↱ One Way ↲ Yook Sungsoo | We Are Young


nicknames —
— Soosie-noona // what Sungjae called her when he was little since it was easier and it stuck. 
— Kitty Cat // what some of the trainees called her since she can resemble a cat at times.
— Cheese Grater // what Sunggyu calls her due to the fact he's the prime target for all of her pick up lines

birthday — September 1, 1990
birth place — Suwon, South Korea
hometown —Suwon, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

languages — 
— Korean // Fluent // Native language
— English // Basic // Learned in school and currently learning to talk to internation fans. aka the biggest offender of using Engrish ever.

blood type — B

yook sungsoo 

by stormatsea (clara)

— could you please step away from the bar? you're melting all the ice!

face claim — Park Minju 
back up — Gong Soo ah 

height — 170 cm 
weight — 57 kg

Sungsoo is rather tall standing at 170 cm making her nothing but arms and legs. She has no problem making changes to her hair depending on the concept because yolo. Seriously one day you'll see her with long black hair and the very next day it'll be short and pink. Each ear is pierced three times and she has a couple of tattoos, one on the inside of her wrist  sand another that goes up her ribcage.  Despite her super carefree image she's still very self conscious and tends to ask everyone else if she truly looks okay and won't embarrass them. Sungsoo does enjoy make up though she's no makeup artist she's not terrible. 


fashion style
— on a scale of one to ten you're a nine and I'm the one you need. 

Sungsoo doesn't have an exact style that's her go to it's pretty much anything that she thinks is cute at the moment is what she'll wear. So one day it can be a cute little skirt and blouse the next she'll be wearing a leather jacket and tight skinny jeans. Whatever her mood is what she'll be showing off that day. Guess you could say that her style is just as random as she is, though she will often ask advice to make sure her mix&match outfit actually matched so that Sungsoo doesn't walk out looking like a clown or at least a cute clown. 


— i know they say there's plenty of fish in the sea but i think you're my nemo

Positive: Outgoing, Caring, Responsible, Brave // Negative: Crazy, Childish, Impulsive, Unpredictable

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." Sungsoo is by no means a shy or quiet person she's extremely outgoing and loves being around people, since she is very much a people person. She's not afraid to go up and introduce herself to strangers on the street and will often wave at just about anyone who she meets. She once bought a stranger lunch because they complimented her hat that she was wearing. Sungsoo is quite caring and loving towards those she's close too and shows it usually after she teases them or played a prank on them so that way "they can't stay mad and have to love me again." as she oh so lovingly puts it. Now you wouldn't think that this girl would have any responsible bone in her body but when push comes to shove she'll put on her leader cap and get down to business. Sungsoo knows when to be fun and childish and when she need to kick it into gear and get down to the nitty gritty of what needs to be done. The other members refer to her as their very own Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde becase this girl can change her whole attitude in a matter of seconds going from the funloving overgrown child to the serious leader who won't take "I can't" or "it's too hard" as an acceptable excuse for getting thngs done.

"Some people say I'm too cheesy I say I'm spontaneous." Now this kid isn't afraid of anything, or so it seems. She'll be first in line to ride the newest roller coaster and will giggle like a creepy child the entire time, scarring the poor sap sitting next to her, and will try anything once. "You want me to try this barbacue flavored cricket? Bring it on!" No matter how disgusting or un idol like it is Sungsoo will try it anyway because once again yolo. But that doesn't mean she's perfect oh good lord no she's just as crazy as she sounds. Screaming at the top of her lungs because someone took her coffee? Check. Threatening to yell in a busy mall because she didn't get her way? Check. Bring a nasty, dirty stray cat to the dorm becasue it told her he needed a home and was actually king of the cats? Double check. That's right folks Sungsoo has used the excuse that the cat told her that she needed to take him home because he was a royal. Lets not even elaborate on the full conversations with herself over anyhting and everything under the sun. "You know Soo you shouldn't eat that chocolate bar for dinner." "Oh? And why not Soo? I've been good today and deserve it." "Because it's not a proper meal." "What do you know?" Enough said. She's also an extreme child most of the time, like if it weren't for the fact that Seulhee refuses to let her take her rightful maknae title people would assume she's one of the younger members if not the youngest. 

"Do you have an inhaler? Because you took my breath away." Now even though Sungsoo is pretty responisble when she has to be that doesn't stop her from being extremely impulsive. If something looks fun or delicious or it sparkles in the sunlight, her attention is immediately shifted and she'll buy it without a second thought no matter how fat it makes her look or how disgusting it actually tasted. That also includes an idea that suddenly comes to her mind and unfortunately Sungsoo is known to drag the poor victim who's close by with her. It's how she got the bang bang plotline to go bungee jumping with her, and her and rap monster entering a pie eating contest. By now it's pretty obvious that Sungsoo is unpredictable and no one has any idea what's going on in her head. Hell she doesn't even know what's going on in her own head most of the time. One minute she'll be next to you, and you turn around for a second she's disappeared now going visiting other idols. Or she'll be asked a question and answer back with something that not even close to relevent to the question. But no matter how crazy and insane she is Sungsoo still has a big heart and would do anything for those she's close to. Overall she's just a funloving adult child who loves cheesy pick up lines and fart jokes. 


