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 Park Hyori

NAME : Park, Hyori
 진홍의 아름다움(Crimson Beauty); Hyori has had this nickname for practically her entire life. Crimson means a deep red, standing for blush. So Hyori is a blushing beauty. Some of the boys in her high school used to call her this due to her feminine features.
BIRTHDATE :  3/1/1993
AGE : 20
BIRTHPLACE : Suncheon, South Korea.
HOMETOWN :  Suncheon, South Korea.
 Korean; Native language.
--- Japanese; Hyori knows Japanese as from a young age she loved Japans culture and groups, she is now at an intermediate level with the language.
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION : "Smile, you'll be easier to approach that way"
This girl is the literal definition of happiness, she is a walking ray of sunshine- not literally. She's a fashion majour and loves to design. Her talkative and cheerful personality convinces people to be friends with her, shes optimistic and always picks out the good things about people. Though she can be really  quite childish, she can be mature when she wants to...not often though. Although she appears to be the innocent sweet girl in the household, she can be quite the creep. You can't blame her though cause remember, she's a girl too! Her and Yena get along well due their common interest in anime. However, the girl Hyori looks up to is Sooyeon due to her being a designer, Hyori's ultimate goal was to be like her.  Her obsession with Hatsune Miku is no joke, and her sleeping hours arent either. Hyori is definately the unique girl of the group, theres no doubt about it.


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— SNSD' Seohyun (FYI: My plotline is Luhan, and there are quite a few gifs with these two<3) Gallery:<3
— APink Naeun, Gallery <3

HEIGHT : 161cm (5,3)
WEIGHT : 51kg

Hyori? The girl who's tiny? Yup, thats her. For starters Hyori is the tiny height of 161cm, making her the height of an average 12/13 year old girl. Like the height of a kid,  she has the skin of a kid. Hyori is known for her impecable skin which remains flawless. She has a slight glow, but overall is quite pale. Due to her complection and skin being rather nice, she doesn't wear any foundation unless she is wearing a quite bold make up look. She's known for her unique eye shape, which ultimatley makes her look even younger. Although this is seen as a blessing to look youthful, sometimes Hyori finds it annoying when people don't believe her actual age. She has an oval face shape, and fairly thick brown hair. In fact, her favourite feature is her hair. Though she has a fear of going to the hairdressers due to an incident she had as a child. The lady caught Hyori's ear in the middle of a trim causing a faint curved scar to form on her earlobe. Coincidently, she has a curved birth mark on the same ear so now it looks like a heart, people find it quite cute when they realise that is indeed there. She is actually quite thin, but healthy at the same time. Its not secret that she eats a lot, Hyori's just very lucky that she was blessed with a fast metabolism, however she also likes to work out so I guess she's just healthy anyways. Due to her having quite a small frame, her feet are quite small too. She's a size 4 in british sizing, but tends to tell others she's a size 5 to make them think shes more 'developed'. She loves panda face masks and if the girls need any, they go to her.

She has the regular ear piercings, but hopes to get her lobe done as well.For make up she keeps it pretty simple, most of the time she just wears a little blush, concealor, lip gloss and some neutral eyeshadows with a dab of mascara and eyeliner. Oh! She also takes intense care of her eyebrows, this is all because of an accident she had at the age of 16. Hyori was finally getting confident and wanted to venture out in the beauty world so she thought, what better way to look cooler than to pluck my brows! It was a big no no, she ended up with what looked like earthworms for eyebrows for the next year, but during this time she learnt how to fill them in so, go Hyori! She doesn't go strong on bronzer, in fact she doesn't even wear it. One of her biggest pet peeves is when someone puts on tons of bronzer, so much that they look like her burnt dad on holiday in jeju. All in all shes a pretty natural girl when it comes to her appearence.


Hyori's all about the pastels, she absolutley adores the baby pinks and light mints. Her fairly large collection consists of basic items, which tie together to create a fashionable, girly oufitt. As a fashion student, she is very detailed with everything she wears so jewellery is an absolute must. The favourite piece that she owns is her simple rose gold watch and matching rings. Now one important thing to know about Hyori is that despite her extreme love for skirts, she would choose pants over them any day. She swears down that she owns at least 15 pairs of skinny jeans, almost all of them looking near identical. For shirts she prefers blouses or long sleeved tight shirts, normally paired up with a jacket of some sort. Now all hail her absolute favourite kind of shoes, wedges! God this girl owns so many pairs, don't even attempt to try and count. She literally wears them with any oufitt, her favourite wedge being her simple white ones though she doesn't wear them at the university too often as they get dirty quite quick. This is her at home or going out casually style.

Her next style is her university style, aka her I can't even deal with life right now style. This is normally just some leggings a plain tank and maybe a blazer. Though she is a fashion student on school days, especially mondays, she just cannot deal with the idea of getting dressed up.However, she sometimes wears what she usually does in her casual style, or at the least combines the two. Her backpack is a black leather one, which she got given as part of her job (She works at bean pole, a fashion company) . Theres one thing that she always wears with any oufitt. That would be her infinity necklace that her mother and father gave her as a university gift, it holds a lot of meaning to her. Other than that she just wears a few accesorries here and there, maybe an anklet or two? Formal wear, the time wear she gets to put on a cute dress and a flattering pair of heels. To Hyori this style screams out, though you don't look it, you are a grown lady! If any formal event occurs simple dresses are more of her style, white is her signature colour and she especially loves to wear it to important events. She loves her lace dresses and her silk ones, Hyori much prefers for them not to be long because she has a fear of tripping and falling over in one. 

Finally we have her sleepwear. Its the most basic part of her style, but somehow she wears it the most. Due to her extreme love of sleeping, she has to have her onesies. Yes you heard right, a 22 year old female still wears her hello kitty onesie which she has had since the age of 18. Don't get her wrong though, she does manage to rock it despite its target audience being 11+. When its hotter weather, she prefers to wear her 'Vogue' grey shirt and a pair of pink ombre pants. When walking around the house she wears her simpsons slippers or her fluffy socks, she really can't stand having cold feet. So in conclusion Hyori is a girly girl, with a really odd twist. Who does she look up to? Her main style icon is no other than Lee Hi or Im Yoona. She admires their simple girly style, and how they manage to make anything look pretty and elegant.



