❊❇ ↝ EQSOL | Lyn | Fierce Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Vocal↜ ❇❊

jaylen song

stormatsea / clara / 8

character name

Song Jaehwa - korean name
Jaylen Song - her english name


♦ chipmunk - stuffs her cheeks when she's eating and resembles a chipmunk.
♦ jaejae - a little nickname that just about everyone uses  who knows her. 
♦ lyn - what she prefers to go by instead of either of her names, it's just easier to say and better sounding.
♦ spazzy ninja - what her fans call her because despite her cool appearance she's pretty spacy and gets excited easily. 
♦ chocomonster - what some of the other girls call her due to her crazy addiction to chocolate.
♦ otaku - called this by the power vocal because of her serious addiction to anime, and has a bunch of different merchandise and manga all over her room 

birthdate & age

November 24, 1991 + 24 years


Sydney Australia


Sydney, Australia






♦ English - fluent - grew up in Australia and speaks it fluently. 
♦ Korean - semi-fluent - both her parents are Korean and taught her though she still gets confused with some of the grammer and pronunciation. 
♦ Japanese - intermediate - has been learning it in YG for the sake of debuting, and from watching a lot of anime. 


My Beauty.

face claim & backup

face claim: soojoo park 
back face claim : yong hee 

Appearance & style

Standing at a tall 172 cm and an average 57 kg it's kind of hard to imagine someone her size amounting to anything close to fierce, but with medium length hair that she keeps a platinum blonde and her sharp features Lyn manages to pull off the look almost a little too well. She loves vintage clothing the most and her closest is filled with fringe and patterns, though still more on the boyish side and is one who's a big fan of the sweatpants and oversized sweatshirts.

Even though she does love her vintage Lyn is still a huge fan of the hip hop style and will wear anything from the baggy pants and large shirts, to the ripped up jeans and crop tops that show off her dream catcher tattoo. She has a few tattoos the biggest one is a dreamcatcher that goes all the way up her ribcage (x), and one on each of her wrists, believe on her right (x) and family on her left (x). 

the inside.


Lyn can easily be considered a strange and rather unique being, and definitely walks to the beat of her own drum. Seriously she'll create her own beat and walk to it on the street, not really caring just how crazy she looks. Despite her overwhelming presence on stage she's actually more of a go with the flow kind of girl and is always up for anything that's going down. She doesn't have much fear of anything and loves to try new things, usually dragging along someone on one of her new adventures because "it's too lonely to do it by yourself" she'll always say and pull out her horribly bad and out of place aegyo making the person agree just to make her stop. Lyn is the kind of person who enjoys life and wants to live it to the fullest, and does her best not to be bothered by negativity but accepts criticism easily. So it's no surprise really that her favorite quote is 'you only live once' and shouldn't spend your precious time doing something that won't make you happy in the end, and the main reason why she puts her all into everything that she does, and sincerely cares for everyone, thinking of them like her extended family. 

But Lyn is formost crazy and unpredictable. You really can't tell what she's going to do next, and has a hard time acting her own age. You never really know when she's just going to run through the apartment like a chicken with it's head cut off because she got excited over nothing, or almost blows up the microwave because sticking tinfoil in there seemed like a good idea at the time. She can be more trouble than what her charasmic and funloving personality lets on and often gets on the nerves of her fellow members and can even be lectured by the younger girls even though she's older. Lyn has a very strong opinion and has absolutely no problem telling others how she feels, and can say some pretty harsh things without realizing what she had said, and then immediately goes into a frenzy trying to make up for it. 

On stage or practicing Lyn will do a complete 180 from her usual laid back and fun personality, becoming rather aggressive and dramatic in her movement and words, releasing her energy in a manner where you can't help but look and watch in awe and a bit of fear from her intimidating aura. It's the one thing that Lyn takes completely serious and will not joke around during. 


♦ chocolate (it's her life)
♦ surfing (a huge hobby of hers, having gotten from living in Sydney)
♦ anime (cause who doesn't like anime)
♦ anything banana flavored (goes great with chocolate)
♦ writing her raps (helps her clear her head and relieves stress)
♦ dancing (another stress reliever and is just fun to do)
♦ being embarrassing (she lives for embarrassing the other members)
♦ all kinds of music (she pulls her inspiration from all kinds of genres and respects them.)
♦ coffee (it's just too good to give up)
♦ tattoos (thinks they're completely beautiful, unique pieces of art.)



