Balmy steps

When Summer and Winter dance

The studio’s door swings open, the light blonde runs fastly, she even trips, until she is in front of her sister’s room.

One of the muses told her with a hurried voice that her sister was about to awake, Seulgi didn’t think twice, when she heard the news she ran as fast as she could, not caring that she almost fell because of her constant tripping.

Opening carefully the door, she enters with light steps, sitting cautiously beside her sleeping sister, observing the young princess, who seems to be fighting with her closed eyes.

Seulgi gasps, when she sees her sister’s eyes are opening slowly until the princess's gingerbread eyes greet the perplexed hazel orbs.

“Seulgi…unnie?” Tzuyu asks, her voice sounding like a curious and lost whisper.

“Holy Winter” Seulgi smiles in disbelief as she puts a careful hand on her sister's soft cheek “I-It’s me…Seulgi.”

Tzuyu blinks a couple of times until the clear view of her sister watery gaze and relieved smile welcomes her, she feels her lips trembling, the tears rolling through her cheeks, despite her weak and pained arms, she manages to stand and throw herself to her older sister who catches her in a tight embrace.

“Unnie!!….Unnie!” The princess sobs and whines like a little kid, snuggling her damp cheeks on her sister’s light blonde hair, hugging her older sister impossibly closer with her long arms circling her sister’s thin shoulders.

Seulgi caresses the golden copper hair with one of her hands, while the other hand holds her sister’s shaking and crying figure against her, The Queen swears this is the tightest hug she and her sister have ever shared, she swallows hardly when she hears her sister’s pained sobs.

“I was so scared!... Everyone was dead….and no one was coming to rescue us but…but…I never lost faith and hope!...” Tzuyu speaks between tears with a shattered voice that makes Seulgi cry harder even though she is crying silently.

“You have never abandoned me…” Tzuyu sobs quietly.

Seulgi decides to separate from her little sister, just a little bit, she takes the damp cheeks between her hands, giving the best smile despite her watery and teary gaze to her precious sister.

“I will never abandon you, Tzuyu. No matter how big or little the problem is, you are my precious cookie princess, now and always.” Seulgi cleans softly the tears coming from the corner of her sister’s eyes.

Tzuyu closes her eyes a little bit when she feels her sister careful fingers cleaning her tears, the Queen giggles warmly.

“You always look like a cute puppy when I clean your tears or touch your cheeks.” Seulgi smiles widely and feels her lips trembling and her tears betraying her again.

“I can’t believe you are here with me…I was so worried…I was so…scared when I saw the shattered carriage…but…thankfully you were alive….I don’t know what I would have done Tzuyu…. If I ever lose you I-“Seulgi bites her low lip and lets her tears fall, but she swallows and breathes deeply regaining her posture.

“I’m so happy and relieved that you are safe and sound, Tzuyu.” Seulgi caresses her sister’s soft cheek with her thumbs.

Tzuyu smiles with trembling lips, her hands holding her sister's waist tightly until she hugs her sister again, crying against the Queen’s chest.

“I missed you…so much…” Tzuyu snuggles even closer to her sister’s chest, fearing this is just one of her dreams.

“Me too…you don’t have any idea of how much…” Seulgi embraces her precious sister's head with care and soft hands.

“I’m…sowy…” The princess sniffs and gulps. “I…caused so much trouble and-“

The light blonde shakes her head and caresses her sister’s golden copper hair.”No, it wasn’t your fault, no one imagined this would happen, it was an accident, you don’t have power over accidents.”


“No buts.” Seulgi voice sounds firm but warm, the Princess sighs defeated and nods making Seulgi smile.

Something makes Tzuyu separate abruptly but not so much from Seulgi, making the Queen frown worriedly.

“And Sana-unnie? She was there with me, she is also alive-“ Tzuyu is about to get up but Seulgi stops her gently.

“Stop right there, you still can’t move too much.” The light blonde purses her lips. “About Sana…she is in another room, resting but…she hasn’t woken up…”

“Oh…” Tzuyu opens her gingerbread orbs wide and looks down when she hears about her lover's condition, her dreary gaze meets the worried hazel orbs when she looks up. “Is she…all right?”

Seulgi breathes in and out, her lips suddenly feel dry but she still manages to speak. “She is getting better…however…we don’t know what she has…”

Tzuyu frowns with concern and even fear. “W-what do you mean sister?”