— positive; Charismatic, enthusiastic, relaxed,persistent, reliable, unique.
— neutral;  childish, gregarious, magnanimous.
— negative; Jealous, insouciant, clinging, flirtatious, stubborn, egotistical.


"It's all about the smile"

 Ask anyone, they will all agree that Hyori is very charismatic. Her charming and beautiful smile is only the start of how many charms this girl has. She isn't afraid to show her Charisma and skill in everything she does, this little ray of sunshine has a lot of confidence and she will not hide it! Though some think that because Hyori is playful that she may not be bright, she proves them wrong with her clever comments and ongoing opinions about such matters. She gained a lot of her friendliness from her job as she often has to talk and help direct people, this is one of the ways that Hyori gained her undenyable charms. Another thing about Hyori, is that she will not give up. Its part of her, no matter how difficult a situation may become she refuses to ever back down and will always try untill she succeeds. She is a very persistent person, especially with the rest of the girls in the house. If they don't get something or need help, Hyori is the one who will explain it to them in full detail in the easiest way possible. Who knew that someone so immature and kid-like could actually be responsible and helpful. Unlike other students and people in the household, she's a really calm person and very rarely gets stressed. If any of the girls get stressed, she's always there to help them relax a little. To help herself relax she likes to do various things from watching movies to going on drives. Everyone agrees that she is quirky and that she brings life and fun to all things she does. Although she is not the oldest of the group, she thinks of everyone as her children as well as sisters. Children for the happiness and fun, sisters for the love and friendship.

"Great things come in small packages!"

Don't even try to deny that Hyori is childish, we all know that she is. As part of her humorous self, she acts like a child and really appears to be a child. She is cute and loveable, however to many this can  will get annoying. Its not something that Hyori can really change as its part of who she is, but maybe she should tone it down? Yeah, maybe she should. Despite this, when she isn't being annoying, she is literally like the bestest friend you could ever wish for. Not only is she humble and loyal, but is also trustworthy. Three things that you need a friend to have. Hyori's the kind of girl you stay up till early morning with talking about your crush and life problems you've been having, don't worry she's hyper, she won't fall asleep while you yap on about your issues. Or at least she hasnt yet... Oh, and if you do actually hurt Hyori in anyway, she will forgive you. Hyori is very magnanimous and though this can be a good thing, it can also be a bad thing as well. This means that she will forgive things that people may have done willingly but this also mean that she could set herself up to be hurt over and over again. Though she doesn't show it often, Hyori does get hurt and does feel worthless and sad at times. Other than that she is a reliable, true friend. The fact is that she has quite a large group of friends due to her being gregarious. This basically means that she is very social, even if you don't particually like her, she will still talk to you thinking that you do. Wahh, she really is a unique child...

"I like him, he's cute...I'll be one minute!"

You guessed it, Hyori's a huge flirt. Its a normal female instinct for a girl to find a guy attractive right? Well this girl takes it to a whole new level. This is where Hyori's creepiness comes out. I swear she's like a teenage boy surrounded with Victoria Secret models. She takes photos of guys, sends them to friends and 'accidently' drops notes with her number on their tables. Despite these guys thinking that shes cute, they are more than likely to think...Is she even over 18? Its a mutual feeling between us all. When those dorks next door moved in, Hyori was the most happy out of all the girls. Yet, after finding out how arrogrant and tool-like alot of them were her feelings were erased. Hella quick. I'm going to give you a heads up, if you do end up dating Hyori she tends to get really  slightly jealous. Once again, this is a completley normal feeling but its a pain in the 99.999% of the time. Like seriously if she see's you smiling, talking or the worst, having any skinship with a girl she will become childish and most likely will not talk to you untill you apologize. So, good luck! However, she is a really sweet girl most of the time and she can cook;). She doesn't get jealous over material things though and alot of people find this strange. If she see's something she really wants, it just makes her want to work hard to get it. Hence the title given to her 'The Ambitious Beauty'.

"I don't mean to be clingy, I just don't want to feel alone"

She can be clingy, and she knows it. If theres one thing Hyori really cant stand, its the feeling of being alone. Not only does she love to be around people and have fun, but if its someone she loves it really does hurt her. Its not just with boyfriends that shes like this, its with her friends as well. In fact she can be like that with anybody. If she feels as though she has done something wrong, she will pretend that shes happy but when you turn around her expression will quickly change. In these kind of situations its best to comfront her and give her a hug. A hug always makes her feel better as she adores skinship, mainly because she has watched way to many dramas for her own good. Although she expects everybody else to protect her and support her, she tends to show a lack of concern. This hurts people that shes close to without her even realising it.  In these kind of situations its best to tell her, she may take it good or bad. Its best to say that its not her fault your feeling that way, just assure her...

"I don't want to, my idea's better" Hyori won't just stand by and listen to what you have to say, if she doesn't agree she will let you know. Due to her love of perfection she hates anything which doesn't meet a certain level of standard. If you keep on insiting that you're thoughts are better than hers, she may get angry as well. When she gets angry its no joke. She will start raging and will let ALL of her emotions out, even if they have no relation to why she may be angry. Hyori particually gets angry or becomes subborn when she feels ignored. For example if the girls are doing group activites, if she doesn't get a large say in what they would all be doing. Her stubborn side is not a person anybody wants to be around, as when shes like this she tends to ruin the fun day or can dull the atmosphere quite dramatically. 

"No I definatley did better, have you seen mine?!" Wasn't this expected? Hyori has always been the one to brag, especially about her achievements no matter how big or small. She can come across a bit bratty especially when her competition mode comes out, so for this reason I think her being a bit egotistical is a bad trait. Hyori likes to believe that she is near perfect when it comes to the things that she does, but really thats far from the truth. This links with her stubborness as both can ruin the mood. She can't help being a bit snobby with her ego, she just really loves to brag. Even when she may be complimenting you're work, she could say something about how she was really proud of hers and thinks she was the best in class. Rude? yes. Annoying? Yes. 


Miss, it seems as though you're expecting triplets...

