
So I have exams coming up

and I'm kind of behind in everything

so I'm going to be even slower at coming out with stories

because I at time management and I'm stuck on my stories anyways

So yeah. That's pretty much all I had to say. I'll still try to read and comment on any stories I'm subbed to, but I'm just not going to be able to write much of my own stuff... not that i was writing much anyways

I'll hopefully be back and writing a lot more around... the 28th. I hope. OTL

But I've got a bunch of new story ideas... I really need to learn to finish my old stories before starting new ones OTL.

Anyways, I'll see you guys around. Keep writing~


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I understand you- -same situation here.
Good luck with your exams dear!
Good luck with your exams! :3 School is more important~ I hope you'll be doing well! :)
Awww. T~T I'll miss you!