ღ curves & edges。 / kwon kyung mi.



curves & edges
curves & edges
hellokitty10755. cortney. 9.5/10.

Full Name: kwon kyung mi.
- mimi; a cute name that leo calls her just to
Date of Birth: 14, march, 1993.
Ethnicity: korean-vietnamese.
Birthplace & Hometown: quang ninh, vietnam & seoul, south korea
Known Languages: vietnamese; her mother tongue; semi-fluent
korean; her second language; semi-fluent
Faceclaim: wang yiyi (+)
Back-up Faceclaim: chen yue/king boo (+)
Height & Weight: 166 cm & 54 kg
Style*: for casual wear, she prefers to wear comfortable clothing such as oversized sweaters, sweatpants, or hoodies. for formal wear, she prefers to wear dresses that come up just above the knee. a bow on the front adds a certain charm for her. 
Other*: she has one piercing on each ear.
Key Traits: quiet, trustworthy, caring, forgetful, mysterious, stubborn, quick-tempered.
Personality*: kyung mi is usually described as a very quiet girl who always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book or writing stories. she prefers quiet places where she can relax and drift off in her own little world. she's very shy, always keeping to herself, rather than going up to someone and introducing herself. her stubborness can be one of her good traits at times, while other times, it might be a bad trait. anytime she makes a decision, she has to go through with it. that results in her forgetting a lot of things.
mysterious may be a good way to describe this girl as well. nobody knows much about this girl since she doesn't like talking and is always staying in the background. despite being shy, she's quick-tempered. if you do something that she doesn't like, be prepared to face her. even through all that, she's still very caring about other people and she's very trustworthy to her friends.
however, when she's with her friends, watch out. this girl can talk a mile a minute. being around her friends makes her very comfortable. she knows they won't judge her for who she is and she can be herself around them.
Background: kwon kyung mi was born in quang ninh, vietnam to kwon jung wook and nyugen hung. she has an older brother named kwon ji-hoon who is 3 years older than her. she was taught how to play the piano and the violin at a young age, hoping she would have some musical talent. she did but she didn't want to make a living out of playing an instrument. at the age of 13, kyung mi and her family moved to korea when her father wanted to be closer to his family. at this time, ji-hoon started playing soccer more competitively and was thinking about doing a career in it while kyung mi found her love for photography.
her parents were strict about her future. they wanted her to have a good paying job that would let her have food and a roof over her head. they knew about kyung mi's love for photography but would only let her do it for a hobby. however, she entered university, she picked photography as her major and kept it a secret from her parents until they received her report card. her parents were furious as photography is an uncommon and unconventional major. after a lot of persuasion, her parents calmed down and let her continue with it, after warning her that if anything happened, it would be her fault.
Current Lifestyle: she's a photographer for ceci magazine and is currently studying photography at her university. she lives in an apartment that she shares with her brother. on weekends, she'll stay over at taekwoon's while her brother can have the apartment to himself. every friday, she and her brother will go out to dinner with their parents to catch up with them. during the week, if she isn't busy and her brother isn't busy, they'll go out and just have fun with each other. of course, kyung mi will bring her camera because she has to take pictures of everything but they'll have tons of fun
Dreams: she hopes to become better at photography and for people to recognize her photographs when she takes them. she also wishes that she'll be called to take pictures for different famous people in different companies. but traveling around the world to take pictures is her biggest dream because she's always wanted to travel around the world. she does hope that her relationship with taekwoon will continue towards the future. however, at the moment, she'll just focus on the present. 
- KWON JI-HOON / 25 / professional soccer player / humourous, protective, kind / since they are brother and sister, they both get along really well despite the fact that 3 years older than her. he's very protective of his younger sister and will do anything to make sure that she doesn't get harmed, including if he has to risk his own life. / ji-hoon is actually scared of taekwoon for no paticular reason at all. his reason is that taekwoon just looks scary and wouldn't everybody be scared of taekwoon? but they are pretty good friends and ji-hoon was the one that kind of got taekwoon and kyung mi together in the first place.
- flowers
- plushies
- cameras
- pastel colors
- classical music
- mystical things
- daydreaming
- writing
- books
- rain
- food
- spring
- snowflakes
- camera necklaces
- humid weather
- loud noises
- bugs
- getting up early
- daydreaming
- nail art
- reading
- photography
- writing
- staring off into space when she's bored
- carrying around a notebook and camera
- covering when she laughs
- biting the dead skin off her lips
- her favorite jewel is a rose quartz
- her favorite flower is a gardenia
- believes in love at first sight and happily ever after
- she owns a lot of camera necklaces
- her favorite camera is her nixon nikkor dslr
- she knows how to make paper stars
- she knows how to play the piano and the violin
- her favorite quote is "Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it."
- she despises the taste of coffee
- she has one older brother who plays soccer on the national youth soccer team
- she's very emotional and will cry at any heartmoving scene
- she joined the photography club in high school