The Queen sighs deeply before she speaks again. “My connection with her is lost…I can’t feel her emotions or feelings, but what is worrisome is her strange condition…is like she is here but at the same time not...”

“Besides…she acted extremely strange when I was about to treat her when you two arrived here, she coughed….blood.” Seulgi reveals with a heavy voice.

Opening her eyes wide with shock, Tzuyu looks at her sister with great disbelief. “B-but you are one of the purest people a-and the best healer! How can that be possible?”

Seulgi shakes her head with a dreary expression on her face. “I don’t know either…”

The princess looks at her sister with deep sorrow, the news about Sana, and the dreary expression her sister is wearing makes her feel wretched.

However, the gentle hand caressing her hair makes her look at the not so bright but still shiny smile her sister gives to her.

“Don’t worry, I will resolve this.” Seulgi hand travels to her sister’s smooth cheek, caressing the soft flesh. “Sana will recover and everything is going to be all right again, trust me.”

Tzuyu looks at her sister with incredulity, she wonders how Seulgi still has that confidence, it wouldn’t surprise her if her sister loses her brightness due to the incident with Sana, but instead of losing her characteristic brightness Seulgi held it more than ever, Tzuyu can’t help but look at Seulgi in awe.

Seulgi giggles gently and grabs her sister's face with her hands. “Why are you looking at me like that Tzu?”

“It’s because…that’s why you are The Queen.” Tzuyu gently grabs her sister's face too, meeting the surprised hazel orbs.

“If I were the Queen I would be crying and too scared to search what is happening, also I wouldn’t have the courage and brightness you have right now if one of the muses scares me as Sana-unnie did.” The princess smiles fondly. ”You have always been different, from head to toe, letting aside your unique beauty, your personality is too kind and bright, always searching how to help people, choosing to forgive and teach instead of killing, treating out people as equals, always trying to end poverty and the crimes inside the kingdom even if that means you have to step in, you don’t care, you are willing to take an arrow for a civilian or noble, it doesn’t matter to you.”

Tzuyu smiles brightly, showing her cute dimples. “You have a one and only wonderful soul, Seulgi-unnie.”

Seulgi chokes out a sob, she feels her lips quivering but she still looks at her smiley sister. “Look at you, giving me strength right after you have woken up” The Queen smiles widely.

The Golden copper-haired girl giggles. “We are sisters, and even if we weren’t, I would give you countless cheering.”

Laughing warmly, the Kang sisters lean against each other foreheads, feeling content with their presence, the soft giggles make the person waiting to knock the princess room door smile softly.

Once the giggles calm down, the person decides to knock gently.

Seulgi and Tzuyu turn to look at the door, they share a look before Seulgi decides to speak. “Come in.”

The person opens the door softly when the person steps inside the room, Seulgi feels her heart skip a beat, meanwhile her sister gasps and opens her eyes wide because aside from her beautiful lover, she has never seen someone so fine and marvelous.

Irene smiles mildly when she notices the surprised Princess's expression, she walks softly to where the sisters are until she is close but not so close to them, the caramel-haired woman kneels.

“It’s wonderful to see you are awake now, young majesty.” Irene looks up her mild smile still adorning her cherry lips.

Tzuyu blinks and nods still in awe. “T-thank you….May I know your name?”

Irene shares a curious look with the Queen who feels her heart skip a beat again when she links eyes with the warrior, but smiles gently, giving a silent free choice to the warrior.

The warrior chuckles and feels grateful for the Queen support, however, she looks at the young Princess for brief moments, remembering the times the light blonde talked fondly and sweetly about her precious sister.

Then she decides, if Seulgi talks so sweet and caring about the young princess in front of her, she can trust her.

Irene lets her blind faith along with the warm aura emanating from the princess convince her.

“My name is Bae Joohyun, a skillful warrior from Summer, young majesty.” The warrior winks.

“Bae?” Tzuyu gasps. “Could it be…that you are the mysterious Taeyeon’s sister?!”

Joohyun chuckles, finding the surprised princess’s expression cute. “Yes, Taeyeon the grumpy old lady is my older sister.”

Seulgi frowns and laughs lightly. “With a sister like you, I would be grumpy too, Irene.”

“Uh? Please, you wouldn’t last a day as my older sister.” Irene scoffs and laughs.

