Moon and Sun shrine.

When Summer and Winter dance

Hello! It has been a little bit longer time, right? how have you been? What's your favorite song from The ReVe Festival Finale?

I wanna tell you that I was writing this in December but after that happened to Wendy I honestly felt without spirit to write... and decided to take a little bit more time to update and for another reason that I will tell you after you read the chapter.

I will see you later! Please tell me your thoughts about this if you want to! Rest and eat well!

Let's start this!


Seulgi looks up, letting out a long sigh before she continues writing the last letter, she has written five letters and even though her hand feels like it is about to fall, she keeps writing until she finishes and puts her royal postage stamp.

A soft knock makes her turn around and smile tenderly when she sees Irene leaning against the door.

“Are you almost done?” The warrior asks gently.

The light-blonde nods and puts the letter inside the envelope before stretching her arms and getting up. “Now, it’s finally done.”

“How many?” Irene’s soft steps echoes inside the room.


“That’s quite a lot.” Irene chuckles, looking at the Queen’s back.

Seulgi turns around and nods a little bit. “I..I thought it would be important…to leave something, instructions, feelings…just in case.”

Irene looks at the worried hazel orbs, she knows what the Queen is talking about.

Without much thinking, the warrior grabs the Queen’s wrist and pulls her gently to her enveloping the slim Queen in a gentle hug.

Seulgi opens her eyes a little bit as she smiles softly answering Irene’s hug.

“You are scared, aren’t you?”

The light-blonde purses her lips and nods softly, burying her face on Irene’s shoulder, feeling so tiny and somewhat powerless against her.

Irene lets out a light chuckle. “It would be odd if you weren’t, we are facing something dangerous that may cost our lives…”

“Aren’t you scared? Joohyun.” Seulgi asks, her voice almost inaudible.

Joohyun takes a moment to think, to feel Seulgi’s hands on her back grabbing her white blouse tightly, her face buried so deep on her neck now.

The caramel-haired woman puts one hand on Seulgi’s head and the other keeps holding her slim waist tightly. She starts caressing the light blonde hair gently. “I would be lying if I said no, it’s not like I’m going to fight against someone and have the possibility of winning. This time is different, however,” Irene purses her lips in a straight line.

“More than that, I feel…angry.”

The warrior stops caressing the light-blonde hair for a moment. “I don’t understand why the gods are being like this, you do so much for your people...for the whole Kingdom, this is nonsense for me.”

Seulgi remains quiet for a few seconds before she separates from the warrior just a little bit, she takes Joohyun’s soft face between her hands.

“I also don’t understand why this makes me feel a whirlwind of emotions but at least…” Seulgi looks at Irene with a tiny smile. “I’m thankful that you are here with me. It would be tougher if I were alone.”

Joohyun smiles and grabs the Queen’s hands grasping her tenderly. “I won’t leave your side, even if the situation gets complicated, I will be there for you, Seulgi.”

Seulgi smiles widely, she softly brings the warrior closer to her until both of them close their eyes and their lips meet in a tender encounter.

They don’t know why but a kiss feels like the best medicine for both at the moment.


On the other side of the kingdom, four ladies are on their way for their afternoon picnic, they have heard the Queen arrived well and is now with the witch, they only have to wait for news.

Joy looks at the castle windows as she walks behind the other three ladies, even if she has been at Winter just for a few days she already feels like it has passed a lot of time.

The summer muse can’t help to wonder how Joohyun is doing now that she has seen Yeri again, she also hopes the witch can give them the answer they’ve been searching for.


Joy stops and turns around, she knows that voices very well.

“Chaeyoung, Momo.” The tall muse smiles softly. “Have you finished your training?”

“Yeah!” Chaeyoung speaks cheerfully. “Yoongi-oppa fights very well!”

Joy blinks feeling somewhat surprised. “Yoongi trained with you?”

“Yes.” Momo chuckles. “We trained with the other soldiers but they got tired so easily, it was boring.”

