Midnight or Sunrise.

When Summer and Winter dance

Taeyeon knew something was wrong the moment she sat on her balcony and the clouds were colored in a deep almost sad grey tone.

The wind breeze was so aggressive that she had to grab the edge of the balcony and cover her face with her arm.

“This is not good. Summer weather is not like this.” Taeyeon whispers.

She decides to enter her studio again and close the windows, sitting on the couch and looking at her bookshelves.

“I don’t like this feeling…” Taeyeon thinks, is like something crawling on her skin, it gives her chills.

She decides to close her eyes and breathe deeply, diving inside her head to search for something that can help her to calm down.

It’s almost like someone just popped out one of her hardest memories.

When she had to fight seriously with her own sister because she wasn’t going to the path of good.


Taeyeon walks through the Palace’s hall, she has to see her father, she may have an idea for what her father is requesting her.

“Come in.” Taeyeon hears when she is about to knock.

“I heard you requested my presence, father.” Taeyeon speaks as soon as she enters the Summer lord studio

“Indeed, my eldest daughter.” The summer lord speaks with a serious voice.

Taeyeon purses her lips, her father is not a serious man, he is always as bright as the sun, whenever he gets serious is because the issue is severe.

“I know you are quite sharp, you may have an idea of why you are here.” The Lord sighs.

“Is about Joohyun, isn’t it?” Taeyeon decides to speak first.

The Lord nods. “Your sister has been acting extremely strange, she has been training endlessly but I heard some soldiers are noticing how her movements are...not specifically good.”

Taeyeon frowns and scoffs. “Not good? I can’t believe that she is like a prodigy, her movements are always excellent and strong! Which soldiers? They should mind their business! I’m going to-!”

“She fights like she wants to kill someone, Taeyeon”

The eldest daughter immediately freezes. “What…?”

“Your mother witnessed when she caught a mugger and almost beats him to death.” The Lord looks at Taeyeon with sharp and serious brownish-red eyes.

Taeyeon is speechless, she knew her sister was acting strange, she thought that it was maybe because of her age, but still, something felt different.

She never expected, she would hear something like that.

Her adorable, cynic but sensitive and honorable sister, wanting to kill someone?

“Your expression says everything Taeyeon.” The tall, muscular but somewhat slim man gets up, his broad shoulders make Taeyeon feel the imposing aura from the brown-haired man.

“This is not your fault.” The man gives a gentle pat on Taeyeon’s hair.

Taeyeon clenches her teeth, after all, her father can still read her like an open book.

“Still, I have not been watching her as I used to.”

“And that’s my fault.” The Lord sighs. “I’ve sent you to so many missions, and I have neglected her too.”


“Don’t’. I know it’s my fault, don’t try to excuse it.”

Taeyeon shuts and purses her lips.

“Your mother told me she felt Joohyun was acting differently, and she believes the little kid is being poisoned.”

“Poisoned? What do you mean?”

“Sooyoung told me...” The Lord explains. “When Joohyun was training, she told her that her heart was being poisoned, and the little kid didn’t react too well…she didn’t tell me everything, but she told me it has to do with us, you and me.”

“Your mother also told me, when she stopped her from killing the mugger, she looked…scared, almost like she didn’t recognize herself.”

Taeyeon feels even more worried now, she is trying to connect the dots, her sister avoiding her, always in a bad mood, feeling scared of herself, angry at their father, and always with-

“Sooyoung also told me, we should separate Suho from Irene, he is the main problem.”

“That was something I’ve wanted to suggest too, that boy is not the good and well-mannered boy we used to know, he seems very wary about me and other nobles, he also hangs out a lot with Kai and Chanyeol, they are not the best nobles, as you may know.”

“Chanyeol and Kai are suspects of crimes, they will end in the dungeon, that’s for sure.” The Lord explains.

“Well, they are suspects of trying to kill one noble and also suspects of harassment to women, and only gods know for what other crimes they are suspects.” Taeyeon sighs.

“And Suho is starting to act like them.”

Taeyeon seems to connect everything, she gasps and frowns deeply. “What if...Suho is the one poisoning her heart?”

“Elaborate.” The lord looks at her eldest daughter.

“Sooyoung said, he is the main problem, and he is not the greenhouse boy anymore, father.” Taeyeon explains. “He is also against the idea of a woman leading summer, that could explain his wariness against me, and the only weak point I have is-“

“Joohyun.” The Lord concludes with a deep frown. “Are you suggesting that he may be poisoning Joohyun’s heart with something against you?