The Queen bites her lower lip chuckling. “Well, thanks to the gods I wasn’t punished with such chastisement, I will be sure to give my heartfelt sympathy to Taeyeon when I see her.”

Irene smirks. “Don’t worry, gods were kind enough to Taeyeon, blessing her with such a beautiful sister like me, your wonderful sympathy is not required.”

“You arrogant narcissist.” Seulgi scoffs and gets up, Irene also gets up standing proud and smirking smugly to the Queen.

Tzuyu feels astonished, looking at the two women confronting each other with their irritated but warm looks?

The warmth inside the irritated looks makes the princess feel even more dumbfounded.

“Um…excuse me, but why are you two fighting like children?” Tzuyu speaks raising a curious eyebrow.

Seulgi and Irene feel an arrow stabbing their pride with the princess's sudden and blunt question.

“Tzuyu, couldn’t you stop us in a gentler way?” The Queen feels an embarrassed blush warming her cheeks.

“I was gentle.” Tzuyu shrugs and chuckles.

“This kid.” The queen laughs in disbelief and pushes softly her sister’s head making the young princess laugh but Tzuyu turns to look at the warrior who is smiling sweetly at them, more to her sister than her.

The young princess hums and smiles softly, but then she frowns curiously when she remembers something. “Why did you call her Irene? Sister.”

Seulgi turns to look at her sister and then to Irene who decides to answer the princess question. “It’s my warrior name, it’s one of our traditions when you succeed as a warrior, you can choose a warrior name or continue with your birth name, due to…personal reasons I’m known around the Kingdom as Irene, not as Bae Joohyun.”

The young princess makes an “o” with her lips and nods slowly, thinking for a moment after she arrives at one conclusion. “Then…your birth name is a secret for the Kingdom?”

“More or less.” Irene chuckles and then looks at the princess with a pleading look. “If it’s not much to ask, I would like to request you to keep my name between, us and the ladies and their lovers or partners.”

Tzuyu notices the pleading look, she will ask later to the warrior or to her sister the personal reasons behind the request, but she smiles kindly and nods. “Of course, thank you for deciding to share your real name with me.”

“I would like to ask you to thank your older sister.” Irene smiles softly, meeting the warm hazel orbs, the warrior smile turns into a sweeter one.

The young princess is now even more curious about what is happening between the warrior and her sister, she decides to observe quietly how both women smile to each other with deep care and….

“Love?” Tzuyu thinks and smiles quietly, noticing how her sister hazel orbs have never looked so tender until today.

Irene ends their gaze encounter, coughing a little. “I-I will be training if you excuse me.” Irene bows and looks at the young princess smiling. “Again, it’s a pleasure to see you awake, young majesty.”

The caramel-haired woman doesn’t say anymore, only looks at the Queen for brief moments before getting out of the room.

Tzuyu and Seulgi remain quiet until the Queen sighs and sits covering her blushing face, her young sister notices how her older sister held back her blush when she was with the warrior.

“Are you going to tell me about this sudden river of sweet and warm looks?” The golden copper-haired girl smiles, turning to look at her older sister who is looking at her with surprised eyes.

“Don’t try to deny it.” Tzuyu laughs but stops laughing abruptly. “And…Sunmi?”

The light blonde looks aside for a moment and purses her lips. “It’s really long to explain this whole…situation.”

“Well.” Tzuyu sits and leans carefully against her pillow, tapping the empty side beside her. “We have plenty of time.”

Seulgi opens her eyes with a surprised look before chuckling softly and frowns concerned. “You are not going to see Sana?”

“I would love to, but I can see her after you tell me what is happening, besides, I know she is all right now, even though she is still sleeping profoundly.” Tzuyu half-smiles.

The Queen pats her sister's leg before sitting beside her. “Still, you want to see her.”

Tzuyu chuckles. “You know me really well.”

“I’m not your older sister for nothing.” Seulgi smiles.

“Completely true.” The golden copper-haired girl smiles softly. “Just as your precious little sister knows you really well too.”


“That was…horribly severe and incredibly unexpected.” Tzuyu says when her older sister tells her about everything that has happened these eight days.

The young princess finds incredible how much can change and how much can happen in such a short period of time, she also frowns deeply worried feeling guilty for making her sister endure such difficult and dangerous situations for her.

