Pies and breakthroughs

When Summer and Winter dance

Passing the pages of the books, Wendy and Joy search vigorously, until the taller girl sighs, Seungwan looks up, her eyes now focusing on the rust red-haired woman in front of her.

Brown eyes link with her light brown eyes, the tall woman smiles softly before she leans to look closer the Winter muse making Wendy gasp and feel her cheeks red.

“Your eyes.” Sooyoung brown orbs filled with interest looking at her

“m-my eyes?” Wendy gulps looking at the curious brown eyes.

“They are like honey, soft and quite unique eye color, as expected from a beautiful muse.” Sooyoung grins softly.

Wendy feels her cheeks getting extremely warm and she looks down feeling shy, she whispers a ‘thank you’, Joy hums and nods before she sighs again. “We haven’t found anything in the books.”

“We have to search calmly, finding answers is never easy.” Seungwan honey eyes looking at the pile of books they have already read, fifty books, and they still can’t find anything, therefore, she understands the frustration of the Summer Muse

Someone knocking the door calls their attention, “Come in.” Wendy says.

The ash blue hair of the petite winter muse entering to the room makes them smile wide. “Dahyun! What a pleasant surprise, are you feeling better?” Seungwan asks.

“Yes! I’m deeply thankful for your kindness Wendy-unnie and…”Dahyun turns to look at the rust-red hair muse.

“I’m Sooyoung, but you can call me Sooyoung-unnie.” Smiling brightly Joy's brown eyes never leave the muse's berry blue eyes. “You are indeed feeling better, the color of your eyes is normal now as I can see.”

“Ah! Y-yes Sooyoung…unnie, fortunately, my health wasn’t bad enough to have my eyes disrupted.” Dahyun smiles shyly and bows. “My name is Dahyun, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine, did you have breakfast? You were as light as a plume when I carried you to your room.” Brown eyes gazing worriedly at the pale muse.

Dahyun blushes embarrassed. “Oh, snows! I’m deeply sorry, I have caused you such an inconvenience!” Dahyun bows repeatedly in an apologizing manner.

Sooyoung shakes her head. “Helping people is never an inconvenience, the important matter here is if you have eaten already.”

Dahyun nods shyly. “Yes, I have eaten, t-thank you for asking.”

Wendy and Joy hum approvingly, the right hand of the Queen gestures the pale muse to take a seat, approaching the table, the pale muse sits and looks at the older Winter muse.

“I hope you are ready to search because we need a lot of help here, Dubu”

“Yes! I’m completely recharged Wendy-unnie!” the pale muse smiles widely, feeling the young muse's high spirit, Wendy smiles nodding.

Another knock makes them look at the door again, feeling the presence of another muse Sooyoung turns to look at Wendy who gives a soft ‘come in’ to the person knocking.

Opening the door slowly, Sooyoung wonders why the Winter people tend to open their doors like that, in Summer you just knock and when the person lets you enter you just open the door fast, but again that’s why Summer people and Winter people are quite opposite the majority of the times.

Noticing a muse with cinnamon hair and chocolate eyes, Joy raises a curious eyebrow, the muse notices this and looks down shyly, making Sooyoung wonder if she looks scary because the people of Winter tend to become shy around her.

“Mina! Are you here to help us?” Wendy smiles looking at the cinnamon-haired muse who nods.

“Dahyun told me you requested more help and here I am, our Queen is not here, therefore I have more free time.”

“That’s wonderful! You have always been good at searching along with Dahyun, your help is indeed worthy.” Wendy gestures her to take a sit but Mina stops before sitting beside Dahyun to look at the Summer muse.

“I-I’m sorry for not introducing me, my name is Mina it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Looking at the tall muse with a timid gaze, Joy smiles brightly humming.

“I heard about you, our Queen takes dancing classes from you, the elegant Black Swan, I’m Sooyoung, please call me unnie instead of something more formal! and the pleasure is mine.” Sooyoung bows lightly.

Hearing her sobriquet, Mina smiles timidly nodding. “S-Sooyoung…unnie, you are the muse of the dancing warrior right?”