It all started with an innocent doctors appointment to check up on Hyori's mothers single baby, only to face a shock. That she was expecting 3 kids. When these three kids arrived you had the oldest a boy named Gun, the 2nd oldest a boy named Minhyuk and then the youngest, a girl named Hyori. They were all 4 minutes apart from each other, can we all just give majour respect to Mrs Park for pushing out 3 kids who came out overweight. Yes, Park Hyori and her siblings came out at 11 almost 12 pounds. To say the least, she was a very chubby baby and its a Christmas miracle that she turned out the size that she did. Hyori's parents lived in Suncheon, in a house which held only 2 cribs, this is because the 3rd one hadn't arrived on time. Funny right, not even at the age of 4 yet and her life is already like a walking comedy show? Anyways as she was the youngest, she shared with her mother and father. The 1st baby Gun had the biggest crib, Minhyuk had the 2nd biggest crib and Hyori? Well she didn't have one. The point is, Hyori was always 3rd choice untill an older age. 

"The best of siblings?!"

Fastfoward a few years to the age of 5. Well the rivalry between the siblings was still living, and would only continue to fuel for a long time. Though the 3 park siblings were the greatest of friends, even at their tender age they could sense the war between the 3. DUN-DUN-DUN. In a way we can thank Minhyuk and Gun as they were the ones who really brought out Hyori's humor and charisma. There were a lot of memories for the kids, especially at this age. Mother and Father had many videos and photoalbums with the kids doing races, running down hills, completing skills and even who could finish their food first. It was also at this age when the fast metabolism kicked in. Hyori started ballet and painting classes, whereas her brothers started guitar lessons. Since her brothers began to do everything together, Hyori decided to find her friend. It was here that Hyori met Aiko Yuki (Aiko=first name) She was a Japanese girl who moved due to her Mother wanting to see her family again. It was because of Aiko that Hyori's love for Japan developed. 

"Yahh, Aiko"

The girls did everything together, Hyori took Aiko to her dad's workplace which was a music store (Her Mother is a primary school teacher). It was there that they share most of their memories. Hyori's dad taught them both how to play the guitar, or at least how to play a few songs. Aiko's parents were very greatful towards Mr Park and offered to do something for Hyori in return. Aiko's parents offered to teach Hyori Japanese due to Hyori's love for JPop. She was about 9 when she started learning, and enjoyed it a lot. Hyori can still recall going to Aiko's house every Thursday & Friday after school. It was here where they played with dolls, read books, watched movies and of course learnt Japanese. Hyori has the books she was given for the Japanese alphabet and grammer tucked away somewhere under her bed in current day. During this stage in her life Hyori wasn't as close with her brothers but in high school years that would change. Anyways, one important memory Hyori can recall with her family, was their holiday to Jeju. It was in August, they all went away for a 4 day holiday. Hyori was now 10. Her and her Dad got up everyday in early morning and he took her to walk along near the beach, she deeply cherishes these memories in particular. 

"Mwo? I'm pretty? Ah, thank you"

High school, the most memorable time for Hyori, the time when she realised that makeup and fashion were the only things she ever wanted to pursue. Despite the sibling rivalry still going on, the 3 siblings had formed an unbreakable bond when Minhyuk began to be teased by some kids in his grade. The bullying incident really brought the entire family closer together, as before not everybody linked together. It was also during this time where Hyori got told she was pretty by boys, she couldn't believe that she was getting attention of even the most popular of boys in school. Due to this, her friendship groups also expanded but Aiko remained her best friend. This time period, is when Hyori's true personality started to blossom. She started experimenting with beauty and fashion, also experiancing some serious mishaps (plucking of the brows accident XD). Hyori quit ballet due to the other girls teasing her height, and instead joined a textiles club. She learnt how to sew, design and structure plans for her fashion ideas. Here she found what set her apart from her brothers, she was proud that she found her talent. Hyori started to study as her parents deeply expressed their worries for her grades, she worked very hard all day during clubs and school life. She also went to parties and had her first taste of alcohol despite only being 18 nearly 19. However, she nearly threw up after having a drink and hasn't drank any alcohol since. To start to expand her allowance, Hyori got a job. She got the job at a mall, it was just at a cart which sold some bracelets. It didn't pay a lot, but it payed enough for Hyori to start to expand her dreams in fashion. She created a fashion blog and posted photos of her favourite clothing, she loved updating it. 

"I got accepted...Omo!"

One of the most important stages in any students life had come, the tests for university. Hyori's parents were supportive of her fashion dream and encouraged her to try hard. Gun wanted to go and get a medical degree, whereas Minhyuk wanted to become an athletics teacher so he hoped to get a degree in the physical education department. She completed her tests to her full potential and did excpetionally well in all subjects except for sciences where she got c' (not bad score, but the rest she passed with a'). Hyori was now confident, so she applied for many universities and collages. She applied for her dream one (the one she attends now) and didn't excpect to be accepted. However, when she got her letter back she was beyond excited to see that she had been accepted. When her parents (and siblings) found out they were excited for her, she was excited for them too as they were accepted into their universities. Hyori thought everything would go well, but something came down and nearly crushed her dreams. Housing costs, there was no way she would be able to afford it, even her parents were shocked at the price. She had already accepted and there were no more options as every other university had been filled up. Hyori would be fine if she could live with her parents and they would pay tuition with her, but she realised that having a dorm by herself on campus would be way too much for her parents and her. Since the university wasn't close to her home, she would have to find a roomate, and find one quick in order to go to the university of her dreams.

"Oh, hi. I'm Hyori"

Despite Hyori being in a glum mood due to her situation, she decided to go visit the campus anyways. She loved it, when she got there it was beautiful and looked like a place she would want to spend her final learning years. Then realisation hit her, she asked around and nobody knew of any roomates, or places, which were offering at the moment. She was going to give up, but saw a letter posted on the bulliten board for notice. A girl named Sooyeon was offering places and split of bill at a nearby home in a luxury area. Hyori took the leaflet/flyer and went to the address which was not far away at all. The girl she met at the door was nice but seemed shocked at Hyori's sudden arrival. Hyori loved the house as well! It was perfect. Sooyeon seemed a little hesistant towards Hyori at first, but after Hyori explained her situation Sooyeon seemed a lot kinder and understanding. After finding out that Hyori was a fashion student, Sooyeon offered her a place in the home, Sooyeon signed a few papers and yeah...Her situation was finally solved. Now her parents could help her pay of her termly tuition while Hyori payed a small bill for living expenses monthly. A few weeks passed and Hyori arrived. She saw about 11 other girls and greeted them all. She met one girl in particular named Yena, she had similar interests to Hyori and they were fond of each other. Hyori settled in well and felt at home quickly, not only was she near campus but she had also found a job at a fashion store (bean pole). Everything was fine, at least till those EXO guys moved in...