However, Seulgi notices this and doesn’t let her sister alone with her thoughts. “I don’t want you to blame yourself, this trip was my decision.” The Queen hugs her sister tightly. “I would do anything for you, even if that means I have to search for you for all my life.”

Tzuyu feels overwhelmed by her sister’s words, thinking about how her sister is such a strong and admirable woman, facing her fears, going through kidnapping, and a long trip, all because of her.

The youngest Kang, has never questioned the love her older sister has for her, and now, if she ever doubts it one day, she will remember all the things her beloved older sister endured, all the deep love Seulgi has for her.

“Don’t cry, your eyes are going to hurt later, Tzu.” Seulgi chuckles softly when she feels the quiet sobs against her chest.

“It’s just that…you…” Tzuyu sobs. “You endured so much, I can’t even imagine the hardness and roughness of this situation, along with the Kingdom situation…all of this heavyweight is on your shoulders and is not fair!”

Seulgi smiles softly, putting her cheek on her sister’s golden copper hair. “The Queen must have strong shoulders and mind.”

Tzuyu grips her sister silky dress shaking her head, one of the things that makes her angry the most, is that her sister has no option, just because of her noble blood.

The Queen sighs softly and caresses her sister's hair gently. “Tzuyu, I know you don’t like all the responsibilities and burdens I have to face, but you have to accept it, is part of me now, because I’m the Queen.”

“I just wish…”Tzuyu speaks with a calmer voice now. “The times when your only worry was not to burn the cookies and giving carrots to Snow Angel.”

Seulgi can’t help to laugh softly because of her sister’s unexpected statement-making Tzuyu laugh too.

“I still have them whenever I make you cookies or Snow Angel snorts annoyed because I forgot her delicious carrots.” Seulgi chuckles and makes Tzuyu look at her, she frowns softly when she notices her sister puffy gingerbread eyes, whipping away the remaining tears from her sister’s eyes corners.

“Listen.” The light blonde speaks gently. “Sometimes, even for me, it feels like it’s too much, responsibilities, appointments, issues, and an endless list of more things I have to face as the Queen, but.”

Seulgi smiles wide. “When I remember, the people smile because they feel safe or content with the Kingdom when I hear everyone feels calmer knowing I’m in charge, the children laugh when they feel better thanks to our new medicine or because they learned something at the learning house we built.”

“When I see and know, that I can bring peace to my, to our Kingdom, believe me, the heavyweight suddenly disappears.” The light blonde smiles brightly making Tzuyu open her eyes wide and look down, hugging her sister tightly again.

“Stop being so wonderful and bright, you are going to make everyone fall in love with you, well even more.” Tzuyu speaks against her sister’s dress.

Seulgi raises a curious eyebrow caressing her sister’s head, chuckling. “Everyone? Tzuyu, not everyone is falling in love with me.”

“Not everyone, but some more than others.” Tzuyu separates a little raising her eyebrows teasingly.

The Queen frowns and tilts her head, not understanding her sister's words.

Tzuyu rolls her eyes and contains the urge to put her palm on her face, she loves her sister but sometimes she is too dense for her sake.

“Maybe someone with caramel hair and someone with black hair and silver armor?” The young princess raises her eyebrows.

Is now when Seulgi understands what her sister is saying, she suddenly blushes lightly and sighs. “One of them is not in love with me.”

“I apologize your grace, but I have to deny that statement.” Tzuyu shakes her head.

Young majesty, I have to deny your refusal to my statement.” Seulgi counters making a serious face that only makes her younger sister laugh, and of course, she laughs after she hears her sister’s soft laugh.

“But seriously, the Summer warrior is completely and deeply in love with you.” Tzuyu looks at her sister with a smile. “I know your situation with Sunmi wasn’t also the best one, in terms of being a curious relationship, she was from you deeply liking, and it was all right, however…”

Seulgi looks at her sister and sighs. “I know, with…Joohyun it’s and feels different, but…I don’t know what I feel for her, I don’t think I have a proper name for these…feelings.”

Tzuyu gingerbread eyes look at her sister’s troubled face and can’t help to chuckle, making Seulgi look at her with her concerned hazel orbs.

“Have you ever thought…that maybe she is the blizzard you were waiting for?”

The light blonde opens her eyes wide when she hears her sister’s words. “W-what? N-No! I’m not in love with her, she is arrogant and…sweet but arrogant!” Seulgi says with a red face.

