Bring me to see Kwill!

Forget Me Not

Ga-in's POV


Today's Narsha unnie's birthday. It's been a long time since I last saw them because I'm really busy at work these days. Seulong will probably tease me for being a work freak. Not that I'm obsessed with work but rather, he is a jobless ajusshi.


"Narsha unnie! Happy birthday! You're 32! (Korean age)" I emphasised her age as I handed her her present.


"Yah!" She slapped her hand on my shoulders playfully.


We then joined the others who were hanging out in the living hall, chatting.


After a while...


"I...I'd like announce something..." Narsha stuttered, in front of the crowd. What's surprising is that Changmin was beside her...




"We're officially dating," Changmin announced.


The crowd roared, especially with Narsha's new ahjibaems rushing towards their hyung.


"Congrats hyung!"


"I knew you will be the first one to be attatched!"


"The first among us to lose your freedom you mean..."


"Seulong-ah, can't you say better things?" JeA glared at him. JeA has always been our omma. She may seem playful but she has a scary, serious side too. She never jokes with relationships. Seulong then kept quiet.


After a while...


"Ga-in-ah, Kwill's still your idol?" Jinwoon asked.


" The day she leaves Kwill will be the day I get a job," Seulong chuckled, " She'll stick to him for life. Even as a high school student, she skipped school to chase after him, remember? She even called herself 'Kwill's wife'"!


" Poor Kwill..." Jokwon added, pulling a sad look on his face.


These two!  "Kwill's lucky he got a devoted fan like me!" I defended, feeling my cheek getting warm!


" She's so delusional about Kwill. Only her precious Kwill can make a work freak like her leave her work to catch his performances!"


"Firstly, I'm not a work freak! Secondly, I'll not ignore my work just to see my idol!" I screamed. I bet this was the nth time I've been repeating it. I don't like it when they make fun of my work ethics and my idol.




"I still don't get why noona thinks she'll be his future wife. He doesn't even know of your existence, noona," Jinwoon stated.


"That's many years back! Why do you have to bring that up? Besides, I can't even imagine meeting him personally now! It's impossible! I know it. If I ever meet him one day, I'll treat you to an expensive dinner because it's never possible. I'm no longer that delusional sasaeng fan you knew many years ago!" Can't they just stop it?!


"Don't tease our maknae anymore... Can't you see she's irritated?" JeA smiled at me in assurance.


"Allow me to say this. Ga-in-ah, I can make your dream come true," Changmin said.


"Eh? What do you mean?" I asked, confused.


"I know Kwill, personally," He replied.


"I..." I was shocked. How was it possible that Kwill knows my friend?! What a coincidence! Am I dreaming? Is Changmin going to arrange a meeting  between me and Kwill???


Before I could cough out any words of excitement, I acted chicly and said," That's good but I'm busy these days so..." I didn't want them to tease me anymore.


"Did he even say he'll arrange for you two to meet? You're indeed delusional..." Seulong interrupted.


"It's understood that he wanted to arrange a meeting between us!"


"Yes! Should I arrange one? Sure you can at least be available for an hour. " Changmin asked.


OMG! Should I say yes? But I don't want them to tease me further... Why am I stuck in a situation like this?! My dream is right in front of me yet...


"Sorry... I...I don't think I can..."


"Just admit you want the meeting. You'll make your dream come true and we'll get our expensive dinner as promised!"


No one's POV


After the party...


Beep beep... Narsha heard the phone beeping and called for Changmin as she cleared the mess her friends made during the party.  Changmin ran to the living room to check his message...


From: Maknae Ga-in

Oppa, are you sure you know Kwill personally? Or are you making this up to tease me?


Meanwhile, Ga-in is waiting for her message at home, holding the phone, not putting it down in case she misses the reply she is anticipating for.


Ga-in quickly checked her phone.


From: Changmin

Why would I lie? You know me for years, I hardly tease you like my dongsaengs do.


"For real? " Ga-in thought.


From: Maknae Ga-in

Okay. Do me a favour! But why didn't you tell me earlier?You know I'm a Kwill fan.


From: Changmin

Kwill is my buddy in the army. I got out from the army only recently, remember? And you're treating Narsha and me with your promised expensive dinner. Besides, I have to ask Kwill first. I can't just make him agree to it so easily. He is nice but meeting a fan is a little... Don't worry! Kwill owes me a favour anyway.


"Won't it be awkward to meet up with Kwill, alone?" Ga-in thought. She ignored the thought. She can't just ignore this great offer, her dream.


From: Maknae Ga-in

Promise you won't tell any of the boys. Or else...


From: Changmin

I won't, especially at the expense of losing your treat for Narsha and my couple dinner. I get to choose the venue?


From: Maknae Ga-in

Sure. But only after I get to meet him.


From: Changmin

Wait for my good news! :) Goodnight!


Ga-in laid back on her bed, reflecting on the messages.

"Will he mind meeting with a fan like me? He's the top idol after all... Hope nothing goes wrong..."

For the whole night, she couldn't sleep at all, not even for a single minute...




Sorry for delaying! And I'm so sorry for this rushed chapter. Give me some time to get used to writing. I can't write effectively dramatic stories. But I'll try my best. Do tell me how I fare for the first chapter please :)

BTW, in this story, the date is 28 December 2012.










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might extend the story by a few chapters. from 50 to about 55?


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Cheetax #1
Chapter 46: Please Update Authornim it's been years~ there are not much Adam fanfics anymore plus Ong and JeA please update this~~
kryberfanatic18 #2
Author nim please update!! So happy when I found this pic not many fics about Adam here :( so please update!!! I will be waiting :)
Please update? Too little adam fanfiction updates on AFF these days.
Update pls. I miss this story
Chapter 46: Update soon!
kkaplinergainjk #6
Chapter 46: Happy fan:D please update a sweet date between AC!
whitepaper #7
I guess next, kwill is going to wake up and then Gain would be in a dilemma again or something like that hahahahah! Is it??
At least now they are finally together~~ Adam Manse~~
jasmine_fantasy #8
Chapter 46: Thank u author nim for finally letting them be together! No more problems pls? Update soon k?
whitepaper #9
Chapter 45: Got to love the love bridges~~ Hahaha! But too bad it'll be hard for Gain to open up to kwon again...
yunatidus #10
Chapter 45: yeah!!! you finally updated,...
cant wait for the AC interactions...
pls. update soon. Ill be waiting