Food & Cooking; Oh my lord, Hyori loves to cook, like seriously. Deserts, main courses, starters anything! Lets face, it though the best thing about food and cooking, is eating. To say the least Hyori is a big eater and doesn't try to hid at all, she loves to go to different restaruants and try various types of foods.

. Guys; I already told you she was a bit of a creep. Hyori likes all guys;) Most of them out of dramas, for example boys over flowers. Ever since 13 she has wanted to marry Lee Minho (not a saesang) for his beautiful face and personality. Hyori shares her interest about Lee Minho with the rest of the girls. She's a true teenager at heart thats for sure.

Amusement Parks; Theres nothing better than a thrill, and rollercoasters are literally one of her favourite things ever. Though she doesnt get to go to amusement parks all too often when she does, she makes the most out of the oppertunity by going on every ride. She normally goes with Aiko when both of them arent busy, but she hopes to go with all the others as well if they're up to it.

Colouring books; Her love for colouring books has been going on since she went to Aiko's house and they drew together. She buys them after work, her favourite kind being the princess ones, yes its quite immature but to be totally honest so is she!

Candles; Hyori has about 20 in her collection, she loves to light them whenever shes doing coursework or revising for big tests. The girls sometimes get annoyed with Hyori as she has one burning all the time in almost every room so she gets the 'peaceful' feeling wherever she goes.

Horoscopes; She doesn't quite no why but she loves to check her, and her friends, horoscopes whenever she's bored. For some reason Hyori finds it fascinaiting to look at the predicitions for somebody's day then seeing if what the horoscope said was true.

Gum; An essential for Hyori, she always has some in her purse wherever she goes to chew. Her favourite kind is apple, though it is sometimes a bit too bitter. She can't blow bubbles and finds it difficult/confusing to understand so she hopes someone shows her how to one day.

Monday's; Ok lets face it, nobody is excited to go to school unless there is miraculously something cool going on (very rare). Though Hyori enjoys her degree and loves to make/design clothes she hates having to get up at a set time and having to come back sometimes late-ish at night. She much prefers Saturdays...

.Fish; Many people find this weird but to Hyori its normal, she hates the taste of fish or any seafood. The idea of eating a fish makes her want to be sick. If Hyori could choose she would much rather have chicken or meat. So when Hyori cooks for all the girls she purposely avoids any kind of fishy meal.

.Things not being in their place; Its one of her biggest pet peeves ever. When she cleans or sorts something out, for example the bathroom. She hates to return to that room only to see it be messy again. However, she gets especially annoyed if someone moves her stuff or gets rid of it without her knowing.

. Feet; Its really odd but Hyori hates to see peoples feet, she doesn't like it because she shivers when she see's veins. As long as none of your veins arent popping out your foot it shouldn't be an issue, but if they are she will most likely squeal.

Dirty Surfaces: When shes making food Hyori can't stand seeing food marks or crumbs on workbenches, it disgusts her and makes her think about all the germs and bacteria which could go onto her food while cooking. She has a thing with hygiene, she loves for everything to be clean.

University desks; You may be curious what this means. This revolves around hygiene again. Whenever Hyori drops something at the table and goes to pick it up, she always see's old (rotten?) gum stuck in the corners and it makes her feel ill. This happened in high school as well, except it was everywhere you went, I mean everywhere.

Swimming; Most saturdays Hyori packs up her bag and might go for a quick swim usually using the campus swimming pool but sometimes she takes a taxi out to the one near her parents house. None of the girls know thats where she goes, they think she goes to meet with Aiko. Hyori keeps it a secret from them as when she goes swimming its time for her to think, it helps rid of her worries.

. Taking photos: She doesn't do it all the time and if she does, its normally photos with her friends. However, she loves to take photos then hang them on some string above her bed, before she goes to sleep she likes to look at them and recall all the memories that she has had so far in university.

.Creating wishlists; As she is a university student she doesn't have tons of money, but she likes to go online and look at furniture and create wishlists for her future house. When she does this it motivates her to work harder at her majour so that one day her wishes will become a reality.

Sewing; She loves to sew. Well she is a designer after all. Normally she grabs some excess craft/ string from the design rooms and would go home and make some things. She loves to make pillows for all the girls with cute patterns on, she finds it takes up time as well. 

Laughing in the worst situations; If someone is in trouble, or if something serious happens Hyori can't help but laugh. Its not that she finds whats going on funny, its just that its a natural reflex/instinct to do so.

Staring; When long speeches are going on, or if shes eating etc Hyori will stare at someone. Its not even a nice stare, its actually pretty scary. 

Blurting out weird things; When theres an awkward tension in the air Hyori will save the day. She does it by saying random words or sentences, maybe even quotes. She thinks that shes helping but in reality is just making the situation worse.

PlanesShe has a majour fear of crashing, its not so much the fear of planes but the fear of losing everything in such little time that deeply terrifies her. Whenever she goes on a plane she always tries to sleep or listen to music, but even the tiniest jolt on the plane could send her into fear. Though she won't show it a few tears may even slip.

Spiders; Hyori  despises spiders. She cannot deal with them. The way they move so quickly and their overall appearence petrifies her. If she see's a spider she will throw so many things at it and will scream like a baby. Even if its late at night.

— She has only had 1 boyfriend.

When she first saw her love interest, after realising he was a boy she realised how handsome he really was.

Hyori wanted to be a J-Pop star until the age of 11. 

Her favourite flower is the cherry blossom.

She wants to visit England, USA and France but is scared of the planes to get there.

The first meal she ever made was an italian ravioli that she found online.

She has a list of things that she has to do and tries to complete at least 1 each week.

Hyori has a tumblr, instagram and kakaotalk.

She wants to play football with someone, but doesn't have a partner.

She is closest to Minhyuk rather than Gun due to his bullying in incident.

She has great hearing and can also lipread so even if your saying something from afar she will still be able to understand you.

She wants to learn English.

Though she loves guys who look like Lee Minho (Handsome), she prefers cute guys.

Hyori has a sweet voice, she sounds a bit like IU. However, she's obviously not as good as her.