“Yes, I’m in charge of that tiny little whirlwind.” Joy laughs softly. “May I ask the motive of the question?.”

“Oh, it’s because I heard from my students about you.” Mina explains.

“I hope they said good things about me.” Sooyoung chuckles.

“Well, they were amazed by y-your b-beauty…” Mina timidly talks and looks down making the tall muse smile because she feels tenderness, the winter muses shyness makes her smile softly.

“Thank you, I’m used to amaze people.” Winking to Wendy, the winter muse looks at her with a little blush.

“W-Well enough talking and more searching muses, we have a lot of books and documents to read.” Seungwan coughs while the Summer muse laughs softly.

Dahyun and Mina share looks, agreeing in a silent conversation that their senior acts a little bit strange with the Summer muse but in a good way, they smile at each other before opening their respective books.


She is actually shaking from embarrassment, the door of the hot spring is in front of her, she is only wearing her towel, she, being the Queen shouldn’t be doing this it’s against the protocol, she mustn’t show too much skin to anyone who is not her muse, sister, or lover, also the shyness of revealing skin almost consumes her.

“But isn’t it exciting? Not following the protocol for once. And it is not like you are going to kiss her or do something more, you are just going to talk with her.”

Her conscience talks to her and she bites her lower lip, hesitantly reaching the door hold to move it slowly, opening the door of the hot spring and the door of the lion’s den.

“I’m not looking, and I will not until you enter the water, Queen.” Irene’s voice makes her look up to find the caramel-haired woman with her back turned.

Seulgi can’t help but feel surprised and moved by the gest, the woman with Summer eyes is being polite and respectful, proving that she may be annoying but she definitely has some manners.

Entering the water slowly the hazel eyes girl notices a few scars on the warrior's thin back, she can’t help but feel concerned, of course, the warrior would have scars however it makes her feel a little sting in her heart.

“Can I turn around now?” Irene asks popping the Queen out of her bubble.

“Y-yes.” Seulgi coughs softly and feels her back resting on one of the stones of the hot spring.

When Irene turns around the Young Queen feels an even heavier sting in her heart when she notices a big scar on the warrior's chest, a little below from her collarbones, the slightly diagonal scar catches her attention too much that the warrior coughs.

“You are really making me think you want to look at what I have behind this towel.” Irene chuckles mildly

“I-I’m sorry it’s just that you...” Seulgi links her hazel eyes with the light brown ones.

“I?” the warrior looks at her acutely.

“You have too many scars…” The Queen voice can be barely heard but the warrior always hears her low tone, her sharp ears are always on point.

“Oh, of course, I’m a warrior, it’s normal to have scars.” Irene smiles lightly. “Besides, if you look the bright side they are proofs of my learning and experience.”

The Queen looks at the Summer eyes with a half-smile, she likes the way the warrior tries to brighten the mood just like the sun of Summer brightens the murky days of the Kingdom

“You’re right, but, May I ask how the one on your chest was made?”

Seulgi notices it, how the warrior tenses, for the first time in their trip, she sees the warrior tensing her muscles looking like an animal warning her.

Irene wonders, if even with her clear blocking and warning, will the Queen use her status to make her answer?

However, The Queen straights up her posture the kind half-smile never abandoning her lips. “Of course, if you want to tell me or not, it’s up to you, and I will respect your decision.”

The warrior stops tensing her body feeling like someone splashed water on her face, she feels taken aback by the Queen's words, still, she manages to nod.

Seulgi smiles and looks at her before closing her eyes for a little bit, Irene looks at her, putting her privacy first before her own curiosity makes her feel even more confidence on the Young Queen.

“Why are you so kind with your people?” the warrior asks making the Queen opens her eyes slowly, linking her hazel orbs with the light brown ones.

“I don’t like treating people like simple vassals, we are all the same, it doesn’t matter if I’m the Queen, in this cruel world, you can choose to be kind.” Seulgi’s voice sounding as deep as the look on her hazel orbs never leaving the warrior’s eyes. “When I see a person, I see a person, not a rank not a title.”

