
After a lot of thinking, some chatting to some wonderful people, and a lot of consideration of a few people's comments, I have decided to remain writing on AFF. With it, I'm setting some new... I dunno, rules? For myself or whatever, because I will not let myself get in by the minority again. 

I will write what I like, when I want to write it. I know I'm a multi-shipper and that I am way behind on my todae and GRi fics, but simply put: I'm really enjoying GTOP right now. 

I will not abandon any of my stories (except maybe a lesson in dominance simply because I need to re-write the whole thing, so I guess it's not abandoned, just revamped?) so I'm not going to stress out trying to update stories at once, but I'm also just letting people know that things WILL be updated. Dunno when, but it'll happen. Not gonna cave to people pressuring me. Nope. 

Right now, my fic with i_feel_electric is priority number one. ALL other fics will take backseat. She tends to inspire oneshots though, so I'm not gonna apologise if I post one shots and do not update multis. 

Any time I get a comment on a fic from now on that pressures me to write, I will only reply with a link to this blog post. im gonna stop taking the bait. I am very very appreciative that people like what I write and I am so thankful, but I have a life in the real world that cannot be bent just to accommodate fic writing. I would hope people would understand and I'm not going to keep feeling terrible over it anymore. I'm allowed my life. 

Also, to those who were telling me to quit, I invite you to eat my entire , because I'm not going to and I cannot BELIEVE that in a particularly weak time of my life, I gave in and let you littleturdburgers worm your way under my skin from the manure you slithered out of. If you don't like my writing, that's cool, I'm okay with that. I can't cater to everyone. But take your nasty, spiteful little comments elsewhere. Thanks <3

i hope to update some stuff soon, but another thing: I'm not gonna give myself deadlines or pressure myself to write. I'm not obligated to. I'm not. 


I'm really grateful to everyone who has been so supportive (I think I've read didoe84's blog comments about thirty times, you're so fierce and I love it) and I'm just thankful that the great part of the community really pulled through for me when the part let me down. I'm overwhelmed. Love you all~


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That's nice...
I came to your profile to look up a fic to read when I saw your tagline and came to read the most recent posts. I tried to read that tumblr link but it wouldn't work for me. I did find your tumblr and reblogged a bunch of things and am now following you.

I'm so sorry you had to got through awful from awful s but I'm so glad you've decided to stay. I want to snuggle tackle you but I don't know if we're at that point in our relationship so how about a high five? I'd offer a chest bump but those really hurt my s.

I have been fortunate (so far) to not receive any hate on my work, especially since my main pairing is not a popular one. However, I'm not as talented nor as popular so I'm probably flying under the radar. I've never understood people who hate something that makes people happy. And while I miss your ToDae (Blank Canvas to that pairing) I also move fluidly between ships so your GTop is keeping me well fed. I will wait (im)patiently (but keep it to myself). I used to beg and plead for updates from various authors but I always thought it was a compliment. "I love your story I need more!" However, I have learned the error of my ways, and am working to get better (and also to be a better commentor).

HOWEVER. I do not support your and i_feel_electric pairing up. The two goddesses of feels tag teaming to make something epic and beautiful? How will I survive? THINK. OF. MY. HEART.

I am in love with your stories and am so thankful you share them and am so glad you're sticking around.
BlueJohnXD #3
Glad you finally decided what you wanna do...so happy that you're gonna continue writing them ty fics for me ay ;) I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN SENPAI REPLY TO ME
i'm really happy you are sticking around babe. do what you gotta do to ignore the haters. block, ignore or have me show a boot up their . whatever you need <3
Tabismouse #5
This is fantastic and GOOD FOR YOU. You owe nothing to anybody. You write for you and write what makes you happy. I will be thankful that you share it with us and cheer for you the whole way.

<3 U tons!
I just stand and clap loudy with both hands (i suppose i can't do it with onl one but you get the image) !!! Just enjoy writing, allow you to enjoy yourself and do not pressure you write when you want, I'll wait for you anyway (kkk)
Anyway i'm touched my comments help you so much!!! I'm happy if it's helped you to make a decision you're confortable with!! lol i'm usually really kind but those little sh*t really get on my nerve so.... who are they to decide who had or not to write this or that... and who are they to speak in the name of everyone just because they think people have to think like them!!!) yeah it's the kind of topic that got me all thrilled!!!
anyway it's normal to be weakened by hurtful and hateful comments but i'm glad you get over it and that you see that people support you and love you and your art!!!
And you know I'm so exited for your work with i_feel_electric i'll wait for it (im)patiently!!! and for other as well!!!
Glad you've come to a decision you are comfortable with. Looking forward to reading what you are willing to share with us. :)
I love you tooo...... glad that you feel better.
Just do what makes you happy. Dont try to satisfy another coz others will never get enough they always ask for more no matter how hard you try they ask more.
Just be happy....