Some of her favourite singers/groups include akdong musician, Big Bang, Winner and APink.

As a teenager, she smashed her phone 3 times. Currently she has a Samsung Galaxy S5.

Though she won't admit it, she's scared of falling in love. She wants to be loved and to experiance, but has a fear of getting her heartbroken.

In her room she has a stash of peppero, she normally eats in when shes studying or watching movies.

The oldest brother, Gun, accidentley cut of Hyori's hair (about 5 inches) when she was 7. Due to this she had to get her hair equally cut to the short length that only one side was.

Hyori for some reason always wanted a bowl cut because she thought they would be adorable. However, as she got older she realised that she would just look stupid.


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I don't have any bonds, if its ok with you author I don't really like the idea of having a love rival or ex-boyfriend/ girlfriend (For Luhan) to come into the story. However, its fine if you do, its really up to you both. I was thinking that maybe my character and Luhan could focus on bonding together and maybe be one of the 'funny' couples:) I do think Luhan maybe being seen with girls in the story (cafe, as friends?) should be included as it could show Hyori being jealous and childish.

Park Sora| Mother | 49 | Primary School Teacher | Strict, stubborn, opinionated, caring (when she wants), emotional | Out of Hyori's parents, she is the least closest to her Mother. Her mother was always someone who focused on work and housework, but she can be the loving person she is with school-children if you don't argue with her. Give her a few drinks, then you'll wish that Park Sora was your Mother. Sora isn't the greatest at showing emotion, but loves her husband and kids very much.

Park Han Byeol | 51 | Music Shop Owner | Friendly, Hilarious, Crazy, Rude (To arrogant people) | Hyori and him were quite close, she was definately a daddy's girl. He was way more chilled out than her mother, and doesn't need a few drinks for his humor to come out. Though they don't talk tons, when they do see each other its full of laughter. After their trip to Jeju, these two love to take walks in the morning together. One of their favourite memories is the game nights they used to have every wedensday and Friday. 

Park Gun | 20 | Medical Student | Competitive, determined, flirtatious (With Hyori's friends), bossy, protective | 1/3 of the Park siblings. He's the 'mature' one who impresses girls with his odd facts and addictive humor. Out of him and Minhyuk he is the most competitive, and loves to tease his little sister. He goes to the same university as Hyori and whenever he see's her, they have a talk where Gun tends to brag about his latest achievements. Though all the siblings agreed to end their rivalry years ago, it seems that Gun didn't get the hint. (You can decide how popular both him and his brother are, they both attend Hyori's university). Whenever Hyori needed help on science homeworks, he was always her go-to brother as Minhyuk wasn't the greatest at sciences. They still talk quite often, mostly at school.

Park Minhyuk | 20 | Physical Education Student | Competitive, peristant, obnoxious, charismatic, protective | Him and Hyori are almost identical, literally! They both share similar personalities and agree on most things. Unlike Gun he doesn't stop to talk to Hyori though, this is because all of his friends think his little sister is cute. As the protective brother he is, he doesn't like that. He too attends Hyori's university. He is the sporty sibling, the one who has all the girls swooning by his looks...Maybe not so much from his personality. He likes girls who don't stand up to him, but honestly he needs a strong girl with a fierce personality (I ship him and Aiko!). Hyori and him like to do dangerous things together, such as going mountain climbing and cave searching (with instructors of course). However, they don't get to do it much to them both being busy. To all keep in touch they share a kakaotalk group chat.

— It would be really cool for Aiko to live nearby and maybe come over sometimes. I would like Aiko to live with the girls BUT I understand you are wanting others to apply. If you can please make Aiko live nearby that would be great!<3 FYI: The photo on the left is Aiko she is played by Erie Abe a member of J-Pop group E-Girls.

Aiko Yuki | Best Friends | Recentley 21 | English Student | Sweet, loveable, intelligent, loud, independant | As you already know, these two have been friends since...Forever! They share an awesome relationship made up of late night phone calls and tears over the latest sad movies. These two are goals for friendship, they appear odd and crazy to others, but 100% normal to each other. Aiko comes over sometimes to watch movies or go out shopping with Hyori, their special bond means they can do a lot of abnormal stuff. One example of this is read each others expressions and kind of guess what one another is thinking, they also laugh randomly when they talk to each other.

OTHER : None:) I really like the idea of Hyori bonding with the other girls, you may add some extra characters that you feel would spice up the story.



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LOVE INTEREST'S NAME : Luhan<3- Both pics are of Luhan fyi.
D.O.B : April 20th 1990 (23)
— Baby Deer; The EXO boys call him baby deer. This is because Luhan has quite angelic 
features, he appears to look a little feminine as well (HE IS VERY MANLY THO! XD)
--- Manly Oppa-- Hyori calls him this, after mistaking him for a girl Luhan insists that she should call him this. She only starts using this name often when her and Luhan get a bit closer.
— positive;Romantic, cheerful, caring,protective,bold.
— neutral;  Competitive, dorky.

