NGUYen mai。


USERNAME — HelloKitty10755

NICKNAME — Cortney



NAME — Nguyen Mai

—  Kwon Kyung Mi / her korean name

AGE & BIRTHDATE — April 14, 1995

BIRTHPLACE — Quang Ninh, Vietnam

HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY — Vietnamese-Korean

—  Vietnamese  / Fluent  / her mother tongue
—  Korean  / Semi-fluent / her second lanuage 







HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 164 cm & 64 kg

APPEARANCE —  her hair was dyed light brown with some strands dyed a darker brown for highlights. She has one piercing on each ear.

— Casual: 
tumblr_m506zfFzLr1rxwvdto1_500_large.jpg  tumblr_mduhudUCNn1rlxegoo1_500.png  
— Formal: 


— Accessories: 


TRAITS — (+) trustworthy, caring, intelligent, quirky
(-) quiet,  stubborn, mysterious, shy


Kyung Mi is usually described as a very quiet girl who always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book or writing stories. She prefers quiet places where she can relax and drift off into her own little world. She's very shy, always prefering to keep to herself, rather than going up to someone to introduce herself. Her stubborness could be one of her good traits at times, while other times, it may be a bad trait. Anytime she makes a decision, she has to go through with it. 

Mysterious may be a good word to describe this girl. Nobody knows much about her because she doesn't like talking and always stayed in the background. Despite being shy though, she's very quick-tempered. If you do something that she doesn't like, be prepared to face her anger. She often hids her emotions but once in a while, she needs to blow up. When she blows up, she starts shouting and hitting things. Even through all that, she's still very caring about other people and she's very trustworthy to her friends.

However, when she's with her friends, watch out. She can talk a mile a minute. Being around her friends makes her comfortable. She knows they won't judge her for who she is and she can always be herself around them. She can be quirky when she wants to be.


BACKGROUND — Mai was born in Quang Ninh, Vietnam to Nguyen Hung and Kwon Hyun-Jae. Like average Asian parents, she started learning how to play the piano and the violin at a young age, hopefully having some kind of muscial talent. She did, but not enough to make her succeed in life and Mi never really wanted to play musical instruments as a career. Her parents moved to Korea when Mai was 13, due to her father's company. His father was a banker of a big company and they needed someone to work in Korea and they choose her father. When she was in highschool, she tried to focus more on studying and some kids called her names or made fun of her because she was always studying and because she couldn't speak Korean that well. So she became more quiet and mysterious to other kids. However, singing brought her comfort and she always sang when she felt lonely.

When she was 15, she was at Lotte World with her friends when she spotted TOP Media having auditions. Pushed by her friends, she sang BoA's song, "Number One" in front of the judges and was told she would get a call in a few days. Waiting over a month, she was called back to audition one more time and was accepted into the company. Telling her parents about company was hard because she knew her parents weren't keen on her doing anything in the showbiz field. However, when she told them,. she didn't expect them to be so supportive. Sure, they were disappointed but they told her that what's done is done and that she should have fun with it.


—  Flowers
—  Plushies
—  Cameras
—  Pastel Colors
—  Classical Music
—  Mystical Things
—  Daydreaming
—  Writing
—  Books
—  Spring
—  Rain
—  Snowflakes
—  Camera necklaces
—  BoA
—  Food


—  Humid Weather
—  Math
—  Loud noises
—  Cold Weather
—  Bugs
—  getting up early
—  Coffee
—  Critism
—  Spriders
—  Horror Movies
—  Anti-fans


—  Daydreaming
—  Nail Art
—  Photography
—  Reading
—  Writing

—  staring off into space when she's bored
—  carrying a notebook and camera
—  covering when she laughs
—  biting the dead skin off her lips

— spider / they freak her out so much that she'll scream if she sees one
— horror / they scare her a lot and she hates being scared


—  favorite jewel: rose quartz
—  favorite flower: gardenia
—  favorite camera: nixon nikkor dslr
—  favorite quote: "Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it," - Nicholas Spark
—  twitter: eternity_mai95
—  believes in love at first sight and happily ever after
—  she owns a lot of camera necklaces that are hung up on the wall
—  she knows how to make paper stars
—  she knows how to play the piano and violin
—  she despises the taste of coffee
—  she drinks hot chocolate and frappuccino

—  she joined the photography club in school
—  she always carries around a pack of gum to chew to keep busy
—  she would like to master chinese, japanese and english
—  she almost dropped out of training because the other trainies made fun of her
—  if she didn't become a singer, she would've become a professional photographer
—  she would like to visit Vienna
—  she can keep her frustrations quiet for a long time but every once in a while, she'll explode
—  she listened to her first Kpop song, BoA's Number 1, in school and fell in love with it
—  she loves food. if there's food in front of her, she'll eat most of it



—  Father / Nguyen Hung / 55 / banker / kind, strict, friendly  / they get along as well as they can

— Mother / Kwon Hyun-Jae / 53 / teacher / kind, caring, understanding / they get along very well



— Best Friends / Seohyun / 23 / idol / kind, quiet, organized  / they get along since they have similar personalities