♦ spicy food (is a complete baby about it)
♦ oranges (she's allergic and feels that they're mocking her becaus she can't have them)
♦ super uptight people (she doesn't get along with those who take life too seriously.)
♦ people dissing other's dreams (probably the only time she'll interfere, since nothing makes her more mad than someone saying another person isn't good enough to go after their dream)
♦ romantic movies (finds them predictable and kind of boring)
♦ cake (just can't stand it for some reason)
♦ super bright colors (thinks they're too obnoxious)
♦ things that are too girly (they just don't suit her)



♦ is a huge fan of mfbty and listens to all of their stuff
♦ also is a fan of shinee and block b
♦ actually a pretty good surfer and enjoys it emmensely
♦ admires GD and looks up to him
♦ is reallyclose friends to Key because they have similar opinions, and often go shopping together
♦ can play the guitar, though it's mostly rock songs
♦ really really really likes to eat and never sticks to a diet
♦ doesn't have too many friends because of her strong appearance, not many can get close to her
♦ despite being a good dancer she' likes to dance around like an idiot if she thinks it'll help someone cheer up 

♦ seriously thinks of the others as her sisters and therefore is pretty overprotective of the younger ones, acting like the overbearing mother if she thinks someone is getting too close to them.
♦ likes staying active because she has too much energy that needs to be burned
♦ will try anything at least once
♦ is always on instagram and twitter @wrapper_lyn, and wrapper_lyn

♦ loves her fans almost as much as her fellow members and will always stop to talk to them, because she's just so grateful to have them.
♦ can break dance along with actual dancing
♦ has meanings behind her tattoos. the dreamcatcher represents not letting go of the dreams that she has and holds on tight to it, believe and family are on her wrists so she'll see them multiple times a day as a constant reminder to never forget to believe in herself and to remember her family even though they aren't together anymore and to remain thankful for everything they did for her as she was growing up.


the dream.

stage name



Charismatic Goofball


Wrappers (a crappy pun on her position because her fans are just as weird as she is.) 

fanclub color

Sea Foam Green #54ff9f




Fierce Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Vocal (Mellow Lead Rapper, Vocalist)

vocal twin

Girl's Day Yura (Secrets Zinger)

rap twin

Yoon Mirae (After School Lizzy).

dance twin

Boa (Sistar's Dasom).

trainee years

5 years in YG.

trainee life

Lyn didn't really have a hard time as a trainee. On contrary she loved all the challenges and critism that she was given using it to push her farther in her training to become one of the best in the company. Though she didn't make many friends in the beginning due to her crazy intensity and didn't want to get close to her. Because of the isolation and not being used to being ignored, it started to put it's strain on Lyn and she thought about giving up. But her determination to prove to her family that she could make a career out of this she kept going, it was at that time she decided to get her dreamcatcher tattoo and believe tattoo as a constant reminder that she couldn't give up no matter how hard it got and continued forward toward her dream. 

Her parents didn't really understand the concept of her becoming an idol at first but she had convinced them to let her try it and supported her much like they did when she was smaller, mainly because they knew that there was no way that they were going to convince Lyn any differently. Even though she spent a long time as a trainee she didn't let it get her down and just tried to stay positive and focus on doing things her own way. She had figured the only way for the other trainees to accept her was to prove that she also had what it took and that she belonged here as an artist. Focusing on her rap skills and composing her own lyrics, she spent a lot of time alone but when she was paired with the power vocal, someone who had the smae intensity as her they bonded over that and actually became really close friends and helped each other out. 

pre-debut experience

♦ was a back up dancer in Big Bang's Fanstastic Baby
♦ appeared in big bang's bad boy



the outside.


Lyn was born in Sydney Australia on November 24, 1991. Seeing as her mother and father were both the typical laid back surfer fanatics, she had a pretty easy life growing up, and was always near the ocean loving every minute of it. She was taught to surf, and spent most of her free time doing that. She wasn't really discplined and was pretty spoiled as a child always getting what she wanted. Lyn never really paid much mind to school, being pretty spacy as a kid, and so didn't do to well in her studies and wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. It wasn't until middle school while she was walking around the streets in the city and noticed a group of street performers and became entranced with the bold movements of the dancing and amazing vibe from the dude who was rapping along to a beatboxer. After that she couldn't think about anything else and would go to see them everytime she could. After a while they let her sit by and watch them up close even teaching her some of the breakdancing moves that she was so interested in. 

Eventually she was accepted as part of the dance crew that they had going on, but even though she loved the powerful dances and awestruck stares at her being able to keep up with the guys, something was still off. Lyn had another yearning and that was rapping, so she started to practice on her own working on her flow and lyrics. Aiden had taken her in and helped her when she needed it acting as her beginner coach. Her parents didn't really care what Lyn was doing because she seemed so happy and supported her from the sidelines and encouraged her when she was low in spirits because something didn't go right. 