“And you searched for someone who could satisfy your ‘hunger’ right?” Joy looks at the sisters with a quirked brow.

The sisters laugh nervously and Momo is the one who speaks. “Well…Irene-unnie is not here so...”

“That little….girl” Joy swallows the bad word she was going to say because her rational part remembers that there are other three pair of eyes that are currently watching her interaction with the sisters-

“This is one of the moments when I can confirm why Irene took you both as her apprentices” Joy lets out a tiny sigh. “Anyhow, do you want to join us? I can bet you haven’t eaten yet.”

Momo and Chaeyoung nod furiously and Joy can’t help but chuckle because they’re always hungry.

When Momo finally notices the other ladies she bows and her cheeks get slightly pink.

The rust-haired woman quirks a brow but she smirks when she notices Chaeyoung’s cheeks turning red.

“Chae! Good afternoon.” Mina softly approaches to the tiny warrior who is now like a bright strawberry.

“H-H-Hi” Chaeyoung tries to remain calm but fails miserably. “I-I didn’t notice you Mina-unnie, I apologize.”

“It’s all right.” Mina giggles and Chaeyoung thinks her heart is going to explode. “Oh Snows, you are really red, are you feeling sick?”

When Chaeyoung feels Mina’s delicate hand on her cheek she can feel her heart beating even faster.

“I-I’m fine, thank you for worrying.” Chaeyoung’s voice sounding shy and so different from the enthusiastic tone she had before.

Mina decides to caress Chaeyoung’s cheek before she gives a little smile to the tiny warrior. “All right, but if you feel bad please don’t hesitate and tell me.”

Chaeyoung smiles shyly and nods. “I will.”

“Can we go to eat? I’m starving and this is not the honey I want” Joy decides to interrupt the sweet moment finally, making Mina cough a little along with Chaeyoung.

“Sooyoung…” Wendy looks at Joy with a tiny frown.

“Yeah?” Joy turns to look at Wendy with an innocent smile.

“Don’t tease them.”

“All right…” Sooyoung makes a pout and decides to ignore the surprised looks from the warrior sisters.

“Woah, someone tamed the lion.” Momo whispers but Joy turns to look at her with a scary smile.

“Irene may not be here but I can give you Spartan training if I want to, kids.”

Momo and Chaeyoung decide to finally remain silent and follow the other muses quietly, both of them looking like scolded children.


The picnic feels like a blessing for the muses and the warriors, it is not like they can finally feel relieved but for now, they can be a little bit calmer.

“It feels like years since the last time I saw her highness.” Dahyun says with a quiet voice.

“Well, it’s been almost a month since the last time we saw her.” Wendy drinks her tea calmly. “I hope we can see her soon.”

Everyone agrees silently and Momo decides to talk. “I’ve heard that the Spring lady orchards are not dying anymore.”

“And the Autumn lady is finding materials again.” Dahyun ads

“Those are good news.” Wendy smiles softly. “Maybe the Queen and Irene finally found the key for this mystery.”

“But, something feels…odd.” Mina says quietly. “Or is it just me?”

“No.” Sooyoung says after she finishes her toast. “Even if the situation is getting better somehow, something is….missing.”

“I feel the same.” Wendy ads. “I suppose that’s why our Queen hasn’t sent me any letters.”

“I think we shouldn’t take those changes for granted.” Sooyoung suggests. “Even if the Spring and Autumn ladies are not facing so many difficulties anymore.”

“Don’t celebrate too soon.” Chaeyoung says while she munches a strawberry.

“One of Irene-unnie phrases?” Momo asks.

Chaeyoung nods. “I think that specific phrase adjusts to this situation, and it feels like a fight, you have to be patient for the victory.”

Sooyoung remains silent and takes a deep breath. “The calm before the storm.”


Irene looks at the wooden roof, she feels the warm water on her tired limbs and for some reason, she feels like it has passed a lot of time since she saw everyone except for Seulgi

It has happened before when she was training with Yeri years ago and time passed really slowly in Yeri’s territory.