“People deserves respect and kindness no matter how young or how old they are, if a King or a Queen can’t respect their people and just think of them as vassals then they can’t be called King or Queen.” Looking at her own reflection in the water now, she continues. “You might have a ‘good’ rank, but if you are rotten inside then that rank doesn’t matter, I strongly believe someone who looks down people are one of the worst humans in this Kingdom.”

Irene feels a shiver down to her spine when she notices the ferocious look in the hazel orbs, she is now starting to believe the words Taeyeon told her about the Queen.

“She might be young and even look innocent, but, she will not doubt for even a minute to send a noble, to the dungeon or even leave them without head, depending on their crime against the people of the Kingdom, even though she hates violence there are certain people who don’t deserve to be in this world. She absolutely hates pompous and miserly people, rotten and boorish people are not welcomed in this Kingdom.”

“I admit, she looks kinda scary, who would think the adorable pouty girl can transform into this imposing and serious girl.” Irene thinks and half-smiles looking at the Queen. “You value so much your people, I respect that, I haven’t seen someone defend their people so fiercely.”

“I want to be a good Queen, a Queen recognized by her own people, a Queen who can be reliable, respected and loved just by who she is, if my own people fear me or hates me, how can I be called Queen of the Four station Kingdom?. “ Seulgi looks at her determined. “I have to be at the height and weight of my title, I refuse to be a shoddy Queen.”

Irene opens her eyes wide, however, even though the Queen sounds determined and strong, she’s still unsure, not because she doubts Seulgi but because of her, the Queen may be trustworthy but she still cannot trust her, the scar on her chest it’s the reason of why, of why she cannot trust the hazel eyes girl completely

Looking at Seulgi again she looks at her with her burning summer eyes. “I would like to see, what you are going to do, to be at the height of your crown.”

The Queen confronts the Summer eyes with her hazel orbs. “I will prove my worth, not only to you, to the entire Kingdom.”

It’s a silent but powerful promise it looks like she is making the promise to the warrior but is not like that, she is promising to herself.

The warrior chuckles softly making Seulgi look at the cherry lips woman. “I’m going to be generous with you, ask me something, you may have an almost excellent control on your emotions but your curiosity is quite rebel isn’t it?”

Seulgi feels a tiny blush on her cheeks and looks aside, however she contemplates the warrior's offer, she knows she might have limited answers but better something than nothing right?

“What’s the reason behind your mistrust towards me?” Frowning slightly and worriedly, the Queen asks.

Irene looks at the water of the hot spring, she sighs softly. “It’s not towards you.”

“I don’t trust people, but the people I mistrust the most are… nobles.” The warrior keeps looking at the water and continues. “I know, not every noble people are the same, some are good people, however, after certain noble, I can’t trust them fully, that’s why I prefer actions than words.”

She knows, there’s a long story, behind Irene’s short words, but she also knows the warrior is not going to share it with her.

“Then.” The Queen’s voice makes her look up, finding the gentle hazel orbs. “I hope one of these days, I can be a trustworthy person for you.”

It’s the first time, she feels her heartbeat in a slow and irregular way, it’s not fair, she should be the charming one, no the Queen.

Using one of her hands to cover her eyes she bites her inner cheek, she cannot let the Queen see this shy side of her, the side of her when she feels taken aback and loses her usual arrogant posture.

Sliding her hand down to her lips, covering them slightly, she stares at the hazel orbs, a deep gaze that makes the Queen feel nearly enchanted

Noticing the slight eye-smile from the warrior she keeps staring at Irene despite the slight blush on her cheeks.

Irene chuckles “No wonder why your shining knight is hopelessly lost for you.”

Seulgi jumps a little at the mention of the knight. “Shining knight? Sunmi?”

“Yes, she looks like the descriptions of the ‘perfect knight every girl or woman dream’, tall, pretty, a prestigious cavalier, well mannered, polite, almost like a prince.” Irene shrugs disinterestedly.

“You sound a little wary of Sunmi.” Seulgi narrows her eyes suspiciously but also a little defensive.

“I’m not being wary, and I’m not describing her wrong am I?” the warrior’s voice is calm and sarcastic.

