"Hostility" English translation

...so I see that Hostility is a really popular Chinese fic, one that most people only know about because of the youtube trailer. I don't think there have been any complete English translations to date, the one found on tumblr (by exo-c-trans) appears to have been taken down; another that is supposedly finished on lj appears to become mostly summaries at the end (not a full translation of the fic).

I was wondering, does anyone have a working link to the full English translation?

If not, if there is literally no full translation to be found, would people be interested if I translate it? 

Obviously I'd have to ask the previous translators and the author for permission, but from what I read of the original story, I think I can pull it off. I am a Canadian born Chinese, with both parents fluent in both English and Mandarin and a strong understanding of Mandarin myself. Further resources are available to me, including several Mandarin teachers and friends who immigrated from China/Taiwan. With English being my first language, I believe that I can write a translation that not only remains faithful to the original work, but also is of high quality among English works. 

However, this is a giant task to undertake; while at least the first 31 chapters have been translated fully, I would likely want to redo this from the beginning to keep the style and writing consistent throughout the translation. There are a total of 56 chapters with a long epilogue, and would take an extremely long time. As such, I will only do this if there is enough interest. Do people really want to read this story in its entirety, or are the previous versions available enough?

A link to the only near-complete verson I've found thus far can be found on disquietedly's lj, linked above. You need to have an lj account to access her profile I think, and a dropbox account to access the fic/download it.

I would like to hear people's thoughts on this if possible, thank you very much!


(PS. I know I've been notorious for not updating my own fanfiction, but that's because I get stuck with ideas. If the story is already written, translation will only be paused when I get too busy, and my hope is to have a good amount of the fic translated before I begin updates. As such, I would only begin the translation if I am completely sure I will finish it, so it won't be another incomplete version of the story.)



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Marie_Unnie #1
Honestly, I would be really interested to read it in english because I heard about it but since I dont understand chinese, well I cant read it -.-