Snow Forest.

When Summer and Winter dance

After the meeting with the warrior, Irene, Seulgi is currently looking at the palm of her hand while Wendy is brushing her hair softly. Her muse feels and notices the curiosity and Queen's warm feeling and smiles playfully.

“It’s your hand really beautiful? You have been looking at it for a while.”

Seulgi flinches surprised and coughs “No, I-I was just wondering how my hand can be large than other hands sometimes…”

Wendy barely caches the end of the sentence because the girl was almost whispering, chuckling she arranges Seulgi's hair, “other hands? Sunmi's hands?” the muse looks at her curiously through the mirror.

When the girl hears the knight's name she somehow snaps from her little world of memories of the warrior's warm touch, remembering to herself that the one who has to be in her head is the knight, not the warrior even for few moments.

Wendy now notices a slightly guilty feeling in the Queen making her raise her eyebrow thinking “Not Sunmi? Hmm, then it must have been that warrior woman the one who she was thinking of”

Giving the light blonde hair owner a little pat on her head she silently decides to not ask more, nevertheless, she doesn’t leave the warm feeling that she felt before in The Queen, she shakes her head thinking that the young girl must feel admired by the warrior, just that.

“Few clothes, medicines, food, and money has been packed, Seulgi, the warrior is currently setting everything on her horse, and your horse.” Wendy informs while she looks at the Queen getting up from her seat and breathes deeply.

“All right, then, I will go with her to verify if everything is correct.” Seulgi smiles lightly looking at her reflection, she is wearing a two-layer lace-up white and blue dress with puff sleeves, she looks like a normal civilian, the only thing that makes her draw attention is her uncommon light blonde hair but she can hide it with her cloak.

The Queen gets out of her room with Wendy, when they are on their way to the barn, they encounter with Jennie and Taeyeon who are walking to them, just that the two ladies hasn’t noticed them.

“I’m telling you, