Autumn Pumpkin tower

When Summer and Winter dance

“If you keep frowning you are going to have even more wrinkles, Tae.” A woman with short soft black hair chuckles while she reads the letter of the right hand, sitting cross-legged on the couch of the Summer lady studio.

“At this point, I’m pretty sure I’m going to end bald, Ji” Taeyeon sighs leaning on her chair rubbing her eyebrows.

“Irene is not a child anymore, she is Twenty-four, I feel you, Nayeon can be a little pain in the too, but they’re adults now, if they need help we will go to give them help.”

“Jihyo, you have a point but I can’t help but feel worried, you have read the letter, about the burned village.” Taeyeon sighs deeply and worried. “I can’t help but consider the possibility of those people.”

Jihyo puts the letter down to look at the Summer lady, her onyx eyes now a little surprised. “I thought you captured them a long time ago.”

“I did, but not all of them, there’s still two of them, out there.” Taeyeon purses her lips in a serious line. “Probably trying to do all their ing crimes and searching a way to hurt me.”

“That way is Irene.” Jihyo sighs biting her lip angrily “Those motherers, I swear they don’t deserve a place in the Kingdom.”

“Of course they don’t, the only place where they belong to is hell.” the Summer lady takes a piece of her chess set

“I’m worried for the Queen too, Irene is insanely strong and skilled, but what if they try to do something? Or if they are the ones behind the Princess and Sana demise? “Looking at the piece that rests in her hand, Taeyeon grits her teeth, until Jihyo puts a hand on her shoulder.

“That’s a high possibility I wouldn’t like to be true, but Irene is going to protect our Queen, besides if they were the ones behind that demise, they would have already offered a deal to give them money, although I can’t discard the possibility”

Nodding, Taeyeon leaves the Queen piece on her place before patting the hand on her shoulder. “You have good points Jihyo, as always, Former Spring lady.”

“What can I say? I’m the one who used to calm your fire temper along with Fanny, however, I can understand your anger especially with those people, but remember to not hold anger for too much, bad emotions are not welcomed by the gods and her.”

Taeyeon rubs the back of her head. “Indeed, I have to get my together or I will be doomed.”

“I couldn’t have say it better” Jihyo chuckles and pats the back of her friend. “I heard your wife made gummy bears.”

“Gummy bears?” Taeyeon face light-ups at the moment she hears about gummy bears, Jihyo laughs softly feeling satisfied with her tactic of distracting the Summer lady with one of her favorite desserts.

“Yes. And she did a lot of red ones, since my little sister sent us some strawberries and Jennie sent the gelatin.” Jihyo explains softly while she walks to the door with her Auburn brown-haired friend

“And why are we walking so slow? Come on Jihyo, we are not that old yet!” The Summer lady almost runs to the kitchen, the onyx eyes owner chuckles looking at the running lady “That’s why sometimes Irene is mistaken as the older sister.”


Seulgi covers her hazel eyes from the wind that receives them when they at the start of the Autumn town.

“As always the wind is the first thing receiving you here.” Seulgi comments with one eye closed making the warrior chuckle, the warrior only covers her face with her hand, since she is not wearing the cap of her cloak.

“Were you expecting a trail of people clapping and screaming for you? Your grace?” Irene grins and makes a mocking tone when she calls Seulgi like any person of the kingdom would call her.

“Have anyone told you that you are extremely funny?” Seulgi looks at her with sarcastic eyes.

“Yes, everyone thinks I have amusing humor, but I know it’s not easy to swallow and less for uh, children?” The caramel-haired woman points at her with the palm of her hand when she says children making the Queen open in an offended way.

“I’m not a child! I’m twenty-one!” Seulgi huffs making an annoyed frown.

“Well, your innocent face says otherwise, snowflake.” Irene smirks and starts cantering to the town.

“Stop calling me like that!” the light blonde goes after the dancing warrior who answers with her shaking index finger.

“You snowy little-“ Seulgi breaths in and out, she opens and closes her hands trying to remain calm, once she is calm she coughs and starts following the warrior.

When they are at the principal gate, Irene notices Jennie has read her letter, the presence of more archers and guards at the principal gate confirms it.

