「Please Be My Wife! 」— Song Nayoung

song nayoung



⟪ NAME ⟫ Song Nayoung


→ Nana-banana : because Soojin swears up and down that it's way cuter and less stuffy than her actual name : Lee Soojin
→ Miss Clutz : she's always tripping over something or running into things and breaking glasses : the other girls in the group
→ Awkward Panda : because she can turn any conversation or situation into an awkward one : Myungsoo

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ May 31, 1993
⟪ AGE ⟫ 21
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Busan, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Busan, South Korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean


→ Korean : native language // fluent



⟪ MAIN IDOL FACE-CLAIM ⟫ girls day yura 
⟪ BACK UP IDOL FACE-CLAIM ⟫ 4minute jihyun 

⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 165 cm 48 kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Nayoung's style is very girly. Cute frilly skirts lace sleeve tops adorable flats, she loves them all. 

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Average height at 165 cm, long straight brown hair, Nayoung can easily be described as normal appearance wise. Nothing too noteworthy or that makes her stand out from the crowd. 


Traits : 
→ Positive : Outgoing, Hardworking, Modest, Imaginative
→ Negative : Clumsy, Awkward, Irresponsible, Tactless


Nayoung is a very outgoing girl. She has no problem introducing herself to strangers or doing a speech in school, and loves meeting new people. Even though she doesn't have too many friends that she goes out and sees outside of class she can easily pull someone over and convince them to hang out with her so she doesn't seem like she's alone. Now despite her crazy and spastic nature Nayoung is very hard working. Whenever she's at the cafe or even at home she'll take a notebook with her in case of any inspiration that comes to her. Even though she's not the best out there she'll definitely try as hard as she can to keep a job for more than a couple of weeks. She focuses a lot of her energy into her school work so that she can have all the tools necessary to become a good writer and do something that isn't waiting tables and spilling drinks. She's a very imagative person always thinking outside the glittery blue box because a regular box is too boring. So of course she's very much a day dreamer and will often space out even when trying to focus, usually freaking someone out because she was staring at them without meaning it. She's also extremely modest and doesn't really understand the concept of accepting a compliment since she doesn't get them very often. Nayoung doesn't let the compliments go to her head and if she does something really well she's definitely not the one to brag about it, since she doesn't want to seem like it was in the bag. 


Now before anyone can say that being clumsy isn't a negative trait Nayoung here is so bad that it works. She breaks just about everything she touches, and has been through three different pairs of glasses in the past few months becase she'll either sit on them or set them down and forget where they were put. We'll just not even talk about her cooking skills since they are so nonexistant it's almost dangerous just to let her in the kitchen let alone try anything. Even though she's extremely outgoing and can get along with just about anyone once they start to spend more time with her they realize just how much she doesn't understand other people, and cannot make a decent conversation with others. Reading something that she has prepared over and over again is a sinch for Nayoung but thinking off the top of her head is a disaster and usually ends up with her tactless comments hurting someone's feelings without her knowing until someone explains it and she spends the next couple of months trying to make it up to that person with gifts and homemade coupons that give them a free round of non interruptive insults that they can use on her and she takes it with her bright smile and laugh. Nayoung is also rather irresponsible, and even though she's hard working it's really only when she's motivated for it. If she's not than it suddenly doesn't matter and she doens't care about it at all. Forgetting her responsiblities and things she promised to get done is just one of the many of issues that she has a problem with. 


Nayoung was born an only child on May 31 in the beautiful seaside city of Busan. She grew up in a very normal and loving home with her mother and father. Ever since she was little she was quite clumsy, and was going in and out of the doctors for scratches, broken bones, and sprained ankles. Of course there were bumps in the road with her family since her mother was very overprotective, and if given the chance she would have wrapped Nayoung in bubble wrap before she left the house every day. But also since she wasn't the smartest in school and was always distracted with her head in the clouds dreaming about whatever or making shapes at the said clouds in her head. Her father tried what he could to keep her attention in school but eventually learned that it wouldn't work since she just ignored him, so he came up with an ultimatum. If she did well in school from where she was in middle school all the way to graduation he would allow her to go to Seoul and major in whatever she wanted, as long as she stayed close to her friend Jooyeon and aunt Soojin. Motivated by that since she had always wanted to be a writer Nayoung got down to business the best she could and studied hard to at least finish high school not at the bottom of the class, and when she graduated she was given her parents blessing to go to Seoul to hopefully achieve her dream. 

