Ebony (흑단) x Young Jae x Lead vocalist


Ahn Jun Young

Anabear • Ana• 5/10



NAME » Ahn Jun Young
NICKNAME(S) » JY, nick name from the army
Stage name: 
Young Jae

BIRTHPLACE & hometown » Incheon, South Korea & Seoul, South Korear

birthdate »  October 9, 1990/24


LANGUAGE » Korean (fluent)





APPEARANCE » Jun Young has medium length hair and its usually brown. He has no tattoos or peircings, but has a scar on his shoulder

STYLE » Jun Young enjoys looking nice. He usually does, even after practice. If you look nice you feel nice. He is the most fashionable in the group
Height:  187 cm
weight: 70 kg


" You only get what you work for"

" character quote or something here (only if you want) "



PLOTLINE » Lead vocalist
Back up plotline: Main vacalist
Talent twins: 
singing: Sanchez
dancing: Joon  

talking: John Park

Trainee background: Being a trainee was awkward. Not only was he young, but his mother was one of the Team Leaders. AT first no one would interact with him or his sister, but when they saw that his mother wouldn’t do anything people started picking on him relentlessly. Things stopped after a while and his life normalized. When he debuted there was a lot of speculation about his mother cheating to get him in. He was there for 8 years

Respectful, polite, esily embarrised, awkward
Jun Young is very respectful and polite. He doesn’t raise his voice or yell, but is good at getting his point across. He usually will stand straight with his hands folded and he controls his facial emotion. When he gets embarrassed he will look down and blush, but only on his cheek bones
One of the few things Jun Young is bad at is dealing with people who are down. He can’t comfort people at all and is very awkward when someone cries. If he gets put into an awkward situation he will step around then stop and look down. 

TRIVIA » He has a dog 
He has already done his military time
He is alergic to nuts, but not deathly
When he stands next to people he usually will try to shrink his height
He owns his own apartment
He is his younger sisters legal guardian
He is close friends with ulzzang Kyung Ryong
He knows how to drive
He knows how to cook
He knows how to swim
He knows how to play the guitar and piano
He wants to learn to speak English
When he was in the army people would ask him to sing to help with their homesickness

Chicken and beer
Night time
The sound of rain on the windows and roof

Snow (the white fluffy stuff that falls from the sky and is cold)

When people cry aroung him he doesnt know what to do
When he gets embarresed his cheeks will turn pink
When he is around drunk or tired people he will go into protective father mode
He cooks when he is nervous
He gets awkward around pretty girls

Spending time with friends
Going on walks
Listening to music




Jun Young was the first born to a very proud, very wealthy couple. One was the CEO to one of South Korea largest car companies and the other was high up in one of the largest entertainment companies. Jun Young was the first of three, but he was the only to have a childhood. When he was young his parents were too busy for him so they hired a nanny to look after him and he got to go out, do fun things like kids do. The nanny ended up being crazy and almost killed him, but he still had a childhood.

After that, he and his younger brother went to an esteemed private school. Soon after they started their younger sister was born. When she was old enough she started there too. Growing up, all three learned to sit down and shut up. Kids were to be seen and not heard. They were dressed to perfection every day and knew how to act.

When Jun Young was eight his father’s company tanked. The kids had to stop going to their school and they attended a (shiver) public school. Their mother held her position in her company, but his father never recovered. He became a stay at home dad, just without the dad part. He grew cold and mean towards his children. They learned quickly to avoid their father.

Jun Young’s brother was sick and had to stay home from school the day of the fire. It took their entire house and their father escaped, but died a week later. Their mother was distraught, but the kids only missed their brother. They tried to keep their life going on as it was, but it didn’t last.

At the age of 14, their mother took both children and forced them to become trainees. They would train in the mornings and go to school in the afternoons. It was a hard life for Jun Young, but it was harder for his sister. He did everything he could for her at home, but she wasn’t the same after that.

When he turned seventeen, Jun Young took his required military time and he was relieved. Those were the best two years of his life. He was out from under his mother’s thumb and free…well he wasn’t at home which he was happy for. When he got out his family was different. His sister was out of control and his mother seemed burned out.

He got a job, but it was only at a clothing store, not much help but his mother was appreciative. The longer Jun Young was around the faster she fell back into her old pattern. Jun Young put up with it for another year before informing her that she stop or he would take his sister and move out. She told him to so he did. They moved into an apartment in Seoul. Apparently their father had an apartment that they were never allowed to go to, but it was given to Jun Young when he turned eighteen.

The two of them continued to train, Jun Young continued to work and his sister continued to go to school. When his 24th birthday came around he was getting more than desperate. He literally only knew the military and being a trainee. He could be a trainee his whole life, but he had no other skills.


Ahn Ron g Kyung|Father|47|Hard, cold, cruel|Not close at all
Ahn Su Na|Mother|49|Stern, hard demanding|They are not close, they arent even on speaking terms
AhnJun Kyung|Brother|10|Kind, playful, happy|Jun Young was Jun Kyung's older brother. It was his jb to protect his brother and he didnt
Ahn Baek Min|Sister|19|Wild, loud|Jun Young takes care of Baek Min. He couldnt help his brother so he will not let anything happen to his sister. 


FRIENDS/RIVALS » Kyung Ryong|Best friend|26|Quiet, kind but closed off|Jun Young and Kyung Rong spend time together all the time. Jun Young hardly sees other people. They were in the military together and he helps Jun Young with his sister



LOVE INTEREST » Alyssa Lee | trainee



PERSONALITY » Alyssa is avery soft spoken, kind girl. She sees the best in people and tries her best to keep the peace. She is a soft flower with an angel face


LOVE STORY » Jun Young and Alyssa were trainees together and Jun Young started cruching on her from the start. When he went away to the army he though she would be gone and he would get over her, but neither happened. He liked her even more and she started acting like she liked him. 
Alyssa liked Jun Young from the first time she saw him. When he went away to the army she thought he would come back with some girl on his arm and her small chances would fly out the window. When that didnt happen she vowed that she would talk with him
They are friends, but both want it to be more. After a while they are going to start dating and they take it painfully slow. They both are awkward around the other, but they get used to it. People always say they are a cute couple and Ryong Kyung tells Jun Young that they fit perfectly together




SCENE REQUESTS » Lorem ipsum



I'm sorry



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