Laughing hard, the princess puts a hand on her stomach. “Oh snows, you really are so stubborn.”

“It’s because everyone keeps telling me directly or subtly that we are in love, and is not the case!” Seulgi answers with a spoiled-child voice.

Tzuyu shakes her head and smiles softly at her sister, caressing Seulgi warm cheeks. “I would be grateful if you could see the way you two look at each other.”

“Why?” Seulgi frowns, not understanding her sister’s words.

“Because eyes speak and never lie, hazel and light brown melt every time they meet, just like Summer does with Winter.”


The Queen and the princess decide to reunite with Nayeon and the others after Tzuyu went to see how Sana’s improvement is going, and of course, because she wanted to see her lover.

Entering to the Spring lady’s studio, immediately, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, and Irene bow.

Nevertheless, the Spring lady along with Jihyo and Jeongyeon, hurry to crush the Princess in a tight hug, due to the princess height you can only see her head and part of her neck, she feels like the three girls are taking away all the air of her lungs but she manages to hug them back.

“Dear cherry blossoms, Princess, we were deeply worried about you!” Nayeon speaks almost sobbing.

“I…apologize.” Tzuyu says almost breathless, the three women notice this and separate, however, Nayeon doesn’t let the princess go completely, making Tzuyu pat her head softly. “Nayeon-unnie, I’m not going to disappear, it’s all right.”

Nayeon looks up with a pout and slowly decides to let the princess go, Seulgi chuckles when she looks at the scene, it surprises her that Tzuyu wasn’t her usual bicker self with the Spring lady, but she supposes that it’s because of the situation, along with the deep care Tzuyu has for the Spring lady.

Seulgi coughs to call the women's attention. “Ladies, I would like to start with our reunion.”

All the women inside the studio nod and sit, Seulgi decides to stay standing, then, she starts talking, “As you may know, the purpose of my trip, was to find the witch with Irene’s help, mainly because of my missing sister, but also because of the mysterious things happening around our Kingdom, Autumn facing unusual difficulties to find materials, some Spring harvests are dying, Summer’s grounds shake from time to time, and, the Great Lake was starting to have small breakages.”

Jihyo frowns worriedly. “Breakage on the Great Lake can mean two things, Our gods' anger or our Kingdom is facing a change, well, that are the most common meanings, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Exactly.” The young Queen nods. “Among all the meanings, I fear that we are facing our Gods anger.”

“But, why would they be angry with us?” Nayeon asks with a raised eyebrow. “We have not done anything to anger them, we are always listening to the muses’ advice, then, what could be the issue?”

Seulgi shakes her head. “Those are my same thoughts, but, that’s why I’m going to continue my trip with Irene, we have to know what is happening, before these issues become something unimaginable.”

Tzuyu, after hearing her sister will continue the trip frowns worriedly. “Wait, Seulgi-unnie, how do you know that witch is real? And how could she help us to unravel the gods' possible anger?”

The Queen smiles softly to her worried sister. “I didn’t believe this witch existence, until Nayeon and the other ladies, along with Irene, confirmed it, for what they have told me, she can read the gods unwritten messages.”

Frowning, even more, Tzuyu tilts her head with confusion. “How comes we know about this witch until today?” The princess then opens her eyes like she remembered something and purses her lips. “Did… father knows about her or him?”

Sighing, the young Queen nods, knowing this will anger Tzuyu, It is no secret that Tzuyu absolutely despises their father’s silence and will to hide important things from them, with the ‘you will know when you grow up’ excuse.

The golden copper-haired girl scoffs angrily. “Of course he knew, he knows everything.”

“Tzuyu.” Seulgi calls with a worried frown and a soft voice, hoping her sister anger ease for now.

Breathing deeply, Tzuyu nods, she decides to ease her anger, for now, knowing is not the right moment to let out her grievances to her older sister and the women inside the room.

Seulgi nods accepting and approving her sister's mature behavior, turning to see the women inside the room.

“Irene and I will prepare to depart, if we are fast enough, we can arrive at Summer before sunset, we will stop there for half-day to rest and remain our trip.” The Queen informs with a firm voice.

All the women nod, hearing Seulgi’s voice dismissing their reunion, everyone gets up to prepare the Queen and Irene’s departure.

Tzuyu gets up too, Jeongyeon kindly helps her and before they go to her room, Tzuyu looks to her sister’s figure walking out of the studio.


