Quizzes again...TEA Edition

TEA Edition!!! just had tea couple of hours ago n now i already am wanting moree....T^T......feel free to share your results if you want some karmapoints that is(since you get karmapoints by commenting so why not rite?) especially tea lovers~ just click the titles to get to the quizzes...



1. What Part of a Chai Tea Are You?

I never had any chai tea...it just seems weird so this take a lot of googling n imagination of what i'd really want out of it...

my result:



          You Are Cardamom



        You are a very unique and distinct person. There's no one else quite like you.

You have a strong personality, but you are also mellow. You definitely get noticed, but you don't overpower things.

You are rarely satisfied with normal life, and you are on a quest for whatever is a little extraordinary.

You are open minded and inventive. You see for yourself before judging.


i'm a whaaa....

2. What Flavor Bubble Tea Are You?

again...i don't drink bubbletea....lol...too modern/trendy for me....uh...yeah...

my result:



          You Are Honeydew Bubble Tea



        You are a true daredevil. You love to walk on the wild side and take risks.

You get bored with the same old routine. You're often dying for something new.

You're the first of your friends to try a menu item or a fashion style. You are very experimental.

Novelty tickles your brain, and you are always on the cutting edge. You are a pioneer.


hmm...really?...lol. not with drinks though....:p (n not a fan of honeydew drinks n over here,it's not that unique methinks...i like the fruit tho...)

3. What Flavor Iced Tea Are You?

my result:



          You Are Lemon Iced Tea



        You are refreshingly honest and real. You believe that life is simple, and that's good enough for you.

You are confident and self-assured. You present yourself truthfully - you don't have anything to hide.

If you could ask anything, it would be that people lighten up and start acting real. Phoniness really turns you off.

You think the world would be a better place if we just accepted each other... flaws and all.


well, love the description but cant help feeling ice lemon tea is kinda...overrated....ice tea is good on its own....-_-

4, What Herbal Tea Are You?

my result:



          You Are Orange Tea



        You are a down to earth and humble person. You pride yourself on being pretty happy.

It's easy for you to be content. You know what matters most in your life, and you focus on those things.

You are a bit on the shy side. You prefer to think rather than talk, and you mull things over in your mind for a while before acting.

If someone asks you a question, they'll get an honest and thoughtful response. You give great advice.


oh...kay so now i'm orange...

5. What's Your Tea Type?

my result:



          You Are Chai Tea



        You're quite the charmer. You know how to get what you want from almost anyone.

You are high-powered and spunky. You bring a lot to the table... sometimes too much!

You are brilliant and pioneering. You never do things the normal way... you do them your way.

Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many.


whut? so now i'm a chai...'high powered' yeah rite...huh...'can get what i want from anyone'...yeah liar..not even a simple bloody comment from oh so highly affers lol.mysterious? nah....am i not too talkative for that?(at least on the net)....but moody...well...i am moody even to me...lol.

6. What Tea Latte Are You?

my result:



          You Are an Earl Grey Latte



        You are a person of refined tastes with a real eye for quality. You appreciate subtle details.

You are intellectual but never showy about it. You have an understated brilliance that people see over time.

You are a person of habits, and you find comfort in doing the same thing every day. You enjoy simple pleasures.

You tend to have strong preferences, and you know what you like. You need a reason to break outside your comfort zone.


oh...so now i'm earlgrey...okay...but omg yeah i like to drink the same tea everyday n making my family annoyed by making them 'want' the same thing too

7. The Tea Oracle

not very satisfied with this one cuz i can't quite answer q3 n 4 accurately...in my country....we dont use sugar n milk...we simply use...sweetened condensed milk...i mean...why go through the trouble...the (seeming)unhealthy choice is always there to make life easier...lol...but anyway...i tried...and...

my result:



          You Appreciate Life's Quirkier Moments



        You speak your mind and tell it how it is. You don't hold back when the truth needs to be told.

You have a well formed personality. You love who you are, and you wouldn't change a thing about yourself.

You are sweet in your own unique way. Only those who know you best understand your kindness.

You are usually pretty low energy and serene. Even if you become excited, you try not to get worked up about things.


    The Tea Oracle

8. What Kind of Tea Are You?

my result:

actually this is so hard...a little close change of answer could lead to change between green tea/black tea/chai tea....



          You Are Chai Tea



        There are many subtle sides to your personality. You are difficult to decode.

You are a complex and deep individual. You have many nuanced beliefs, and your mood frequently changes.

You are a creative and expressive person. You draw your inspiration from the whole world.

You enjoy exotic food, music, and travel. Your tastes are very international.

international....taste??...harhar...somehow that sounds kinda....idk....lots of words come to mind n none are nice ones...


have you had enough of tea goodness? now go get the damn real tea...mmm....xD



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