Meanwhile, on the ‘real’ territory, time passed really quickly.

“Days here are like weeks or months on the real territory.” Irene murmurs.

Yeri said that they had to wait until a ‘full moon’, she said she will tell them when it’s time for them to travel again.

“I wonder when will be.” Irene sighs as she gets out of the tub.

She quietly dries her hair, but her thoughts are loud.

“The Moon princess and the Sun prince fell in love since the first moment they saw each other…and after some days of secret meetings the gods discovered them.” Joohyun remembers and hums.

The witch also told them that gods adore judging young and fresh love, she can’t help but wonder if it’s all because of the Moon Princess and the Sun prince.

Joohyun hears soft steps walking towards the room and approaches the door before the person can knock.

She finds a pair of surprised hazel orbs when she opens the door with a smirk.


“I have sensitive ears and nose.” Joohyun chuckles and moves a little letting the Queen pass to their room.

The Queen giggles. “That’s right, your ears turn bright red when you’re embarrassed.”

“Oh? Teasing me already?” Irene smirks and steps closer to the Queen. “You are feeling brave today, snowflake.”

Even if Seulgi is trying to remain calm, she feels her heart beating crazily when the warrior is getting closer to her.

When Seulgi closes her eyes waiting for the kiss, she only receives a little chuckle.

“You’re being eager today too.” Irene smirks when the Queen blushes and opens her eyes.

“I wasn’t waiting for-for anything!”

“I never said you were.” Irene keeps her smirk and teasing eyes.

“I!-“ Seulgi is about to say something else but Irene gently grabs her face and closes the distance between them.

Seulgi would be lying if she said she wouldn’t kiss Irene the whole day, the warrior’s lips are so soft and gentle every kiss is full of emotions.

With love.

When Irene decides to finish the kiss because the Queen demands some air she smiles gently.

“Your kisses are like a sweet dessert I wouldn’t mind to eat every day, Seulgi.”

Seulgi decides to grab the towel that is nearby and attack Irene’s hair with it.

Irene feels taken aback but she chuckles when she can see Seulgi’s bright blush despite the ‘aggressive’ way of drying her hair.

After Seulgi’s ‘attack’ they decide to lay on the bed, Irene is playing with the Queen’s soft hair and the Queen has her head on Irene’s chest.



Seulgi giggles and Irene smiles softly. “Your name is so beautiful, I love it.”

The Queen lifts her head to meet Irene’s light brown eyes. “Because it’s the name of the person I love deeply.”

Joohyun doesn’t hold the urge to crush Seulgi in a tight hug as she kisses her cute cheeks. “You are so lovely. I love you so much Seulgi.”

Seulgi laughs and separates gently from the warrior’s tight hug, she uses both hands to trap the warrior’s head between them as she looks at the exotic beauty below her.

Joohyun smiles tenderly and lifts one hand to caress Seulgi’s face.

“When I looked at you when we first met, there was something in those hazel eyes I couldn’t forget, they were calling me.”

“Eyes speak better than our lips.” Seulgi whispers.

“Yours spoke a lot.” Irene adds. “Until you let them speak properly.”

“I should’ve let them spoke sooner.” The Queen sighs. “But I was lost…”

“It’s all right, things happen when they are meant to be.” Irene speaks gently.

“But…only if I-“ The Queen purses her lips. “We wouldn’t have little time for us…I would’ve realized sooner.”

“Who says we don’t have so much time?”

The Queen smiles softly and Irene makes her return to their tight hug, she can feel her legs tangled to the warrior’s legs.

Seulgi has always been positive, but these days it feels like she can’t be always positive.

Irene knows that, and she knows someone has to be the pillar between them, and she will be that pillar they both need.

“Even if it’s difficult, please don’t think about the time we may don’t have.” Joohyun speaks softly, she can feel Seulgi calm breath against her neck and her hands on her shoulders. “We better think about the time we have and the one we will have.”

“Because I will be forever with you Seulgi, now and always.”


After a few days more, Yeri informs Irene and Seulgi is time to travel to the Moon and Sun shrine.

