Long time No see

Forget Me Not

Friday, 30th August 2013


"Sir, Mam, your drinks."


Ga-in was in an Italian restaurant meeting her company's partner representative over dinner for a discussion. She's finally in charge of financial matters again in a project after 4 to 5 months of cooling down of the scandal. The collaboration project may be challenging for an accountant who was told to go on a paid leave for 4 months but the professional Ga-in did not lose any part of her specialty. She remained eloquent and persuasive in her business speech, she still remained the best among her colleagues, the best choice among them to be put in charge.


They ate dinner first while chatting outside business. It's only after they finished Ga-in took out her files for discussion.


The entire dinner including the discussion lasted for a long two hours and it's now late. It's 8.30pm and she had to call her husband to inform him that she's coming back soon.


"I'll go over to fetch you. Wait for me there. I'll be there in about twenty minute's time." He told her.


Ga-in continued to sit at her table while the other party left since she rejected his offer to bring her home. She could tell that he was interested in her from the way he gazed at her while she was eating and even asking her about her dating status. She was so freaked out about his behaviour that she shoved her hand right in front of his eyes to show her wedding ring. It was unusual especially since almost everyone in her industry knew her for the scandal and should have known that she's married to a singer.


Since she was free, she decided to finish up her proposal so that she could turn in for the night earlier.


Just a minute into her work, she was distracted by a familiar voice. She was immediately reminded of Kwon and she looked backwards to the door. It was Kwon! She turned her face to her front again to avoid being seen and could hear the sound of his footsteps nearing her. Thankfully, her face couldn't be seen but he sat right behind her. Now this made going out without being seen a very challenging thing to do. She knows that avoiding him forever is impossible but it's been only slightly more than three months since they last met. It's still very awkward and she wanted so badly to be out of this sticky situation. What is she going to say? How is she going to present herself as a married woman to her ex-boyfriend? She felt so shameless and hurt at the same time for liking him so much when he was in a relationship with her only due to pity. She felt so little before him she didn't want to see him anymore.


The romantic atmosphere was ruined at that moment when the sound of rain landing on the metal door canopy was loud enough to be disturbing. Just then, the door opened, revealing the guy Ga-in met earlier.


"Gain-ssi!" The man called out.


Her eyes widened with surprise and then cringed when she knew it was her since she's the only woman in the tiny restaurant. Kwon turned around but wasn't expecting to see the Ga-in he knew. He saw her back but only now recognised her back. "Son Ga-in?" She heard Kwon's voice.


"I better bring you home. It's raining." The other guy offered when he reached her table.


"It's okay. I'll bring her home." Kwon told him. With that, the guy, relieved, went off.


Until then, she never turned her head. She's exposed but still, she didn't dare to face him. But now it's just the two of them. She can't act like she doesn't know his presence and be silent after being recognised.


"Kwon-ah! You're here! I didn't know you were behind me all these while." She said while acting cheerful and unaffected.


He gave her a warm smile and moved to her table. It bothered him a little seeing Ga-in unaffected but he was happy for her that she seemed to have moved on.


"How have you been?" He asked.


"Well!" She smiled as if she was truly happy. "My career is back on track. The scandal is dying down so it's more comfortable going out these days. It's getting normal as time past," She continued.


"How about you? How have you been? I heard that you and Lizzy are dating." It was her turn to ask and she made the question sound so easy even Kwon was surprised.


"Yes. We're dating." He lied, uncomfortable with how Ga-in didn't feel uneasy about this.


The car horn was heard from outside and Ga-in saw her husband in the car.


"I'll get going." She smiled as she points to Kwill's car outside the restaurant.


"Sure," Kwon stood up as she left.


He stared at Kwill who was at the door with an umbrella, sheltering her to the car. He was jealous that he wasn't the one being able to do that for her. He had no reason to do so now. Even as friends. She's a married woman and as an ex-boyfriend, the more he was unable to protect the one he truly loves.


Give me a while more... I'll have you back soon...




Another short, fast and rushed chapter. Just hope to to finish this story up soon and get to the happy endings soon. Hoping for an April finale. Already have the next fanfic planned. Will post that up right after this fanfic ends and also continue with my other fanfic 'Not Meant to be'.




"Why are you with him?" He asked after mustering up his courage.


The photo frame landed on the floor with a loud thud which caught her attention. She approached it to pick it up and saw...


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might extend the story by a few chapters. from 50 to about 55?


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Cheetax #1
Chapter 46: Please Update Authornim it's been years~ there are not much Adam fanfics anymore plus Ong and JeA please update this~~
kryberfanatic18 #2
Author nim please update!! So happy when I found this pic not many fics about Adam here :( so please update!!! I will be waiting :)
Please update? Too little adam fanfiction updates on AFF these days.
Update pls. I miss this story
Chapter 46: Update soon!
kkaplinergainjk #6
Chapter 46: Happy fan:D please update a sweet date between AC!
whitepaper #7
I guess next, kwill is going to wake up and then Gain would be in a dilemma again or something like that hahahahah! Is it??
At least now they are finally together~~ Adam Manse~~
jasmine_fantasy #8
Chapter 46: Thank u author nim for finally letting them be together! No more problems pls? Update soon k?
whitepaper #9
Chapter 45: Got to love the love bridges~~ Hahaha! But too bad it'll be hard for Gain to open up to kwon again...
yunatidus #10
Chapter 45: yeah!!! you finally updated,...
cant wait for the AC interactions...
pls. update soon. Ill be waiting