Chanyeol Came to My Dream Last Night

Okay, here's the thing. I dreamt about Chanyeol FOR THE FIRST TIME since I began stanning him for like... two years ago. So, here's my dream:

I'm standing with my mom inside a hall or something with a lot of people. I know it's not a party, but the adults are wearing formal clothes. Suddenly I notice Chanyeol not far from where I stand, so I tell my mom, "Mom, that's Chanyeol oppa, the one who's wearing white shirt. And beside him is his mom." My mom and Chanyeol's mom are greeting each other for the first time, then they are talking about things.

I ask Chanyeol to take selcas with me, and he said okay. So we look for a place where we can take selcas without being watched by anybody else. Chanyeol shifts behind me, stretches his arm to hold the phone (for selca) and wraps my neck and shoulders in his embrace with his other arm. His arm that wraps around me felt soooo real, like so real. He back-hugged me not in a romantic way, but I like it very much.

And then we look for other spot with better lighting. Chanyeol and I are linking arms while searching for another spot. It feels so real as well (I might cry). This time we took selcas on the bridge near a street lamp (suddenly it gotten darker, idk why). After that, we seperate. When I was about to ask him to send me the selcas earlier via Line, my father (in reality) opened my door and because I'm such a light-sleeper, I immediately woke up.

I was so pissed when I woke up and realizing that those actions aren't real. I mean, Chanyeol and I taking selcas. MANY selcas. His arms felt real to me. I can't :'(

Maybe the reason I dreamt about him is I looked at photos of Chanyeol selcas with a Brunei fans (I envy her, so much. Soooo much. I hate myself T_T). I never consider myself as a lucky fan, so.... I envy lucky fans so much.

The end.

Just let me cry at the corner while trying to move on from that dream.


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