Seulgi wants to deny it but the warrior is right, Sunmi is in fact just like a prince, that’s why she calls the attention of the noble young ladies, and even lords sometimes.

“I will take your silence as your answer, but it must be great right? Having your perfect knight just like the tales of our legends books.”

Submerging herself a little more into the hot water Seulgi looks aside and then to the warrior again. “When I was young, I used to dream with a prince or knight, just like the Leaves Prince of Autumn, calm, collected, and well-mannered.”

“Sounds like you see Sunmi like the Leaves Prince.” Irene chuckles. “As expected, I was wondering which Prince was from your liking.”

Seulgi raises one eyebrow, her hazel orbs focusing on the warrior. “Do you know the history of our ancestors?”

“I know the tale, our gods didn’t let the Sun Prince and Moon Princess be together because it was not their destiny, nevertheless, their love was stronger, so strong, they broke the rules, in order to prove their true love, they danced and danced until their feet almost bleed, that’s why dancing is so valued in our Kingdom.” The warrior explains with a nostalgic tone. “Isn’t exciting?” Irene looks at her with a grin. “Break the rules and just follow your heart? Maybe that’s why, we, people of Summer are so reckless, everyone has a bit of the Sun Prince inside.”

“Certainly, the muses say, every part of the Kingdom acts like their founders, the cheerfulness of the Moon princess sister, The Cherry blossom princess, the creativity of the brother of the Sun Prince, The Leaves Prince, the defiant Sun Prince and finally the peaceful Moon princess.” Seulgi shares but looks at the warrior with a questioning gaze. “How do you know that tale? I know the history of our ancestors is a quite long book.”

Irene half-smiles mysteriously. “I have always liked reading, my older sister used to read that tale for me, and later I read all the book about the history of our ancestors.”

The young Queen hums accepting the response but the warrior decides to adverts her attention from her with a question that makes the Queen choke.

“And how does it feel? Having the shining knight everyone wants to have, kissing you every day?” Irene smirks

Choking, Seulgi shakes her head in disbelief. “Just how shameful can you be?”

“What? I was actually considerate I could have asked If you two fu-“

Before she can continue, Irene feels the hot splash of the water on her face making her close her eyes and seal her lips.

“Don’t. you. dare. to. finish. your .sentence.” Seulgi warns boiling from embarrassment and irritation.

Irene laughs. “Oh Suns, you act like a saint, it isn’t normal for a couple to each other?”

The Queen splashes water against Irene’s face again but this time she lets the warrior hair completely soaked. “IN THE NAME OF WINTER, WHAT IN THE SNOWY HELL IRENE?!” Seulgi yells to the warrior who covers her sensitive ears.

“Didn’t Wendy explain to you what a couple does when they are together?” Irene asks casually ignoring the fuming and red state of the Queen.

“OF COURSE SHE DID! I’M NOT THAT NAIVE! YOU CINYC WOMAN! AND SHE AND I ARE NOT A COUPLE!” Seulgi yells again to the warrior who raises an eyebrow still covering her ears.

“So what are you two then?”

It seems like the warrior’s question makes her raising anger go away and she leans on the stone behind her back thinking. “We are together but not together? We just hug, hold hands, and talk.”

Irene looks at her with a look of disbelief. “Just that? Not even a kiss or something else?”

“Yes.” Now it’s Seulgi’s turn to sound casual and Irene is the one freaking out now.

“But, aren’t you two together because you love each other? Or why your relationship with her is so simple?” Irene frowns her eyebrows trying to understand.

“It’s…kind of complicated.” The hazel eyes girl sighs and looks at the warrior who is looking at her with a raised eyebrow like she is waiting for more.

She doesn’t know, why she is sharing again too much information about her with the warrior but she can’t help but feel comfortable? It’s ironic, how the woman has been annoying her makes her feel comfortable when she is talking seriously, maybe because Irene knows when to stop her jokes and act like an adult.

“Or is it because she hides behind that annoying attitude but she can actually be charming and gentle?” Seulgi thinks and shakes her head at the thought.

“Just don’t laugh at me please.” Seulgi asks before she decides to share the reason of her simple relationship with the knight.