Seulgi gets on her horse with the warrior’s help, when she lets go Irene’s hand she purses her lips, even though they’re not going to be completely separated, she wants to be as close as possible to the warrior.

Yeri notices this and smiles a little, she understands why Seulgi and Joohyun don’t want to separate, even for a minute.

She wishes she could do more for them.

She wishes they could live freely, without worries, without the curse that every Queen or King has to handle.

She absolutely despises to do this, this tiny trip they have to do to the shrine.

The witch truly hopes they can overcome this dangerous challenge.

“They have to, they can do it”. Yeri thinks and takes a moment to look at them carefully, how Joohyun tries to make the Queen smile even when she is obviously tense too, how Seulgi caresses Joohyun’s face like it’s the most delicate thing on the Kingdom.

She senses something, something different about them, and that ‘something’ is the thing that has been giving her , even more, hope about them.

Is it the way their eyes speak more than their mouths? Is it their unspeakable but strong bond they’ve made in just a few days?

She has been trying to guess what is that ‘something’ but she still doesn’t have a single clue of what could it be.

Chuckling lightly as she lets the thought go, she approaches to the young couple.

“All right, love birds, is time to start our trip.” Yeri smiles.

Joohyun nods and in a swift move, she gets on her horse. “Do we have to go fast?”

Yeri thinks for a little and shakes her head. “Is not that far, but is also not so close, however, we can go a little slow.”

Both of them nod and Yeri takes that as a clue to make her horse start a gentle canter.

Joohyun takes Seulgi hand making the Queen smile tenderly, Seulgi gives the warrior’s hand a tiny squeeze before they start to follow the witch.

It’s a silent gesture, but Joohyun knows it means a lot of things, but mostly.

“We are going to be all right.”


The air gets a little colder as they enter more to the forest, Seulgi can tell that this type of cold energy is different from Winter.

And it gets even colder as the afternoon starts to show.

Until they arrive, when the sun is about to hide and the sky is starting to look deep navy black.

“We are here.” Yeri announces and lets out a sigh that even Joohyun and Seulgi can see because of the cold temperature.

The Queen and the warrior look at the majestic and imposing ivory Shrine in front of them, the one that is often mentioned in books but only a few have seen it.

The Moon and Sun shrine.

There’s a torch trail to access, however, they are not burning, even if it’s a little bit covered with snow, they can still notice the little details of the shrine structure, even the windows are incredibly detailed and decorated with growing white flowers, they notice that right on the top of it, it has written.

“For our Moon and Sun.”

The three of them dismount their horses and bow, when they get up Yeri is the one who walks to the shrine.

The witch takes a deep breath and spins her cane fastly until she stabs it on the snow firmly.

Joohyun makes Seulgi stay behind her, putting an arm in front of her, the Queen remains quiet and only observes the witch along with Joohyun.

The torch trail starts to lit fastly, making the Queen jump a little bit surprised.

Joohyun and Seulgi notice how the shrine’s big door starts to open slowly until its fully open.

Yeri falls on the snow but she grabs her cane as if her life depends on it.

Seulgi and Joohyun run to help her but the witch firm voice stops them. “I’m fine, I will be all right in a moment, but you have to enter now, the moon will show soon.”

The Queen gulps and grabs Joohyun hand making the warrior turn to look at her, Seulgi smiles gently and Joohyun answers with a soft kiss on her forehead, grabbing the Queen’s hand with decision and strength, Joohyun guides her and walks with her towards the shrine but Yeri’s voice stops them again.

“You will be able to do it, I believe in you.” The witch gives them a wide smile and the young couple smile widely too.

“We will come back, I promise.” Seulgi’s voice sounds strong and decided, making the warrior smile surprised, Irene gives a last look to Yeri before saying.

“We promise.”

And with that, they enter into the darkness of the shrine until the door closes and Yeri cannot see them anymore.


The moment the door closes behind them, a light hits their eyes, it’s like someone is putting the sun in front of them.