— negative; Clueless, possesive, judgemental, jealous, teasing.
"Oh, really! I like that too"
"No, Um.. I wasn't staring, I just thought I saw something"Luhan is known as the 'cute' looking one in the group. He is a genine guy, despite his attractive looks he isn't pompous which to a lot of people comes as a shock. He seems to be one of those guys who you wouldn't mind spending a day with, we all know Hyori wouldn't;). His sweet personality makes you want to just listen to him talk about whatever, no matter how un-important it my seem to others. Especially ahjummas, they just love to listen to this MAN talk. Though Luhan doesn't enjoy the ahjummas mothering over him, he's respectful so he doesn't go against it. Thats another one of his traits, that he's sweet mostly to the people he loves. His loving side is shown through the slight blushes that appear on his cheeks. However, a way to really know if Luhan likes you is by looking up quickly. If he likes someone, he will have his head resting on his palm staring at that person with a kind smile on his face. 
"Theres nothing worse than seeing a girl upset, don't be sad"
"I send you notes because I think about you, so think about me too"His cheerful personality will lift you up if your feeling sad. Though he may not be the greatest at cracking some jokes his shocking humor is impossible not to laugh at. Luhan may not be aware of it but his charisma is overpowering, just the way that he stands is like God-worthy. Despite him appearing to be cute, he is actually manly and romantic. Luhan loves the idea of falling in love, but didn't think it would happen so soon. He always wanted to spoil and spend lots of time with the one he loves and thats what he plans to do. What matters to him are memories, he wants to take his lover to do things that they would remember forever. His sweet notes, morning and night texts really make a girls heart flutter. However, Luhan does have a secret weapon to get girls to fall for him. A suit. Lets face it, a suit is the most attractive thing a boy *cough man cough* can ever wear. He makes sure the girl he likes is in view and leaves in his car in the suit, but most likely will return a few minutes later giddily. You really can't help but fall in love with Luhan, and if you don't fall in love with him... Then you're just heartless!
"Yah! What were you girls saying to her!"
"Stay next to me, those guys are looking at you"
Luhan likes to be around Hyori. Not just because of their relationship, but also because he hates when other guys look at her. Though him being protective relates to him being slightly possesive, this is the 1st stage. When guys talk to Hyori, or if people , Luhan steps in. Luhan loves to protect her, but he also loves this because he gets to hug her. His soothing words melt her heart, when he comforts her. She feels safe with him, and feels an unexplainable feeling when he stands up for her. This is Luhan's side which really is manly, Hyori loves this side to him...
"Do you like comic books?"
"I'll win for you, so cheer me on. Ok?"This guy is also quite dorky, he has an extreme obsession with comic books and action figues making him a comic-geek! Hyori finds this quite cute. He likes to share his passion by going on and on for ages about all kinds of figures-including his favourite Iron Man. Due to his child-like interests and sweet, innocent personality; he matches Hyori's childish behaviour perfectly. Oh, one thing Luhan really wants to do is cosplay and maybe go with someone (Kris and his girl, Hyori and Luhan!?). However, Luhan also has a competitivie side as well. When it comes to things like board-games, races or any competition he wants to win and can be a sore loser if he doesn't. To stop him from feeling bad afterwards if he loses, he appreciates it when people cheer for him or root him on. Luhan loves to feel supported and noticed.
"I like this position, maybe we should stay like this?"
"Your hand is really soft" 
When Luhan and Hyori start to have more skinship, he becomes bolder. This is a part of his manly side. He likes to suprise her with unexpected skinship, for example, they could be walking and he would just stop and give her a hug. Maybe whisper something into her ear? So in a way Luhan is flirtatious too, this makes this couple all the more interesting to see. He makes what may seem to be innocent comments, but them will say something different if you know what I mean;). Finally Luhan is a man too, so he of course will say some inepropiate things which may shock Hyori, but trust me she wil grow to love them comments...
"I think we should leave, I can't stand that guy looking at you"
"I don't want you to leave, I go crazy without you..."Lets just remember that no-one is perfect, and Luhan too has his flaws. One of his flaws being his jealousy and possesiveness. If something is what he likes to think of as his own, is touched or talked to in a flirty manner he gets jealous. Luhan doesn't like the idea of someone taking something (or someone) that he cares about away from him, so when things like this happen he gets angry. Then again, it takes quite a bit for Luhan to show that he is really affected by something. You can tell, if his fists clench, or if an annoyed expression comes across his face. He isn't afraid to give his opinion about someone or tell you exactly what he thinks, so its best to not mess with him. So I guess deep down Luhan really is manly. However, despite him being a little bit possesive he would never hurt a girl on purpose, and would never do it physically. He isn't that kind of person at all. What I mean by him being possesive is that he can't stand being away from someone for a long time, so him being jealous has a link to that.
"What do you mean she was Flirting?" 
"No! Its not perfect yet!"Luhan likes things to be organized and clean; so he tends to be a bit judgemental. For example if you do something which doesn't meet his standards he won't hesitate to tell you about it. This may come across in a harmful way, but Luhan doesn't mean it with a terrible intention like what someone may feel. He just so happens to point it out, not really thinking carefully about his words or actions, but please forgive this deer. Finally, he is quite clueless. If a girl was flirting with him or trying to get him to notice her- he most likely wouldn't notice. He would be the innocent guy he can be and just thank her for compliments or help her is she was having an 'issue'. This doesn't mean that others, especially his girlfriend, won't be phased as they most likely will be annoyed for him not realising. However if you do point it out, he will proberly apologize...a lot.
"Aw, look at Hyori she's like a kid right?"
Luhan loves to tease Hyori, though is is very annoying to her he seems to enjoy it...Alot. It could be height jokes, or just jokes about her lifestyle, in reality it could be anything! When Luhan does this the other girls tell him to stop, but he keeps on going untill Hyori gets frustrated. Let me tell you now, it takes A LOT to get Hyori frustrated or angry with anyone. Its actually quite amazing that Luhan can do it though. When teasing her he rubs her head, puts his hand over her head to show height difference, anything like that will do. However, Hyori is not a pushover, and will find a way to get her revenge...
I wrote it like a short story...
So it was the day that EXO had moved in, Hyori was just in her room watching some drama's with Aiko as per usual. They were in the middle of watching their favourite drama, Boys Over Flowers when loud cheers could be heard from outside the window. Hyori and Aiko were trying hard to overlook the disturbing noices outside, and instead focus on their drama. However, it got unbearable loud cheers, the screeching noice of someones car tires against the pavement and worse of all the blasting music. Aiko got annoyed and climbed up out of the den that the two had made, walked over to the window, only to scream a high pitched scream. This scared Hyori. Confused Hyori walked over to a now paralyzed Aiko, that was when she noticed 12 guys. Wow, guys you'd think Aiko had never seen them before from her reaction. She looked down, only to see that they were all quite handsome. Stop Hyori, stop. Wait, she thought. Standing in the middle was a feminine looking person, was that a girl?!? Woah, a girl living with all those guys, I feel so sorry for her. Then the girl, looked up after she had heard Aiko's scream. The girl waved at Hyori and bowed to say hello. She waved back, and a boy, who seemed arrogant screamed something up at them. 
"Omo, they're pretty" (Kai said)
Then the girl looked from the boy, back up to Aiko and Hyori. 
"Yah, Kai you can't flirt with kids"
Kids!? Who did she think she was. She didn't look that old either.
"Ehh! A kid, who are you calling a kid! Gosh, I thought that you'd be a nice girl. We could've been friends" Hyori shouted down at the girl and the 11 boys. Aiko looked at Hyori astonished.
"Girl! I'm a man. I'm Luhan" He called back up, looking slightly agrivated.
"Really, sorry from here you look a little....feminine." Hyori grinned watching the rest of the boys laugh astounded at what she was saying. Hyori still wasn't convinced and decided to go down and greet them. She dragged Aiko down the stairs out to the porch. It was true. She was actually a he, and a handsome one at that. Well done Hyori, guess you can't flirt with this one she thought. 
"Do you believe me now?" He smiled walking closer to her, patting the top of her head lightly. 
"Sorry, I think I have bad eye sight. You are a bo- I mean man" she blushed.
"Actually he is quite feminine you don't have bad eyesight" the boy of before said laughing.
Luhan shot him a look. 
"Well how old are you, you seemed shocked when I called you a kid" He asked.
"I'm 22" Hyori grinned, watching and enjoying seeing all their expressions change. 
"Oh, I'm sorry" Kai bowed, realising she was actually a bit older than him. She just smiled in return.
"Well I have to go now, but nice meeting you Luhan and the rest of you of course, oh by the way this is Aiko" she greeted. Hyori and Aiko said goodbye, and went back upstairs.
"Hyori, why were they all so charming? I'm coming here everyday now if they live here" she sheepishly smiled.
"I don't know" Hyori laughed. 
Moving over to shut the curtains, Hyori looked out the window one last time. Everybody was sitting talking, or getting boxes out the car. Then she noticed, that man, Luhan look up once again. He saw her and waved, she waved back and shut the curtains.
"Aigoo, he's totally my style!"

