Important news!

It is Tabismouse's birthday! :D


Co-runner of, goddess of TOPRi, and one of my very best friends, I am thrilled to celebrate this day with her, if even virtually!

Your present in is in progress, and I hope to have it posted on my AO3 soon.

Everyone wish her a happy birthday! ❤️


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gtopbaby #1
Happy birthday!!! ^_^
BinguTop4Life #2
Happy birthday Tabimouse !!!!! Your stories are amazing and as wonderful as they are to me, I hope you have twice the happiest today because HELL YEAH ITS YOUR BDAYYY :)))) Have funnnnn ~
Tabismouse #3
AAAHHHH you beautiful human being and light of my soul!!!! I don't deserve any of this but I will greedily gobble it all up!!! OMG!!!
Happy Birthday you amazing person! Hope you have a great day and get spoilt with all the hardcore male ion ha ha! Xx
stargazerjunior #5
OMG her birthday was on the same day as my best friend's birthday. Happy belated birthday Tabismouse!!!
Happy birthday! (I'm leaving this here because I don't want to come out of nowhere and freak her out)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! I wish her plenty of Seunghyuns then ;)
GenieJ #9
I don't have tumblr, so I'll just write it here: Happy Birthday! :)