✿ Je t'aime ➣(Lee Jaehwa) (Jin) ✿






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other names //  n/a
nicknames // 
 selfie queen - seriously addicted to taking selfies and so earned the name 
 jaejae - what Jin calls her all the time
age // 21
birthdate // August 21, 1993
birthtown // Seoul, South Korea
hometown // Seoul, South Korea 
nationality // Korean
ethnicity //  Korean
languages // 
Korean - fluent, native language
★ Japanese - conversational, currently teaching herself 
face claim //  yoo hyun jin 
back-up face claim // park sora 
height // 167 cm 5'4 ft
weight // 55 kg & 121 lbs
style //
Jaehwa's style is very much whatever is clean that day. She doesn't pay much attention to how she looks though she does have a strange love for over sized shirts and shorts that can't be seen due to the baggy jackets and sweaters. She is known as the fashion terrorist of the group due to what she wears and would probably walk out in clothes that totally clashed if it weren't for the other members. When it comes to formal clothing she prefers short dresses over long ones, since she's scared of ripping or tripping over the extra fabric.  
home -  ★ ★ ★ 
casual - ★ ★ ★  
formal - ★ ★ ★ ★ 
practice - ★ ★ ★ 

likes // 
tea // it soothes her
darker colors // eaiser on the eyes
mornings // she often goes for early morning jogs when she has the free time
★ nail art // she's pretty good at it and will do the other members nails if they want
singing // it's her true passion
dislikes // 
bugs // thinks they're gross
chocolate // she just doesn't like it
★ peaches // she's allergic
★ being distrubed while focusing 
★ coffee // doesn't like the taste of it
fears // 
heights // is totally terrified
not being good enough
★ disappointing others
hobbies // 
composing songs
★ playing piano
habits // 
quiet singing or humming when nervous
★ messes with objects around her when uncomfortable or bored
trivia //  
is also allergic to peanuts and daisies
drinks a lot of carbonated beverages
has a dog named cupcake who stays at her parents 
★ is the worst at aegyo and fails miserably when asked to do it on shows
★ has a twitter and instagram that are updated regularly @jet'aimejae 

personality // (min of two paragraphs.)
You could say that Jaehwa is like the appa of the group. Kind and caring she's always there when people need her the most but one wouldn't exactly call her motherly. When it comes to actually being there emotionally for others it's a bit awkward for her and she tends to close up and move away trying to change the subject. She's also pretty doting of the other members and buys them pretty much whatever they want food, clothing, little knick nacks. If they ask for it then Jaehwa will get it for them. She's the kind of person who will do whatever it takes for others to be happy and okay, and doesn't pay much attention to her self believing that when you help others and make their day better than your own is automatically better. 

However that doesn't mean Jaehwa is a saint she has her own flaws and problems as well. Her first one being that she's completely ocd to the point where it's a flaw. If something isn't in the right place then she will go on a several hour cleaning spree because if that one dish is dirty then all the others much be dirty too or if that mug is in the wrong place then who's to say that the others aren't also? She's also quite the perfectionist and can't stand to have something that isn't 100% complete and done right. This of course makes it so that she will spend countless hours in the practice room trying to learn the choreography to make sure she knows all the steps are right and she can do it perfectly with no mistakes. She can also be a bit of a know it all and sometimes gets on some people's nerves without meaning too. 

background // (min of three paragraphs.)
Jaehwa was born and raised in South Korea to two loving parents. While she was little it seemed like Jaehwa's life was perfect. She was doing well in school and her parents were the epitomy of happiness. She was a very spoiled child and was given whatever she wanted, so when she took an interest in singing they immediately put her in lessons, though it was with the promise that she would alsp take piano lessons because her mother though that it would be a good addition to her out of school activities and would keep Jaehwa grounded. She didn't have the talent for piano like she did for singing but due to her perfectionist personality she kept at it until she was good. 

But when she was in her first year of high school everything seemed to change. Her parents didn't talk to each other much anymore and always seemed too busy working to spend time as a family like they used to. Now Jaehwa wasn't stupid and knew that exactly what was going on though she didn't say anything about it since it wasn't her place to in. Though it did have an effect on her grades at school despite her trying hard for it not to. Eventually after a couple of years of awkward dinners and her mother and father trying to avoid each other they filed for divorce and Jaehwa was to live with her father. 

