〈 adulting。astrid potter

astrid potter
back to basics
"I'm not going out ."
• POTTER / from her name and her affinity for the books / pretty much everyone. some taunt her and go 'poootter'. 
ADDIE / endearment derived from her name / found by teagan, a majority of those who know her. some teachers who are nicer call her that as well.
• MASTER TRISH / endearment derived from her name and because astrid calls nathan 'dobby', and dobby called harry potter master. / by nathan.
ACE / derived from her name again / by hunter, just because.
BIRTHDAY: february 28th
BIRTHPLACE: woodfield, connecticut, united states
ETHNICITY: korean-american-mexican
ENGLISH / she was born and also grew up in the us. what do you expect? / fluent.
• SPANISH / her father is spanish and so astrid's been speaking spanish since young / semi-fluent.
• KOREAN / her mother is half korean, so she knows....some. / intermediate
APPEARANCE: standing taller than most females at 178cm and weighing 65 kg, astrid is a rather healthy girl with a curvy figure most would kill for. blessed with terrifyingly fast metabolism, she pigs out a lot but doesn't really gain weight. with an exotic face not that common in woodfield, astrid easily earns glances with her naturally tanned skin, high cheekbones, deep set, brown eyes and luscious raven black locks. astrid doesn't really care for her appearance though, she likes the compliements she gets, but she never puts on lotions or pay extra attention to her hair. she too busy either reading or sleeping to care. 
STYLE: astrid honestly doesn't care about what she wears. if she's presentable she's happy, and by presentable she can mean an outfit she's been wearing for two weeks straight. she doesn't really have a 'style', she just throws on whatever she finds comfortable, and if you really wanted to conclude her clothes in a word, it would be feminine. not the kind to dish out bows and floral prints, and definitely not the type to wear leather jackets and spikes. she tends to go for soft colours and garments that suit everything else. you'll mostly see her in a plain coloured t shirt and a pair of leggings. really, her style is plain and nothing you should put on your radar.
FACECLAIM & BACKUP: shay mitchell  & vanessa hudgens 
who are you?
"I am... astrid potter? what am I supposed to say?"
POSITIVE: virtuous, benign, magnanimous, tolerant
NEGATIVE:  bemused, inarticulate, zany, nirvanic

mention astrid potter to anyone in woodfield, and you'll probably get a positive comment regarding how sweet she is, or a negative one talking about how clumsy and airheaded she is. probably one of the weirdest and zaniest people you'll meet in your life, the rest of woodfield know about her weird actions and irregular sprouting of nonsense. usually seen daydreaming or with her nose stuck in a book, astrid is a bookworm as well, and a huge one at that. she always seems to be living in another world (preferably harry potter's) and sees things from another perspective. 

if there's one thing incredibly remarkable about astrid, it's the fact she has high moral standards and is incredibly chaste and innocent. no, she's not innocent to the point to not know where babies come from, but she's the type to believe people easily. definitely the kind of girl to lend her phone to people on the streets and the type to give her wallet to someone when promised that the wallet would be returned and wait for hours, astrid sees the world in rose tinted glasses and helps everyone she sees, mainly because she's got strict priciples and morals. she believes the good in everyone and insists on being nice to everyone. you can always trust astrid with a secret. she never tells anyone else, either because she's already forgotten it and also because she's just that benevolent. a great friend and a reliable companion, you can expect astrid to show up at your house at 3am with cookies and a shoulder to cry on if you need her. she's always there for her friends if they need her and puts them before herself, and astrid is a favourite among the woodfield elderly for her benevolence- she can always be seen helping out at different stores and routinely cooks up a meal for some of them. she visits the elderly community center every saturday and lots identify her as the 'girl next door'.

if you make a mistake, chances are astrid wouldn't care. generous and forgiving, astrid likes to forgive and forget, and doesn't dwell on the tiny things in life. she'll probably forgive you because she's already forgotten what happened. teagan has pranked her countless times and instead of getting angry, after a turn of the head she's already ignored what happened and by the next day she's forgotten it. she tends to be very generous from her food to her hugs, and if there's one thing she's proud of, it's the cookies she whips up- they're enough to feed a starving family, but mostly they get consumed by nathan. astrid is extremely patient and can wait for a long time. she doesn't really notice the time passing with her head up in the clouds and her nose in a book. therefore she can wait for a very very very long time- and she doesn't mind doing so either. in fact, she likes seeing the time pass slowly, and usually feels like time doesn't pass at all- she enjoys her life, all the hardships and such, and so she never feels that time is running out, since she's pretty organized. when reading she gets extremely immersed and can finish a seven-hundred-page book in a day when she's got her heart into it. when she starts reading, don't disturb her. really. don't.  