They cover their eyes as fast as they can and Joohyun is the one who decides to discover a little bit her eyes to see what they have in front of them.

“Seulgi.” Joohyun calls. “Open your eyes.”

Slowly but surely, the Queen opens her hazel orbs little by little until she looks at what the warrior is currently looking at, she can’t help to gasp when she sees it.

There’s an enormous fountain of five levels, so stunningly beautiful that Seulgi can’t help to wonder if the Gods themselves made it, the marble doesn’t look like the other marbles of other fountains and it’s also very detailed, with drawings of stars and constellations.

The Queen notices at the center of it a symbol that everyone knows well.

“The gods symbol…” Seulgi whispers and sees the golden circle with a half-moon and the sun, accompanied by an elegant cloud.

Just as Yeri told them, the fountain has no water, but Seulgi can’t help to imagine if once it gets full of water it may look like a majestic waterfall.

“Seulgi.” Joohyun calls her softly making her wake up from her trance.

“Excuse me I got really…surprised.” Seulgi coughs shyly.

“I saw that.” Irene chuckles and smirks. “I wish I could be that fountain, I want you to see me with your mouth hanging open.”

“M-my mouth wasn’t like that!” Seulgi blushes and tries to defend herself.

Joohyun laughs. “Look at you, even at a place like this you are so easy and fun to tease”

“Joohyun!” Seulgi makes a pout while she looks at the laughing warrior.

“All right all right.” Joohyun rubs her abdomen and sighs. “I apologize, your highness.

Seulgi controls her urge to roll her eyes, the only thing that stops her is that they are in a sacred place.

The Queen takes a deep breath before she turns to look at the warrior. “The moment we see the moonlight illuminating through the windows and the shrine torches lit, we have to start.”

Joohyun changes her posture to a serious one and links her light brown eyes with the hazel orbs. “I know, the only thing we have to do now is wait…”

Joohyun takes the Queen’s hand gently and intertwines their fingers, her serious and gentle eyes never leaving the soft hazel eyes. “We are going to save Sana and the Kingdom, and we will come back.”

Seulgi smiles and kisses the warrior’s knuckles gently. “We will come back.”

The warrior also kisses the Queen’s knuckles and whispers with a tender voice. “I love you, deeply.”

Seulgi opens her eyes surprised, she feels her heart beating fastly and smiles shyly, a blush showing on her cheeks. “I love you, very deeply.”

They lean their foreheads together and close their eyes.

They quietly hear their calm breaths and hearts, until the torches abruptly lit making them separate a little and turn to look at the center in front of the fountain.

The light of the moonlight is slowly showing, alerting them that is almost time.

Seulgi and Joohyun decide to take off their shoes, in order to dance even more comfortable, they also arrange their clothes and start to get prepared.

The Queen is wearing a long but delicate white and blue dress that covers her arms completely and shows just a little bit of her collarbone, the fabric of the dress is light but that doesn’t mean it makes it look less graceful, Yeri designed it in order to make Seulgi feel comfortable and still look stunningly graceful.

Joohyun is wearing long sleeve white blouse decorated with a red ribbon on the wrist, the blouse shows a little bit of her chest, she is also wearing a velvet trouser little bit tight to help her flexible moves.

They’re both dressed with the representative color of the gods, white. And their own representative color from where they come.

Blue for winter, red for summer.

Seulgi takes Joohyun’s hand and gives it a hard squeeze which Joohyun responds and gives her a tender smile before they start walking to the center.

When they are on the center they stare at each other deeply, letting go of their hands, until the last window of the shrine shows the moonlight.

They put their hands together and keep staring at each other until Joohyun separates with a jump, she raises her hand and makes movements with her wrist until she abruptly lets it fall, pointing at Seulgi.

The moment she points at Seulgi, Seulgi jumps forward and makes a delicate turn as she runs her hands through her arms and chest, she lets herself fall, and the warrior catches her on time.

They look at each other deeply and Seulgi lifts her hand caressing with taps the warrior’s face until the warrior makes her stand up.

