Melody Girls | Angeline | Lead Vocalist, Rapper

i refuse to change.
NAME » Angeline Kim (Hyunmi)
— Angel ♦ Her family and relatives call her this as a shortened version of Angeline
— Midget ♦ She gets called this sometimes because of her height.
— Piggy ♦ her childhood nickname by her family. Because she was a healthy child back then. Often gets called that at home, but only occasionally.
BIRTHDAY » March 12, 1997
BIRTHPLACE » Springhill, Brisbane, Australia
HOMETOWN » Springhill, Brisbane, Australia
— English ♦ (FLuent) Native Language
— Korean ♦ (Semi-fluent) only spoken in her household
— French ♦ (Basic) learnt it from school
APPEARANCE » She has natural straight black hair but likes to dye it a lot. She currently sports a black to lavender ombre hair. She stands at 156cm and weighs 48kg. She has a permanent smile on, when she has a straight expression, her lips are curved a bit on the edges and people would think she's smiling. She has a mole on her collarbone. On her left calf, she has a faint scar that isn't that visible to the eye. She got it from jumping from her balcony. She also has three lobe piercings and two cartilage piercings on her right ear and three lobe piercings on her left and a belly piercing.
STYLE » Her fashion style is streetwear. She wears chic, casual and comfortable pieces such as jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sweaters, snapbacks, beanies, sneakers and such. She's the typical skater girl.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 
EXTRAS » None!
don't stare at me as if i'm the weird one.
PERSONALITY TRAITS » Passionate, Dorky, Daredevil, Sarcastic, Blunt, Stubborn
— (+) Passionate: "I love what I do."
She loves what she does especially singing. Ever since she was a kid, she has loved and still love and forever will love singing. She's focused on improving more especially in dancing. She always open to learn new things and would greatfully hear out criticisms. She has high perserverance and loves her job. She's strong-willed and won't give up easily without a challenge. She knows when to be serious.

— (+) Dorky: "Teehee!"
Her dorky personality brightens up people's days. She does things that are completely unnecessary but it always comes out cute and adorable to others. She gets excited real fast and she shows it through her dorky self by dancing randomly, jumping around like a rabbit or kangaroo. Because of her being dorky, she isn't afraid to be herself and not care what anyone thinks of her. She's always quirky and will crack awkward jokes and laughs at her own joke and because of that, people will laugh at her weird adorkable way of laughing.

— (+) Daredevil: "After an adventure awaits another!"
She's the type of girl who loves the adventure and thrill. She likes challenging boundaries and restrictions and isn't one bit afraid of breaking the rules. She's always living on the edge. Unlike people who are bounded by limits, she breaks free from that. She courageous, physically bold and tough. She likes the saying "To live is to dare" and follows it wholeheartedly. And because of her daredevil and adventurous personality, she's a wanderlust as well. She likes moving and travelling and hates being in one place for too long. Ever since her childhood, she was always a mischievous troublemaker and instead of playing dolls like a normal little girl, she would climb trees and explore hidden places. She doesn't really care about what happens in the future or what happened in the past, because for her, Life should be experienced now.

— (-) Sarcastic: "That's soo funny."
When people say something that's not funny for her and start laughing, she'll get annoyed and will say that it was funny but she shows contrast at what she said and what she actually meant, hinting it with the tone of her voice. She'll mock the person and say ironies that will make the person tongue tied. But sometimes her sarcasm causes laughter. Her comebacks when she's irritated comes off as sarcastic but a dorky sarcasm

— (-) Blunt: "That is such an ugly skirt."
Her blunt personality sometimes makes people pissed off at her. But she thinks that it's better to be brutally honest than overly plastic. Her blunt self makes it hard for people to be around her sometimes because she'll suddently blurt out what she thinks, and they get caught off guard. If some people find it annoying, some find it okay since that's her personality and that she's being honest. But she has never been blunt to the point of being rude. She knows her boundaries very well. And she knows how brutal her thoughts are so she doesn't say it even though she wants to.

