Please read and comment your opinions

Hello everyone. I'm sorry if you see any typos or mistakes here. It's 02:55 here now and I just came home from the hospital...

You see, I have two younger brothers who were both on some kind of surprise birthday party for a friend. My youngest brother, I will refer him as "D" was gonna stay the night there since it would last a while, but my other brother, also my younger brother but older than "D", I will refer to him as "TS", he wasn't so sure. 

And my mother was also going out tonight, but before my brothers went to the party, my mom asked them straight out if there would be any alcohol there (my brothers are underage, born in 1998 and 1999). And they promised there wouldn't be any kind of alcohol. 

So I thought all was okay and I felt pretty tierd and since I had work at 11 in the morning I sent a message to "TS" asking if he would stay the night. Then I get a call from "D", but it's "TS" using his phone to call, I just though that maybe "TS"s phone was put of battery. 

Do you know the feeling of as it you're in a dream? Like everything stands still and you don't feel like your present? That's what I felt when "TS" said that "D" had been drinking too much and had to be forced to puke. But to do that some "buddies" of them had to stick their fingers inside "D"s throat to get him to puke, but he also puked a lot of blood. I've never been so scared in my life...

Me and my brothers aren't relatively close, but he's my brother none the less and I was really scared. I didn't believe them at first since they could easily have pranked me, but hearing the urgency in "TS"s voice got to me. Then I was really happy we live close to the hospital, so I walked there to meet them at the ER. "TS" also called out father and we tried getting a hold of our mother (they don't live together), but since she was out in a place where there was a lot of music she didn't hear her phone. And I don't blame her at all. 

But when she got home now she was beyond pissed, sure she wasn't sober either, but how could she know? Her own sons, my brother lied to her... I can only imagine what she must feel. Since we couldn't get a hold of her the only way we could get to her was to have out father get her. She was going to a pub where you have to be 20 to get in, and I'm only 19. 

What I'm trying to say is.... I have no idea on how to handle this kind of situation. If there is anyone of you who have had similar experience with friend or familly, or both. Please share with me and tell me how you handled it....

I'm just not sure of what to do here....

Please help me?


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I am not so sure on what you should do but lying to your mother is not the best thing to do. Your brothers are at fault so they should try and do something to talk to your mom and explain it calmly. I think that parents always put trust first and they should gain it back

As for your brother's health, i hope thst he is okay there is such a thing as alcohol poisoning so he should be careful with alcoholic drinks .
and for you, i think ypu should at least let things cool a bit before truing to fix the situation. If you all talk with hot heads, it would only end up in disagreement. Your position is quite jard bec you are stick in the middle.

stay steong sweetie
I'm so sorry.
I can feel empathy
If I were in your shoes, I'll feel the same.
I just hope your brother is okay.
i feel so bad hearing that...i think you should try to talk with them
i've never had a situation like that, sorry....the only way i can help you is if you want talk with someone
is your brother ok??
i hope everything gets better!