“Joohyun started acting strange since I began doing even more dangerous missions and started to spend even more time with him.” Taeyeon points out. “After she came back, she looked lost and she also seems to be avoiding Suho.”

“Maybe the encounter with the mugger was the moment she exploded with everything she is dealing with, that we don’t know.” The Lord breathes deeply. “She is having a duel, and having that at her age is something difficult.”

Taeyeon clenches her fist, her precious little sister has been suffering and she didn’t notice it, she thought it was just a huge rebellious stage.

“I should have been more careful, dammit!” Taeyeon thinks.

The eldest daughter starts walking towards the door. “Father, I will deal with Joohyun, please take care of Chanyeol and Kai.”

And with that, she leaves her father’s studio, not wasting a second more, because she fears it will be too late to reach for her sister.


She finds Joohyun training with Sooyoung watching her, she tells Sooyoung to go, and the muse doesn’t refuse.

“Just…don’t kill each other all right?” Sooyoung almost pleads, because she knows how this is going to end.

Taeyeon half-smiles. “We will not.”

Sooyoung nods and gives Joohyun a last look before she disappears.

Joohyun kicks the tree log so hard that she manages to break it, Taeyeon whistles making the young warrior turn and frown.

“What do you want?”

Taeyeon raises her eyebrows and looks at Joohyun eyes with a serious look, Joohyun frowns even more.

“Why are you so angry?” Taeyeon asks with a worried tone.

Joohyun seems to be taken aback, she stops frowning and her face change to a surprised one, she only adverts her eyes from her sister.

“Mind your business.” Joohyun says with a bratty tone. “You are good at that, aren’t you?”

Taeyeon opens her eyes wide and chuckles with disbelief. “Well, you are part of my business, so here I am”. The eldest sister approaches the fifteen-year-old girl.

When Taeyeon tries to touch Joohyun, the girl immediately and fastly slaps her hand.

Taeyeon feels even more shocked, just as Joohyun who is wearing an equally shocked expression.

“I-…” Joohyun tries to speak but she shakes her head and turns around starting to walk away. “Stop bothering me!”

In a fast move, Taeyeon grabs Joohyun’s wrist. “That’s enough Joohyun, you’re being a brat, let me talk to you.”

“I SAID STOP BOTHERING ME!” Joohyun raises her voice and tries to kick Taeyeon.

Taeyeon stops the kick but Joohyun now tries to punch her, only managing to punch her arm.

Joohyun manages to liberate her hand and tries to fight Taeyeon but the eldest sister is only dodging and blocking her attacks.

“Joohyun! Stop! I don’t wanna fight!!” Taeyeon tries to make Joohyun listen to her but it doesn’t work.

Joohyun keeps throwing punches and kicks until Taeyeon grabs her shoulders and kicks her stomach, hard enough to make the young warrior cough and fall.

Taeyeon worries that she kicked her too hard, when she approaches Irene to help her the warrior shouts to her. “STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT ME! I’M NOT A KID ANYMORE!!”

The older girl stops her steps and watches her little sister with shock.


“What did he do to my sister….this…shouting girl filled with rage and envy is not her…” Taeyeon thinks and looks at Joohyun with disbelief.

Joohyun seems to realize that she exploded and gulps clenching the grass with her fists. “…I was fighting against it…even when Joy told me the truth….”

Taeyeon hears Joohyun whispering and purses her lips, the lost and guilty look on her sister’s caramel eyes tells her everything, her dad was right, Joohyun is having a duel with herself, but still…at her age and alone with her troubled head, probably filled with the horrible poison of that boy…

“She has always been a little bratty and sometimes hard to handle…she leans trough swords and fights when she is beyond words…” Taeyeon closes her eyes for a moment.

“Then…” Taeyeon snaps her fists preparing herself. “Let’s deal with this Joohyun, fight with me, with everything you have.”

“I will beat the out of you if that’s what it takes me to recover you.” Taeyeon’s voice and eyes are sharp, sending chills to the young warrior.

Joohyun gets up as fast as she throws Taeyeon the first kick when Taeyeon blocks it, she jumps back, but Taeyeon is faster grabbing her leg to throw her on the ground however, Joohyun stops the impact with her elbows, she manages to kick Taeyeon’s face.

Taeyeon can feel her sister is now stronger than her, or at least her kicks hurt a lot more.

“STOP THINKING!” Joohyun’s loud voice makes her snap from her thoughts but a punch on her stomach that makes her crash with a tree log is what wakes her up.

Taeyeon feels all the air being knocked out from her lungs but she dodges the other punch and kicks Joohyun’s ribs.