It was an awkward time for the both of them the first couple of years. The one thing that seemed to get her through it was music. It was the one thing that kept her sane, and make her not pay attention to the sad looks her father had becaus she looked too much like her mother for his comfort. She watched tv and read articles about people auditioning and eventually becoming idols and being able to travel all over singing and meeting fans from all over the globe. Jaehwa debated with herself for a long time before finally deciding to give this a try since it would be better than having to see her father's sad face day in and day out. She went to an open audition for Big Hit Entertainment and made it through on her first try. She was a trainee for two years before she was able to debut mainly because she had a hard time remembering choreography and often forgot steps. Jin was a big reason why Jaehwa never gave up and you could say he was her rock and comfort. Every time she thought of quitting he was there to convince her to give it another try and would help cheer her up by helping with the dance moves that she was haivng trouble with, though he wasn't much better when it came to dancing. When she was finally given the news that she would debut with the new girl group the first person she thanked was Jin and is extremely thanful for everything he's done for her.


» father - lee hyunsik - 43 - alive - businessman - closeness (7) - a hardworking parental figure
» mother - lee nayoung - 43 - alive - makeup artist - closeness (5) - freespirited and extremely independent
» bestfriend - nam jihyun - 25 - alive - idol - closeness (8) - funloving and kind older sister figure
» friend - lee taemin - 21 - alive - idol - closeness (8) - her impatient dance partner


age // 22

personality //

Jin is a very happy go lucky kind of guy. Nothing really gets him down or upset and he'll just laugh off anything and think of it as a sort of joke ans not take it too seriously. But He's also very odd with his weird obsession with the color pink and disney princesses making him seem like a 8 year old girl instead of a 22 year old man. But that doesn't stop him from being very kind and helpful to those who need it and won't turn a blind eye to anyone. He is an extreme neat freak and can't stand to have any kind of mess around him, which makes cleaning for s since he'll just do it all himself instead of letting one of them do it in fear of them just making more of a mess. 

how did you meet //
Jaehwa and Jin met when she first autioned for Big Hit Entertainment. Now it wasn't anything too interesting or memorable he was there to see if there were any interesting or promising possible trainees for the company out of his own personal curiousity. It was a simple passing between the two and him wishing her luck after she did her audition. They didn't meet again until she was formally introduced to him and was told that he was going to be her personal mentor and help with her training. Jin of course remembered her and was extremely excited that she was the one that he would be mentoring. 

how you act around each other //
Jin and Jaehwa are like two peas in a pod. They have similar interests and are both clean freaks so it was a good match for the two of them. They act a lot like a couple would always joking around with one another and teasing each other. Jaehwa always brings up how weird it is for Jin's love of disney princesses so in retaliation he teases her about her crazy amount of selfies and that it's unnatural to have so many pictures of herself on her phone. There are a lot of photos of the two of them thanks to Jaehwa though they always deny it when asked if dating. The only time you'll see these two being serious is when they practice together. Their similar love of singing makes their bond to one another even deeper and they strive and help the other improve on every level. She'll also get his opinion on her compositions and lyrics because she knows that he'll give her an honest opinion and then help her make improvements for it. It's no secret that they both share feelings for one another but both are too loyal to their groups and are scared about what dating could do to them all. 

relationship // close friends & dating (eventually and after a lot of convincing from both bts and je t'aime members)


stage name // Jae 
fanclub name (s) // starlets 
fanclub color (s) // #ffff00
talking twin // girl's day soojin
singing twin // nine muses kyungri
rapping twin // n/a 
dancing twin // nine muses kyungri
plot line // Jin 
backup plotline // Jimin

comments //  well here's my character I hope you like her and let me know if there's anything that needs to be changed or improved. c:

questions or suggestions //  nope ^^
scene requests //  

★ them on weekly idol
★ maybe them have their own vairety show
★ Jaehwa being asked in an interview who she was most thankful towards and her say Jin explaining why.
password // 1. sonamoo dejavu (it'd be a good fit and is a pretty catchy song.) 2. Cheri (boy) Cherie (girl) (means darling in french) and light blue #66ffff 3. Arms around each other's waist while making a heart with their free hands. 


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