exo ↷ call me baby ┊ kwon kyung mi

 Kwon Kyung Mi

HelloKitty10755 / Cortney / 9.9

character name

Kwon Kyung Mi


Mimi - Chen used to call her that when they were kids

birthdate & age

April 14, 1994, 21 years old

birthplace & hometown

Siheung, Gyeonggi province




Korean, basic english

the outside.

face claim & backup

Kim Jayoung
(backup: Park Gi Rim)


Casual: She likes very comfortable clothing like oversized sweatshirts or hoodies or jeans and sweat pants.
Formal: Since she's only 166 cm, she prefers dresses that are just right for her height. A bow on the front adds a certain charm for her.
Professional: She goes with a dress shirt and usually either a pencil skirt or slacks.

the inside.


Kyung Mi is usually described as a very quiet girl who always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book or writing stories. She prefers quiet places where she can relax and drift off into her own little world. She's very shy, always prefering to keep to herself, rather than going up to someone to introduce herself. Her stubborness could be one of her good traits at times, while other times, it may be a bad trait. Anytime she makes a decision, she has to go through with it. Which may result in her forgeting a lot of her things.

Mysterious may be a good word to describe this girl. Nobody knows much about her because she doesn't like talking and always stayed in the background. Despite being shy though, she's very quick-tempered. If you do something that she doesn't like, be prepared to face her anger. Even through all that, she's still very caring about other people and she's very trustworthy to her friends.

However, when she's with her friends, watch out. She can talk a mile a minute. Being around her friends makes her comfortable. She knows they won't judge her for who she is and she can always be herself around them. She can be quirky when she wants to be.


*Flowers: really pretty ones
*Plushes: Who doesn't?
*Cameras: Great to capture memories
*Pastel Colors: They're prettier than regular colors
*Classical Music: Soothing and comforting
*Mystical Things: For her imagination
*Daydreaming: She has a broad imagination
*Writing: So she can put her thoughts on paper
*Books: They can take her to a faraway place for however long
*Rain: It's calming
*Spring: Nice weather, pretty flowers
*Food: Who in the world would hate food?
*Snowflakes: The patterns are pretty
*Camera Necklaces: They're really pretty

*Humid weather: WAY too hot for her
*Loud Noises: They scare her
*Winter: Too cold
*Bugs: Buzzing noises annoy her
*Getting up early: She needs her sleep

*Daydreaming: Broad imagination
*Nail Art: They're really pretty to do
*Reading: Can take her mind of of things for awhile
*Photography: Taking pictures can capture memories for a long time
*Writing: It helps to put her thoughts on paper

*Staring off in to space when she's bored
*Crossing her legs when she sits in a chair
*Covering when she laughs
*Biting the dead skin off her lips
*Carrying around a notebook so she can write down all of her ideas
*Carrying around a camera so she can take pictures

*Favorite jewel: Rose Quartz
*Favorite Flower: Jasmine and Rose
*Believes in love at first sight and happily ever after
*She owns a lot of camera necklaces
*Favorite Camera: Nixon Nikkor DLSR
*Knows how to make paper stars
*She knows how to play the piano and violin
*Favorite quote: "Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it."
*She often sings when she's alone. She has a nice voice but she thinks she's not that good.
*Chen gave her this as a present once. She wears the treble clef as a necklace and Chen has the other part on a keychain hanging from his backpack
*Hates the taste of coffee



She's a photographer at SM Entertainment. She the one that will help to take pictures for any of the idol groups' albums or etc. She thnks it's a great experience to work with different idol groups so she knows how each one of them can pose or bring out a certain emotion.  


She was studying photography in university when SM announced that they needed a new photographer. So she sent in some of her pictures just for fun. However, she didn't expect to get picked. There were a lot of other people who had better photos than her but she was chosen instead.
When she is called to take pictures of a group, she will first think of how she will take the pictures. She talks with the stylist to see what the concept will be and she comes up with different ideas on how the pictures should be taken and where they will be taken. She's very detailed on how she wants the pictures to look. Often times she will take multiple pictures of one person or group to make sure she gets the right picture. 
During editing, she's always close by so she can give her opinion on how the picture should be edited. Like the picture should be a little bit more brightened or that part should be cut of or add a little more color here and so on.
When working with a group, she always makes sure that they're comfortable with how she's taking the pictures. Before the first shot, she'll give a brief explination on how she wants them to pose. Then little by little, she'll tell them that they're doing great or that they need a little bit more emotion or they need to pose a bit differently. She often will do the poses herself so that the idols get an idea on how they're supposed to do it. 


the outside.


Kwon Kyung Mi was born on April 14, 1994 in Siheung, Gyeonggi province to Kwon Jung Wook and Kim Jee Hae. Since she started school, she's always been a little bit of an overachiever. She's a bit smarter than the other kids and has always been ahead. She has been bullied for being smart which leads her to being somewhat of a wallflower since she doesn't talk that much.
She grew up not seeing her father very often but she often hears stories about how hard he works so that she can have a good life. Her favorite stories from her mother was how her parents both met. They met like anybody else would in school but they had such a nice blossoming love that Kyung Mi always loved hearing. 
Her mother is the one she's the closest with. She knows when something is off and whether she should question Kyung Mi about it or whether she should just ignore it and leave some space.