Joohyun can feel the horrible pain of a broken bone, she rolls on the ground and coughs but she gets up fast, dodging in time a punch that Taeyeon was about to give her on the stomach.

Taeyeon blocks another kick again, but she can feel her arm is broken too, even with that she punches Joohyun’s face sending the warrior to the ground, however, Joohyun was faster enough to kick her chest.

Joohyun gets up and steps back, using the broken tree log to jump and try to give a final kick to Taeyeon, the older sister sees that and covers her face, but Joohyun changes her posture just in time to punch Taeyeon on the face.

Maybe the young warrior thought that with that punch she won, but her sister is just as stubborn as her and she will not lose.

“STUPID BRAT!!” Taeyeon manages to speak before grabbing Joohyun’s shirt and throws her hard and loud on the ground.

Joohyun coughs loudly, she doesn’t know if she has another broken bone but her back hurts like hell, Taeyeon is grabbing her face roughly and blocking her legs with her body.

Both of them are breathing heavily but Taeyeon speaks first. “I…won…stubborn kid.”

Joohyun can’t even speak, she manages to grits her teeth only but Taeyeon speaks again. “You are too strong Joohyun…you could have beaten me…but you can’t even use your strength correctly….”

“How can you be so broken….?”

Joohyun widens her eyes when she feels tears touching her cheeks, her sister rarely cries.

“I’m sorry…I neglected you….I-I stopped talking with you…I focused too much on training and missions….I didn’t notice how you were going to the wrong side..”

“You were suffering and I didn’t notice it! I know I have so much to fix with you…but please forgive me Joohyun.”

Joohyun can feel the tears on her cheeks are not her sister’s tears anymore, watching and hearing Taeyeon blaming herself for what it’s her fault makes her finally come to her senses.

Even if Joy punched her and made her realize partially, Taeyeon was the key for her to finally stop the poison filling her head and heart.

“Is…not your fault…” Joohyun manages to speak. “It’s….only mine…I should be the one saying…sorry.”

“I’m so sorry…Taeyeon…unnie….I was being…rude and irrational….I shouldn’t have listened to him….” Joohyun keeps crying, finally and completely broken, like a child.

Taeyeon gently gets off her sister and sits beside her, she carefully grabs Joohyun and hugs her, she can feel her sister’s hands on her shoulders grabbing her blouse tightly as she cries hard.”

“I’m s-sorry…unnie…unnie!!” Joohyun sobs and hides on Taeyeon’s shoulder. “I-…don’t even know why…I was filled with so much…rage…I was wrong…please forgive me….please…I’m sorry for feeling envy!...I’m sorry…for ignoring you….! I’m sorry..!”

Taeyeon smiles softly and hugs Joohyun even harder, she knows Joohyun is saying the truth, she can feel it, how true and sorrowful her sister’s words are, she saw it, when they were fighting, she was disgusted by herself and angry at herself and not at her.

The older sister is thankful that she can feel how her sister is awake and free from that horrible poison again

She gently caresses her little sister’s caramel locks, she feels relieved, because she arrived just in time, just in time to save her sister as always.

Because Taeyeon will always save Joohyun, from Suho, from anyone…

“I’m here Joohyun…I’ll always be here to save you…even from you” Taeyeon whispers kindly to her sobbing but precious sister.


The window cracks loudly, making Taeyeon snap abruptly from her memory and turn to look at the window worriedly.

When she is about to stand up, she can feel her heart clenching and hurt horribly, the beating heart feels like spines on her chest.

She can’t even breathe, and the only thing she can think about is her sister when the pain stops, she breathes heavily.


Taeyeon falls on her knees. “Please….I’m begging…please…”

She doesn’t know why but she can feel her eyes letting out uncontrollable tears.

Maybe she knows why.

But she can’t and won’t accept it.


Everything is starting to look slow, Wendy’s movements, she can hear the other girls laughing but far away, even if they are close to her.

Then she stops.

She feels something like an arrow piercing her chest, the muses, and the other girls turn to look at her.

Wendy widens her eyes when she sees the Summer muse grab her chest before linking eyes with her.


So much blood.

The Summer muse coughs blood like a waterfall, Seungwan runs to her screaming as the younger muses look at the scene with horrified eyes, the warrior sisters eyes filled with terror.

Sooyoung falls on Wendy, and the Winter muse can feel how her light blue dress is being painted with bright red.

“SOOYOUNG!!! SOOYOUNG!!!” Seungwan screams furiously, grabbing the Summer muse’s beautiful but dull face.