“Who are you? And what’s the purpose of your visit?” One of the guards asks is not until Irene looks at him, and the guard swallows, feeling his cheek red of embarrassment and shyness.

Irene rolls her eyes, Seulgi notices this and raises a curious brow but she just remains silent and observant as Irene requested her.

“Let them pass!” A loud voice makes the guards straight up even more and make the way clear, the warrior smiles when she notices who it is.

“Manoban! I thought you were going to receive us first!” the warrior chuckles and takes the knight's hand shaking it friendly.

Lisa gives her a little laugh closing one eye like an apologizing manner. “I’m sorry unnie, Lady Jennie was having a little inconvenient and I had to help.”

“She didn’t know what dress choose right?” the warrior comments with a serious not serious face.

“Yes.” The brownish blonde laughs covering .

“Ah that kid, oh shi-, Manoban, here is, uh, well you know who.” Irene moves with her horse to let the knight view the Queen who is covering with her cloak and only her hazel eyes turn into a slight moon shape when she looks at the knight.

Lisa opens her eyes wide and bows lightly, knowing that she cannot bow fully since they are on public, Seulgi nods in understanding making the knight smile.

“Please, follow me.” The knight bows lightly again before she turns to mount one horse and starts cantering to where the Lady of Autumn resides.

Following the knight, the warrior and the Queen look at the citadel, noticing the different structures, the houses look a little bit more sophisticated than the houses of the other Stations, it’s nothing new really, not when Autumn is in charge of developments and creating.

The young Queen looks up to see the Autumn pumpkin tower, the three women enter to the tower, leaving their horses at the barn, the warrior and the Queen follow Lisa again, Seulgi notices the secret path to go to the Autumn lady's studio.

Knocking the door, Jennie speaks. “Come in.”

Lisa opens the door letting the Queen and the warrior pass, Jennie approaches Seulgi bowing. “Your grace, it’s wonderful to have you here, is there a chance for me to give you a little hug?”

Seulgi chuckles and hugs Jennie tightly, feeling the lady answering her hug with the same tightness. “Leave aside the formalities, we are with comfortable people.”

“That’s such a relief, keeping the formal language with you can be quite tiring.” Jennie chuckles separating herself a little her hands on the Queen's elbows, the hazel eyes looking at the sparkly brown orbs with fondness.

“Well, I think you can teach some formality lessons to your dear warrior friend.” Seulgi gives a side look and half-smile to the warrior who shrugs.

Jennie laughs and crashes Irene with a hug, the warrior smiles hugging back the lady with the same fervor, when they separate Jennie raises an eyebrow. “You keep getting prettier unnie, give me the recipe.”

Irene winks and pats Jennie's back. “Sometimes you have to feel like a fine wine instead of a person.”

Laughing, the Autumn lady finally separates completely to sit on a chair in front of her desk and signaling the two chairs in front of her. “Please take a seat.”

The Queen sits but Irene notices Lisa standing and raises a brow. “Lisa, pal, do you want to sit? I can sit on the floor.”

“Oh no no, thank you unnie but I’m fine like this, really.” Lisa stops the warrior raising both hands.

The caramel-haired woman narrows her eyes but decides to let it like that before taking a seat.

Seulgi looks at her with her eyes slightly wide open, she didn’t expect those actions from the warrior but it makes her smile softly how the warrior is attentive with everyone despite their rank.

Jennie and Lisa share gazes before smiling at the sight they are observing.

“Where’s Jisoo?” Seulgi feels the muse's presence but she wonders why the Autumn muse is not around or close to her partner, Jennie.

“She is with Rosé, I think they are watching some squirrels playing with acorns.” Jennie’s eyes move to try to remember where both muses are.

“Rosé? What is she doing here? I didn’t sense the presence of a panther from the house of muses.” Seulgi frowns inquisitively.

“Ah, the reason is standing right now.” Jennie smirks and Lisa coughs feeling her cheeks red of embarrassment.

“So that’s why I felt Rosé coming to Autumn to much not a long ago, hmm, interesting.” Seulgi smiles playfully.

Lisa shakes her hands and head nervously before she can speak, a double knock makes them look at the door, Seulgi smiles recognizing the presence of the two muses behind the door.

