✈ Global Girls ✈ | Natalie Jin | Main Vocalist #3

Natalie Jin

username — AccioNimbus2000

nickname — Grace

activity rate — 8/10


name — Natalie Jin (English Name)/ Jin Minah (Korean name) 


  • Nat - the shortened version of her name, used by all of her friends in Australia
  • Minah - her Korean name, used by her Korean family
  • Genius Child - used by her best friends, because Nat is seriously smart
  • Princess - used by her love interest
  • Pocky Queen - used by the fans as her fan nickname because of her insane love of pocky

birthdate — July 27, 1998 

birthplace — Brisbane, Australia 

hometown — Brisbane, Australia/Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean-Australian

language — 

  • English (fluent) - Natalie's native language as she was raised in Australia
  • Korean (fluent) - Her mother taught her how to speak Korean so she could speak to the half of her family in Korea
  • French (semi-fluent) - She's been learning French as a second language at school since year 8 

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall

face claim — Jung Minhee

gallery — Link 

backup face claim — Baek Sumin

gallery —  Link


appearance — 
Natalie is 167cm and weighs 58kgs. She has long hair that reaches to the middle of her back, and it is currently dyed brown with blond balayage (like this) She will change her hair colour whenever it is needed, and had it pastel pink until recently when she decided to go for a more natural look. She has 3 piercings in her right ear (two on the bottom and one on the top) and 4 in her left ear (one on the bottom and 3 on the top). She has a necklace that her brother gave her for her 13th birthday that she wears all the time and doesn't ever take off (not even for promotions or anything, the necklace is very special to her) She also has a small birth mark on her left shoulder that's not really in the shape of anything. 

fashion style
Casual: 1 2 3 4 5
Practice: 1 2 3 4 5
Formal: 1 2 3 
Airport: 1 2 3 4 5
Dorm: 1 2 3 

all about me

traits — (+)Creative, Insightful, Passionate, Intelligent (-) Sensitive, Shy, Quiet, Critical 

personality — 

+ Creative: Natalie is a very creative girl. She specialises in writing, specifically stories ad songs. She is an extremely talented writer, and people often compliment her on how her descriptions of things make them come to life. She has a gift for capturing the world on paper, and this is a huge part of her personality as she pays attention to every minute detail. As she is very quiet, she likes to let her emotions out onto paper, which manifest themselves into beautiful lyrics about whatever is going on in her life. Recently she's been writing a lot of love songs...
+ Insightful: Natalie doesn't talk that much, but when she does, it's sure to be something profound or something you didn't notice. She can often see things that others can't and can definitely tell when someone is lying to her or if someone is hiding something. She is observant, sometimes overly so, which can be a little annoying to some people as she tends to over-analyse things.  But overall, her insightfulness is usually a good thing.  It also helps her to give really good advice to people when they need it, because she can usually observe their problem from afar and formulate some really good advice. 
+ Passionate: Despite being a very quiet girl, when Natalie is passionate about something, you will know about it. She works hard at what she is passionate about, her singing being the main example. She is one to spend hours practicing something to perfection, because she believes that she needs to work hard to earn her place in the industry and also maintain it. Some would see this as a chore, but to Natalie, this extra time is really no problem as she loves doing it. 
+ Intelligent: This kid is a genius. Not only is she a fantastic writer, she is also a whiz at maths, science and random trivia. To this day no one has ever beaten Natalie at Trivial Pursuit ((in case you don't know what that is, it's a board game that is full of a bunch of random trivia questions ^_^)) However, for all her academic achievements, Natalie is awful at sports, and she can't draw to save her life despite being a creative girl. 
- Sensitive: Natalie knows that the kpop industry is probably not the place to be sensitive, but she can't really help it. Just as puppies can't help but be cute, Natalie can't help but be sensitive. She does take nasty comments to heart, and sometimes when someone says something in the heat of an angry rant it will seriously hurt Natalie. Of course she will bottle it up and only let the pain spill out over a page of lyrics, but this trait is definitely something Natalie is trying to work on. She knows she can't afford to be overly sensitive when the haters come around. 
- Shy: Natalie is very much a shy girl. She doesn't really like to talk to people she doesn't know, but will do it if she absolutely has to. This can be a bit of a challenge for her in variety shows, but she can usually get through them by speaking quietly and twisting her clothes in her hands. It can be a bit hard to get Natalie to open up, and her friends in Australia took years to get to know her fully. However, there is someone she knows who has been able to break through her exterior very quickly... She doesn't know how he did it really.
- Quiet: This pairs in with Natalie's shy trait. She is a quietly spoken girl who prefers to sit away from people when they're being really loud and crazy. That's not to say she can't be loud and crazy when she wants to be, it just happens less often than one might think for someone so young.
- Critical: This trait mainly refers to Natalie's perception of herself. She is very hard on herself and allows no room for mistakes as she feels she needs to prove that she can be young and successful in the kpop industry. Perople often underestimated her because of her age in previous years, so she feels she has something to prove. This translates into her being the type of person to go over and over performances and pick out her mistakes, she also will beat herself up for tiny mistakes that no one noticed until she pointed hem out. This kid needs a serious self esteem boost or she's gonna be exhausted within her first year as an idol. 