“When have I laughed when you are sharing important stuff about you?” Irene looks at her with a serious and acute gaze.

The Young Queen looks at the light brown orbs and smiles softly. “That’s right.”

Taking a deep breath the hazel eyes girl presses her lips together. “We have that simple relationship because of me, Sunmi has wanted to do more but I have stopped her advances.” Sighing the Queen continues. “I hold dear her deeply, but I know she is not someone I can get to love. No matter how hard she or I try, my heart doesn’t want to open up completely to her.”

How surprising, the warrior thinks, but not shocking, she noticed the way the Queen's gaze towards the knight is different from the knight’s gaze.

Anyone with good eyesight can notice it, the way the knight looks at the Young Queen with profound love, and how the Queen looks at her with just heavy cherishment.

“Sunmi knows, because I have told her, I’ll never be able to love her, and even if I do someday, I’ll never love her the way she loves me.”

Irene gulps, even though she is not the one receiving those words, damn, she can’t imagine the pain the knight must have felt.

“But how can you be so sure you will never be able to love her?” Irene asks.

“Because I feel it, I cannot look at her the way she looks at me, no matter how much I try.” Seulgi purses her lips. “When Tzuyu told me how she felt loving Sana, that was one of the moments I realized I don’t love Sunmi I just cherish her.”

Irene opens her eyes surprised. “So that’s the reason why she was traveling with Sana huh.”

“Exactly, I think she will get married first.” Seulgi chuckles softly.

“The younger teaching the older, I thought that wasn’t the case with you Queen.” Irene smirks.

“Oh, believe me, sometimes Tzuyu feels like the older sister, but just sometimes.” Seulgi closes her eyes for a bit before opening them again. “I remember when I requested Sana to come to Winter, since she is the best florist in Spring, and at that time Tzuyu was deeply interested in making flower arrangements, she was fascinated by the muse's smile and always bright aura, it takes Tzuyu a while to laugh wholeheartedly with strange people, nevertheless, with Sana it was almost immediate, she was always talking about Sana, ‘Seulgi-unnie, Sana-unnie likes perfumes, Sana-unnie likes body mist, Sana-unnie is allergic to pollen,’ the only thing I heard about was Sana and Sana and more Sana, I was really surprised, because there were lords and ladies who tried arduously to have a single glance from my sister but failed.” Smiling mildly The Queen continues.

“She even let Sana hug her or cling to her arm! when Tzuyu and I are not so used to physical contact and you must know how affectionate Sana can be, but Tzuyu was so happy whenever the Spring muse was clinging to her arm, her dimple always betraying her.” Seulgi covers laughing at the memory of her blushing but happy sister.

“Whenever Tzuyu talked about her, the soft tone, their hands looking like they were made for each other every time they were holding hands, always excited and happy to see each other, the way they look at each other, if eyes could speak, oh snows I would have melted at the sweet words their eyes exchange.” Seulgi looks aside smiling sweetly remembering her sister's words.

“Since I met Sana-unnie, my world seems to be different, brighter and sweeter, she teaches me so many things, she has helped me to grow, isn’t that how love really is? Love is about someone waking up your soul, shaking you from your usual routine, it’s exciting a thrilling, how love can be a blizzard that takes you by surprise.”

“However, Sunmi for me is more like a snowy calm day, and not a blizzard.” Seulgi thinks sighing. “I don’t feel something similar with Sunmi, and of course she is almost perfect just like the prince I’ve always dreamed of…but.”

“But even having the person you expected to love you don’t love her.” Irene’s voice sounds low and she thinks “Love is indeed a troublesome turmoil.“ She even finds it somewhat sadly humorous, having the almost perfect person by your side, a person who loves you deeply but you can’t love them back, just how peculiar and odd love can be?

“Besides.” The young Queen makes her look at her, the hazel orbs filled with guilt and sorrow.

“We can’t choose who we love.” Seulgi voice is clear but at the same time it sounds shattered, and Irene feels it, knowing the young Queen desires to correspond to the almost unrequited love of the knight but she can’t because of her heart and status.