But that time was short lived because right when she just graduated high school her mother and father thought that maybe it was time for Lyn to do something else with her life, so she could support herself better financially instead of getting petty cash from street performing. Needless to say Lyn was pretty devistated that her parents were shipping her off to stay with her grandmother in Korea, to try and make her more independant. She wasn't happy about it at first and blamed her parents for sending her away from her friends and life, but after a couple of years she realized what they were trying to do and thanked them for it. It was when she was trying to find a job that she came across the underground rap scene in Seoul and fell in love with rapping for the second time in her life. She never participated but watched and listened using the artists as her inspiration for her own raps. 

At age 19 after only a year of living with her grandmother she moved out and worked different part time jobs to pay for her own apartment, determined to show her parents that she could live her own way and still be happy. She was on her way home from work Lyn noticed some sort of open audition for YG. Even though she wasn't much of a fan of kpop in general, everyone knew about the big three and that YG was the place to go for those who wanted to be artists. On a whim she auditioned for the company, and made it in on the first day, starting a new chapter of her life. 


David Song (Faceclaim: Chun Ho Jin: Birthday January 12, 1956: Age 58) | Father | Lyn and her father get along really well, and have a lot in common both being complete surfing junkies. Even though he tried to get her to choose a different path he's still proud of her for doing things her own way and believing in herself. 
Hanna Song (Faceclaim: Lee Misook: Birthday October, 20 1960: Age 54) | Mother | She always wanted a girl who was a bit more of a girly girl, and tried to get her to wear dresses and skirts instead of ripped jeans and baggy tops, but after a while she realized that she wouldn't want her daughter any other way. 
Song Boyoung (Faceclaim: Na Moonhee: Birthday June 4, 1940: Age 74) | Grandmother | She didn't spend much time with her grandmother, spending most of her time at work or watching the underground rappers, but they got along for the most part since both gave each other the space that they needed. 


Aiden Wilson (Faceclaim: Ryan Corr: Birthday September 5, 1987 Age: 27) | Best Friend / Beginning Mentor | He was the one who orginally got her interested into rapping and dancing, they became close over the years and she looks up to him like an older brother of sorts. 
▪ Kim Kibum (Key) | Close Friend | Become friends because they were the same age but soon realized that they hand a lot in common and now often hang out and go shopping together because they are the only ones who understand each other's unique style. 
 Zhao Yuna | Adopted Younger Sister | She really appreciates the hard working personality of the younger girl and they can get along fairly well, though she wishes that Yuna would relax more and not be such a perfectionist she can respect the determination that she has. 

▪ EQSOL Members | Second Family | Lyn loves all the other members of EQSOL and though she never says it she treasures all of them since they're really the only friends she has that are the same gender as her and don't judge her for being who she is. 

My Love.

love interest

Kim Kibum 

Birthdate & Age

September 23, 1991 + 24


178 cm 


62 kg 


The first thing you learn about Key is that he's very over the top and dramatic, and many wonder just how anyone could get along with someone like that, but once you get past all of that you see that Key's actually a really good guy and can be really funny. He's extremely independant and has a strong sense of self, not caring who thinks what about him and just continues to be his own fabulous self. 


Lyn and Key first met when they were shopping at the same store. Of course she recognized him immediately but didn't pay much attention, not one to hound others, and just continued with her shopping until he butted in telling her that the two patterns she had gotten clashed with one another and she'd look like a stupid clown. Now at this point most people would be completely offended and thrown off by his rude remarks, but not Lyn oh no she was just happy that he told her before she had bought it and immediately started asking him questions about what he thought would look best. A little put off guard Key didn't know how to react at first but soon got over it and handed the stranger a bunch of stuff explaining and demanding that she try this with this and pair it with a certain pair of shoes. That's how the two first bonded, by shopping. After learning that she was a trainee in YG Key became interested in talking to Lyn and they soon learned that they had more in common than just shopping, and they became fast friends. Lyn was able to handle Key's over the top personality because of her own laid back surfer attitude and he in turn could handle her crazy becasue of his own weird personality. 

Many people think that Lyn and Key are dating and fans of both groups ship them together, but they continuously deny and try to explain that they're just friends, however no one believes them. It's pretty obvious that they both enjoy each other's company often putting pictures on instragram that feature each other and their many shopping trips and coffee. Neither one though seems to be able to talk to the other or even mention dating. Even though Lyn wouldn't mind dating Key and thinks about it often, and teased about it often by Yuna and some of the other girls, she worries that if they started dating then the great friendship she has with him would be ruined and they couldn't ever go back to being the good friends that they are. And so they are stuck in this endless loop even though it's on both of their minds, neither one is able to bring it up. 

