Quizzes...let's take/play quizzes....

alrite..i'm in the mood for quizzes...feel free to share your results if you want some karmapoints that is(since you get karmapoints by commenting so why not rite?) just click the titles to get to the quizzes...



1. Are You Who, What, Where, or Why?


my result:



          You Are Why



        You are a very philosophical person, and you're happiest when you're able to sit and think for long periods of time.

You're interested on everything on a deeper level, and you aren't content until you've thought about something thoroughly.

You believe that often we act too quickly without taking time to reflect. You can learn a lot if you sit with your thoughts.

People may think you're a bit slow moving, but they don't realize how quickly your mind is racing.


^ i kinda guessed i'd get this...huh...bcuz i'm always asking 'why' n questioning the rationale of everything pettily...lol...but 'where' is a close second result...and....idk...i'm not that adventurous at all lol...



2. Are You Flirtatious, Fearless, Factual, or Friendly?


my result:



          You Are Factual



        You are highly intelligent, especially in areas that deal with concrete knowledge and facts.

You are amazingly analytical. You can make sense of chaos without involving your emotions.

If anything, you tend to be overly logical. It's sometimes hard for you to come to a decision, because you're too busy weighing all the options.

People turn to you in times of trouble. They know that they can trust you to give good, well thought out advice.




3. Are You a Thinker, Doer, Talker, or Observer?


my result:



          You Are a Thinker



        You love to spend time by yourself, and the friends that you have in your life tend to be of the thoughtful vareity.

You are content to have a few good people in your life. Your friends are probably as compassionate and loyal as you are.

At work, you tend to be reliable and detail oriented. You don't bury problems, and you enjoy challenging projets.

In general, you strive to do as much as you can correctly. You want to be the best person that you can possibly be.


the friend part...lol...so true...it ain't easy to keep friendship with me....haa...



these quizzes are like ego-booster....no matter what your result is...it'll sound good...lol. so go n make yourselves feel good...quizzes rules anyway.



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