(poem) Hap·py

I am so happy

so happy

so happy

so happy.


I am happy.

Joyous, joyful, joy

yes, that is the word.


that is me.

I laugh all the time, at everything

everything is a joke.

My cheeks hurt

because I am laughing so much like



ha ha

ha. ha.


So funny.

I am so happy and I laugh all the time because I am so happy.

These are tears of joy because I am laughing so much.

I am happy and I laugh and you can see that I am happy look how much I laugh it's so funny ha ha look at this what is sadness I am so happy so funny so happy and happy and I laugh at everything at myself because happy and happy happy I'm happ y I'mha ppy I' mhap p-


Because if you repeat it enough, it becomes true or otherwise loses meaning.


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yaay you're happy ^^