“It’s open Jichuuu.” Jennie smiles wide when the Autumn muse opens the door followed by the Spring muse, Rosé.

“Jendeukie, you didn’t tell about our Queen coming today!” Jisoo pouts but opens wide when she notices the young Queen's presence, bowing along with Rosé. “Sorry for my rude manners your grace!”

Laughing before opening her arms for both muses Seulgi shakes her head softly, the cherry red-haired spring muse and the walnut haired muse run to hug tightly the young Queen who answers the embrace tightly too.

“It’s good to see and feel you are okay, my dear friends and muses.” The hazel orbs look at them when they separate, Seulgi cold palms make them jump a little when she caresses their cheeks fondly.

Both muses laugh melodically at the young Queen's affection.

Irene watches them with a little smile on her cherry lips, the gaze on Seulgi hazel orbs when she is looking at her friends, Jennie and the muses, is genuine and warm, it makes her feel touched and amazed.

Jennie looks at her friend with curiosity, she shares looks with Lisa who nods understanding the curiosity of the Autumn lady, but the Queen's voice makes them look at her.

“Rosé, I feel something…different in you, also, you want to tell me something don’t you?” Seulgi looks at the surprised but shy navy blue eyes of the spring muse who looks down.

“I-I wanted to ask your permission f-for, um,” Rosé plays with her fingers trying to look at the inquisitive and soft hazel orbs looking at her attentively.


“For having me as an approved lover.” Lisa intervenes, standing beside a surprised Rosé, Jisoo decides to go and stand beside Jennie.

“I-I already asked permission to Lady Jennie and the panthers gave their approbation too, the only approbation that is missing is…”

“Is my approbation. Right?” curving her lips in a smile The young Queen looks at the timid Lisa who nods.

“Lisa and Rosé didn’t want to ask for your permission since, well, the times are not the best now, with the current situation we are facing.” Jennie explains looking down a little.

Seulgi purses her lips in a dreary way, sighing. “Thank you for the consideration, Lisa, Rosé”

“Don’t worry your grace, we will wait until the times are brighter.” Lisa smiles a little making the Queen smile mildly.

“We are going to have it soon, Lisa, but I wouldn’t like to cause an inconvenience with you and Rosé, I don’t feel well knowing I’m forbidding happiness and freedom from both of you.” Seulgi looks up to stand and face the wide-eyed knight.

“Are you going to-, right now?” Jennie asks with a wide and surprised mouth.

“The sooner, the better Jennie.” Seulgi shows a half-smile to her friend and turns to look at the astonished couple in front of her.

“Lalisa Manoban, Head Knight of Autumn, are you worthy enough, humane enough, rightful enough, to have a Muse as your lover for the rest of your life?” Seulgi deep hazel eyes piercing the knight's graphite grey eyes.

Lisa bows and faces the Queen with strong and bright eyes. “I’m a knight, I may not be bathed with gold, but I’m humble and worthy enough to have Rosé by my side for the rest of my life, if you grant me with your permission, I swear, I will protect and love Rosé even after death, I will love her forever.”

Rosé smiles deeply in love looking at the knight standing proud and firm, she turns to look at Seulgi who turns to look at her.

“Rosé, does Lalisa love for you have been proved? As a muse, do you trust and love this humble human with your life?”

“Lalisa is a bright and cheerful existence in my life, valiant and firm just like the wind of Autumn, she took my heart and cherished it immensely, I’m lack of words, words can’t describe true love, I’m deeply sure our love deserves your approbation, your grace.” The cherry red-haired muse smiles brightly taking the knight's armored arm between her skinny ones.

Jennie puts a hand on her chest feeling overwhelmed by the knight and the muse's strong love, Irene smiles proudly and brightly at the sight of the knight and muse stating their love for each other with bravery.

Seulgi smiles enthusiastically and approvingly, putting a hand on the knight's forehead, she closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again. “In the name of the night goddess and sky god, as the Queen of the four-station kingdom I grant you with my approval, Lalisa Manoban, you have proven me since we met, your worth and bravery, Sky and night shall always illuminate your paths.”