— (-) Stubborn: "No I won't and you can't make me"
Everyone has this trait. Stubborness is in a human's nature. Especially a teenager's. She's over-sensitive when it comes to disagreeing with her. She wants to be the right one of the bunch. She also hates it when she's forced to do something she doesn't have interest on and she will throw a fit. And sometimes because of her stubborness at being right, she tends to control people. She's the type that when she doesn't want to do anything, she would lay down and not move even if people are telling her to, She'd do anything to not move. (She's already doing something by doing anything to not move HAHA)
— Soomi Jang and Daehwan Kim met back in their college years. Daehwan was two years older than Soomi and they were from different worlds. Daehwan was part of the soccer team back then and Soomi was part of the newspaper club. She had to interview him for their college newspaper. Since then sparks grew between them. 2 years after Soomi's graduation, Daehwan asked for her marriage and she said yes. Later they were blessed to have a baby boy, Jett, Jaehwan in Korean. Then 4 years after than a baby girl. Angeline was born really healthy and lively. She also grew up to love eating. Even though her mom was a chef, she wasn't interested in learning it but only interested in eating her mom's work of art. She was into music. During her childhood, she was always fascinated with singing because of her father. She grew up to be a really good singer with the help of her dad, whose job is a vocal coach and lyrcist, and also taught herself how to play the guitar with the help of him too. Then her brother who was into dancing and was taking dance workshops influenced her. Being the little curious critter she is, she gave dancing a try. The two of them are and always will be bestfriends. Oh and btw both of them are huge otakus. Haha! She was also pretty close with her cousic, Jason also known as Hanbyul from LEDapple. They live pretty close to each other and they would often sing together in family reunions. He left just 2 years earlier to pursue singing in Korea. Then her father got an offer to teach music composition in Korea National University in Arts because he got recommended by his former collegue who was working there. So they moved to Korea when Angeline was in her 3rd year of middle school. She auditioned for JYP and stayed there for a year before being moved to Big Hit Entertainment because JYP thought she suits Big Hit's Style of music..
likes »
—  food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. except tomatoes
—  purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
—  shoes ; she'll choose shoes like sneakers and combat boots, etc over heels any day. love expanding her collection.
—  photography ; she likes taking pictures of sceneries, people, and nature, it calms her down
—  pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
—  air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing against her skin
—  fashion ; she likes to be up to date, and it fascinates her
—  sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
—  smell of bacon and cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinnamon?
dislikes »
—  fresh tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
—  hot places ; the feeling of being sweaty and sticky makes her eek.
—  math ; she hates numbers, she hates number with letters more, she hates number with letters and symbols most.
—  bugs ; pesty little critters
—  overbearing brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy. Her eyes are sensitive.
—  talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
—  hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
—  fashion crisis ; she hates it when she's not dressed appropriately
—  untidy places ; she gets irritated when things are out of place
—  know-it-alls ; she thinks that no person can know everything accurately
hobbies »
—  skateboarding
—  food tripping ; she buys diferent kinds of food and evaluates them
—  daredevilling (lol)
—  daydreaming
—  playing her guitar and coverings songs (Just like Hanbyul)
—  watching anime, currently waiting for Ace of Diamond Season 2, Haikyuu Season 2 and Kuroko no Basuke Season 4.
—  reading manga, currently anticipating Haikyuu's updates. she literally throws her body everywhere because of it.
—  dancing to girl group and boy group dances
habits »
— brings small snacks in her bag every time, everywhere especially Pepero
—  derp faces when she gets her point across
—  she plays with a strand of her hair or someone's hair if she's thinking
—  wakes up at 5. her body knows when it's 5 and automatically wakes up. She drinks cold water straight away and does her morning stretching after washing her face.
— she knows how to skateboard and snowboard
—  a food fanatic
—  she buys different kinds of food and evaluates them
—  an otaku
—  she knows how to play the guitar and ukulele
—  straight f student when it comes to aegyo. Never i mean never make her attempt to do aegyo or it'll end like this
—  she can rap when there are lyrics for her to read and memorize and if she rehearsed. never ask her to freestyle rap, It'llend like this 
—  a milktea freak
—  Like her cousin, Hanbyul, she also has dimples but on both cheeks unlike Hanbyul who has only one.
—  she once jumped from her balcony to a dumpster out of curiosity
—  loves purple too much. her marker for labeling is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
—  has a collection of sneakers coz she loves them
—  can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
—  she likes collecting bubble bath bombs, and likes taking bubble baths
—  she wears circle lenses with grade (she has bad eye sight) and she uses the color purple and grey the most
—  wears eye glasses, which is purple, whenever she's at home.
—  she squints her eyes when she isn't wearing contacts or eyeglasses for better vision
—  her phone is a gold Samsung Galaxy S6
—  explodes like this
—  Likes getting her nails done especially sassing it up with designs
—  has 3 lobe piercings and two cartilage piercing on her right ear, 3 lobe piercings on her left ear and a belly button piercing
—  she uploads acoustic covers of KPOP and English songs on her instagram account which is @http.angeline
—  she doesn't eat liver but can eat liver spread.
—  if she weren't what she is now, she'd be a zoologist because of her love of animals. She knows a lot about animals too and was devastated and cried real hard when Steve Irwin died. (true story)
—  Or if not a zoologist, a food critic
—  favorite food are bread, pizza, steak, fries and honey maple bacon
—  a Game Of Thrones fan and is currently dying of impatience for having to wait for every episode
—  Ideal type is someone who has a really good voice. But not just any good voice, a voice that when she hears it the first time, her heart will beat rapidly at the moment she heard it. Also someone tall.
—  a fast learner but finds it troublesome to make an effort sometimes
—  Is actually good in sports but hates running to the core. She finds it troublesome
—  Her guitar and ukulele are both purple
—  can type without looking at the keyboard and types really fast.
—  doesn't hate hate heels, she just doesn't like wearing them.