“NONONO!!! SOOYOUNG STAY WITH ME!! LOOK AT ME!!” Wendy begs, tears falling uncontrollably from her eyes.

Sooyoung manages to link eyes with her, she gives the winter muse a weak smile before closing her eyes.

Wendy doesn’t know if it’s because of what happened to Sooyoung or the great sadness she felt coming from Seulgi, but she can’t even breathe, everything is turning black as she falls besides Sooyoung, she hears the horrible screams of the younger girls, begging for help.

She looks at Sooyoung smiley but stoic face, her beautiful and long eyelashes.

At least….I’m beside you…my one and only…”


Seulgi doesn’t know how much time has passed, she can’t feel anything, she feels empty.

She has been looking and caressing the warrior’s cold face for…hours? Days? She doesn’t know.

The Queen can’t accept it. And she won’t

She refuses to accept Joohyun’s death.

The young Queen manages to carry the warrior’s body, she uses all her forces to stand up, walking to the big fountain, her loud steps echoing the shrine filled with crystallized water.

Falling on her knees and before the fountain, she looks up to the Gods symbol, hearing the water drops falling from her light blonde hair.

“Why?” The Queen asks, her tone filled with cold fury. “All my life…I’ve following the path you told us to follow…making the right decisions…forgiving before hating…punishing the wrong ones….”

Seulgi grits her teeth, the sound sounding thunderous in the quiet but tense shrine.

“WE! HUMANS! HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING AND DOING EVERYTHING YOU TOLD US!! WHY!! WHY DO WE HAVE TO SUFFER THIS NONSENSE?! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT US TO DO?!” The young Queen yells at the symbol, but she knows really well, who is she yelling…demanding to.



“I KNOW YOU TWO ARE LISTENING TO ME!! THE SUN PRINCE AND MOON PRINCESS “MISTAKE” WAS A NONSENSE MADE BY YOU!!! EVEN GODS CAN’T CONTROL OUR HEART! WE CAN’T CONTROL WHO WE LOVE!” The young Queen roars to the symbol, she can feel her whole body shaking but she doesn’t care.



The Queen breathes harshly, as the shrine atmosphere feels even tenser, she keeps looking at the symbol with her hazel eyes filled with an uncontrollable rage.

She can feel how the fountain starts to tremble, she sees the water shaking just as furious as her.

If speaking the truth is going to take away her life, she will accept it with her head held high and strong.

The fountain’s water takes the form of a big spear pointing at her.

It feels like they’re waiting for her last words.

The Queen is unfazed, looking at the dagger with cold and furious eyes. “Kill me then, because my “love” for everything and everyone is bigger and stronger than anyone, if my life is the price I have to pay for all my precious ones, for the muses, for the people peace…then, what are you waiting for?”

The spear remains static for seconds that feel like ages.

However, it moves, fast and strong into the Queen’s direction.

Seulgi remains static, her eyes never leaving the spear

And it’s the last thing her beautiful and cold hazel orbs see.


A loud thunder echoes Sana’s room, the princess jumps and wakes up from her sleep at the scandalous sound.

Tzuyu looks at Sana, who is still sleeping peacefully, she lets out a long sigh before she shakes her head and gets off her head from the muse’s lap as she gets up, looking at the window noticing a strong thunderstorm.

“A Thunderstorm in Spring….this is surprising.” Tzuyu whispers.

The golden copper-haired princess puts a hand on her chest, she frowns and shows an unsure grimace.

“What is this pain?...it hurts too much…I haven’t felt like this since my puppy passed away…” The princess lets a long sigh.

“No…this is even worse.” She thinks.

Another loud thunder makes her jump and looks at the window again.

“Sister…Seulgi-unnie…I pray for you…with all my heart, please be safe and come back soon.” The princess clenches her dress tightly.

She has a bad feeling, like something making a mess inside her head and heart, she just hopes that it’s nothing severe.

She wants to believe that white lie, even if her heart is screaming from pain.


Nayeon covers her face with her hands as she remains quiet and shocked after reading the Queen’s letter.

Perplexed to know that this letter may be the last letter from the young Queen.

She swallows hard, reading one of the paragraphs again.


Nayeon, I know, even if you and Tzuyu are constantly teasing and joking with each other, you are the third closest person to my precious sister, I can entrust her to you blindly, please Nayeon, if I don’t come back, take care of her as your own sister, fill her with even more love, she will be a strong Queen someday and I highly believe you can help her to become one of the strongest, she is already a strong woman, but she can be much more than that.

I believe she will blossom beautifully.