— likes

one — coffee // it's her life
two — sleeping // who doesn't 
three — chocolate // a girl's best friend
four — swimming // it's fun
five — food // because it's the second reason for living (after coffee)

— dislikes

one — bugs // they're just plain gross
two — pollen // the one true evil in the world
three — water & tea // it's boiled grass.... enough said
four — people with no sense of humor // super boring, but make for the best targets
five — christmas music // satan's theme song 

— habits

one — talks to herself // seriously she should be locked up 
two — sings in the shower // really makes you wonder why she's the main vocalist 
three — saying cheesy pickup lines all the time // like what the hell? whoever gave her that book of pickup lines die.... just die.

— hobbies

one — playing the violin and piano // she's quite good believe it or not
two — singing // obviously 
three — collecting postcards from every city and country she visits. // her and Sungjae will often switch with one another.

— other facts

one — loves telling cheesy pickup lines and just cringe worthy compliments. 
          ex. You wanna know the best thing in my life its the first word of this sentence
two — is also addicted to her online accounts twitter, instagram @thealmightycheeseball
three — is just as weird as her little brother // where do you think he got it from?
four — teasing Sunggyu is her favorite pastime since he always has a reaction to it
five — used to put their mother's makeup on Sungjae because she said it would "make him a studmuffin"
six — can have an entire conversation with herself 
seven — can play the violin and piano
eight — loves teasing her members almost as much as teasing Sunggyu....... almost
nine — she dotes on the others and tends to spoil them 
ten — calls Sungjae her baby 

— do you have a name or can I call you mine?

"Life is about creating yourself." Yook Sungsoo was born and raised in the city of Suwon South Korea. For the first five years of her life it was pretty boring and average. Like most kids she went to school made friends and came back home. Like I said it was boring. But in the year of 1995 she was blessed with the playtoy a baby brother named Sungjae. As they grew up it was obvious that she was way more content with corrupting his very young and impressionable mind with make up and telling him that if he ate dirt then he'll grow up super tall, surprising how lies work right? But it was a better time for her and despite all of his sister's abuse or love as she put it they grew up extremely close even though they were five years apart. Sungjae often found himself in trouble due to his sister's "wise teachings" though he refused to sink alone. It was a constant battle of who could get who into more trouble and how the other can make sure they don't face punishment alone, the second half Sungjae won most of the time since he was the cute little baby that could do no wrong in their parent's eyes. It was nice for her while he was still little but when Sungjae went through his growth spurt it was obvious that the tables had turned in a major way. 

"Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase." These two siblings shared another hobby and it was singing. Though it was obvious who had the better voice but both came to the conclusion that they wanted to sing for a living. Sungjae left for Seoul before Sungsoo with the promise that he would finish school and because he already knew he wanted to be an idol. After she finshes high school she went around parks and small cafes singing or playing her violin but not surprisingly it didn't really satisfy her desires. Even though she was doing what she loved seeing her brother on tv and travelling all over to meet and sing for the international fans it really made her sad and a bit jealous, though she'd never admit that. And that was when she also traveled to Seoul to persue her own dream. But it was dejavu since she was again singing in little coffee shops and on the street to earn money since she failed audition after audition for the big entertainment companies. Luck would be on her side though when she was singing at a local bed and breakfast and she was scouted to become a trainee at Big Hit Entertainment. Completely thrilled from the offer she accepted right away and started a new chapter of her life.

— i like your last name, can i have it?


 — Yook Yoonji // 56 // Real Estate Agent // kind, hardworking, pessimistic // she's really close to her mother though because of her job they never got to spend much girl time together. 
father — Yook hyunsu // 56 // Real Estate Agent // doting, weak-willed, adaptable // she's not as close to her father since he always spent time with Sungjae to do "guy things" but she's still close enough to him and often sends him pictures so he doesn't worry so much. 
younger brother — Yook Sungjae // 21 // Idol (BTOB // 4d, spacy, fun // Sugnsoo's little baby so obviously they're extremely close and are two peas in a pod pretty much. They text and message each other often trying to see who will back down first. They turn just about anything into a competition when they get to see each other. 

— friends buy you lunch, best friends eat your lunch


best friend
— Kim Namjoon // 22 // idol (bts) // kind, funny, easily embarrased // she met him when she first became a trainee. They got close immediately and she adopted him as her other little brother and dotes on him just as much as she does her blood related one. But becasue they spend the most time seeing each other he's the poor sap who usually ends up going with Sungsoo on her many adventures. 
close friend — Park Bom // 31 // idol (2ne1) // outspoken, outgoing, hard to understand // they met once at a small restuarant and became fast friends. Though they don't see each other as often they're still close to one another. 
my little babies — The other members // Sungsoo actually thinks of the others as her babies and often refers to them as such especially to the younger members. 

