I Made Seventeen and VIXX shindans! (Please check it out lol)

Yesterday I made a shindanmaker account for fun, and until now I have already made two shindans! I don't know how to make a complicated shindan, for example: "A is your boyfriend, B is your brother, C is your best-friend, and D is your secret admirer." Sooo I made very very simple shindans (lol).

Anyway, I made one Seventeen shindan and one VIXX shindan. Why didn't I make EXO shindan? Because there are hundreds of them already lol. Why did I make Seventeen shindan? Because I'm stanning them lately. Why did I make VIXX shindan? Because one of my friends is a hardcore Starlight and she made me to make one.

You can check my shindans here:

Seventeen (Who's Your Seventeen Desk-Mate?) --> http://en.shindanmaker.com/569110

VIXX (Your VIXX Tutor) --> http://en.shindanmaker.com/569355

I wish you the best of luck (of getting your bias as the result) ;D HAVE FUN TRYING! <33 You can leave comment about your result~



PS: I'm working on the next chapter for my ff (Yoohooo~)


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