Seulgi slides her hand towards the warrior’s hand, her other hand clings to the warrior’s shoulder.

Irene holds her waist firmly with one hand as the other hand grabs Seulgi’s hand gently.

They start a soft waltz, their feet follow a silent rhythm, step, step, turn, jump.

The waltz starts to get faster and passionate, when Joohyun makes Seulgi turn and grabs her waist with both hands lifting her gently and not so high when Joohyun makes Seulgi stand on the floor again, Seulgi separates and slides her hands through her slim shoulders until the Queen grabs firmly and gently her jaw, the Queen shows her a smirk that makes her shiver.

The Queen separates abruptly from the warrior and makes a turn, then she makes a large jump, Joohyun makes movements with her arms she also makes turns, they’re flexible and even graceful, as she approaches the Queen, when they are face to face again, they join their hands again, but this time Joohyun grabs her waist and makes the Queen get closer to her, their lips almost touch but the warrior decides to make the Queen do a soft turn as they start doing a slow waltz again.

They are trying to project their story with a dance that can be strong, fierce but delicate and soft, at first they were two fierce people continuously joking and bittering with each other until soft love started to appear between them, but they didn’t want to see it and one of them was clueless of it, that’s why in this dance they constantly separate and get close again.

It is until Seulgi is feeling like her feet are about to bleed that she can tell the sun is about to appear, she can feel the shrine temperature changing, as she exchanges looks with Joohyun, the warrior looking amazingly beautiful even with some sweat on her perfect face, Seulgi thinks she has never seen someone that beautiful,

They raise both hands and join them as they approach each other and stay close, their lips almost touching again, Joohyun takes one of the Queen’s hands to make her do a fast turn as they separate again and make high jumps across the shrine, as if they were deers, gracefully jumping until they turn to run into each other.

Joohyun takes the Queen’s waist when they collide softly and makes her do a last a long turn beside her, she grabs the Queen low back as she holds her waist tight she makes the Queen fall in her arms and Seulgi’s hand ends on her cheek while the other clings to her shoulder.

The Sun illuminates them right on time as their heavy breaths fill the shrine, they don’t stop to look at each other deeply until they hear something….

The sound of a loud drop makes them turn to look at the fountain in front of them.

However, the next thing that happens is something they never imagined would happen.

There are even more loud drops until a cannon of water comes out and Joohyun hugs her tightly to hold her close and jump back because the water was going to hit them.

Irene and Seulgi cannot believe what they saw, it was almost like the water was trying to…

Attack them.

But how can it be? The water cannot be alive!

“What-“ Before Joohyun can say something, the cannon of water takes the form of an enormous hand that grabs her and throws her to the wall making the warrior cough loudly.

“Joohyun!!” Seulgi tries to approach the warrior but another hand grabs her strongly and makes her hit the wall but the hand holds her there.

Seulgi coughs loudly and thinks that the water hand almost broke her back, however, she can barely see because of the strong impact has made her vision blurry.

“Seulgi!!!” Joohyun calls and the Queen manages to see the warrior trying to get up but the other hand grabs her again, Joohyun tries to punch and kick the hand, the anger and fury in her eyes are very visible for Seulgi when she recovers her vision.

Why is this happening?

Are the gods angry? Was their dance horrible? Their love for each other wasn’t enough?

Are they going to…

Kill them?


Joohyun’s loud voice makes her look up only to find the other hand approaching fast and forcing Joohyun to take the posture as if she is about to punch.

Seulgi realizes the hand will make Joohyun punch her while the other hand holds her back.

The hand grabs her face forcefully and Seulgi cannot move her face to dodge Irene’s punch.

Is this their plan? Making Joohyun punch her until she dies?

Are they gonna make the love of her life kill her?

Joohyun clenches her teeth and it takes all her force and even more to make her fist collide with the wall, she lets out a loud groan “AGHH!!”

Seulgi opens her eyes wide because she can see Joohyun’s knuckles bleeding and by the warrior’s posture she can tell her arm is broken.