Feeling going dry, the warrior thinks and thinks wanting to find a solution, then, she remembers, how Taeyeon used to tell her how every time she kissed Miyoung, her sister felt their love blooming with each kiss they shared.

However, she can’t pinpoint why, feels the words she is about to say sour and bitter against her tongue, nevertheless, she lets the feeling pass, for now.

“Have you tried kissing her? Sometimes kissing helps you to discover if it’s real love or not” Irene suggests.

Seulgi looks at the dancing warrior with an inquisitive gaze, wondering if the caramel-haired woman knows about love just as she knows about blades and fights.

Still, is odd for her, to reject her own curiosity, not wanting to know about that part of the life of the warrior, maybe because she is not used to hearing a stranger talk about their love life, maybe that’s the reason.

“It’s in the protocol that I cannot kiss or do something more with someone I don’t love.” Seulgi explains briefly

Frowning the warrior shakes her head in disbelief and light anger “You could say protocol? Also, it’s nonsense, how can you hold her hands and hug her but not kiss her?”

“It’s not that simple, Irene, those are gods rules, not elder’s rules.” Seulgi frowns deeply.

“Still? Maybe if you kissed her you could know better? Why don’t you follow your heart?” Irene protests but Seulgi purses her lips and frowns, even more, she shakes the water slightly.

“I’m from Winter not from Summer, I can’t just go around and do whatever I want, I have to think with my head, not with my heart.”

“But your heart knows things your head can’t explain.”

“And the head knows the consequences of those unexplainable things.”

Irene rubs her temple, Seulgi is right but she has a point too, and the Queen knows it.

“Listen, no matter how much I want to, I can’t do whatever I want, if I break a rule of the gods, we could face horrible consequences just because of my selfish wish, I cannot sacrifice my people for someone I know and feel I cannot love fully.”

The warrior sighs knowing Seulgi is right ”Of course, I guess being the Queen has a bad side too, even if you want to you can’t go around and do what you want to do or do another thing that can provoke chaos in the Kingdom.”

Seulgi half smiles “Being the Queen comes with a lot of responsibility, my decisions not only affect me, but they also affect the people too.” Looking at the warrior with dreary eyes Irene wishes, she could take away the pain the young girl is feeling.

She was wrong, thinking that the Queen could do anything that she wanted, it was foolish to think that, she looks at the Queen who looks at her with her dreary hazel orbs making her feel so so powerless

She was always asking, almost begging, for freedom, her own granted desire feels extremely insulting right know.

And for the first time in her life, she actually feels anger towards their gods.

Because she has the freedom Seulgi is forbidden to ask, just because she wears a crown with blue diamonds, just because she was born to be the ruler of the Four Station Kingdom.

She asks herself. “Being the Queen is a gift or a curse?”


Drying her hair with the towel Seulgi leans beside the open window of their room, wearing her white long sleeve nightgown, she looks aside, noticing the warrior also drying her hair but faster, nevertheless the warrior manages to look graceful, and The Queen asks herself how Irene can be so like a warrior but at the same time not be like a warrior?

Irene notices, stops drying her hair and turns to look at the Queen who jumps a little surprised of being discovered, she watches Irene soft steps approaching to her until the warrior puts a hand beside her head making her open her eyes wide, until the cherry lips woman stretches to close the window, using the hand beside Seulgi to support herself.

Feeling her heart beating fast and irregularly, her hazel orbs link with the light brown ones who are looking at her with a puzzled gaze.

“Why are your cheeks so red? Is it because of the hot spring?” Irene asks, her expressive eyes and eyebrows frown worriedly, not helping the young Queen irregular beating heart.

Seulgi wants to speak, however, she feels like the cat caught her tongue, she just nods muttering a soft ‘I’m all right.’, her slight bangs cover her eyes and Irene smiles not entirely convinced but nods before stepping back and sitting on the futon the grandma kindly provided to them.

The young Queen looks up to find the warrior's tiny head covered by the white towel, still looking at the fast hands drying the caramel hair.

“Irene.” Seulgi calls softly, Irene moves her head to let the Queen know she is hearing. “Yes?”

“Please just look at the wall in front of you, and excuse me.”

