Tried the Ulzzang makeup on Mom



Yesterday my mom wanted me to dye her hair and I hate doing this... so I told her that I would do it IFshe let me do her makeup afterwards... to what she agreed!!! :D

I HAD to film this okay... mom with makeup is a RARITY.

So here is the video, 18 minutes long because that's how long it took when it takes me maximum 10 minutes to do my own makeup!


PS: the language we speak is canadian french

PPS: She'd had 2 can of beers and was on her third so... she's not always like that...


And if you just want to see the funnier part, skip to 10:00... that's where I had to do the white under her eyes and she went crazy


and here the final result!





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Woaaaaaaahhh~ you're soooooo cool! And your mom also! *btw I love your hair colour~ that's looks sooo prettyy (>﹏<)
blackcatty #2
is it wrong if i say your mom's cute? so KAWAIIIIIIII (uhum excuse my ascapades)
i love yourhair btw! red has always been my favorite
i didnt dye my hair but its naturally reddish brown with stripes of black nd blonde (weird.....but my sister's the same) bc i use olive oil for years so when my cousin saw me, she'd always tries to put makeup on me (aka turn me into one of those japanesse dolls which is kinda creepy) which i always escape by using the window of my room lol
ozwalkr #3
She looks great! Love your hair color too. I am about to go black cherry with mine for my trip to Seoul.
Cool haha. I always have to dye my mum's hair, and ugh i hate it too. But my mum's crazy about kpop so she likes to ask me to make her up with the 'idol' look. She's 45 and swag and everything, but sometimes her inner 'korean' males me cringe.
She looks great and you and her are both soo adorable :-)