Everything seems to be ready for the Queen and Irene’s departure, mounting their horses, when they are about to exit from Spring, the princess calls her sister.


The Queen turns to see her sister waling hurriedly to her, thanks to Tzuyu’s long legs, she arrives at Seulgi before Seulgi dismounts her mare.

“Tzuyu! What happened? Does your arm hurt? Is it Sana?” The young Queen starts asking endless questions to her little sister, feeling deeply worried.

Shaking her head hurriedly, Tzuyu giggles softly at her sister’s worry. “Everything is all right, I wanted to watch your depart and” The princess extends a navy bag to her sister smiling widely. “I managed to bake cookies! Because I want you to have a part of me with you!”

The light blonde opens her eyes surprised and smiles widely, taking with care the cookies and keeping them inside of Snow Angel’s saddlebags, she leans to hug her precious sister tightly, when she separates, Seulgi lifts one of her hands to caress gently her sister’s cheek.

“I always have a part of you with me wherever I go, Tzuyu.” Seulgi smiles with deep care. “Thank you for baking cookies even when your arm is hurt.”

“It’s all right! It will heal in a blink when you come back is going to be like new!” The young princess smiles brightly.

Seulgi blinks, feeling surprised again but giggles, pinching carefully her sister’s cheek. “Our bright Princess, your light was truly missed.” The light blonde leans to kiss her sister’s forehead.

“Let’s make something delicious when I come back!” The Queen laughs gently before giving a last pat to her sister’s head, leading her mare to the door, where Irene is waiting patiently.

“Is everything all right?” Irene asks softly when Seulgi is beside her, her eyebrows frowned with worry.

Seulgi smiles softly and nods. “Yes, she only wanted to see our departure.”

The warrior notices the Queen’s lively smile and chuckles softly, she feels happy, happy to see the Queen’s true smile, now that her precious sister is safe.

Smiling wide to the Queen, Irene makes Seulgi’s heart beat irregularly when she gives a sunny smile to the Queen.

“Let’s go then, Queen.” The warrior winks and turns to bow and wave along with a slight blushing Queen who also waves, before they start to ride their horses fast to their next stop, Summer.


The path to Summer becomes shorter, as they ride with their horses fast and strong.

It is not until Irene notices Seulgi is starting to feel tired, a person who is not used to the constant weather change, now that they are almost arriving at Summer, she can see Seulgi is facing even more difficulties due to the warm and almost hot weather.

Irene stops both horses, taking Seulgi by surprise, The Queen frowns curiously, turning to look at the warrior. “Is there a problem?”

“Yes.” Irene dismounts Apollo, she approaches to Seulgi, extending a hand.

Seulgi frowns even more, however, she decides to take the warrior’s soft hand, Irene helps her to dismount Snow Angel, tying their horses to one of the closest trees.

The caramel-haired woman sits on the grass leaning against the tree, she pats the spot beside her, signaling Seulgi to sit with her.

Tilting her head and wearing a still confused frown, Seulgi asks. “Why did we stop? We are about to reach Summer-“

“Certainly.” The warrior answers. “Nevertheless, you’re not reacting too well to the sudden weather change, we need to rest or you will faint.” Irene’s voice is soft and calm, she looks up, smiling to the Queen. “Please, lets rest for a moment, I don’t want you to get worse Snowflake.”

Seulgi opens her eyes surprised, it always surprises her, how observant Irene is, she notices everything she wants to hide.

Has she noticed about your feelings for her?

The Queen shakes her head, shushing her own thoughts, sighing, she sits beside the warrior leaning against the tree log. “Just for a moment.”

Irene chuckles and nods, they remain silent, until the warrior notices Seulgi dozing off, her head doing little bows, making the warrior giggle softly.

Seulgi feels a gentle hand on her head pulling her down until she feels something soft against her cheek, she blinks a couple of times before she notices her head is on Irene’s lap, blushing furiously she tries to get up but Irene stops her.

“It’s all right Snowflake, rest.” Irene caresses Seulgi's silky hair carefully, making Seulgi blush even more, however, she doesn’t move from Irene’s lap.

Seulgi nods slowly, hearing Irene soft humming, almost like she is humming a melody, she moves her head with curiosity. “Are you humming a melody?”