The warrior frowns and raises a curious eyebrow just when she is about to ask why she feels the Queen's slender fingers on her head, hearing the light sound of the bed creaking she opens her eyes wide.

Seulgi is sitting behind her on the bed just giving her perfect access to her tiny head, she feels the Queen's knees touching her back lightly.

Irene feels surprised and her heartthrobs at a strange pace when the Queen's slender fingers start drying her hair with delicacy.

“Y-You have to be gentler with your hair, or you will ruin it and…it would be a waste.” Seulgi feels her cheeks flushed and Irene thinks maybe the hot springs have a drunk effect on the Queen but she is not complaining at all.

The cherry lips woman only manages to nod, letting the light blond hands dry her hair, until she feels the towel leave her head, and instead she feels the gentle brush of a hairbrush.

Irene lets the Queen do whatever she wants to her hair, she is more focused on not letting the blush on her cheeks get to her ears because the sudden attention of the young Queen has her speechless.

“Your hair is getting curly.” Seulgi’s voice makes Irene move her head a little. “Yes, it gets curly for a while then after some time it starts to get straight.”

The light blonde hums and stops brushing the caramel hair patting softly the warrior’s head signaling the warrior about her now finished work.

Irene nods. “Thank you.” She still looks at the wall in front of her because the blush on her cheeks seems like it’s no leaving soon.

“It was nothing.” Seulgi purses her lips in a timid way playing with her fingers and looking at the tiny head in front of her until the warrior gets up and coughs.

“I’m going to see if Apollo and Snow Angel have enough water and food.” Before Seulgi can answer the warrior leaves almost running.

Seulgi swears she saw the warrior’s ear blushed in an almost adorable pink color, she just looks at her hands, the feeling and the smell of the scent of the warrior's hair still lingers on her palms.

Raising one of her hands until her nose she smells, feeling Irene's almost enticing cherry scent, she blinks and shakes her head, using a pillow to cover her face.

“What are you doing Kang? Calm down.” Seulgi talks to herself and sighs deeply, leaving the pillow aside, the smell of something sweet makes her snap from her thoughts, she stands up and like a hungry child she follows the sweet aroma.

She arrives at the kitchen, looking the nut pie in front of her with open, a gentle laugh makes her look at the direction of the owner of the laugh.

“You seem to be hungry.” The grandma speaks while she cleans her hands with a towel.

Seulgi nods shyly. “I really like desserts and they wake up my appetite fastly.”

“That’s great to hear! I’ve cooked for you girls, you are so skinny, I bet both of you haven’t had a proper meal.”

Chuckling, the young Queen nods again. “You are right, we haven’t had time to have a proper meal since we were traveling.” Seulgi notices the grandma needs help to put the food on the table. “May I help you?”

The grandma chuckles and nods guiding Seulgi to the kitchen, however, the Queen decides to bring all the plates and the food by herself ignoring the grandma asking her to let her carry some plates too.

“What a kind girl you are dear, just as your hazel eyes.” The grandma smiles showing her wrinkles beside her eyes.

Seulgi smiles and bows lightly. “Thank you, but It would be rude not helping.”

The grandma laughs and pats softly the young Queen's shoulder. “You are polite too! Oh, pumpkins! Irene-sshi was no kidding when she said you are polite and well mannered.”

Tilting her head and opening her eyes with interest the young Queen can’t help but smile, curious by the warrior's words.

“Is that so? And what else did she say about me, grandma?”

“She told me you are a wise, well mannered, polite and kind girl, oh!” The grandma covers her hand winking at the Queen.” She also said you are very pretty.”

Seulgi blushes when she hears the words Irene said about her, she can’t help but feel timid but a tiny smile adorns her vanilla lips.

The door opens roughly, making the grandma and the young Queen jump surprised and worried.

Strong steps echo the guesthouse until a tall man, with broad shoulders, grey hair and sapphire blue eyes look at them for a moment before showing a wicked smile making both women feel a shiver of fear.

