The Wedding

Forget Me Not

Tuesday, 20th May 2013


"Gain-ah!!!" JeA exclaimed. "You're the most beautiful bride ever!"

The already dressed-up Ga-in was sitting in front of her dresser at her home while the stylists put on her makeup. Ga-in wasn't really happy about the wedding and yet, she made an effort to smile on her big day.

"You don't know how lucky you are. The maknae marrying before us the unnies..." Narsha complained.

"Ha! Don't include me! I've Seulong already. It's just a matter of time we're going to get married. I'm safe. You two aren't yet." JeA proudly told Miryo and Narsha.

As friends, they knew that they had a role to play in making the wedding a pleasant one for Ga-in by creating a fake 'happy' atmosphere. They weren't really happy for Ga-in who's marrying someone she doesn't love but they didn't want Ga-in to be married with poor memories either. Most importantly, they had to make sure Kwon isn't going to be brought up in anyway.


The bride's side made their way to the wedding venue at 10am to prepare for the couple's public appearance to the media at 12 noon. While Ga-in sat in her waiting room waiting for time to pass, Kwill looked for his fiance.

He entered the room and saw Ga-in but she didn't seem to notice him. She stares blankly into the air, as if deeply in thought. He felt like he shouldn't disrupt her thoughts so he remained silent and sat on the sofa behind her. He looked at her adoringly. Never would he have thought that his childhood friend would be his wife-to-be. At least in the past month, he had gotten used to the fact that Ga-in will no longer a friend or a crush he had but his partner in marriage, his family. As much as he liked the thought of it, he felt it was selfish of him when Ga-in only got misery out of this.

It took about a minute for Ga-in to realise Kwill's watchful stare. She turned around while sitting on the swivel chair.

"Oh... you're here..." She smiled forcibly in contrast to her moodless expression just moments ago.

Kwill noticed that change and knew right away that smile was just a facade of hers to hide all her pain in her heart. He knew for sure she still haven't got over Kwon yet like she insisted.

"We still have about an hour more. You want anything to munch on first?" He asked concernedly. Ga-in shook her head.

With that, the two waited together in the room for their public appearance.


Kwill's manager and the unnies lead them out of the room to the lobby where the reporters have gathered at.  Now that Ga-in had more or less gotten used to the new life of a 'celebrity', she was slightly more comfortable in front of the press although she's still nervous.

They were asked questions about their relationship, honeymoon and their families. This time Ga-in was more confident in replying the questions directed at her, except the question where her parents were involved. Kwill helped her out with that and the reporters didn't ask further after learning she's an orphan.

When asked about their honeymoon, since they didn't actually have plans for one, Kwill lied that they will be heading to Japan the following week.

After the Q&A session, the couple posed in front of the cameras.

"Closer..." The reporters requested while gesturing for more intimacy.

Of course, they looked awkward with the skinship but thankfully, it wasn't that obvious to the eyes of public.

However, a reporter suddenly suggested for a peck. The two were prepared for a kiss after the wedding vows later but didn't expect one at that time. They didn't reject the idea as it would be arouse suspicion and an extra kiss wouldn't hurt.

Kwill lead the kiss as he brought his face closer to hers while she just acted smiley and coy with shut eyes. Reporters took even more shots as the kiss progressed. She waited for a touch on her lips while hesitantly keeping still. She could feel him nearing with his breath and nose touching hers but after that, their lips didn't touch after what she felt was long so she opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, their lips touch. They broke away after seconds. Whether she liked the kiss or not, she felt shy and blushed so madly that the reporters , saying that the kiss felt like their first kiss which was what Ga-in thought was the truth.


An hour later, the wedding ceremony started. All the guests had arrived and was seated at their assigned tables. It was a large-scale event considering Kwill's celebrity status. Reporters across all agencies, many of Kwill and Ga-in's friends and colleagues (or celebrity friends) and Kwill's relatives were there. The number of guests was so great that the wall between two consecutive halls had to be removed to make room for at least 30 tables for twelve. The only people who were supposed to be there but weren't there were Kwon and Lizzy. The girl wanted to go but was forced by her cousin to stay away due to her supposed relationship with Kwon. Their appearance will be sensitive to the some guests, especially the bride herself. Kwon's parents, being the heads of the orphanage, were close to Ga-in since young and were hence invited to the wedding but they felt bad and ashamed by their son's hurtful actions towards her so they rejected the invitation.

The couple made their grand entrance into the hall together since the bride's father wasn't around to walk down the aisle with her. The guests gave their sincere applause as the couple walked towards the stage. JeA, being the mother-like figure, started sobbing with happiness at the sight of her younger sister about to commit herself to marriage.

"Aigoo... stop crying... it's their auspicious day and you're crying?!" Miryo complained.

"She's crying because someone 6 years younger than her is getting married before her," Narsha teased JeA.

JeA ignored them and continued sobbing as she watched the maknae.

The couple stopped right before the stage where the priest stood. Everyone kept their applause and sat silently as they wait for the preacher to begin his speech.

"We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony."  The preacher started.

"Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you. " He continued. Ga-in swallowed her saliva in guilt. Their marriage is a superficial one used to save reputation and she felt that it wasn't taken as solemnly as it should be.

"Groom, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The preacher directed at the groom.

"Yes, I do."

"Bride, do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"  The preacher now turned to Ga-in.

"I do." She got over it as fast as she could. Not that she wasn't hesitant about the marriage but rather, she wants to confirm the marriage before she hesitates.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" announced the preacher.

The newly-made husband and wife kissed again with the guests all standing up cheering and clapping for them.



Please comment^^ What do you think about this?

Haha I agree with the comments about this being  too much drama. I have to make most out of the drama before it gets boring again:b since chapter 1-18 was boring. Feels like readers can just start reading from chapter 18 onwards.

I'll try to bring this problem down a bit more than I planned to the next few chapters. There'll be another problem arising again in chapters' time but it's something I can't miss out since that's the real which will lead to the ending.



The Wedding Night (I promise you it's not going to be rated M. Less drama too.)


Credits to the wedding vow speech: (Since I've no idea how to write one myself);_ylt=A0SO8yrhGvFSURgAe8JXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzc21pb3IyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDA0OV8x?qid=20081116195113AAmTEfY

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might extend the story by a few chapters. from 50 to about 55?


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Cheetax #1
Chapter 46: Please Update Authornim it's been years~ there are not much Adam fanfics anymore plus Ong and JeA please update this~~
kryberfanatic18 #2
Author nim please update!! So happy when I found this pic not many fics about Adam here :( so please update!!! I will be waiting :)
Please update? Too little adam fanfiction updates on AFF these days.
Update pls. I miss this story
Chapter 46: Update soon!
kkaplinergainjk #6
Chapter 46: Happy fan:D please update a sweet date between AC!
whitepaper #7
I guess next, kwill is going to wake up and then Gain would be in a dilemma again or something like that hahahahah! Is it??
At least now they are finally together~~ Adam Manse~~
jasmine_fantasy #8
Chapter 46: Thank u author nim for finally letting them be together! No more problems pls? Update soon k?
whitepaper #9
Chapter 45: Got to love the love bridges~~ Hahaha! But too bad it'll be hard for Gain to open up to kwon again...
yunatidus #10
Chapter 45: yeah!!! you finally updated,...
cant wait for the AC interactions...
pls. update soon. Ill be waiting