       ⟪ RIGHT NOW ⟫ 
Now Nayoung is staying in a small one bedroom apartment, making by on rent by writing on her blog about everything and anything that goes on or what goes through her head. She can't keep a real job to save her life since she's more trouble than she's worth. She's studying at a nearby university for creative writing and uses the blog to post her different styles, and doesn't spend much time around any body else but the other girls in the group. 


→ Currently does not have a job
→ Loves coffee and spends a lot of her free time at the cafe with Soojin
→ Actually has to wear glasses since she lost her contacts 

→ She wears shorts underneath her skirts
→ Can't hold a job to save her life 

→ Has an unhealthy obsession with hair accessories 
→ When she studies she'll often have to push her glasses back up

→ Has a tendency of freaking out over little things, such as losing her pencil when it's on the floor next to her
→ Majoring in writing at school



→ Coffee
→ Bubble Tea (she'll often beg Soojin or another girl to buy her one.)
→ Fall 
→ Chocolate (any desert really but chocolate ones are her favorite.)
→ Animals (especially puppies and kittens cause they're too adorable.)
→ Nights
→ Bows or hair clips
→ Nights
→ Lemon water


→ Her glasses (thinks they make her look dorky)
→ Anything that isn't plastic (because then they'll break)
→ Winter 
→ Early mornings
→ Heels (they are evil)
→ Cooking
→ Applying for jobs
→ Being interrupted when writing
→ Heights




Mother, Song Chaerin ⋮ 43 ⋮ Housewife ⋮ Overprotective, Loving, Worrywart ⋮She's really close to her mother and calls her every chance she can to tell her what's going on and how everything is going at school and with her friends. 
Father, Song Daehyun ⋮ 45 ⋮ Business man ⋮ Dedicated, Focused, Harsh ⋮ She's close with her father as welll, though it's a little strained because of the bet between them and that her father didn't think that she would prove him wrong. But even so they are still close and often joke about it now. 


The other girls 


Second Mother, Lee Soojin ⋮ 33 ⋮ Cafe Owner ⋮ Cheerful, Positive, Loud, Impatient ⋮ Nayoung really admires Soojin and thinks of her like a second mom since she often misses her own going to school so far away from her family. You could say that Nayoung is spoiled by her second mother and is given just about anything when she comes in to study or work on an assignment.


⟪ PLOTLINE ⟫ "I'm not the best."
⟪ BACKUP PLOTLINE ⟫ "Complete Opposites."


Shock. That was all Nayoung could think when he spoke to her, of all people in just the three block radius he decided that she was the one that would make the perfect wife. Was he serious? Did he forget that she just spilled her precious bubble tea all over his nice, once white button down shirt? Nayoung stared at Myungsoo the shock still evident on her face and shook her head just at a loss for words, actually forgetting how to speak. While she was so very clearly freaking out he watched quietly amused by the whole thing not even minding that his shirt was now stained pink in the middle of the cafe. "So will you?" He asks her quietly, while Nayoung shakes her head still not understanding what is exactly going through her mind. "But I'm a complete failure. Cooking? You can forget it, I burn water. Nothing can get clean, I break things more than I fix them, not to mention I lose just about everything I come into contact with." Myungsoo gives her a small smile and nods as she lists all of her flaws. "You'll be perfect then." She just stares at him and blinks a few times before shaking her head reaching to feel his forehead. "Are you ill? Hit by a car on the way here? Because you're making no sense. I know that Soojin-unni had to put this up to you because no one in their right mind would ever decide to pick me, especially to be a fake wife." He just smiles letting her get out all of her confusion and freak out before asking again. "So then Nayoung-sshi will you be my wife?"


Growing up in a rich family Myungsoo was taught that when he does anything he has to do it perfect. His mother embodied everything that was perfection from the pose to the clothesit was always easy to pick her out in a room, and so she expected her son to do the same. Once he became the manager at a high end hotel in the middle of Seoul, it was his mother who decided that it was time for her son to marry, and she had already had the perfect someone in mind who would tie the perfect little bow to her perfect family. The girl was beautiful, graceful, and could capitivate the room when she spoke, and Myungsoo wanted no part of it. He was tired of the perfect, orginized world that he had grown up in and sure as hell didn't want a girl who was pretty much a replica of his mother. So to avoid having to marry his mother's pick he told her that he was already engaged to someone. 

love interest

​⟪ LOVE INTEREST ⟫ Kim Myungsoo


⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ Manager at an International Hotel

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ March 13, 1992

⟪ AGE ⟫ 22

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ Here's my failure of a character just as promised. Hope I didn't disappoint too much with it ;_; ps I hope the pics weren't too much cx

→ Nayoung meeting Myungsoo's mom and spilling her drink during the dinner embarrassing herself. 
→ Nayoung begging Soojin and the others to buy her some bubble tea. 
→will add more later brain dead right now cx