background —

Natalie Jin was born on the 27th of July 1998 in Brisbane, Australia to parents Minhee and Ben. Natalie's mother is originally from South Korea, she moved to Australia to study and ended up not moving back home. Natalie's father is second generation Australian, his parents having moved from South Korea. So he is of Korean descent, but has lived in Australia all his life.

Natalie doesn't believe her past is all that interesting. She grew up in Brisbane, learning Korean from her mother so she could talk to her maternal grandparents when they visited and also because Minhee wanted her daughter to be able to speak it. She started preschool in 2003 and met her current best friends there. Of course, they didn't know they were going to grow up to be such good friends, but they did. Throughout primary school it was discovered that Natalie was a very very intelligent girl. She didn't skip a grade, but really could have if she'd wanted to. She won many talent shows in her primary school years because of her amazing singing voice, and she even attended singing lessons to improve her voice even more. She started guitar in year 5, and picked up piano in year 7. After a horribly embarassing event that Natalie does not ever speak of EVER, she discovered she really wasn't good at sports, so tended to stay away from those activities.

High school came with a big surprise for Natalie. Her father got a job back in South Korea, and their family was moving. And they were leaving her brother behind! Natalie was especially upset about having to leave Elliot behind, but considering he was 5 years in to a 7 year degree in Medicine at University, he really wasn't in any position to move to South Korea with them. After her first year of high school was finished , Minhee, Ben and Natalie all packed their bags and left for Seoul, South Korea. This was a devestating event for Natalie, and she really had a hard time adjusting to life in South Korea. But with the support of her family she managed to settle in and was ready to start her new life in Seoul. 14 year old Natalie was ready (ish) to take on the world (okay not really). Starting school in a new country was very hard for Natalie, and getting used to speaking another language all the time was really hard for her too. But she made a friend who was really good at singing too. Her new friend encouraged her to come and audition for JellyFish Entertainment with her. Natalie, who even back in Australia was into kpop, tentatively agreed. She didn't think she would be good enough to be accepted into the company. But, to her surprise, Natalie and her friend both passed the auditions and began their lives as trainees for JellyFish Entertainment.

Of course, being an idol trainee now, Natalie and her friend had to change schools to the prestigious Seoul School of Performing Arts. Moving schools again was tough for Natalie, especially with her shy nature, but she had her friend with her, so the move was a little smoother than it would have been if she had to go alone. Currently, Natalie is in her second year of High school in Korea and is about to debut with her girl group after 2 years of training.  

likes — 

Pocky - Natalie's one true love, she always has at least 2 packets of pocky with her no matter what
 Books - Especially fantasy and science fiction genres, they fuel her creativity and make her want to write more
 Singing - Pretty self explanatory really, and now she's making a living out of one of her passions
Rock Music - Natalie has a soft spot for bands like Fall Out Boy and Linkin Parkm
✾ Cheesy kdramas - They are her guilty pleasure, and she will even enjoy the ones that cause the most girly of girls to cringe
✾ Coffee - Natalie can't even begin to function without coffee. She loves it
 Chocolate - Who doesn't love chocolate?
✾ Sleep - She doesn't usually get much what with her hectic schedule, so she enjoys it when she can
✾ The Beach - Australia is known for it's beautiful beaches, and Natalie often misses the beaches of home

dislikes — 
Snakes - They scare the crap out of her
Horror movies - They also scare the crap out of her
Pumpkin - It's disgusting. Natalie doesn't undertand how people can actually enjoy that stuff
✾ Winter - Winter in Australia is fine, because it doesn't get that cold. But winter in Seoul? It gets freezing! Natalie, who is used to sunny Australia, hates it.
 Haters - They make her feel awful about herself
 Fake people - She can always see right through their facades.

hobbies — 
✾ Piano -  She's been learning it for many years now, it helps with her composing
✾ Guitar - She's been learning this for a long time too. She loves to compose with her guitar
✾ Tumblr - It's addictive. Where else is she supposed to fangirl over Supernatural?
✾ Surfing the web - Who doesn't do that?
Sleeping - It's good

habits — 
✾ Twisting her clothes when she's nervous
✾ Sleeping in random places or on people
Practicing her singing at odd hours of the morning if she can't sleep
✾ Checking her phone for texts from her brother or love interest
Calling her parents everynight, she's still their little girl
 Skyping her friends in Australia once a week, more if she can
✾ Skyping her brother in Australia at least 3 times a week. She misses him heaps.

