#SASSY//Whikka//Leader, lead vocalist


Dad was a missionary, met mom in sk and they got married. She traveled with him for a while but when she got pregnnt she started stying at home. 
Dad found someone else on one of his missions and started having an affair. Got a divorce from mom when she and her twin sister were five. 
The three of them packed everything into a car and didnt stop until they ran out of gas They landed in Travers City, Michigan. They ettled there and tried to sart their life anew. 
Wika was the one who just started fixing their car. It was only the three of them and someone had to do it, so why not her. 
As they got older, Wika and her twin slowly grew apart. Wika wanted to do more physical things and her twin wanted to be more pretty things. Wika tok on most of the physical repairs that the house needed and really started working on cars.
When she graduated high school she went to college for automotive engineering. She blasted through her schoolwork and graduated in three years. She moved back home and started working at a garage. 
Someone came in late one night when she was the only one there and asked for help. His van had started smoking and stopped. There was a group of people with him. They all waited while she worked on their van.
When she works she has the bad habbit of singing and everyone tells her that she needs to stop but she doesnt. This job is no differant. One of the people comes into the actual garage and watches her work. He comments about her singing and scares her. She apologises but he cuts her off. He likes her voice. The one who first came in came back while she worked on the car. 
They come back the next day and the van is finished. The first tells her that he works for a Korean entertainment company and that she should look into it. 
When she tells her mom she all but forces her to SM Entertainnment are holding auditions in Toronto and she goes to them. 

PERSONALITY + Wika holds honesty above alomst anything else. Her life was thrown around due to people not being honest and she isnt going to do that to someone else. She despises when people lie to her and she is rather good at sniffing out lies. She is the type to stick to her intuition. Her gut feeling is usually the right one and it hasnt really led her stray so far. Delagting is another strong suit of hers. She is good at talking people down. Morea than often she had disgruntled or angry costomers she needed to take care of. 

Wika is NOT the kind of person to ask for help. She will offer and help others but she rairly accepts help from others. She needs to do things herself. She hates when people think she cant do things, expecially when men think that. She isnt quite a misandrist, but she is a few steps away from one. She also doesnt have a lot of humor in her. She doesnt get most jokes and the ones she does are quite bad. Once in a great while she has a good joke, but thats not often. When she talks she has a sort rough tone abotu her. She doesnt try to and she can make it stop if she tries to



was born on MARCH 29, 1992 from an AMERICAN father and a KOREAN mother in BUSAN,. Currently 23 years old, she grew up in TRAVERSE CITY thus making her fluent in ENGLISH. Standing at 168CM for 48KG, character name is notably known for looking like YURIM or even sometimes SEO SUNG KYUNG.


» Father, Tanner | 47 | occupation | Controlling and unrelaible | They are not close at all. She hardly ever talks to him
» Mom, Su Kyung | 43 | Piano teacher | Sweet, kind and still | Wika and her mom are very close. They are like best friends
» Twin sister, Ania | 23 | fashion student | Flirty, friendly and thriving | Wika and Ania are close, but not like most twins are. They argue often but can rely on eachother


» Best friend, Lynn East | 24 | Cosmotology student | Loud, know it all | Lynn and Wika have a love hate relationship. Either they lvoe eachother and want to do everything with eachother or they hate eachother and wont even speak with eachother  
» Friend, Tyler Mon | 23 | Aviation student | Sweet, introvert, kind | Tyler and Wika have been friends since she moved to Traverse City. He is the person Wika goes to when she needs someone to vent on


» Co worker, Jim Naegal | 48 | Mechanic | Masochistic | Jim and Wika ahte eachtoher. He does everything he can to ruin her, he knows she is better than her


» Cool spring evenings
» Fixing things
» Working with her hands
» Fruit
» Dogs
» Autumn
» Rain back home
» Geography
» Pie


» Wearing pink
» Heels
» Her dad
» Cats
» Winter
» Huge groups of people
» Math
» Masochistic people


» Working with her hands
» Fixing things
» When she gets stressed she will start taking things apart and putting them back together
» Before she goes to sleep she will streach
» She loves listening to Eminem


» When she gets tired she developes a resting face
» She is left handed
» She cant read or write Korean
» Green is her favorite color
» She has never had a drink before
» Shehad never flown in a plain before she went to South Korea
» She has dogs at home. Her family breeds them
» She is alergic to mold
» She knows how to cook, drive, swim, knit and bake


Wika is not the fashionista in the family. Her sister has 100% of the style in the family. Wika is the one who wants to wear jeans and a t shirt. She doesnt try to do fancy things nor does she do a lot of make up. If she ever lok snice its because of her sister. Wika's common outfit is skinny jeans, sneekers, a white t shirt and a hoodie, maybe with a beenie. 



» Wika | Pronounced Wee-kuh



» English, fluent | Mother language
» Korean, High conversational | Needed a way to communicate with her mom


PERSONALITY + Yunho is a really sweet person. He genuinly cares about peoples feelings and he doesnt want to offend people. He is very polite, if he has to say something negative about someone he will try to down play it however he could. He is also very competative with himself. He has to push himself as hard as he can.

RELATIONSHIP + Yunho was the first person to contact Wika from the Kpop industry. He knows how she likes her things to be and how to act around her, but that is fine by him. He is blown away by her and fell hard for her quickly. Wika likes him, but she didnt get into the bussiness for a relationship. She wants to get her life going again before she thinks about it. She isnt going to stop it though

HISTORY + Wika first met Yunho when their van broke down on them. When Wika started training Yunho bumped into her again. He offered her a special tour of the building and she accepted, just trying to be polite. When he offered to help her out with dancing she jumped at it. She was not a dancer and she needed all the help she could get. They started their private lessons and they gradually went to go get dinner afterwards too. Then it progressed to drinks afterwards too. 
When Sassy was announced and Wika found out that she was going to be a member she put everything on hold with Yunho. She said she had debut, why does she still need help, but that was just her excuse. As Sassy started going well she started needing help again. When she went to ask Yunho he said he could help, but only for a while. He wouldnt say why, but they started again. 
Weeks later Yunho asked her out on their first official date and she said yes. It was that night that he told her that she was about to enlist. Wika was stunnded. She couldnt imagion two years with out him being around. She broke down and started crying. 

OTHER + People will watch their practices and many were blown away at it. Some people dont like how physically close the two of them got.

+ Jewel_ELF
+ Krissy
+ Leader, lead vocalist


Member of TVXQ, he was born on FEBURARY 6, 1986.


BACK-UP LOVE INT + name here




LAST COMMENT + Misandrist are women who dislike men. Wika isnt one, but she can easily see where misandirsts are coming from
Whikka is pronounced Wh-ick-ah


SCENE REQUESTS + Wika finds out that Yunho is going into the army and she just cries.
Yunho writes her every week.


PASSWORD + Eunhyuk



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