If she asks why I didn’t come back, tell her, that I loved her with all my heart, I will always be with here she will always have a part of me with her, wherever she goes, she will never be alone.

Tell her that I fought with bravery and great strength against the destiny we have to carry.

Tell her that she will always be a unique and the purest child I’ve ever met.

And the one that I loved first with all my heart since the moment I carried her.

Please take care of my first and precious treasure.”

Nayeon moves the letter away before her uncontrollable tears fall on it, she covers to shush her loud sobs.

Because she knows even though everything was more like an “If I’m gone…”

There’s a reason why the clouds are so dark today.

And she also knows, she is not the only one wanting and hoping to believe that the Queen is still alive.

Even if the weather and everything is signaling the opposite.


Tzuyu sits on the couch, she looks at Sana sleeping peacefully, and then she turns to look at the window full of water drops.

She purses her lips as she decides to lay down, she feels like the storm is not only outside, is in her heart too.

Someone knocks the door and Tzuyu takes some time to answer.

“Come in” she finally says.

Nayeon shows her head first, the Spring lady is doing her best at showing her unique bunny smile for the princess.

The spring lady enters carefully as she approaches, she can notice the visible struggle in the princess’s eyes.

Nayeon knows why Tzuyu is acting like this and not bickering with her as always.

“Hello, grumpy.”

Tzuyu only quirks a brow.

The spring lady lets out a light chuckle. “Move that big head, I wanna sit”

The princess frowns but she moves a little, enough for the lady to sit, she sighs when she feels Nayeon’s hand bringing her head to her lap.

“Nayeon-unnie I-“

“Now now.” Nayeon plays with the princess’s hair. “I think a little bit of company will help you.”

Tzuyu would be lying if she says no to Nayeon’s offer, so she decides to nod and breathe deeply.

“Do you want me to sing something? I know you adore my beautiful voice.”

“Your horrible voice.” Tzuyu snorts.

“Hey! My voice is angelic, you just don’t appreciate it enough.” Nayeon pouts.

Tzuyu lets out a tiny laugh. “All right, sing for me then.”

Nayeon smiles softly and that’s the only thing she needs to hear, she starts singing a very familiar melody for Tzuyu.

The princess widens her eyes when she hears that familiar song, the one Seulgi used to sing for her, she hides her eyes on Nayeon’s lap as she turns to hug the Spring lady.

Nayeon keeps caressing Tzuyu’s hair softly, she tries to maintain her voice stable even when she feels her dress getting wet with the princess silent tears.


Mina feels surprised when the loud sound of the snow resonates even with the closed windows, the snowstorm is strong compared to the past ones she has ever seen.

Chaeyoung notices this and decides to swallow her shyness for once as she hugs the winter muse carefully.

Mina turns to look at Chaeyoung with surprised and sad eyes, the tiny warrior notices this and shows her a half-smile.

The winter muse sighs and decides to hide her face on Chaeyoung’s neck, the warrior’s warmth seems to be the only thing that can calm her right now.

Chaeyoung caresses Mina’s back as she looks at the two women in front of them, both of them looking like they’re sleeping.

Momo looks up to link eyes with her little sister, she is currently hugging the blue-haired muse that has been sleeping after she and Taehyung tried everything to cure Wendy and Sooyoung.

Chaeyoung and Momo turn to look at Yoongi who is silently watching the two women laying on the bed, with Taehyung resting on his shoulder.

The three hold a silent talk with their eyes, wishing for the Summer and winter muse full recovery.


The only thing that can be heard at the shrine is the loud water drops.

Seulgi wonders if she is dead or not, she only saw the spear coming for her, however, she didn’t feel something hurting her chest.

Were the gods “good” enough to give her a silent death?

The answer comes when she feels something like a wet hand caressing her face, carefully and gently.

She can feel how slowly but surely she manages to open her eyes, however, the sun makes her close a little bit her eyes again but she swears she sees someone smiling before she closes her eyes again because of the strong sunlight.

When she can finally open her eyes again she feels something is different.

The moment she looks around she gasps when she sees the shrine is full of flowers, mostly sunflowers, but what surprises her the most is that the flowers are the representatives of each part of the Four Season Kingdom.

The next thing she notices is that her cuts and wounds have disappeared.

However, when she looks down she notices the warrior’s body is not there, she starts to panic and gets up to search it, until she walks through the sunflowers.

The Queen falls on her knees when she notices the pale warrior’s body, she can feel the tears running through her cheeks again as she carefully caresses the warrior’s face.