the one that shines the brightest.
stage NAME » Angeliine
persona » Mini Daredevil.
position » Lead VOcalist, Rapper
BACKUP » Vocalist, Face Of The Group, Main Dancer
singing twin » Song Heejin
dancing twin » MayJ Lee
rapping twin » Bora
talking twin » mINX jI-U
trainee year(s) » 1 year (JYP) 2 Years (Big hit)
trainee life » She started training at JYP and trained their for a year. But she felt out of place so JYP transferred her to Big Hit. Her training was really hectic. She had no problem with the vocal training, but the dancing, well. So so. Angeline was a hard working trainee, she would take the criticism and the insults and tried to improve from it. She thought she was good in singing until the training got more intense, her vocal coach would state all the wrong doings she did, and she started losing hope slowly. She called her brother and let out all her frustrations, worries and feelings. Her brother told her to not give because he too was having a hard time. After that heart to heart talk with her brother, she felt refreshed and silly for thinking about giving up, telling herself that that was so out of character from her usual self. She focused again and started to improve more. The negative comments slowly lessening. Well for singing and dancing that is. For rapping, that's a different story. Angeline adjusted to everything and even made some close friends along the way. She was the mood maker, the dorky and daredevil friend. She started enjoying the training and even forgot about wanting to debut
pre-debut experiences »
— Sony CF with Lee Byunghun CF (only featured for like 3 seconds tho HAHAHA)

— LedApple Music Videos; Run To You & Bad boys (backup) Time Is Up & With The WInd (Lead)
— BTS No More Dream MV (Skater girl)
scandals » *optional*
— (Pre-debut) Hanbyul and Angeline were seen together in a restaurant and netizens suspected her to be his girlfriend
to you who live in the world out there.
NAME » Jeon Jungkook
BACKUP » Mark Tuan
status » Crushing on each other
— Seems shy at first. Actually he seems someone like someone really serious and innocent. In reality he's one of the dorkiest members of his group. He has overflowing passion with what he does. He's also someone who hates losing and has to be better at something. He has a strong sense of pride. He likes joking around and meeting people's expectation. Even with his golden abilities of everything, he's pretty humble. And because of his inexperienced self, he's pretty unpredictable and his hyungs are cautious because he is currently in the process of reaching the peak of puberty. Like any other teenage boy, he's full of fun and energy. He might not look like the aegyo type, but he is. Only to his hyungs though. Since like all teenagers are the same where everything should be about you, He likes to be the center of attention and likes getting complimented. He can be pretty stubborn too. With all that going on, you won't even think that his personality and attitude changes when faced with a girl. Yes he does girl group dances, but remove the words group and dances. He'll be really quiet all of a sudden. He'll start getting nervous and will turn red. He'll be shy and will avoid eye contact. But he's as man as any other man!
first meeting »
— Jungkook
They first met in the filming of Bangtan Boys' Debut MV 'No More Dream'. Angeline was given the role of a skater girl where she just skates everywhere. There's a part in the MV where Jungkook was riding a skateboard. But he has no experience in skateboarding. So before achieving that clip of him skating, he was given a teacher. And well, Angeline was given the task to teach him the basics of balancing oneself on the skateboard while skating. Jungkook was really awkward since a girl is teaching him but Angeline told him to be comfortable since they're of the same age.

— Mark (Backup)
Angeline got in JYP the same time Mark arrived. They officially met when Angeline witnessed Mark having difficulties understanding a staff that was talking in Korean. She helped him out and he thanked her. They started hanging out since but stopped when Angeline moved to Big hit Entertainment

interactions »
— Awkward skinships, awkward eye contacts, awkward smiles and laughs. That isn't really surprising at first. Jungkook even addresses her formally even though they are born of the same year. But the person Angeline is, she would never settle their relationship like that. She started to talk to him more and he gradually started warming up. And because of the similarities in their personality, them combined is like a walking jukebox. They would sing out of nowhere, on and off key. The longer they stayed there the closer they got. Angeline would teach him how to play the guitar and help him improve his vocabulary and pronunciation in English. Jungkook would teach her their choreography which she finds really entertaining. They watch anime together too. Jungkook had to put up with Angeline's reactions when watching anime. They also learn girl group dances together and sometimes boy group dances since Angeline also like dancing to them. They sometimes bully Jimin too for fun. When they are asked which member they are closest to from the opposite group, they would choose each other.
are you seriously telling me that you have no problem at all?
COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » If there are mistakes, please tell me!! Oh and OMG THE ARK!! MINJU <3 Both my biases in BTS and The Ark have the surname Jeon OMG <3
— Angeline and Jungkook doing a collaboration with the song Perhaps Love
— She got revealed to be a huge foodie
— Angeline challenging Jungkook in a girl group dance challenge
— the two of them sharing eye contact, smiles then looks away
— Jungkook making fun of Angeline's height
— In a variety show, Jungkook danced to girl group dances then Melody Girls' song played, he covered Angeline's part
— Angeline complaining that the heels are too high for dancing.
— Angeline laughing at herself when she's monitoring herself
— Complaining to anyone she sees that she's hungry
— BTS visited their dressing room, Jungkook gave Angeline food — Angeline helping Jungkook with his English pronunciation, and because of Angeline's Aussie accent, Jungkook had a hard time.
— Hanbyul and her having a meal together and catching up like old times
— Hanbyul and her singing a duet of Counting Stars.
PASSWORD » BTS Love Is Not Over




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