SHINee similarities.

Are you similar to…

Onew (Lee Jinki)

[x] You like to eat fried chicken.

[x] You’re very clumsy.

[x] You hit your head on things a lot.

[x] You try to be funny or witty but people almost never laugh.

[x] You have a very bright smile.

[x] You don’t like getting too close to kids or animals.

[x] You are a leader. [kind of. It's just that I feel like one, I feel like "the boss" LOL LOL XD but then half the time people don't listen or I am too playful or childish .... LOL ! Like Jongyu in Hello Baby when Yoogeun took a haircut [but didn't] and the two oldies played all day at home :)) ~ Oh the good times ! xD]

[x] You don’t seem like something that you really are.

[x] You don’t like your actual name.

[x] You are somehow like tofu.

Total: 10/10


Jonghyun (Kim Jonghyun)

[x] You’re very frank.

[x] You want attention from someone but you never really get it.

[x] You know how to celebrate by yourself.

[ ] You can sing very well. [I can sing, I think O_O But I don't know if people would like to hear me TT^TT]

[x] You’re short. [I'm about 1 metre 50 something. Maybe 60. But my AUSSIE/Asian-ish friends always say I'm short. My 100% ASIAN friends, however, say I'm tall or medium... LOL]

[x] You seem like a leader type, but you aren’t. [OMO THIS IS WHAT I'M kind of TRYING TO SAY ! LOLOL]

[x] A close friend who is younger than you is taller than you.

[x] You like pulling pranks.

[ ] You’re very…guy or tomboyish

[x] You can wake up early. [I can. Just not bothered at times xD]

Total: 8/10


Key (Kim Kibum)

[x] You are so much like a mom. [I guess that's true xD Or like an older sister or something. I do have mum traits when I use that personality with my friends :)) Oh deary me ~ hohoho]

[x] You nag a lot. [Does whining count ? LOL ! I was gonna write "nag" at the above option but then I saw this one so I was like, meh :))]

[x] You have many different talents.

[x] You hate to lose.

[x] You don’t like your old, baby pictures. [OMO DO YOU KNOW HOW FAT AND FUNNY AND DROOPY MY FACE WAS THEN ?! I swear I have a lot of that baby fat & fat under my chin that my head droops down TT^TT I look ugly :)) ]

[x] You’re afraid of heights. [I'm freaked out of heights! OMO I cried once when I had to do the high ropes in Year 5 & that time I didn't even start to walk yet T^T]

[x] You’re a blunt person. [I guess so ~ ]

[x] You are good at cooking and household activities. [Yes with the household but usually I'm lazy. Unless I am told to, I do it xD Cooking? I need a cookbook ! LOLOL!]

[x]You can DANCE. [I feel like I have the potential to, but I am kind of weak in dancing because of my teachers who taught me traditional dancing in like, Year 2? They said I was weak & I couldn't dance ...... from then on I hardly danced in front of anyone ........... but now, just a little. My confidence is still faint and the strength I push in my moves still needs improving. I LOVE to dance and HIP HOP but only when I have LOTs of practise ALONE or with someone who CAN dance. I do dance some moves in KPOP songs, like the choruses. Not the whole song. Does that count ? LOLOL] 

[x] You’re a sort of tsundere. (Meaning cold/cool an arrogant on the outside, but generous and hearted inside ) [Exactly, well mostly, like me. And after doing/saying things like that, I regret it & feel so so so bad I cry at times T^T]

Total: 10/10


Minho (Choi Minho)

[x] You’re very sporty. [I can feel that I am becoming more athletic. I LOVE sports but I am not as sporty in most sports. In Asian sports like Shuttlecock, dodgeball, badminton etc. I am good at :)]

[x]You’re very competitive. [Yo Bro! Wanna verse ? FACEBOOK POKE WARS! TROLOLOL]

[x]You’re tall. [It actually depends on who thinks so. Some friends say I'm short, some say I'm freaking tall. I am definately taller than my parents though. I'm the tallest in the house ! [Out of 7 people] So I guess that makes me tall in a sense aye? *winks*]

[x] Some people think you can’t do anything, but you can. [I hate it when people always know me of my weak side .... but I am determined ... I just feel like they don't deserve it, that they don't need to see that side...]