— Friends / Teen Top / 22-20 / idol / funny, caring, kind  / they all get along, but she gets along with Chanjo and Ricky better
— Friends / 100% / 30-22 / idol / quirky, fun, caring  / they get along pretty well, considering they work in the same company 


COMPANY — top media

GROUP— Eternity
POSITION IN GROUP — Lead Vocalist, Sub-dancer, Maknae


—  Jung JaeMi / 25 / Leader,  Main Dancer
—  Ahn MiRae / 24 / Main Vocalist
—  Kim SeoYeon / 23 / Sub-Vocalist, Visual


DEBUT YEAR  — 2014

—  Oct. 18, 2014: "Starlight, Moonlight" (originally by Secret)
—  Dec. 20, 2014: "I Do I Do" (originally by Secret)
—  Mar. 15, 2015: "I Miss You" (originally by Girl's Day)
—  Jun. 20, 2015: "Darling" (originally by Girl's Day)


DRAMAS — n/a

—  2014: one of the trainees claimed that Mai used to bully her because she couldn't sing well (false) - the trainee  got jealous that Mai got to debut before her even though Mai started training late. So the trainee left a review of the group online posting that claim. However, TOP Media came out with a statement saying that it wasn't true and that trainee was kicked out.
—  she got in trouble because she didn't show much emotion during a broadcast (her language skills have a little problem)


—  eternity's fanclub: celestial + #cceecc
—  jaemi's fanclub: jaemmers + 
—  mirae's fanclub: sunset + #ff8877
—  seoyeon's fanclub: seoshi + 
—  mai's fanclub: blossom + #ffeeee


— I've never really been in love before so I'm not really educated on that topic. But it seems like a wonderful thing to be in love. *sighs* But I think to be in love, it has to come from the heart. If it doesn't come from the heart, then there's no point of being in love. *opens up a book* The story of Beauty and the Beast. One of my favorite stories, a good example. If you're in love, it doesn't matter what the other person looks like, all that matters is that she loved him for who he was.


— Marriage is something you do with someone you love very much. If you don't love the person you're married to, then what's the point of getting married?  I don't understand why people get married and then have a divorce later because they can't handle each other. *sighs* But we can't all have our fairytale wedding and happily ever after. However, it is possible.

— Someone who understands me and will love me for who I am. I want a guy with a good personality and an interesting sense of humor. I don't really care about looks but if he looks good, then that's a bonus. If his personality can compliment my personality, that's a double plus! *giggles*

 — I've never been in a relationship before so, I thought that joining this show would be a good experience for me. *blushes* Reading all those books made me wonder what it would be like being in a relationship with a guy. But I've never been interested in a guy before so... However, I would like the experience.

— I would probably refuse him because I need to focus on my career first. I debuted not too long ago and I need to stabilize my career first before I can think about dating someone, even if I really like that person. In a year or two, if there is mutual attraction, they can ask me out and I would probably accept. But not right after the show.



LOVE INTEREST — Leo (Jung Taekwoon), VIXX
—  Taek oppa / a shortened version of his real name
—  Cat oppa / he looks like a cat / she said it as a joke and it kind of stuck


—  Channie oppa 

AGE — 24 turning 25 soon


PERSONALITY — Often mistakened for someone who's cold and distant, Leo's a very caring and kind person. He's labeled as the 'chic poker face' since he rarely has any expression on his face. Everyone's first impression of him is that he's cold, however, he's just shy and has a hard time expressing how he feels. He's also very quiet and often other people have to interpret what he's thinking by his actions. Knowing that he holds a very responsible role in the group, he's very hardworkingto achieve his goals. He's very kind and caring to the people around him. He can be a jokster but that's only with the people he's really comfortable with. He's actually kind of gullible. He knows a lot of things but if you keep telling him something, he'll eventually believe you. Also a bit of a dork, he often gives ridculous answers at random times.
However, Taekwoon can be quick-tempered. If he sees something that he doesn't like, he'll be very angry. His anger makes up for his shyness and his anger is another way that shows he really cares about people. But his anger can get him into a bit of trouble. He will get embarressed at random times and has a compliment allergy.

RELATIONSHIP BEFORE — They both met at Music Core when VIXX was promoting Error and her group was promoting their debut song. Her group was going around to the different senior groups greeting themselves and handing out their CDs. The last artist they greeted was VIXX. Once the introductions were finished, Haekyeon tired to start a conversation. He teased everyone and made fun of s to make the girls feel comfortable. Haekyeon and Ken were the ones that did most of the talking and teasing. Hongbin was taking pictures of everyone. Ravi was sitting quietly with Hyuk, saying a few things here and there. Only Leo and Mai sat through the whole thing, barely sayinga word. They both talked to each other a bit but when they girls left, they forgot the whole incident.