Lisa opens her eyes wide and a surprised but big smile adorns her lips she kneels and bows repeatedly making Seulgi look at her a little astonished she is not sure how many ‘thank yous’ Lisa is telling to her, making her lover chuckle but bows too, to the young Queen.

“And that’s all?” Irene asks her friend who turns to look at her with a smile and shaking head.

“Did you expect something more? She is the Queen but she is not the witch, don’t expect magic.” Jennie chuckles and the warrior raises a brow. “But, why do they need approval?”

“Seems like you need to read a little bit more, unnie.” Jennie smiles smugly making the warrior frown but still, she starts explaining. “You see, Fany-unnie and Taeyeon-unnie also asked for the approval of the former King, just like I and Jisoo asked to Seulgi not so long ago, but every time a human and a muse want to be together, the animal of their house of muses, the lady or lord of the station where the muse resides and the Queen or king have to give their approval because they are judges of the gods, you may know how deeply valued are our muses, that’s why they need so many approvals, not everyone can be the lover of a muse.”

The dancing warrior raises her eyebrows surprised, she is a little taken aback about so many approvals, she just knew it was very difficult for a human to be with a muse, but still, it surprises her.

“Taeyeon-unnie had it complicated, huh.” Irene thinks before looking at the Queen who is sitting at the chair where she was sitting.

“Your grace, thank you for your high trust of my principal and strongest knight.” Jennie bows and smiles, Seulgi answers with a slight bow and a smile.

“I have prepared a room for you and Irene-unnie, I know you are going to stay here for the night, it has been a long way, the citadel is far from the start of Autumn, don’t feel pressured, your rooms are secret and just us, the persons in this room can enter the hall where your rooms are.” Jennie explains softly. “Your horses are well kept and also hidden, even if you want to see them I assure you no one is going to see you.”

The Queen bows lightly. “Thank you, Jennie, your help is extremely appreciated, once this horrible situation is over I will pay your kindness.”

Jennie chuckles. “Friends don’t pay here, your grace.”

“Well, your Winter friend will pay whether you want it or not.” Seulgi smiles softly making the Autumn lady shake her head laughing. “You are always so persistent.”

“Of course, I’m the Queen after all.” The light blonde vanilla lips curve in a merry smile.

The autumn muse sighs playfully and turns to look at Lisa and both muses. “Would you be so kind to show our Queen here designated room? Please”

Both muses and the knight nod and approach the Queen but when the warrior is standing Jennie stops her.

“Irene-unnie, please grant me with your presence for a little bit more.” The dark brown lady looks at the caramel haired-woman who looks at Seulgi who just nods before she and the three women with her get out of the studio of the Autumn lady.

“Did you receive the letter?” Irene asks as soon as they are alone.

“Of course, that red bird you and Taeyeon use is extremely fast.” Jennie comments and sighs. “I have something to show you, but let me warn you, you are not going to like it.” The Autumn lady sighs extending a letter to the warrior who takes it with hesitant hands.

The caramel haired woman notices the handwriting of the right hand, Wendy, when she starts reading she opens her eyes surprised. “.” It is the only thing Irene manages to say before she purses her lips worriedly and angrily.

“Exactly, I said the same when I read the letter, you have to be even more careful now, I don’t like how these loose ends are starting to connect unnie.” Jennie sighs.

“The motherer that attacked us, I still don’t know if he was following us or it was just a mugger, now I have the other possibility of him being related to the ers that burned that village, great.” Irene passes a hand through her face visibly angry.

There are so many possibilities right now, Jennie understands the warrior's frustrated state, she would be lying if she said she is not frustrated too.

“The one that attacked us at the grandma’s guest house, he knew about me, about white rose.” Irene comments with her eyes focused on the wall in front of her.

Jennie opens her eyes wide. “What?”

“Yes, I’m still surprised and worried about that, but that confirms he is or was from Summer, probably someone Taeyeon exiled, his abilities were good, but not good enough, just strong.” Irene comments now looking at Jennie’s surprised brown eyes.

“But, didn’t Taeyeon-unnie captured them?” Jennie looks at her still surprised.

“Yes she did, but not all of them, and I’m not sure if the motherer that attacked us is one of them since she just told me the names of the ones that are still missing to capture but no how they look, she told me she wanted to capture them by herself.”