trivias — 
✾ She's always wanted to go to Paris
 She is an ELF and her bias is Heechul
 She ships Eunhae
✾ She's also a shawol, and can be found regularly fangirling over Taemin and Jonghyun
✾ She and her mother like to fangirl over Rain and Kim Soo Hyun together
Her favourite season is Autumn because it rains a lot so she can go outside and run around in the rain
✾ She actually hasn't had her first kiss yet
 She firmly believes in the red string of fate story

my loved ones

family — 

— Jung Minhee | Mother | 47 | Kind, caring, intelligent | High School English Teacher | Natalie is extremely close to her mother. They have a very strong mother-daughter bond. This includes fangirling over Korean dramas together and going out for coffee together every second Thrusday afternoon. Natalie knows she can always come to her mother if she is having any trouble or just feeling down, and Minhee will make her smile again and send her off with some really great advice. 

— Jin Ben | Father | 50 | funny, sweet, creative | Head of South Korean department of an international law firm | Natalie is pretty close to her father as well. In fact, Ben was the one to teach Natalie how to make the best chocolate cake ever. Ben is a very playful father, but know how to help Natalie when she needs it. He is always there when she needs someone to talk to, and can often be another perspective on a problem she has already taken to her mother. 
— Jin Elliot | Brother | 22 | sarcastic, protective, likes to tease Natalie | Natalie and her brother are the closest out of the entire family. They are pretty much best friends, and it was extremely hard for Natalie to leave Australia without her brother. Natalie and Elliot are extremely close for siblings. Elliot always takes care of Natalie, brings her food whenever she needs it, is there to play video games with her and fangirl over Super Junior with her. Even  though Elliot moved out to attend University, they've never really been apart. That's why it's so hard for Natalie to be in a whole different country to her loving older brother.

Best of Best friends

friends — 

— Chloe Ainsworth | 17 | Best Friend | Chloe is one of Natalie's best friends from Australia. Chloe is the biggest kpop fangirl on the planet. So she is alwaysasking Natalie if she's seen Lee Taemin from SHINee yet now that she lives in Korea. These girls are really close. They're typical teenage best friends, and they are finding the separation a bit hard. But, considering Seoul is only an hour behind Brisbane, they can talk often (however Natalie's busy schedule sometimes messes this up for them) 

— James McDonald | 17 | Best Friend | James is the other of Nataltie's best Australian friends. James, despite the rumours going around, is not gay despite having 2 girls for best friends. He likes to assert his masculinity whenever possible (as all teenage boys do) However, underneath that 'tough guy' exterior, James is just as much of a nerd as Chloe and Natalie, which is why they are all such good friends. 
— Kim Jisu | 17 | Best Friend | Jisu is Natalie's friend who convinced her to audition for the company. Jisu is also a trainee alongside Natalie, but she isn't debuting in Natalie's group. Jisu is Natalie's closest friend in Korea. They met on Natalie's first day at her new school in Korea, and just clicked. They've been best friends ever since. They are also typical teenage girl best friends, with the same music taste, same TV show taste, same boy taste (But Jungkook is all Natalie's, Jisu has her eye on another boy) They're very close.
— Kim Taehyung (V) | 20 | Friend | Taehyung and Natalie met through her love interest, and have since become pretty good friends. They often have marvel movie marathons togeher, and fangirl over Iron Man. Taehyung is also the first person always to tease Jungkook and Natalie whenever they are together. 
— Park Jimin | 20 | Friend | Jimin and Natalie also met through her love interest. They have become good friends since then. Jimin is always up for a chat about idol life, and will give Natalie advice (in an extremely humerous way of course :P). He also enjoys teasing Natalie and Jungkook, though not to the extent of Taehyung. 

What's a soulmate

love interest — Jungkook from Bangtan Boys

backup love interest — Taemin from SHINee


personality — 
Jungkook is a quiet sort of guy, but he's not afraid to speak his mind when the need arises. He is also quite the prankster, being themaknae of his group makes him able to tease people very easily as he has lots of practice. He's not a person to judge either, and unless you get on his bad side he will treat everyone equally and with respect (except his hyungs :P) Jungkook is quite focused on his music, but to help those he cares about he will drop everything and run to them. He's a very loyal sort of guy, and he makes a great friend (and even better boyfriend)
Jungkook is the kind of guy to be extremely romantic with his girlfriend/crush. He'll be the one to make a big deal out of 6 month anniversaries and things like that. He does get teased by his hyungs in relationships, but he's not one to shy away from showing affection. He'd be the perfect gentelman (most of the time) 

First meeting: Guess what other young, talented and extremely attactive idol happens to be attending Seoul School of Performing Arts? Jeon Jungkook! Natalie and Jungkook met at school. Jungkook is a year older than  Natalie, but she takes a few advanced classes because she's so freakishly smart, so they have a few classes together. Natalie and Jungkook are lab partners for Chemistry, which is how they started to get to know each other. Their first meeting was at the start of the new school year, when the teacher assigned them seats in Chemistry. They awkwardly introduced themselves, and Natalie was inwardly fangirling because ohmygod she's sitting next to Jeon Jungkook and he's actually talking to her ohmygod. So they kind of awkwardly sat next to each other during the class and awkwardly made eye contact and awkardly made awkward converation because teenagers are awkward. Jungkook kept staring at Natalie because she's so beautiful, she must be new I've never seen her here before. Natalie kept staring at Jungkook because ohmygod he's even more beautiful in real life.  