[x] You’re great with kids. [Yo Bro! I babysit my baby bro like hours a day? LOL! & I LOVE kids! It's just that sometimes situations get out of hand and then I'M OUT! Jokes :) I do get annoyed if the kids are smart and "pretend" like they are a baby and needs extra extra care & attention and stuff like that .. LOL!]  

[x] You will do anything for the person you love. [Pretty much, I guess. Unless it is what my conscience tells me not to.]

[ ] You don’t like talking too much. [I honestly have no idea about this one. This is me: Talk a lot half the time, be really quiet half the other time. It really depends on who I'm with and the environment, I guess >.<] 

[ ] You’re generally quiet. [Sometimes. Same as above]

[x] You like soccer.

[x] You’re charming/charismatic. [ AM I ?!?!?! I mean, I AM !! jks jks ~  Hehe goes & puts a "x". I do admit that over the past year, there has been a few people crushing on me ............................... I'm telling no more :) Please don't think I'm bragging T^T]

Total: 8/10


Taemin (Lee Taemin)

[ ] You are the youngest of your siblings or group of friends. [At times. Well, usually I am either the oldest or amongst the first half of oldies, sometimes I am one of the young ones. But I never am. I've always wished I was the youngest TT^TT]

[x] You like ice cream. [I LOVE VANILLA & CARAMEL !!! & Maybe LYCHEE IF IT IS EVEN AN ICECREAM FLAVOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

[x] You’re very innocent. [I read no or rated content. No adult themes. And please, I honestly try to avoid swearing/foul language but there are so much! Eotteohke ?! Some fics I just leave them for the excessive usage of bad words ... ]

[x]You’re child-like. Can be. [Yeah xD I talk & act like one to my friends xD But then I do have my serious and mature side xD]

[x] You are pretty shy. [Most of the time. Unless it is with my friends. OMO Once I got downstage from this Hall after a talk me and a sister gave [religious] I was like nervous I kept walking to the wall without control ! I kept like crashing-ish to it and when I try walk straight again, I walked straight to the wall again! Aigoo ~]

[x] You are/were bullied somehow. [This bunch of gangsters in my grade were swearing and saying bad stuff about me because they found out I had told the truth to the teacher about a fight between them and my friend TT^TT]

[x] You use your cuteness to get what you want. [YES!]

[x]You are a big fan of Michael Jackson. [It was when he passed away was when I realised how touching some of his songs are, especially "You are not Alone". I am not a BIG fan, just a normal one who appreciates his songs.]


[x] You aren’t very good at cooking. [WITHOUT A COOKBOOK I AM!! As stated before, I can cook but can't. Get it? I can experiment and all that like a PRO but sometimes, the result aren't always good. But I CAN with a COOKBOOK or RECIPE!]

Total: 9/10

I can't really believe it, but I got ONKEYJJONG2MIN! ;D So that means we are similar aye?! LOLOL I AM SIMILAR TO SHINEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe, too similar?

I don't own this.

CREDITS to:  madz67 who stole it from SHINeeElfLover


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~HI-5 back~ Ahahaha, I know right! ^ ^
I got 5/10 for onew, 4/10 for jjong, 3/10 for key, 6/10 for Minho, and 7/10 for Taemin. O_o it goes from 3-7 in this. I'm not innocent unlike Taemin but how am I kind of compatible for him? My man should be with MINHO!
i got 9/10 for almost all of them except Jonghyun's because i'm not short and couldn't check that one off
Kind-Hearted_Devil #4
LOL You got all of them xD
wow O____O
i got 4 9 6 6 5
so i'm more into Jjong
Wow!!! @o@