⟪ VOTE ⟫ ulzzang

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Kim Myungsoo



Myungsoo is a quiet guy like seriously where Nayoung is loud and outgoing always having something to say this guy is the exact opposite. The aura around him is totally calm and in control, very much like how he was raised. He doesn't show his emotions that often and is sometimes seen as being cold and distant so others don't pay much attention to him since their first impression isn't the best. He can also come across as being stiff, uptight and a know it all since he'll often correct those when they're wrong without meaning to but it just comes out. He's not the best when it comes to people but he tries to be better so that he's not insulting someone. However Myungsoo is the definition of patient and doesn't seem to get upset about anything, which is a good thing for Nayoung. No matter what anyone does he just takes it with a gracious smile and is grateful for it. He's also so polite to the point that it's creepy. He doesn't say anything without saying thank you or please and is completely eloquent when speaking that it's easy to get lost in his voice. 



The interactions between these two is quite the sight and most wonder how in the world Myungsoo hasn't ripped out all of his hair from having to spend 24/7 with a walking disaster like Nayoung. A normal day between them is Nayoung draping his nice clothes in something either liquid or food that wasn't even hers, and apologizing like no tomorrow flubbering about how she really is just the worst thing ever, and Myungsoo just shaking his head telling her it's okay and that he didn't really like that suit anyway and was looking for a reason to get rid of it. She desparately tries to be the girl that his mother wants for him, while he tries again and again to convince her that she's perfect just the way she is and that she shoudn't worry about it. They get along for the most part and click well since Myungsoo is very quiet and easy going just letting Nayoung talk most of the time. He often helps her with her homework when she's having problems and is actually the one who takes care of her doing the cooking or cleaning a mess she made, which only makes Nayoung feel worse about being a terrible wife, even if it's a fake one. She often gets depressed when around him though because she's constantly thinking that she's not good enough and that her agreeing to Myungsoo was a big mistake because all she does is cause him problems, and even though she tries to hide it it's obvious to see when they're together, especially when Myungoo's family is brought up in conversation. He'll often call her his little awkward panda since she can get so awkward around him and others. 


Well the meeting between the two wasn't actually anything special or mindblowing since Nayoung was too oblivious to see him whenever he showed upt to the cafe. However Soojin being the smart and sneaky unni that she is saw the greatness that could come from the two of them and decided to place a small seed into Myungsoo's head about the girl. Since then he watched her quietly gaining an idea of how she is and then came to the conclusion that Nayoung would be the perfect girl for his problem and on a strange impulse asksed her then and there. Of course since she had absolutely no idea he was coming up behind her she ran right into him and spilled her strawberry bubble tea all over him and in a mass hysteria started to try and wipe it off even though it was clear the shirt was stained and will forever have a splash of pink. However instead of being upset he just smiled and held onto the hand that was trying to clean his shirt and lifted it gently and completely like a gentleman asked her a crazy question that should never come out of someone's mouth when first meeting another person. "Will you marry me?" (it's the beginning part of the her reaction section >_<)



The way that their lie came to be wasn't actually because of Myungsoo, that's right the one who let the cat out of the bag was Nayoung. She couldn't handle dealing with all the stares and being shot down about not being the perfect girl from his family, especially his mother and blurted it out during a dinner with them. At first no one reacted but then his mother just nodded and shook her head sighing, saying something along the lines of yes of course that makes more sense there's no way my Myungsoo would every actually marry someone like you. Even though Nayoung deep down knew it was true she couldn't help the fact that it still hurt when she loved him but then knew her feelings could never be returned and left right then and there, not giving Myungsoo the time to answer about how he felt since he's loved her since he first was told about by Soojin. He quickly followed after telling his family that even though it was fake at first that he had every plan on marrying the girl who just ran out and that they just had to deal with it since he wouldn't budge. 

Nayoung tried her best to avoid Myungsoo no matter how much the others tried to convince her to see him and that she has everything backwards because he really did love her and she was just being too stupid and stubborn to see and admit that she loved him just as much. It took a few days before they had all managed to get Myungsoo and Nayoung together and when they did Nayoung whined and said that they were all a bunch of traitors and none of them are ever getting her homemade coupons again. He just laughed and walked over holding out his hand grabbing Nayoung's lifting it to his mouth and kisses it softly. "Will you marry me, my little awkward panda?" Nayoung blinks at Myungsoo and just stares at him much like she did when he first asked that question. She teared up a little though tried desparately not to cry and just nods. "Yes, god I've been such an idiot." He smiles reaching to hug her. "And I wouldn't have you any other way."




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