▪ Kwon Jung Wook | Father | He's a doctor so lots of times he's working at the hospital and he's often not home alot. But he cares deeply for his family and works hard so that his family can live comfortably.
▪ Kim Jee Hae | Mother | She's a teacher so she really knows how to understand children. She will often ask Kyung Mi how her day was and will know if something is wrong. But she knows whether to pry or to leave her alone for a while.


▪ Jang Hae Mi | Best Friend, Co-photographer | they often work together when they're called to do a photoshoot with an idol group. They'll often switch ideas back and forth until they find an idea that they both like. She's the one that helps to find places for the different shoots that they do.

the one and only.

love interest

Kim Jongdae

backup love interest

Oh Sehun


Chen is a very hard-working person. He puts in a lot of effort into the things that he does. He's very laid-back and chill and one of those people that are just really to get along with. He often thinks before he speaks and tends to observe more, so he does see more than what everyone else sees. When he does decide to speak, he will go all out. He does have a joker/daredevil side to him. He loves playing pranks and to get people to laugh. He's often very practical and won't take any chances or risks that could jepordize his job or life. However, when he does take a chance, it's because he wants to make life more interesting.


Jongdae's mother and Kyung Mi's mother were really good friends back when they were in school. Coincidentally, after they both got married, they both bought houses right next to each other. Jongdae was born first and soon after Kyung Mi was born. These two have known each other since they could remember. 
They went on little adventures in their backyards and they would go to faraway places. They often went over to each other's houses to have sleepovers. They had little inside jokes that only the two of them knew and they knew each other's secrets and dreams. As they grew older, they were still best friends, always making time to hang out with each other. He was the one that would always defend Kyung Mi and protect her from the bullies. He's the one that she went to when she was getting bullied. In highschool, Kyung Mi confessed her feelings to him and he gladly accepted as he had the same feelings for her too.
When Jongdae confessed that he wanted to be a singer, Kyung Mi encouraged him to go and make that dream come true. She secretly entered him in the SM Casting System where he went to audition. When they both found he passed, they spent the night celebrating with each other and their parents.
However, when Jongdae became a trainee, the schedule of practice was demanding and was starting to take a toll on their relationship so finally, Kyung Mi decided that it was best to break up until he had a stable career. They both promised that they wouldn't forget each other and would come in contact again when they had the time.
But after that, they lost all contact comepletely and when Jongdae debuted, Kyung Mi barely recognized him.
During her last year in university, Kyung Mi went to go work at SM as a photographer. Her first group that she photographed was EXO. When she was introduced to each member, she suddenly realized that Chen was actually Jongdae. She didn't know what to do but she pretended that she didn't know him and just introduced herself to everyone. "Hello. My name is Kwon Kyung Mi." Jongdae was very shocked to see her as a photographer for his company. However he acted like he didn't know her either. The members sensed that there was tension and awkwardness between the two but they didn't say anything. After Jongdae's schedule had ended, he went to go find Kyung Mi and demanded to know why she was working at his company now. Conversation: (Jongdae: bold; Kyung Mi: italize)
"Why are you working here now?"
"Why do you care?"
"That's not what I asked you. Answer the question."
"I was hired because they liked my pictures. Was that good enough? Now leave me alone."
"Why are you being like this?"
"Because you didn't contact me for 4 years! You think it's okay not to contact me for that long?! We're best friends Jongdae! We dated and this is how you treat me?!"

Jonggdae was shocked to hear that and apoligized for not contacting her for so long and for hurting her. He felt so bad for doing that. He promised that he would contact her whenever he had the time from now on.
It was very awkward since it had been four years since they had contact with each other. Kyung Mi was very happy that Jongdae's dream had finally come true and her dream was slowly coming true as well. But during Jongdae's break, they would meet up and catch up on what had happened during the four years that had passed. 

last messages.


Hi ^^. I hope this wasn't too long for you. It's been awhile since I've done applyfics so I might be a little rusty. I think this applyfic is really unique and I do hope you will consider me to be a part of your story. Is the background too short? I can go back and add more if you want.

scene request

Flashbacks to when they were kids to the time they broke up

Kyung Mi feeling awkward when she tries to tell Jongdae how to do a certain pose

Jongdae trying to compose a song to convey his feelings for her after 4 years

Jongdae coming across stories and poems written by Kyung Mi about him

Kyung Mi and Jongdae getting in to a fight because Jongdae didn't contact her for four years so she thought he forgot about her

EXO on a program and the MC's ask Jongdae what is the meaning behind the keycharm on his backpack

The members noticing the necklace that Kyung Mi wears matches with Jongdae's backpack keycharm

[These were the best ones I could come up with but I might come up with more when the story continues ^.^]


Lorem ipsum.



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