She can see Joohyun’s wounds even the long cut on her soft but cold cheeks, she chokes on her sobs as she closes her eyes, not willing to accept the warrior’s death.

Just then, a strong wind passes and makes her close one eye, when she looks up again, she finds a path, like someone separated the flowers and made a path to the waterfall.

Seulgi turns to look at the warrior’s body again, she swallows hard as she carefully takes Joohyun’s body in her arms, the Queen doesn’t know how she can carry Joohyun’s body, even if the warrior doesn’t weight a lot, Seulgi is not as strong as her.

She walks to the fountain until she is in front of it, she looks up, taking a deep breath, she puts one foot inside the fountain’s water, then the other one, until she is inside.

The light blonde sits, she gently lets the warrior’s body rest on the water, she is careful that her face is the only thing that is not inside of the water.

The only thing she can hear now is her heartbeat, waiting and hoping that maybe the water will bring her beautiful Joohyun back.

Closing her eyes again, trying to hold back her tears but failing. Her head hanging low as her tears fall on Joohyun’s face.




A light touch on her cheek makes her open her eyes abruptly as she lets out a surprised gasp.

The hand beneath her moves and shows Irene’s light-brown eyes as she smirks.

Seulgi can’t believe what she is seeing.

Joohyun is alive.

The love of her life is alive.

“What is it snowflake? Cat got your tongue?” Joohyun’s teasing tone is music for the Queen’s ears.

“JOOHYUN!” The Queen sobs loudly as she lowers herself and hugs Joohyun’s head.

Joohyun manages to grab her back and hold Seulgi tightly, she can even feel tears running from the corners of her eyes.

Seulgi keeps crying and holding Joohyun’s as if her life depends on it.

The Queen separates a little and holds Joohyun’s face with trembling hands. “You are alive!!! Snows! You are here!!!”

Joohyun manages to get up a little even if her wounds are not completely healed, she doesn’t care, she hugs Seulgi again with all the strength she has but she separates again to hold Seulgi’s face.

“I would never leave you, even if gods wanted me to.” Joohyun’s voice is loud and brave.

Seulgi smiles with her face filled with tears as she crashes her lips against Joohyun’s in a strong and deep kiss.

However, their kiss seems to be interrupted when they feel the water is starting to feel cold but then hot.

Joohyun and Seulgi turn to look at the fountain noticing how the water is starting to turn more like a blue crystalline tone.

Then, Joohyun can feel the water traveling inside her clothes to reach her wounds.

Seulgi lets a surprised gasp because it looks like water is shining making Joohyun look like she is shining too.

Joohyun can feel how her strength is coming back, she lifts her hands, feeling how the pain on her back and hands is disappearing slowly, the warrior shows a big smile as she can feel how the water “repaired” her completely.

When Joohyun’s lifts her face, Seulgi opens wide because she can see the warrior’s face full of life.

Seulgi feels her eyes watering again because she feels and knows, her Joohyun is finally back.

Both of them get up and Joohyun doesn’t hold back as she hugs Seulgi tightly, she even lifts the Queen and makes a couple of turns, the young couple laughing wholeheartedly.

The shrine is full of life even full of laughs.

Full of the strong love of the soulmates that managed to survive, even to the gods curse.


Seulgi and Irene look back before they finally step out of the shrine, the door closing slowly behind them, the moment they turn their heads someone runs and crashes them into a big hug.

“Joohyun!! Seulgi!!” Yeri calls them with a joyful voice, her voice sounds shaky because of her tears but she is completely relieved and so happy to see them alive.

“Yeri!” both of them exclaim as they reciprocate the witch’s hug with the same excitement.

The witch separates slightly and with her hands, she caresses the couple faces, Yeri looks at them with so much care, the age difference is huge so she sees them as children.

“I’m speechless, one moment I was about to enter for you even if I would’ve- well that doesn’t matter, but…you are out of this world ladies.” Yeri says proudly. “You are the first couple that managed to survive after so so many years, and you!” Yeri turns to Seulgi, surprising the Queen. “You really have some guts! Talking to the gods like that, they really are quite impressed.”

Joohyun frowns and turns to look at Seulgi. “What did you do?”

Seulgi sighs and plays with her hands a little bit before speaking and turning to look at Joohyun. “I confronted them after they-…well after they took you away from me…I just-“ The Queen takes a moment to think her words. “I couldn’t stand it, I didn’t want to accept it and I was so angry at them, furious even, because it was not fair, and-“ The light blonde smiles tenderly looking at the warrior worried eyes. “I didn’t want to give up without giving a fight for you, Joohyun.”

