Do You Remember?

Forget Me Not

10th February 2013

Arriving in Dangsan-dong, Ga-in looked out of the car through the tinted windows. Looking familiar to Ga-in, she felt as if the situation is a deja vu. She assured herself that she must be over-thinking. She never came to this place before. She never did.

Kwill brought her out of the car, expectantly waiting for some reaction. No matter the intensity of the turmoil in Ga-in's mind, her chic expression was always worn.

"This is the place you wanted to bring me to?" She asked.

"Yes. You must be wondering why, don't you, Ga-in-ssi?" To which, she nodded.

He held her hand, pulling her as they walked to one of the houses on the street. He pointed to the house. "This is where I lived before I debuted ever since a child. I lived here until I debuted and earned enough money to buy a restaurant house for my aunt and Lizzy in Itaewon and an apartment for myself. I bought over this house and also the house on the left." He explained. He then pulled her to the house on it's left.

"This house belongs to a long-lost friend of mine. She and her family... migrated to Australia without telling the neighbours," he lied.

"Aren't they poor to even migrate elsewhere?" Ga-in quickly caught his mistake.

"Her family won the lottery." He said as soon as he thought of a suitable excuse. "She was really an extremely close friend of mine. After school, she will help me take care of Lizzy. I really miss her now." With that, he unconsciously looked at Ga-in.

A halmoni came out of the house on the right of Kwill's old house with her flowering can. "Omo! Hyungsoo-ah!" With her aged pair of legs, she brisk-walked towards them.

"Aigoo... who have you brought? Your girlfriend???" She asked as she looked at Ga-in from head to toe. "Aigoo... she's pretty. She'll look better without the black lines on her eyes."

"Halmoni, she isn't," He tried to say but she, being hard of hearing, she listened none of it. "Hyungsoo-ah, what a good taste you have."


Inside halmoni's house...

"She is Ga-in," He whispered to Halmoni, avoiding Ga-in who's in the living room from hearing.

"Ga-in?" She raised her brows, obviously confused.

"Son Ga-in. Uncle Son's daughter. Halmoni's god-daughter." He grasped her hands tight.

"Aigoo... she's our Gainnie?" Her eyes instantly lit up. "Is she really Gainnie? You found her? Jinjja?" Kwill nodded to the euphoric halmoni. "Thank God! I must offer offerings this evening! Our Gainnie returned! After 18 years!" She exclaimed. Kwill signalled her to quiten down lest Ga-in overhears their conversation.

"Waeyo?" She tried to push away his hands that were slightly covering .

"Remember? Ga-in has amnesia. She can't remember us. She don't know who we are. I don't want to give her a shock. That's why I'm here today to see how much she remembers," He explained.

Halmoni looks up at him. "How much does she remember then?"

"Nothing..." He said, which he knew whould burst Halmoni's bubble.


"What were you and Halmoni talking about in the kitchen? I heard you speak vaguely," Ga-in asked as curiousity of the conversation filled her mind.

"Talking about you." He said, knowing Ga-in really didn't know about anything said in the kitchen.

"Me? What about me?"

"Halmoni thinks you're my girlfriend so... " Kwill smiled slyly.

"So? "

"Halmoni just asked about you. "

"By the way, why did you even bring me here? " Ga-in's words spelled trouble for Kwill. He needed an excuse.

"Don't you want to know about me? I'm giving you a chance to do so," He smirked. "I'm an idol after all. You should be honoured."

"What an excuse," He thought. "Whatever. I'll just make do with this for now until I find a suitable excuse."


Wearing his sunglasses and wig, what he thought was a perfect disguise, he gave Ga-in a ride home.

"Rest early! Good night!" He yelled to Ga-in as the security uncle stared at him.

"You're here again?" The suecurity guard said with a look of distrust. Ga-in saw his look and gave him assurance. "Ahjussi. He is Kwon's friend, remember? I told you."

The security guard did not buy her story one bit. "Kwon's friend isn't YOUR friend." He then turned to Kwill. "In the first place, you young man, why did you even need to wear a disguise to send her home?" Finding it hilarious to see her idol speechless, she giggled.

With Ga-in entering the building, he greeted the security guard and drove off. What was remaining was a young guy stealthily hiding inside the neighbouring car behind the tinted windows.




Chose Dangsan-dong as it the street which houses many poor families who live in Seoul so I find it most suitable as the location of Ga-in and Kwill's old houses.



Look at the date! It's a hint!


I apologise for writing shorter and rushed chapters lately. I am kind of rushing to update as much as I can before I enter my second half of the year hiatus.

(871 words) I usually write 1200 words approximately. Longest chapter is Chapter 8 with approx. 3000 words if I can remember accurately. I guess the shortest chapter is Chapter 12 at 600+ words.


Comments are appreciated. ^^

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might extend the story by a few chapters. from 50 to about 55?


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Cheetax #1
Chapter 46: Please Update Authornim it's been years~ there are not much Adam fanfics anymore plus Ong and JeA please update this~~
kryberfanatic18 #2
Author nim please update!! So happy when I found this pic not many fics about Adam here :( so please update!!! I will be waiting :)
Please update? Too little adam fanfiction updates on AFF these days.
Update pls. I miss this story
Chapter 46: Update soon!
kkaplinergainjk #6
Chapter 46: Happy fan:D please update a sweet date between AC!
whitepaper #7
I guess next, kwill is going to wake up and then Gain would be in a dilemma again or something like that hahahahah! Is it??
At least now they are finally together~~ Adam Manse~~
jasmine_fantasy #8
Chapter 46: Thank u author nim for finally letting them be together! No more problems pls? Update soon k?
whitepaper #9
Chapter 45: Got to love the love bridges~~ Hahaha! But too bad it'll be hard for Gain to open up to kwon again...
yunatidus #10
Chapter 45: yeah!!! you finally updated,...
cant wait for the AC interactions...
pls. update soon. Ill be waiting