The warrior chuckles, “Yes, that’s the first melody Taeyeon-unnie taught me to play on the piano.”

Seulgi gasps. “Do you know how to play the piano?”

“Of course.” Irene laughs softly. “My mother loves instruments, so she wanted us to learn to play one, she said music would be helpful after a tough training day.”

The warrior looks up, gazing at the calm clouds in the sky. “My mother and Taeyeon-unnie taught me, but as always, Taeyeon-unnie has been taking care of me as if I was her daughter.”

Seulgi nods, telling Irene silently that she is listening, and of course, the young Queen would listen to Irene, and now even more, that the warrior is talking about herself.

Irene giggles when she notices the excitement playing on the Queen’s face, even when Seulgi is not looking at her face, she looks like an excited puppy, waiting for her to share more about her past.

“Ever since I can remember.” Irene starts. “Taeyeon-unnie has always been there for me, despite being five years apart, she has always made me feel like we are the same age, well, that was when I started to grow up, but when I was little.” Irene laughs gently. “She used to read me books, or teach me complicated words, we could be hours and hours at the library, although she had appointments or missions to do, she would always make time to be with me.”

“She has been my first teacher in everything, how to use a bow, an ax, our ancient sword fighting style, how to punch, kick, even jump correctly.” The warrior recalls with a warm smile. “But, not only physical things but she also taught me values, like honor, respect, honesty.”

“Whenever she felt I was going to the wrong path, she would always stop me, even if I yelled or cried.” The warrior stops caressing Seulgi’s hair for a moment, making The Queen look at her, noticing the dreary light brown orbs, making her heart sting painfully.

“She has always been a perfectly good sister, despite me being a whirlwind that has caused her scars….” Irene sighs, looking down to meet the worried puppy hazel eyes, she smiles softly, touching the Queen’s nose with her index finger.

“Don’t make that face, you look like a sad bear cub.” The warrior chuckles, however, Seulgi’s words make her stop.

“It’s because your warm Summer eyes sunk, like a lonely sunset.” Seulgi looks at Irene, speaking softly.

Irene feels astonished by the Queen’s words, she manages to smile and shake her head slowly, feeling the Queen’s index finger touching her nose gently.

“Nevertheless, those lonely sunset eyes are not lonely anymore.” The light blonde smiles quietly. “Even if I am like a cold Winter sometimes, I wouldn’t mind melting, if that means you will be the sunny Summer I know.”

The warrior feels perplexed she smiles warmly, her gentle light brown orbs looking sweetly at the smooth hazel orbs. “Even if it takes me a long long time?...”

Seulgi smiles smoothly, “Of course, you know why? Joohyun.”

Joohyun shakes her head slowly, feeling how fast her heart is beating.

“Because your sunny smile is worth enough to tenderize my cold winter walls, even if that means they will melt completely.” Seulgi looks at her sweetly. “If it’s for you Joohyun, I would melt a thousand times.”

Joohyun’s heart is beating like it’s about to get out of her chest, she feels her cheeks red, unable to look away, how could she look away? When Seulgi just told her that tender words, with her sweet, oh so sweet and unique hazel orbs.

“Ah…I give up, you have really stolen my heart, Kang.”

Irene starts giggling, making the Queen smile tenderly at her. “I give up.”

Seulgi frowns, not understanding what Irene is saying, until the warrior gives her, her sunniest smile making Seulgi feel her heart beating madly.

“You have stolen something that nobody has ever stolen, sweet huggy bear.” Irene light brown orbs look at Seulgi tenderly.

“What..?” Seulgi asks feeling her cheeks deeply blushed.

Irene covers her eyes, and leans to give a soft kiss on her forehead before she gets up and separates carefully from Seulgi, she turns around winking, still wearing her sunny smile.

“It’s a secret!”


Hello!, oh gosh, it feels like I haven't updated in ages jajaja, I wanted to update so badly, however, my schedule didn't let me T.T 

Buut, here I am, I managed to escape a little from my assignments (don't do it, kids, do your homework, don't follow my example jajaja)

The Queens are coming back, yesss! that made me feel even more inspiration jajaja, and Twice is going to have a comeback too, but I'm worried about our dear Mina :(

 I should end up my rant here jajaja, I hope you are doing okay and resting or eating well! Also, I hope you liked this update,  feel free to tell me how do you feel about it! C:

See you soon! 

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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!