RELATIONSHIP TITLE : 'Falling Without Intention'
"I didn't mean to embarass you"After the misunderstanding, she tried to stay away from any of the EXO boys due to the extreme embarrasment which reminded her of a hangover. She had been successful for about a week, it wasn't that difficult as they were normally out and if they were in it was late at night. Hyori was just at work, stocking up the shelves with some of the new clothing when somebody said excuse me. It was the Kai guy, he didn't even bother to look at her but instead started rambling on about this new jacket he liked. That was when he came over. It was Luhan. He told Kai off for not even looking at someone he was trying to talk to, in order to avoid being found out she grabbed a cap and slid it on her head looking down towards the floor. "Are you okay?" Luhan kept asking staring at her in confusion, she replied with a simple yes. When she reached to grab the jacket that Kai was talking about her cap fell off and Luhan noticed. He looked at her in shock, she simply smiled, tossed the jacket to Kai and walked to the oppisite side of the store. After this many things were thought by both parties, including the rest of EXO. A few days later the prank wars began, and Hyori happily took part. Words between EXO and the girls were shared, and so were feelings. Luhan and Hyori did a lot of the pranking but for the first few times didn't really stand up to one another like the rest were. Hyori couldn't look at him without blushing and thought that he was cute, Luhan thought she was too. EXO confronted the girls about Hyori clearly liking Luhan. This made Hyori mad because she felt embarresed. She started exchanging harsh words with EXO saying things like "Just because I'm nice to people doesn't mean I like them" "You are all so arrogant". All the girls were so shocked because Hyori was never like that. After this, Hyori pretended that she had never met them jerks. Whenever Luhan and Hyori did bump into each other she just looked past him, though it wasn't Luhans fault she just couldn't stand the teasing.
"You may be 22, but you act like a kid. I do too, thats cool I guess. WAIT! We should be friends, I don't want all the girls to be out to get me"
When she started really loving pranks, Hyori decided to get revenge on the boys. Hyori decided to do it herself the real way. After a lot of convincing she managed to get Yena to pick the locks on one of the upperfloor rooms, and climbed up on her ladder into that room. Yes creepy, but fun for her as well. The first room had Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun and Luhan. All the other boys were deep in sleep, so she got her sharpie out and began writing things on their faces. For example on Sehun she wrote what Yena asked for I'm a stupid brat who can't say thank you. That was wrote in black sharpie, they would have hard time getting that off. When she made her way to Chanyeol, somebody grabbed her wrist from behind and put their hand over . She turned around to see Luhan. When she tried to explain, he grabbed her wrist and lead her to the door. He was obviously annoyed. "You may be 22, but you act like a kid, though I do too I dont act stupidly like this" he said. She felt guilty. She bowed and apologized, realising how stupid her actions really were. I'm sorry, I really am. I thought it would just be a fun game" as she began walking away he called her back and said "WAIT! We should try and be friends, I dont want all the girls out to get me" . She nodded with agreement, and walked back to her house. Following that night, the two began to greet each other, Hyori apologized to Kai and Sehun saying that what she done was really odd. Kai laughed it off, but Sehun went and argued with Yena. Luhan seemed proud, he began to even wake up earlier in the morning just to say hello. Luhan didn't have a crush on her, he was just happy that they could be friends.
"Would you like to maybe go on a walk?"
The two only began to become close later though, it was early in the morning and Hyori had told the girls she was going to the library when really she was going swimming (her peace place). While locking up, she saw Luhan putting something into the trunk of his car. She decided to say hello and called for him, he looked up confused but a smile grew on his face. They started smiling and talking, not aware that the girls were looking out the window watching the two. The girls thought that you maybe liked him from the begining (they confront her later?). He asked where she was going and she replied by saying, the library. He grinned, saying he was too. That was when he offered "Would you maybe like to go on a walk?" . Hyori said yes, the words just slipped of her tongue. The only people she really went on walks with were her dad, so this was a new feeling. It was pretty awkward the entire time, but they both enjoyed the peace and the fresh morning air. They exchanged a few topics of discussion but pretty much just walked on their way to university. Luhan began to talk and Hyori found herself submerged into the conversation, both of them laughing. When they were walking and arrived she looked up, only to see Luhan staring at her with a light blush on his face. They began to go on walks after school, and maybe the mornings as well. Each morning and evening they talked, sometimes going for coffee. It seemed like they were a good pair, but as soon as they entered the house they were back to prank war enemies.
"I don't know how to explain this feeling, but I only feel it with you"
All the girls were now aware that maybe Hyori liked Luhan, and comfronted her she declined it but after that day she realised that she had an odd feeling. They exchanged laughs, worked together during pranks though it wasn't allowed and Luhan even shown her his collection of action figures. She realised how close she really was becoming with him, all because of him she had an odd feeling. When walking she noticed Luhan staring at her, he spoke up. "I don't know how to explain this feeling, but I only feel it with you" when he said that Hyori grinned and spoke. "I feel it too, but for now this can be our little secret can't it Manly Oppa?". Not only was he shocked at her willingly calling him manly oppa but also because they both kinda confessed. From this point onwards they began to go out- not on dates quite yet though. He would take her to some gigs, a few of the other girls came too. When singing or dancing he would look at her, making the words swirl around in her head like crazy. She realised that she felt that way too, that she was falling in love. She realised she had truly fell in love at a concert for Christs sake. Her heart was pounding, so was his. Overtime the skinship between the two increased, one of the girls (YOUR CHOICE) decided to tell Luhan to man up because she could tell that he liked her, when Hyori was working they all had a meeting and everybody told Luhan what to do to confess and get the girl he was slowly falling for. They both shared similar personalities and bonded over early morning walks and coffee shops, how will the rest of their relationship develop?

