994 (21)
( personality ) : 
positive: playful, kind, clever, direct, honest
negative: troll, blunt, competitive, fickle, impatient
( meeting ) : these two met after a few months of nara being in starship, when they had bumped into each other at the entrance. needless to say it wasn't love at first sight, you probably couldn't even call it like at first sight. both had felt they were in the right and expected the other to apologize only when they didn't an arguement insued until one of the sunbae's came and separated them and they both got lectured about being rude and inconsiderate of those who were in the middle of their practices. It was the start of their clashing relationship. 
( interactions ) : whenever the two are within eyesight of each other you know a competition is going to follow soon after. from tic tac toe, rock paper scissors, arm wrestling, and straight up running constests these two can turn anything into a competition. they're always trying to one up each other no matter how stupid it seems and obvious that they like each other both nara and hyungwon always deny it, even though it's completely true and almost painful to watch. the only time these two aren't competing or arguing about who's right, when most of the time both are wrong, is when nara swallows her own pride and asks him to model for one of her drawings because despite everything he is very attractive. 

it's during one of these modeling sessions that nara starts to see what everyone had been saying from the start and that she might actually like hyungwon, even though ever since she could remember he was the enemy, and it officially freaks her out. but being too stubborn to admit anything she bottles it up within herself it only showing when she's caught staring at him with a look that's neither disgust or contempt and is promptly teased about it. 
( relationship ) : they are currently denying their feelings for one another, although maya keeps telling her to confess, in which nara's response is always "I'll confess to hyungwon when you confess jooheon." usually ending the conversation there. 
( status ) : currently single. 
the goodbye 
( comments ) : well here she is. I hope  you like my little crazy sarcastic spastic nara lol c: ps I'm really sorry for the cheesy scene requests ;^_^
( questions ) : n/a
( scene suggestions ) : 
• maya confessing to jooheon, or making it look that way, thus making nara eat her own words and have to confess her feelings to hyungwon, actually looking scared despite her usually strong personality.
• when she does confess instead of laughing hyungwon kisses her instead showing his answer to her confession rather than saying it. 
• various contests between hyungwon and nara. (make them as crazy as you wish c:)
• maybe them having their own variety show. 
• the girls going on a bonding trip because they don't really get along all that great with one another. 
( password ) : aristocrats
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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