astrid might seem like the perfect girlfriend or wife material, but don't be fooled by her sweet antics and genuine innocence. she's incredibly, incredibly dizty, and her memory is as bad as a goldfish's. she seems confused 24/7 (or maybe 18/7, she's not that bewildered all the time) and questions the mundane things in life. "why is a fire extingusher called an extingusher?" "ask the inventor" "why are inventors called inventors?" she tends to be daydreaming most of the time and only snaps out of it when people stuff their faces near hers and scream. she can't voice her thoughts properly and often speaks in jumbled, incoherent words. she's not very good at expressing herself and always says the wrong thing at the wrong time. she doesn't think over what she wants to say first and the words just tumble out, and sometimes words of encouragement and affection turn into mean and blunt sentences.

amusingly unconventional, astrid makes way too many references to harry potter "well you could sneak around in an invisibility cloak, hunter" "oh I would if I had one, ace" "really?" "no." and sometimes annoy people as she seemingly lives in a fantasy. always daydreaming, the moments she snaps out of them, she'd blurt out a sentence to make her seem like she was listening- which would only then make it more obvious she wasn't. a little bit too peculiar with her own good, astrid has really bad memory and her four way coordination is terrible. she forgets things after a blink of an eye and she stumbles over and trips a lot, mostly because she's walking when she's reading and she bumps into mostly everyone and everything.

tl;dr: astrid potter is a sweet girl, and you'll know that once you get through her airheadedness and obsession with harry potter. also, she would appreciate it if you steered her clear of lamp posts when she's reading.
BACKGROUND: astrid might be korean-american-mexican since she has a korean-american mother and a mexican father, but she was born and raised in woodfield.sure, she's went to korea and mexico before for family gatherings and vacations, but since young she's been living in the house next to the vancura household and grew up with both hunter vancura and teagan charleton. she didn't really have that many friends and most people really did think she was 'addie potter', not astrid. although she loved teagan, she was a little bit too loud for her liking and teagan herself sometimes got annoyed at astrid for how eccentric she was, and so tended to spend her time with hunter more. 

growing up, she was everyone and at the same time no one's (except hunter and teagan of course) friend. people knew her, and she got along with everyone, but she wasn't necessarily a friend. she was a...classmate, and a very easily forgotten classmate. so she just spent more and more of her time daydreaming, hanging around in hunter's garage, listening to teagan's chattering and reading. it didn't help that she was an only child. her family and her were close, but her parents fought a lot, and while they tried to hide it from astrid when she was a child, the fights are getting worse and nowadays astrid constantly takes refuge in her (few) friends' homes. the only reason her parents haven't divorced yet is probably because they want to see astrid graduate college first.
• A DAY TO REMEMBER / so you might expect astrid to be a fan of smooth ballads, but no. hearing them on the radio back in 2011, she's been a huge fan since.
• HARRY POTTER / she's still waiting for her acceptance letter into hogwarts. part of the crew who waited years for the books to come out, she dragged hunter to all the movies' premieres at the local cinema and has all the dvds at home. 
PHYSICAL DISPLAY OF AFFECTION / pretty awkward to admit, but astrid likes physical contact, varying from hooking arms to kissing. a guy whose name she can't remember was dared to kiss her, so there went her first kiss. teagan berated the guy afterwards so astrid hasn't had her 'official' firs kiss, and tends to blush a lot during kiss scenes.
CARAMEL TOFFEES / astrid has a sweet tooth in general, but has a special affinity for chocolate, and especially really gooey caramel toffees.
BABY'S BREATH /  are definitely her favourite flowers. she'd probably swoon and fall for anyone who gives her a bunch.