— Luhan made Hyori call him Manly Oppa so that she would see him as a man.
Luhan likes skinship, especially hugging.
Hyori reminded him of batwoman for some reason.
If Luhan was a cartoon character he thinks he would be like Son Goku from Dragon Ball.
Luhan doesn't get angry really easily.
Luhan is allergic to seafood.
Luhan takes care of his skin especially well on normal days, he admitted to visiting the dermatologist for facial treatments.
His favourite dish is kung-pao chicken.
Luhan and Xiumin play soccer/football in the dorms.
He can solve a rubix cube in 2 minutes.
Luhan doesn't easily cry. When he's feeling down he'll find somewhere to be alone.
He likes simple styled clothing.
Luhan catches colds easily.
Luhan and Sehun bought clothes together and also bought bubble tea together.
One of the members of EXO broke his rubix cube, so to quell his anger he chanted "Lu, you're the man" to himself (Saw this online and couldn't resist).
He likes all sports (including water sports), going to concerts, watching t.v and traveling.
Him and Xiumin took a barista class to learn how to make the best coffee.
He is afraid of heights.
He has naturally curly hair.
Luhan has 0 tolerance for smoking or alcohol.

                         answer all the questions in first person to how your character acts )
5 questions in total, please make sure to answer them all in 1st P.O.V and include actions if it
is so needed. this is so we can get the feel of your own character's personality as well — P.S


Well, I'd say I'm a pretty good roomie, I do all the basic neccesities and help all the others with what they need to do as well. My room, its pretty big which is needed if you have a lot of stuff like me and my roomie do. I'm not strict nor am I boring, I basically act like how I look. Like a child! In my eyes theres no curfew, though I'm sure Sooyeon would disagree with that. Also for all the new kids who come into the residence I'm like the welcoming commitee, I play the role of the mother who takes in all the little puppies she finds on her doorstep. Me and my roomie stay up pretty late on weekdays watching shows, much to the girls dismay. There's one big thing I have going for me though, I can cook! Like oh my God, you don't want to taste the other girls cooking. Even Gun can cook better than that; lets face it my brother can barely make ramen. When the girls are hungry I'm like a delivery place to them, but its a good thing I'm always eating so making more...//Grins\\ Is not a problem at all. 

— I'm a worker at a fashion store, a good one at that //Money signs flash in eyes\\ It's actually pretty close to the university, I normally take bus, or force /Flashes sweet smile\ I mean ask one of my girls to drive me. Its really damn rare, but if right after class I feel active and sporty, I might even walk. Its not a cheapstore and its pretty expensive in there actually, one downside I have to see rich, arrogant jerks come shopping with their black cards. Yes people, I work in the male section. Sounds like a blessing, feels like a curse /Shivers at the thought/ . Anyways, its in the shopping centre about 20 minutes away from the residence, and it pays well. So yeah, I really can't complain...That much.

— My God of course! Its actually a really nice experiance though the others don't agree with me. See I grew up in a competition of sibling rivalry Rolls eyes, then looks at interviewer and smirks saying I know, you haven't experianced hell if you haven't had this. Moving on, playing pranks on those idiots is totally reasonable in my point of view! Like who do they think they are having parties at 2am? Me and the girls stink bombing their house is 100% appropiate, they're not even celebrities so they can't have a lawsuit against me Rubs chin thinking, eyes widen and looks up Wait! They can't do that can they! So the point is, of course I contribute to the pranks, me legally punishing them for ruining my sleep and girls nights? So be it, all I say is game on. 

— Oh I came across a leaflet on the campus of the university when I went for a tour around. Why did I apply? It seemed like a good house, not to mention that it was really close to the university. Also I didn't have a place and was freaking out, so I just thought why not. It turned out to be a great gamble, because so far I love it here! Its not your typical dorm residance thats for sure. When I met with Sooyeon Whispers thank you Sooyeon you life saver to the interviewer she was a complete sweetheart upon knowing about my situation. So yeah, its the bomb here Does the peace sign towards the imaginary camera that she is now talking too.

— Out of all the girls I think I get along with them the most. We don't talk or anything, but I don't want to ki Smiles innocently at the interviewer I mean harm any of them yet. I mean I get along with Luhan, otherwise known as manly oppa Giggles the most. He doesn't tick me off, he reminds me of Minhyuk, except not arrogant. Oh! Head quickly snaps up as she clicks her fingers I can't compare Luhan to my brother, cause thinking your brothers cute is a bit creepy...Is it not? Don't tell any of the girls I said that though...You promise?... I like you interviewer person, you're nice Winks at interviewer




thanks for applying for 'EXO NEXT DOOR!'

NAME : Kat
USERNAME : Dr3amers
ACTIVENESS ( 1 - 10 ) : 9/10

QUERIES/COMMENTS? :I have a question, in the story will my character (and the others) call him Luhan or Lu Han? I was just curious, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer anyways haha. Thank you for reading my application <3
— Haunted House, I'm sorry but after watching EXO Showtime I need you to do this please, if you can. I think it would be hilarious! 

THE PASSWORD : Australia Other Songs: R5 Crazy 4 U & Maroon 5 Sugar<3





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i'm just here to correct an error i say in the title. i think you should change the '채진리' in the title so that the authors don't misunderstand and change it with '박효리'