Love Interest's Full Name: Jung Taekwoon
Personality: he's labeled as the 'chic poker face' since he rarely has any expression on his face. everyone's first impression of him is that he's cold, however, he's just shy and has a hard time expressing how he feels. he's also very quiet and often other people have to interpret what he's thinking by his actions. knowing that he holds a very responsible role on the team, he's very hardworkingto achieve his goals. he's very kind and caring to the people around him. he can be a jokster but that's only with the people he's really comfortable with. he's actually kind of gullible. he knows a lot of things but if you keep telling him something, he'll eventually believe you. also a bit of a dork, he often gives ridculous answers at random times.
however, taekwoon can be quick-tempered. if he sees something that he doesn't like, he'll be very angry. his anger makes up for his shyness and his anger is another way that shows he really cares about people. but his anger can get him into a bit of trouble.
Current Lifestyle: he's a soccer player on the youth national soccer team. he's one of their best players so he spends a lot of time on the field praticing too keep his game up. he lives in an apartment by himself that close enough to the soccer field but isn't far from kyung mi's apartment. during the weekends, kyung mi will come over and stay with him if they both have nothing to do, which is almost every weekend.
Dreams: taekwoon, first of all, hopes to be one of the best soccer players out there. but once he hits a certain age, he would like to settle down and have kids because he absolutely adores kids. so right now, he's working really hard to live his life to the fullest before he settles down. he really hopes that the person he settles down is kyung mi but they just started so he has to wait a little longer.
- food
- coffee
- park hyoshin
- black, white, blue
- kids
- people annoying him
- practicing everyday
- his lips when he's nervous
- reading fashion magazines
- watching japanese romance films
- he knows taekwondo
- believes in love at first sight
- he is a buddhist
- if he were an animal, he would be a lion
- will eat anything and everything
- considers himself to be chic/manly and passionate
- he relaxes by listening to music alone
- flying would be the superpower he would choose
- he was born in seoul (yangjae-dong)
- he has a weird obsession with spring onions
- his birthday is on november 10, 1990
- he drinks about 12 cups of coffee a day
- he's very shy
Anniversary Date: they first got together on december 24, 2014.
Before the Relationship: they first met when taekwoon was interviewed by ceci and she was called to photograph him. however, they just greeted each other and forgot the whole incident but kyung mi formed a secret crush on him. it wasn't until her ji-hoon invited her to watch his soccer game did those two actually start talking. kyung mi's older brother had a game and after the game ended, he introduced his sister to everyone. taekwoon remembered kyung mi as the girl who took his picture at the photoshoot. they ended up talking about everything and anything when the guys went out to celebrate and she tagged along. she didn't like going to watch her brother practice but now she always asked her brother if she could come along everytime he went out to the field because she knew taekwoon would be there. after practice, those two would go out for a drink or taekwoon would just drive her around so they could just talk. taekwoon found her to be a really fun person to talk to and he could express himself a bit better around her. during the christmas season, kyung mi asked taekwoon if he would like to join her family for christmas eve dinner and he accepted. afterwords, the family went to myeongdong to look at the lights and then those two went off on their own. at the biggest tree, taekwoon suddenly stopped and asked kyung mi if she would like to go out with him. she said yes and they had their first kiss under the tree.
Complications: both of them are both so busy since kyung mi is a professional photographer and taekwoon is a professional soccer player that they barely have anytime to see each other. taekwoon is always practicing and it seems that he only cares about soccer and not about her. so that really annoys kyung mi a lot. she constantly yells at him for that and then he gets mad. he's jealous that kyung mi sees all these really handsome guys everyday at her work and he thinks that she's going to go date one of them instead. he's really insecure about that and often asks her to quit her job since he can make enough money for both of them. but she denies the request and just takes on more work which demands her to stay at the studio later and later.
Relationship Trivia*: 
- taekwoon's nickname for kyung mi is mimi and kyung mi's nickname is woonie, which embarresses taekwoon so kyung mi doesn't use it that much.
- kyung mi is the only one who can bring out taekwoon's rare smile for anything.
- taekwoon is a complete er for her aegyo, which she will do anytime for him
- when they don't see each other, they'll either video call or just call each other just to hear each other
- kyung mi saved taekwoon as "my prince" on her phone and taekwoon saved kyung mi as "my princess" on his phone
- their favorite days are when they're just lying in bed and just enjoying each other presence during rainy days
- they both haven't had their first time yet since taekwoon is waiting for the right time and kyung mi just isn't ready
- they both rarely say "i love you" to each other but when they do, they really treasure those moments and kyung mi will write down those moments in her journal
- taekwoon gave her this as a present once. she wears the treble clef as a necklace and taekwoon has the other half hanging from his keychain
- kyung mi really likes it when taekwoon plays the piano for her and they'll sometimes play the piano together
- they had their first kiss under a christmas tree when he asked her out
- when kyung mi is stressed, angry or sad, taekwoon will do some rare aegyo to cheer her up
- their first date was at a coffee shop that taekwoon really likes
- kyung mi's brother is scared of taekwoon and they find that really funny
- taekwoon thinks it's cute when kyung mi has to go on tip-toes to kiss him
- kyung mi will go to the field during her break sometimes to brink taekwoon and her brother lunch
- during the weekends, kyung mi will stay over at taekwoon's and during the week, taekwoon will drop by occasionally for dinner
- when they're standing next to each other or just waiting, Kyung Mi will sometimes just stick her hand in Taelwoon's back pocket 
What have you planned for this Valentine's Day (February 14th, 2015)?
i'm not sure what taekwoon has planned for us but i know he wants to go back to the coffee shop where we had our first date and do something special. but other than that, i don't know what else is planned.
Your Name: cortney
Scene Requests:
- all the girls getting together to go shopping or something like that
- arguments
- taekwoon and kyung mi having a really lazy day
- taekwoon dropping by the studio to see kyung mi
Comments: hello author-nim!! i'm really excited for this story and i wish you lots of luck for this story. i do remember when applyfics had masterlists and all that sort of stuff. it's changed a lot. i'm pretty sure i have errors somewhere so i am prepared for any mistakes that i have made. this is the second applyfic that i have applied in a little over a year so i know i'm still a bit rusty. btw, your layouts are so pretty! i had fun filling this out (though it took forever!). anyways, good luck! <3


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