— just so you know if i were a bird you'd be the first person i'd crap on


partners in crime — Members of Infinite // Sungsoo's main goal is to make Sunggyu as uncomfortable as possible so when the other members learned of this fact she was immediately accepted as one of them and much to Sunggyu's dismay he has more people who mess with him 24/7. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at the situation it makes for great television if they're on the same show. Sungsoo, much like the members of infinite, isn't afraid to show her "affection" to Sunggyu for everyone to see. 

we are young 
— are you a camera? because every time I look at you i smile. c:

Stage name explanation — Sungsoo // she was way too uncreative to come up with a decent stagename
Persona — The Almighty Cheeseball
LABEL — Bighit

Fanclub name — Constellations // because her fans shine like the mighty stars in the sky oh god I'm sorry so very sorry
fanclub color — #3a55b4

plotline + position — We Are Young // Leader, Main Vocal, Lead Rapper 
back-up plotline + back-up position — Bang Bang // Main Dancer, Lead Vocal

singing TWIN — Song Jieun (Secret)
BACK-UP — Hyorin (Sistar)
rappping twin — Yura (Girl's Day)
BACK-UP — Jiyeon (Glam)
dancing twin — Song Jieun 
BACK-UP — Yura (Girl's Day)
talking twin — Song Jieun

trainee years — 4 years 
TRAINEE life — Sungsoo didn't have a hard time during her trainee years, or atleast she didn't think of it that way since she was accepted as a trainee and she counted it as a blessing that she was a part of it. Though she didn't get along with everyone since she often annoyed the other trainees with her childish attitude. But that was okay since she always tried to think on the positive side and didn't let the others bring her down too much. 

— Acted in School 2013 as Dani

—  In BTS music videos 
future experiences — 
— releasing a few solo songs 
— Variety show appearances 
— Maybe a couple of acting parts nothing big though

Scandals — n/a


last comment — well here she is I hope you like her and her cheesiness as well as all the terrible pick up lines. c: Ps. I'm sorry if the colors are too much I tried to get one where you could see the words and not strain your eyes.  

scene requests —
// them doing a variety show maybe running man or having their own. 
// Sungsoo dragging one of the members to go sky diving with her.
// When Sunggyu finally accepts Sungsoo's feelings he tries to say a pickup line back but gets too embarrassed and gives up midway.

password — Travelers & #d3ffce + One Way Ticket.
Traveling to you! We are One way! god I'm sorry mine's just as bad T_T

infinite's sunggyu
— shinee's onew

personality — Sunggyu is very much a nagger and is quite bossy. Although he doesn't do much himself about it he's more of the type that will constantly bug others to see that it gets done. It's also the prime reason that he's the prime target towards the members teasing and pranks as their mini revenge on the hyung who doesn't want to do anything but nag them. But even so deep deep way deep down He's actually a sweet and caring person. He'll go and do things for the members whether it's helping them do the chores (sometimes) or buying them something when they're down in the dumps he truly cares about them and secretly does things to help them out. Can't have anyone thinking he's a nice guy now can he? 

relationship — Sunggyu's and Sungsoo's relationship is very much Sungsoo teasing and messing with Sunggyu. Yes it is completely backwards but she wouldn't have it any other way. He is the number one person she'll test her pick up lines on and when she's lectured about being too flirty with a stranger her response is "we're not strangers, he's my boyfriend." and will stick to that stroy no matter how much Sunggyu will deny it, and he does deny it the full 200%. Sadly for him because he does have his own nickname for her it just seems like her words are true and people pretty much think they're dating even though it's not official. Sungsoo swears one day he'll come to the dark side and finally accept all of her love, but you really can't help but feel bad for Sunggyu because the first thing out of when they cross paths are "kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna work out?" and "you must be a keyboard because you are just my type." it can get pretty tiring. Though it's kind of obvious and Sunggyu would rather die than admit it he secretly likes Sungsoo's attempts and overall affectionate teasings.  

history — Sungsoo was always a fan of Sunggyu's to begin with even before she decided that she was going to be an idol, so when she first came across him at a music show she had a serious case of fangirl feels. But when she gets nervous she'll go and say things that are just completely unthinkable and when she met her all time favorite idol and now sunbae she just couldn't help herself and said the very first thing that came to her mind. "you're the type of boy I'd make a sandwich for." He reacted like anyone else in that situation and thanked her though extremely embarrassed and tried to leave and leave it at that. But as time went on and they started to see each other more and more it became clear that she was now doing it to try and make him uncomfortable. And that's how the relationship of peter pan Sungsoo and Wendy Sunggyu came to be. 

other — So pretty much their relationship is nothing but Sungsoo bullying both someone older than her and a sunbae. Eventually Sunggyu will come around and finally accept her pickup lines and feelings much to the emmense exasperation of everyone. c:



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Hey there!<3 Thank you for applying and your review shall be ready tomorrow! And you made it so pretty btw omg. I like the colors<3