Jennie nods at the explanation, she caresses her frowned and worried brows. “If that man, is part of them, then the Queen and you are in danger, Irene-unnie.”

“I don’t care what his intentions towards me are, is the Queen the one that worries me.” Irene sighs and bits her lip.

Jennie frowns worriedly, she knows the people they are talking about is very very dangerous and inhumane, horrible people.

“But if they try to do something or attack us, I will protect her, I swear, if they touch even a single hair of her.” Irene clenches her fists and frowns determined and angry.

“You are not going to be the only one doing something if they attack her, I don’t care if gods send us to the hell, we will punish those ers just as they deserve.”

“Jennie, I know our gods are understanding enough of some of our actions, but I will not let your hands being stained with the blood of that scum.” Irene looks at her with fierce eyes.

The Autumn lady wants to counter the warrior's words but she purses her lips and just nods, knowing no matter what she says, the warrior is not going to let her help.

She purses her lips in a dreary way, why Irene has to be like that? Why she always takes everything on her shoulders like she is all alone?

A soft pat on her head and a kind smile receive her eyes when she looks up finding the warrior standing in front of her, before the warrior walks to the door. “Let’s go, the Queen must be waiting for us at the barn, she wanted me to teach her something.”

Jennie sighs before she stands up, knowing that the warrior finished their previous conversation, she passes through the door the warrior opened for her and she links arms with the warrior, surprising Irene a little who just smiles and lets the Autumn lady do as she pleases while they walk to the barn.


They notice the Queen caressing her mare's muzzle, while the knight and the muses are talking with her animatedly.

Irene softly separates from Jennie to go to the Queen, the muses and the knight share smiles before going to where Jennie is leaving a confused Queen with her mare, until the warrior surprises her patting her shoulder making her jump a little.

A smug smile shows on her cherry lips while she chuckles, “Did you miss me?”

Seulgi scoffs and pushes back the urge to roll her eyes. “Why would I?”

“Because I’m a beautiful existence that has been with you for a couple of days, snowflake.” Irene winks.

“A narcissist existence is the only thing in front of me right now.” Seulgi looks at her with a serious not serious face.

“Narcissist? Are you calling me a Narcissist?” Irene laughs incredulously.

“Yes, I’m deeply surprised and almost concerned about the love you have for yourself.”

“It’s called confidence, maybe I can share a little with you, Queen.”

The Queen laughs in disbelief. “I’m very confident about me, thank you very much.”

“I never said you weren’t but thanks for the information.” Irene playfully smirks

Watching and hearing from a certain distance, Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, and Jisoo look unbelievingly at the scene of the bickering women in front of them looking like little kids fighting but they find it somewhat astounding adorable.

“This is weird, she is usually so collected even around us, and even around Sunmi.” Jisoo comments.

“Yes, Irene-unnie is definitely making her hit the roof.” Rosé tilts her head but Jennie chuckle makes them look at her with a puzzled look.

“But not in a bad way at least, I honestly expected this, our Queen is from Winter, unnie is from Summer it was obvious they were going to collide, and is not a bad one if you think carefully, our Queen is facing a challenge, I truly believe her encounter and trip with Irene-unnie is going to make her evolve and grow.”

The knight and the muses nod, fully agreeing with the Autumn lady's words, looking again at the fuming Winter Queen and the whistling carefree warrior making them laugh.

“Well, do you want to teach Snow Angel to respond to the ceramic whistle or not Queen?” Irene asks calmly as if she has not been teasing the Queen for the entire time she has been there.

Seulgi breathes in and out trying to remain calm, she nods and decides to let pass the now usual teasing from the warrior to learn about the ceramic whistle.

Irene starts explaining carefully about the ceramic whistle and makes some tries with snow angel before letting the Queen costume her own whistle with an extra whistle she always has had but never used because she hates to lose things, still, she is always prevented.

When the Queen plays her own whistle, Irene nods approvingly, the sound is good and calm, just like the Queen and her mare.

Snow Angel, being the intelligent mare she is, she reacts immediately and walks to where her owner is, Seulgi decides to hide and whistle again, Snow Angel snorts before walking and finds her owner, Seulgi opens wide and runs to the warrior, like an excited little kid.