Joohyun can feel a lump in when she hears Seulgi’s words, she can even feel her eyes watering before hugging Seulgi tightly.

“I love you…” The warrior whispers with a shaky voice. “You are so brave I-“The warrior separates and looks at the beautiful and watery hazel orbs looking at her.

“I really love you so much, Kang Seulgi.” Joohyun sobs. “Thank you for risking your life…for fighting for me…you are the strongest woman I know, the woman who confronted the gods for someone like me, it’s such an honor to be yours.”

Seulgi smiles tenderly. “I will always, always, fight for you Joohyun.”

“Because I love you more than anything in the world.”


When they are back at Yeri’s home, the witch gives them a cup of warm chocolate before they decide to travel back to the kingdom to give Sana the water she needs to recover.

“I would like to tell you this is finally over…but is not.” Yeri sighs before she sits in front of the now worried couple.

“What do you mean?” Seulgi asks with disbelief.

“Well, I think that maybe you haven’t noticed the marks you and Joohyun have.” The witch explains. “Seulgi you have one on your chest, and Joohyun has it on her back.”

The young couple frowns. “And…what is the meaning behind them?”

“Good news and bad news behind them.” Yeri breathes deeply. “The ‘good’ news is that you are the last ones that will be tested, so your sister and the following kings or Queens are not going to be tested unless they do something very wrong.”

The Queen and Joohyun’s faces light up when they hear the good news, however.

“The bad ones…well.” Yeri lets out a long sigh. “When your first child turns 21 and takes the throne…both of you…are….going to die.”

The young couple feels like someone hit them with cold water, the Queen covers and feels knot on , she always wanted to be there for her children, especially in those years, knowing how difficult is to be in charge of the kingdom, she wanted to be different from her father and now…

Joohyun feels that even if the gods are not going to make them leave their children at a young age…she still feels completely awful, and devasted, she dreamed that she would always be there for them…

“I guess…that’s the price we have to pay.” Seulgi whispers but breathes deeply looking at the witch.

“Our lives in exchange for their peace.”


After the bitter news, the witch accompanies them until it’s the end of her territory, she gives Joohyun her katanas and dagger back looking at them from her horse.

“If you ever need me, you know where to find me, Joohyun, Seulgi.” Yeri smiles softly. “I will protect and watch you closely, even if you don’t see me.”

“Please visit us sometime!” Seulgi says with a cheerful voice. “You will always be welcome.!”

“Yeah! Joy misses you sometimes!” Joohyun laughs.

The witch smiles and nods. “I will appear there one of these days.”

The young couple waves their hands before they start their trip back to the Kingdom, the witch watches them closely even after she cannot see their silhouettes anymore.


They travel faster this time, their priority is Sana, and it surprises them that they arrive in a day, the soldiers checking Spring entrance, alert about their arriving.

The princess comes out as faster as she cans, when she sees her sister walking to the house where Sana is and spots her, the sisters run to their encounter, they share a tight hug filled with tears of Joy.

Nayeon hugs Joohyun and then the Queen, Joohyun feels surprised when she spots her older sister looking at her with watery eyes.

Irene doesn’t think twice as she runs to her sister, just like the old times.

After the warm reunion, the Queen and Joohyun go to Sana’s bedroom, where the muse is sleeping peacefully.

The Queen carefully makes Sana drink part of the sacred water, the princess Tzuyu is looking attentively to the muse’s face.

Sana’s face is slowly changing, her pale skin turns into a colorful skin, is almost like the water made all her energy and life come back again to her body.

The muse opens her eyes slowly and carefully, batting her long and beautiful eyelashes.

The first thing she sees, is Tzuyu’s tearful eyes, looking at her with deep love and relief.

She slowly shows a deep and full smile to the young princess, Tzuyu doesn’t hold back and hugs Sana carefully but strongly, feeling the muse’s soft hands on her back and the cute characteristic giggle resonating.

Wonderful music for Tzuyu’s and everyone’s ears.

Because that giggle only means, the cheerful and happy Sana is finally and fully recovered.


The Queen and Joohyun decide to travel back to Winter after they heard the horrible news about their precious partners, their own muses.

However, the princess and Sana along with Nayeon and Jeongyeon decide to travel. Taeyeon decides to accompany them too.

When Seulgi and Joohyun arrive hurriedly and gasping to the Winter Castle, both of them running to the bedroom where their muses are.

Seulgi opens the door and sighs with relief when she sees Wendy and Joy sitting beside each other, they don’t look completely healthy, but they are alive and that’s what matters the most.