Relationship: Jungkook and Natalie have become friends over a surprisingly short period of time. Considering both of them are pretty quiet, they have managed to get to know each other really well in a really short ammount of time. The chemistry ((hehe pun totally intended)) between them was undeniable, and they introduced some subtle flirting into their relationship pretty early on. Natalie does surprise herself in the fact that she flirts with Jungkook, because she is usually a quiet and painfully shy girl. But there is something about Jungkook that causes her to feel at ease with him. At the current point in time, Jungkook and Natalie are extremely close friends. They flirt with each other a little, and Natalie has a crush on Jungkook. Jungkook has a crush in Natalie as well. So it's probably only a matter of time before Jungkook mans up and asks her out on a date. Bangtan love to tease Jungkook about his crush on Natalie, and Global Girls love to tease Natalie about her crush on Jungkook. They get together when they can to work on homework, at either Bangtan's dorm or Gobal's dorm. These are prime opportunities for Kookie's hyungs and Nat's unnies to tease the crap out of they youngsters. Natalie loves to fall asleep on Jungkook, and when they have some down time together she will often fall asleep on his shoulder or lap. Jungkook really likes to cuddle Natalie, he thinks she's perfect to cuddle. Natalie has no problem with being cuddled. When they're together, because they're both pretty quiet people, they tend to sit in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. But don't give the kids too much caffine, or they'll go crazy. They also do the cute sharing headphones thing when they listen to music together. Movies are also on the agenda, they make the most of their freetime. When meeting new people, Natalie has a habit of hiding mostly behind Jungkook and playing with the bottom of his shirt. So instead of twisting her own clothes to show that she's nervous, she will twist Jungkook's. He thinks it's adorable. They pretty much act like normal teenagers when they get the chance. 

Conclusion: Jungkook finally mans up and asks Natalie out. They get together and have a really cute relationship, and after a bit of drama when revealing their relationship to the fans, the fans ship them together and think they're cute. Of course the drama with the fans will only make their relationship stronger.

Hall of fame




Stage Name — Natalie

Persona — The Quiet Youngster 

Position — Main Vocalist #3 

Fanclub Name — Minions (so she can refer to them as her personal minions on social media) 


Vocal Twin — Lee Haeri - Davichi [Lee Hi]

Dance twin — Yuri - SNSD 
Rap Twin — n/a
Trainee years — 2 years 
Trainee Life — 
Natalie had a hard time settling into her trainee life at first. She was in a new country, away from her brother and best friends, she was speaking a different language all the time and she had to deal with school on top of her training. So for the first 6 months of her training, Natalie was sinking more than she was swimming. However, once she settled herself in to life as a trainee, discovered the perfect balance between school and training (and lot's of coffee) Natalie began to float. She made friends with a few other trainees her age and began to feel more at home. Of course the training was still hard work, and there were many nights after Natalie had collapsed in the dance studio with extremely sore from vocal lessons and her body aching from dance practice where she wanted to give up. But she kept going, because she knew that one day all the pain would be worth it when she was on stage, singing and dancing to her song, with her group members beside her and the crowds screaming her name. Towards the end of her training, Natalie was definitely swimming. She had improved her voice even more, so that it is now exceptional, she is a pretty decent dancer, and her modelling skills are nothing to sneeze at. She's so ready to be debuting. 
Predebut experiences — 
Bangtan Boys Beautiful - Female lead (Jungkook and Natalie were friends at this time)
VIXX Voodoo - Female lead
VIXX Eternity - Female lead
Modelling for various companies

The final page

comments/suggestions — I hope you like Natalie! It's not often I get to make a character from my own country, so I really enjoyed doing this! Just let me know if there's anything I need to fix up. 

scene requests
A homework session with Natalie and Jungkook at the Bangtan dorm, and the hyungs come in to tease Kookie and Nat
Some bonding between the girls, so that we see them all together as a really strong group
Weekly Idol
Hello Baby
Global Girls Showtime
Maybe Nat and Kookie could do a collab for a drama OST or something? Just so that they can sing together ^_^ 

passwordAmber is bae :')

turn in — back to the story


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