“Irene did you see?! Snow Angel learned so quickly!”

The warrior smiles softly and nods. “I saw it, it must be because Snow Angel is smart, just as her owner.”

Seulgi feels her cheeks lightly pink and nods muttering a thank you, the warrior hums and extends a hand to pat the Queen's light blonde head. “Our Queen is really good! Congratulations!”

Jennie, Rosé, Jisoo, and Lisa open her mouths wide, thinking Irene is playing too much with her luck but they get even more surprised when the Queen just looks away and nods shyly.

“Excuse me but, what the fu-“

“Jennie. Language.” Jisoo warns.


“No buts, I know its surprising, almost shocking but don’t curse too much.”

Jennie rolls her eyes. “Fine.”

Jisoo smiles and surprises the lady with a peck on her cheeks. “Good lady.”

The Autumn lady blinks surprised before gulping shyly and nodding.

“Has the Queen ever blushed in public?” Lisa asks.

“Just a few times, but she is with Irene, it is quite impossible not to blush with that woman.” Jisoo shrugs.

“Well, she emanates a superior and gentle aura despite her constant teasing so I understand the attitude of our Queen.” Rosé smiles while she looks at the warrior and Queen talking calmly.

Jennie narrows her eyes suspiciously, looking at the Queen and Irene but looks at the warrior gentle and kind expression, she smirks and nods.

“This trip is going to reveal interesting things when it’s over.” Jennie turns and starts walking. “We better let them be alone for now ladies.”

Everyone nod before they follow the Autumn lady who gives a last look to the young Queen and Irene, she smirks.

“Jisoo, please prepare this…” Jennie whispers to her lover and muse, making the muse nod and share a smirk with her before leaving.

Jennie laughs like she is planning something, the Spring muse, and the knight who are currently holding hands look at the Autumn lady before shaking their heads.


“So you are telling me right now, that there is a masquerade ball bellow us?” Seulgi looks at Jennie with a surprised gaze

“Yes, your grace, it’s a ball I organized a few days ago, the nobles are becoming noisy these days, it’s a good distraction.” Jennie answers while she looks at The Queen who is being dressed and arranged by Jisoo.

“And you are telling me to go to this ball? Even wearing a masquerade everyone is going to recognize me.” Seulgi frowns curiously.

“Actually, you are just going to see it from here, the balcony of your room lets you see the ballroom.” Jennie smiles.

“Then why you are dressing me like I’m going to dance?” The Queen signals to her reflection wearing a luxurious and fancy brown long dress, her slim waist fitting perfectly, and her collar bones showing just a little, she wears long brown gloves to cover the uncovered skin of her arms.

Of course, she is used to wearing long and fancy dresses, they are her daily clothes but right now she feels it even weird, since she has been wearing simple dresses these past days.

“Because I made that dress for you, your grace and this is the perfect occasion.” Jennie hums while she and Jisoo inspect the Queen's final look.

Seulgi quirks a brow looking at her now wavy hair. “But still, I’m not going to dance…”

“How are you so sure about that your grace?” Jennie shows a little smirk before she separates humming approvingly to the sight of the fancy-dressed Queen.

The young Queen frowns but Jennie only chuckles, she gets out of the Queen's room, leaving her alone with Jisoo, when she turns to look at Jisoo she only whistles, making everything even more confusing.


Jennie walks and almost runs, hearing the clash of the blades echoing the practice room, she rolls her eyes.

“I knew it, Lalisa is always excited to spar with Irene-unnie, but I didn’t know both of them would be this excited to train with their blades.”

Lisa is currently struggling to block the dancing warrior's attacks, even though the warrior and she are fighting with wooden swords, the warrior's ability is outstanding as always.

“Even with one sword, she is still unwieldy.” Lisa thinks as she feels her feet moving back because of the warrior's strength pushing her back.

Lisa decides to use more force and manages to separate herself from the warrior, but even with her long arms and legs, Irene is faster due to her experience and polished talent, the warrior swings her wooden sword, Lisa opens surprised and manages to block but still, the force of the sword swing makes her tremble.