“I smelled good food and look at what I found, good food, and a pretty young girl, it must be my lucky day.” The man keeps smiling wickedly

“We are closed, young man. Please get out of my house.” The grandma’s voice is firm, looking at the now angry and dull sapphire eyes looking at her.

“Let me eat and have some fun with this pretty girl and I will let you live old hag.” The man approaches both women but the Queen steps in front of the grandma, despite her fear for the tall man, she decides to protect the grandma.

“Don’t even think about hurting this lady, you disrespectful man.” Seulgi growls and purses her lips in an angry sneer.

The sapphire eyes twitch, surprised and narrow looking at the girl with anger but thrilling interest. “A woman shouldn’t challenge a man, looks like I have to teach you that.”

The man raises his hand to grab Seulgi but another hand grabs his wrist, when the man turns to look at the owner of the strange hand he finds a fist greeting his face sending him to the ground.

Seulgi and the grandma gasp, surprised by the sudden action, the young Queen turns to look at the owner of the fist, she opens her eyes wide to find an enraged Irene, her eyes filled with a burning and angry fire.

“Get the out of here, you vicious scum.” Growling even harsher than Seulgi, Irene steps in front of Seulgi, protecting the young Queen, her hand resting on the handle of her katanas

The man cleans the blood from his lips laughing wacky and sardonic while he gets up. “Another woman, a pathetic intent of a warrior, you stupid women really think you can handle a sword.”

Everything happens fast, Seulgi sees the man showing his long sword to attack Irene but the warrior blocks the attack, the man is fast and like a mad beast swinging his sword with force, but Irene is smarter and even faster than him, despite the almost enormous height difference, Irene manages to kick the man's face sending him to the ground putting the edge of her katana dangerously in the man's neck.

“So it’s true.” The man smiles wickedly again making Irene frown confused.” You are excellent just as the rumors said huh, Dancing warrior? Or should I call you white rose? Are you going to show your thorns?”

Irene opens her eyes wide, Seulgi feels surprised to see the warrior's shocked expression, she has never seen such a horrified expression on the warrior's face.

“How do you?-“

The man laughs again, maniacally like he is out of his head, he grabs the flour jar and throws it to the ground making a white cloud that blocks Irene view, however the warrior grabs Seulgi hand and the grandma’s hand to put them under the table fearing the man would do something else, but they only hear the hurried steps disappearing.

When the cloud of flour disappears, Seulgi hears the warrior voice barely, telling her to stay there, the warrior gets out of the house, searching for the man with sapphire eyes only to find Apollo and Snow Angel neighing, she runs to calm both horses, when the horses are calmed she walks around the guest house, only to find some horse prints going into a mysterious direction.

“He was alone, but who the hell was he? And how did he know?!” Irene grits her teeth and returns to the guesthouse.

“It’s me, it’s safe now.” Irene stretches her hand to the grandma and Seulgi, both women come out of the table.

“Thank you thank you, dear! I will lock every window, we have to be even more careful now!” The grandma hurries with her somewhat low steps to the windows leaving Seulgi and Irene alone.

Seulgi hand is shaking along with her, Irene feels it and she squeezes the Queen’s hand softly making the hazel orbs look at her light brown eyes.

“Everything is all right, no one is going to harm you, I will protect you.” Irene’s voice is firm and gentle.

The young Queen steps front and circles her shaking arms around the warrior’s thin back grabbing the silk blouse with her hands, hiding in the warrior's shoulder.

Irene opens her eyes wide by the sudden embrace but she circles her arms protectively around the Queen's slim back.

Seulgi closes her eyes, feeling the warrior's warm embrace calm her cold nerves, smelling the warrior's cherry scent finding the peace she is searching.

The warrior caresses softly her light blond locks, looking at the door and pursing her lips, she didn’t know.

She didn’t know that dreadful sobriquet would still haunt her, even after some years have passed, but she was wrong, and for worst, a mad stranger knowing, that sobriquet of her means only disastrous news.


So hello again! I had time and inspiration and well, I hope you liked this update c:

Please feel free to comment and tell me what do you think c:

or ask if something is not clear because I'm still a novice! :'v (buut I will not give spoilers sorry uwu)

See you later! Please rest well and eat well!


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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!