They can often be seen arguing about the latest fahsion or the angle of the picture the other had posted on instagram. It was actually Key who had told Lyn she should bleach her hair because it would complete her look, and after a bunch of arguing back and forth she finally agreed and it did make her look a lot more edgy and so she's kept it that color every since, though she will add some colors to it every so often. Over all they're a couple of good friends too afraid of taking their relationship to the next level. 

back-up love interest

Choi Seunghyun

Birthdate & Age

November 4, 1987 + 27 


181 cm 


71 kg 


At first glance many would think that Top had a super quiet charisma to him and acted like he did on stange, however that's simply not the case. He's quite the goofball and is actually kind of dizty. He'll answer something wrong or ask a stupid question which just makes you wonder where is the guy in the videos and during performances? But he's really easy going and just goes with the flow laughing and smiling at everything that comes by him. 


Lyn met Seunghyun or TOP as he's known in Big Bang after a few months of her being in YG. It was pure chance that they met, at least that's how Lyn likes to describe it, even though it was bound to happen being in the same building all the time. It wasn't something as cliche as them running into each other, oh no it was something much worse. Lyn had walked right up to him and sat down in front of him all because he had a giant chocolate bar and Lyn being Lyn wanted some and didn't care that she was walking up to and staring, kind of creepily at a big sunbae of hers, because when it comes to chocolate it's all worth it. Seunghyun blinks when platium blonde hair blocks his view suddenly and he looks up staring into big, pleading eyes that kept looking down at the chocolate bar in his lap. "Are you going to eat all of that?" Lyn asks as she kneels in front of him practically in a trance by the sheer size of the bar, and it wasn't just any chocolate it was of the highest quality and she was damned if she was going to let this opporunity pass by. Seunghyun blinks again and looks down at the bar and then at Lyn laughing at her expression and breaks up the chocolate bar giving her the bigger half. "Here. If you want it then go ahead." She practically beams with happiness and nods smiling and squealing a little to herself bowing multiple times and running off with her new treat, leaving Seunghyun still laughing and shaking his head at what had just happened and that she had never told him her name. 

They grew to know each other a bit more after that, and every time Seunghyun never fails to bring Lyn the thing she treasures most, chocolate. Yes it is something so simple that started and keeps their relationship, but they acutally have similar personalities and mesh well with one another their own weirdness showing every so often though it only adds to them being better friends. Having similar personalities little quirks and all they get along probably the best that anyone ever could, and bribing a certain someone with chocolate never hurts either. Lyn grins when Seunghyun rounded the corner and walks up to him giving him a high five, their way of greeting one another, grinning more when he held out the familiar bars she's grown to love. "Sey's not pleased with you feeding me these." She says mouthful of chocolate looking totally blissful. He just smiles and pats her head as he sat down sipping his water. "Maybe but being older has it advantages so I'm not that worried, and if you were so scared you wouldn't take them from me." Lyn just grins and waves him off as she continues to eat. "How have you been doing seems like you're always off doing something." Seughyun takes another drink and just laughs poking Lyn's forhead. "It's what you sign up for in this industry or have you already forgotten Miss Leader?" "Co-Leader. Sey does most of the leading I'm just there to buffer her intensity." "I doubt that you were also chosen for a reason. But I'll talk to you later Jae I have to get going. If you're good maybe I'll bring you some extra special chocolate." She jumps up and down at the thought and waves to him ignoring some of the stares of her weirdness showing. "I will! And you do know now you have to bring it to me or disrupt the balance of the YG universe."

They way they started dating was pretty boring to be honest no big proposal or fancy way it just kind of happened. There wasn't even any confirmation like one minute they were just friends and then out of nowhere they were dating. Nothing changed really with how they intereract just a little more skinship than normal and a lot more presents being set at the front door of their dorm, giving the others a little bit of leeway though not much since Lyn's the one getting presents so techincally she still wins. 

last messages.


Man this took me forever for some reason otl. Thanks again for the help with finding a good faceclaim, though she's not as boyish as I first thought of making her I hope you like her though. c: 

scene request

♦ the other members getting their revenge and teasing Lyn about Key since she always does the same to them or even worse at times. 
♦ maybe a variety show or a documentary about how all these separate groups come together to form one big one. 
♦ Maybe they go on a trip to become close to one another as a team building excerise. 
♦ funny interactions between everyone 
♦ key and lyn getting into one of their famous arguements about the best kind of chocolate: dark-key milk-lyn. 



After School Bang 
Rainbow To Me  
Nine Muses Wil

Fanclub name: Ecplise (Idk but it kind of goes with the name a bit.)



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