“Uh, the last time we saw each other you couldn’t block me for too much time.” Irene stands back still in a defensive position.

Gasping for air Lisa smiles brightly at the compliment but she runs to the warrior swinging her sword fastly, however, the warrior blocks and dodges her attacks, when Irene turns the sword handle in her hand putting the wooden sword in a horizontal form, she swings it making Lisa jump to dodge the attack.

Is in the momentum that Lisa is in the air, she sees the warrior putting her hand on the ground, Lisa recognizes that move, is the warrior's favorite.

Irene uses her hand, to support herself in order to lift her leg to kick Lisa, thanks to her amazing flexibility and strong arms.

Lisa covers fastly with her arm but still she falls to the ground, rolling with her wooden sword, she coughs but gets up as fast as she cans, call it luck or cat reflects, but she blocks Irene's attack just in time.

Whistling, Irene separates with a proud smile. “Lisa! You have improved greatly! I’m impressed!”

The knight manages to chuckle, still breathing heavily feeling her lungs demand even more air.

“I’ve been practicing too much, unnie, still I have a long way to go in order to reach your level.” Lisa cleans her practice clothes smiling.

“Still, I was surprised, it has been almost a year since we spared and honestly, beside Momo and lion cub, you are one of the very few that can at least give a good fight.” Irene pats the panting knight's shoulder, she is just sweating a little but her breath is not even messy like the breath of the knight.

Lisa looks down timidly, being recognized like that by the living legend among knights and warriors makes her feel her chest with full pride.

“Oh pumpkins, I believe I created a cream that fights the smell of sweat, or you haven’t bathed yet?” Jennie approaches with Rosé beside her covering her nose.

“Uh?! We don’t smell that bad Jennie, stop being dramatic.” Irene rolls her eyes.

“That’s because you can’t or don’t want to smell yourselves.” Jennie keeps a hand on her nose before grabbing the warrior’s blouse collar, tugging her not so kindly to almost dragging her with her.

“What the-! Jennie! Let me go! Respect your seniors dammit!” Irene manages to escape and arrange the collar of her blouse.

Sighing, Jennie looks at her. “Unnie, Could you please come with me? I need your presence for…distraction purposes.

“Oh no no, Jisoo can help you with that, she is your lover after all”

Jennie rolls her eyes. “Fine, then I will ask some aleatoric man knight to accompany the Queen.” The Autumn lady starts walking smirking silently knowing this tactic is going to work.

“WHAT?! No knight man is going to the Queen if I’m here! Jennie! Come back here!” Irene runs to where the Autumn lady is going leaving Lisa and Rosé with their eyes wide open

“I know Irene-unnie dislikes men, but…” Lisa chuckles.

“But it’s the first time she runs so fast to prevent the company of a man.” Rosé covers laughing softly. “It must be because it’s the Queen who are we talking about.”

Lisa hums. “Is weird, I haven’t seen Irene-unnie being that um, careful with a woman that is not someone related or deeply important to her.”

“Oh dear, you warriors and knights can be so dense sometimes.” The cherry red-haired muse smiles shaking her head.

“You are calling me dense? After we are finally approved? This is not the type of treatment I dreamed about” Lisa frowns cutely.

Rosé laughs and circles her arms around the knight's neck, drawing their faces closer, the knight opens her eyes surprised but looks aside stubbornly.

“Lisaaaa.” Rosé calls melodiously.

“I’m all sweaty, Chaeyoung.” Lisa tries to sound serious but fails miserably.

Rosé laughs softly and rubs her nose amorously on the knight's cheek. “I don’t care, I just want you to embrace me.”

Lisa long arms circle on the muse's narrow waist looking deeply at her navy blue eyes. “Is that your only wish?”

Looking profoundly at the knight's graphite grey eyes she shakes her head softly pulling herself even closer to the knight.

Lisa leans softly, closing the little gap between them to grant one of the many wishes of the muse, she lets the wooden sword fall, the wood sound resounds in the practice room, after that the only thing anyone can hear is laughs and in love chuckles from the brownish-blonde knight and her lover.


Hello! c: So I'm going to be dead tomorrow because I'm going to sleep only 4 hours lol but I wanted to updateee, and I have a surprise for you guys!

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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!