Seulgi tries to talk but the water hands are also stopping her from doing it by covering only , but the desperation shows on her eyes as she starts crying because it hurts her extremely deeply to see her beloved one like a broken puppet.

“I’m all right…Don’t cry” Irene shows her best smile and Seulgi can’t help to let out a choked sob, the hands let them go for a moment and Seulgi immediately crashes Irene in a hug careful to not hurt Irene’s arm more.

“Joohyun…Joohyun….I don’t wanna…lose you…please…PLEASE!” Seulgi sobs as she holds Joohyun tightly.

Joohyun manages to hug the Queen strongly as she whispers. “You are not going to lose me…everything is going to be all right…look at me.”

Seulgi looks at the light brown eyes and she finds the softest and kindest look on them. “I love you, no matter what, we will be together forever.”

Maybe Joohyun talked too soon, because the moment she stopped talking, the enormous water hands hit them repeatedly like wild ocean waves.

The water increases its force and the warrior can feel how the water is hitting her back roughly like knives, she even feels how her blouse is starting to break along with another bone.

The warrior clenches her teeth to hold back a scream, she cannot let this win, she has to protect Seulgi, she was to save them, but how?

Irene hugs Seulgi even tighter when she notices they cannot escape from this…she cannot help but beg on her mind for their lives.

Joohyun covers Seulgi with her body and the last thing Seulgi saw was Joohyun’s tearful smile before everything turned black.


“ .” Yeri repeats and she swears she doesn’t care she is currently at a sacred place, the moment she saw water coming out from the door she knew it was over for Seulgi and Irene

She is trying to break the door, even though she knows it’s impossible and gods will kill her if she manages to enter.

She is always composed and incredibly sorrowful when the gods decide to kill a couple, she was left to only wait and hear the screams.

In the past, she tried a couple of times to break the door, but she never could and gods warned her if she ever breaks the door they will kill her.

But today, she could care less about what the gods are going to do with her.

She keeps trying to break the door but is useless.

She doesn’t know when but she can feel her cheeks getting wet when she feels how one of them is starting to die.

“Please…please…I beg you…they really love each other…they’re meant for each other…they’re….”

“They’re soulmates….”


Seulgi can feel her hair completely wet along with her back, the loud sound of a…waterfall? Is what makes her wake up completely.

She starts to get up, but her back hurts a lot, for fortune she has nothing broken or at least is what she believes because she doesn’t feel the pain of something broken.

When she turns to see her surroundings, she wishes she wouldn’t have looked around.

The moment her eyes pass from the now, full of water enormous fountain to the warrior's bruised back she can feel how someone is taking away her breath as she trembles feeling absolutely terrified

Because she recognizes how a body looks when the person is not in this world anymore.


With all her strength and even with all the pain she gets up and runs even if she falls repeatedly she manages to arrive where Joohyun is.

“Joohyun!!!” The Queen carefully grabs the warrior’s body, with shaking and terrified hands.

Joohyun looks like she is unconscious and Seulgi is praying…begging that she is just unconscious.

But she knows…by the way Joohyun’s face is almost without color…and the cold cold temperature of her body…

Joohyun is never cold

She is Summer in person.

Seulgi desperately calls her, tries to give her air with , and tries to get a sign…

A sign that her beloved one is alive.

But she fails.

No matter what she does to Joohyun, the warrior’s body doesn’t respond.

Seulgi feels like she can’t breathe, she carefully caresses the warrior cheeks cleaning the tears falling like rain on the warrior’s beautiful face.

Kneeling on the floor full of water that makes everything look like a mirror, Seulgi carefully hugs the warrior's body feeling the coldness against her hands, holding the warrior’s body fearing that it might disappear and with the other she holds Irene’s head feeling the wet caramel locks between her shaking fingers.

Seulgi can feel her whole body shaking uncontrollably, the tears can’t stop, as she holds Joohyun’s body even tighter, she lifts her head to scream as loud as she has ever screamed.



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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!