(maknae's getting married!) Mai and her members watch We Got Married every week when it's on and they complain about how they wish they were on the show. All of them always take the opportunity to mention it during every interview they do. So when the girls recieved a mission card, the girls went crazy. Well, the other members went wild while Mai quietly looked on. When MiRae opened the letter, she squealed, making the other members confused. Seeing Mai's name written on the card made the other members happy while Mai was rendered speechless. The other members thought it would be a good experience for Mai since she doesn't have any experience in love. 
"The maknae's getting married!" 
— JaeMi 
"I hope the guy is a good guy who has some experience. Our maknae needs a good man..." —SeoYeon
"If the guy hurts you, I'll injure him!" — MiRae
"Umm. unnie..." — Mai

(hyung's getting married!) Leo recieved his card during an episode of VIXXTV. Their manager came in holding the red mission card and gave it to the members. N and Ken fought over it and in the end, Hongbin took it and opened it. He chuckled and let Hyuk look at it, who made a really surprised expression. They both gave it to Leo who looked at it with a neutral expression and then bowed his head, really embaressed. The other members guessed it was him, whooped and celebrated before Leo looked back up and started beating everyone up.
"Hyung's getting married!" — Hyuk
"I wonder if she's pretty" — Hongbin
"I'll treat her just like my litte siter" — Ravi
"Why wasn't I chosen? Am I not that great?" — Ken

"She'll end up falling for me anyways" — N

(first meeting) They were told to meet up at a café and choose a drink for the other. Leo arrived first, chose a vanilla frappuccino for Mai and sat in the corner. Mai arrived later and chose a latté for Leo. He spotted her as she walked in and deduced that she was his "wife". He went over and introduced himself to her. Mai got flusterd and didn't know what to do. However, their drinks arrived and they were both surprised that they ordered the right drinks for each other. They started talking and playing games to get to know each other.

(first impression) Mai had talked to Leo before so she knew he wasn't cold. Instead this time, she thought he was kind of cute everytime he got embaressed. 
Leo thought that Mai was cute when she got embarresed. He saw that she was only shy around people she didn't know and that she could be quirky at times. He liked that.

INTERACTIONS ON CAMERA — Since both of them are really shy around strangers, they both play games with each other to try and get comfortable with each other. Mai has a hard time speaking informally with older people and younger people, even if they tell her that she can speak informally to them; only with people who are the same age as her, will she speak informally. Taekwoon speaks formally to older people but there are few people he speaks informally to, Mai is one of those few people. So Taekwoon has a hard time getting Mai to talk to him informally. So there are times when he teases her about it.
Both of them have never been in a relationship before, so they both are confused on how they are supposed to act around each other but they act how they normally would. Taekwoon usually doesn't show or express any emotion so Mai has to guess what he's feeling but Taekwoon now makes a point of expressing how he feels around her. However, Taekwoon prefers to express how he feels through his actions, like putting an arm around her shoulder or holding her hand when they're walking on a crowded street

INTERACTIONS OFF CAMERA — Since the interactions they have on camera is genuine, they both act about the same off camera as well. When they meet at music programs, they both greet each other with great enthusiasm but they try to keep it down to a minimum, lest they want to hear Haekyeon and Ken teasing them about being 'married' to each other and acting like a married couple.

—  TaekMi couple / The first part of Leo's first name and the last part of Mai's korean name. It's a play on the word, Take Me
—  Food couple / They both love food, so it naturally popped up
—  Game couple / They're always playing games to get comfortable with each other
—  Shy couple / They're both shy


RELATIONSHIP AFTER — After they finished their virtual marriage, they both parted ways, promising to stay in touch with each other. They still see each other at music programs and still greet each other with great enthusiasm. Both of them keep up with what the other is doing and they never miss the opportunity to praise each other whenever they could. After a year, they meet up at the place where the first episode was held and talk about what's been going on after a year. The next year, when they meet up, Taekwoon hands her a letter that contains his feelings for her and asks her if she feels the same way.

─ In November: Mai surprising Leo on his birthday

─ Leo making breakfast while Mai is still sleeping and then goes to wake her up
─ Playing games with each other
─ Sleeping in the same bed
─ Meeting the other couples
─ Meeting Leo's parents and 3 older sisters
─ Going bungee jumping
─ Going on vacation
─ Doing a duet stage with each other (ex. VIXX and Girls' Day Troublemaker)
─ Finding rings for each other
─ Trying on wedding atire
─ Wedding photoshoot
─ Attempting to do a kiss during the photoshoot (after many failures, they finally do it)
─ Making perfume for each other
─ Meeting the other members
─ Mai teasing Leo about his compliment allergy
─ Walking down the beach (*cough* above gif *cough*)
─ Doing a horror episode with the other couples
─ Writing a letter for each other in the beginning of their marriage
─ Going back to the café in the last episode
─ Leo giving her a necklace while he has the other part on his backpack: 


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS —Hai~ I was more or less basing these two on the marriage between the YongSeo couple... Anyways, I hope you like Mai. I'm pretty sure I have mistakes somewhere so don't hesitate to point them out. Sorry it took forever. I didn't have time and then when I finished the other half, my computer decided to crash on me before I saved it. So that's my excuse. But here it is~

PASSWORD we got married (I think the banmal song fits them more but I couldn't choose between the two...)



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