Wendy and Seulgi share a tight embrace surprising everyone in the room, except for Joohyun and Joy who are busy sharing a tight and strong hug too.

The Queen gives Joy and Wendy the remaining sacred water and is magical, how the water makes them feel completely recovered and full of energy, almost like nothing happened to them.

Seulgi thanks Dahyun, Mina, Momo, Chaeyoung, Yoongi and Taehyung for taking care of the muses, Dahyun and Mina can’t hold back their tears as they bow towards Seulgi, feeling thankful that their Queen is finally back.

Joohyun makes a funny face when she notices how the now, crying, warrior sisters along with her giant muse cover her with tears and not so welcomed boogs, nevertheless, she laughs wholeheartedly patting their heads and backs, wearing her wonderful smile.

Later, that same night, they decide to hold a reunion with everyone filling the big table as they share laughs and jokes.

The Queen and Joohyun watch everything from the balcony, they see how Taeyeon and Jihyo drink wine quietly watching Nayeon and Jeongyeon hold a competition about who gets drunk first.

Momo and Chaeyoung devouring the food as always, Mina making the tiny warrior blush when she cleans the food crumbs from the corners of her lips, Dahyun does the same with Momo but she decides to use her fingers and then eat the crumbs that were on Momo’s cheek making the warrior blush.

Tzuyu and Sana are drinking coffee quietly, Sana resting her head on Tzuyu’s shoulder but the muse giggles loudly when Momo tells a funny joke, the princess doesn’t hold back and laughs too.

Wendy and Joy are quietly arguing about Joy special request for raspberry jam, telling Wendy that it should be something crucial for Winter and even for the Kingdom to always have raspberry jam on the table, Wendy only rolls her eyes as she puts a piece of bread on Joy’s mouth, successfully silencing the Summer muse.

Rose, Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo play with the food and they can see and hear Rose and Jennie whining because Lisa ‘ruined’ their pancakes

They also see Yoongi stopping Taehyung from hugging him but after letting out a long sigh he lets the boy hug him, the poor Yoongi looking like a stubborn but happy cat.

Nothing has really changed, it feels even colorful now. It’s what the young couple concludes.

They turn to share a meaningful look, only hoping that good times are the only thing for their precious and full of hope, future.

Both of them turn to look at the beautiful stars filling the night sky, the full moon is even joining them to this wonderful celebration.

Seulgi blinks when she can feel the snow falling on her head and nose, she also swears she can see a curious and purple star, meaning that maybe, just maybe, the witch is joining them too.

Joohyun smiles when she notices the star too as she looks up feeling how the gentle snow falls on her face.

Then, the warrior turns to see at Seulgi who is also looking at the purple star with a tender smile.

“Ahh, to be a beautiful purple star, to have the ethereal Queen smiling at me like that.” Joohyun smirks when Seulgi turns to look at her with a playful smile.

“Well, I wonder, maybe the star is even more interesting.” The Queen says.

“Are you completely sure? Snowflake.” Joohyun smirk grows even more. “Because I think that star can’t give you a wonderful kiss like-“

“Joohyun!” A blushing Seulgi covers Joohyun’s lips with her hand.

Joohyun lifts her eyebrows playfully and takes the Queen’s hand from her lips to bring her close to her. “So?”

“You are so annoying.” Seulgi bites her lower lip, she looks at Joohyun’s wonderful cherry lips, and then she links eyes with the soft caramel eyes.

“Maybe you can shut this beautiful mouth…what do you think?” Joohyun whispers as she carefully closes their distance.

“Gladly.” Seulgi smiles brightly as she gently takes Joohyun’s face between her hands, sealing their lips in a wonderful and silent kiss.

Their kiss sounding like a silent promise, but also like a bright beginning, full of peace and extraordinary times.


Hi!! Well, I think this time I took less to update, sadly the next 'chapter' will be the epilogue T.T so I will save my tearful speech for that. (Even if I cried a little writing some parts of this because hearing sad songs while writing it really gets you sensitive)

Anyway, I can't wait to know what you think about this chapter, please don't refrain from telling me your opinion :D

This journey is about to end and oh well T.T

Our wendy has been discharged too! And I'm hoping for her full recovery, I miss our soft wannie u.u

And Mina has been a little bit more active lately! ahhhh that has been making my heart happy too.


I hope you are doing well, with this crisis we are facing right now, I really hope that you are taking care of you and your beloved ones, if it's possible for you, please stay at home. xc

But for real, take care, like seriously, I care about you, pals. :´v

I will see you later! Eat well and drink water pleasee 


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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!