• SMOKERS / she absolutely detests them. the smell is bad enough, and her father is a smoker, which is one of the primary reasons her parents fight.
• MATHEMATICS / don't ask. just. don't.
GOSSIP / not just malicious gossip, but gossip in general. she can't stand people talking behind others' backs and would block out everything if people start gossiping.
FIRE / she can cook pretty well, but she uses electronic pots. she has this irrational fear that the fire will burn her.
LIQUOR / everyone her age are out partying and drinking beer and she'd be the one asking for water. she also pays if a bunch of people go out for drinking, as she's usually the only one sover.

• ​READING / ...yeah.
• BRAIDING / friendship bracelets, namely. teagan has a black and white one adorned with skulls, while hunter has one made entirely out of black leather. he wears it on his wrist every day, and teagan wears it if it matches her outfit.
• LET YOUR HAIR DOWN / she likes her hair down, and when she does tie it up she lets it down then ties it back up then lets it down then ties it back up...
• ANGER / when astrid is frustrated, it's pretty obvious. she clenches her jaw. it's just that nothing really frustrates her.
NERVOUS / if she's nervous she bites her nails. and her nails are really chipped and sharp afterwards. in short, don't make her nervous.
• COLLEGE / she's set her goals on a literature major. which college, she's not sure, but she's determined to be a literature major.
PRONATION / since birth, astrid's ankles have over-pronation (which her mother also has), and so they bend inwards. it doesn't really affect her health, and she can walk just fine. they just look weird from behind, and she won't be able to walk in stilettos..
CANKER SORES / astrid has a lot, since she's daydreaming as she's eating and ends up biting herself.
SOCIAL MEDIA / she has an instagram (lightningstar) where she uploads her poetry, a personal instagram (astridpotter) where she doesn't post anything and an inactive facebook account.
SPICES / she can't take spicy food, but loves them so much she just scoffs them all down anyways.

nathan dobbins 
and who are they?
"you know you love me"
LOVE INTEREST & BACKUP: nathan dobbins (nick robinson)
take the biggest flirt you know. proceed to times him by ten. there, you get nathan dobbins. (too tired to write paragraphs but do tell me if you want them)
POSITIVE: gregarious, confident, gallant
NEGATIVE: prideful, talebearing, psychocentric
TITLE: master and house elf polar opposites (so cliche I'm sorry)
FIRST MEETING: nathan moved from new york city to woodfield one year ago, because, quoting his dad, "he can't be tamed but woodfield will bore him." and of all things, probably because woodfield is tiny as hell, the dobbins family moved into the house two doors down from the potters. nathan saw her and being nathan, introduced himself.

astrid was incredibly out of it then and so practically ignored the boy (more of didn't notice he was there) and as all cliché plots go, he was determined to have the girl notice him- because, yes, his pride was hurt. so instead of flirting around with every girl in sight (he still did, just not that much), he tried to get astrid's attention. 
INTERACTIONS: astrid sees him as a friend and nathan sees her as a challenge, and perhaps a little something more than that. he's went from the full on pickup lines (which astrid doesn't react to) to just being a very average person who's extremely nice to astrid. their interaction is pretty much him talking and astrid trying very hard to listen, before just taking out a book and blocking him out. nathan, for some reason, finds astrid's ditziness cute and is pretty much just hanging around to see how out of it she is. 
• astrid calls him dobby. he used to dislike the nickname, but now reacts when called that by astrid and finds it pretty cute.
• he denies any feelings, and says astrid is only a challenge.
• when he and astrid do get together, he still flirts around, and he gets petty when astrid doesn't react. 
• astrid would honestly still choose books over him.



what else is there?
seungpal / nea / nine
COMMENTS: struggling between hunter and nathan and ria was busy with seventy two cupcakes so
QUESTIONS: I know you do lani they're all over your instagram feed /adds a question mark to make this a question/ ?
SUGGESTIONS: oh you know teagan's side fling could be with nathan

• when everyone is over at astrid's house and her parents start arguing, and ask for her opinon. astrid starts screaming at both of them in (really fast) spanish and korean, and so the rest...gape.
• when teagan gets her to dress up for a date with nathan and everyone at the woodfield cafe drop their jaws -- "is that astrid???"
• when nathan makes astrid drink alcohol and teagan (who's stalking their date) flies out and screams at him for forcing astrid
• astrid dozing off and making teagan loser her temper- hunter defends astrid and teagan gets angry???




























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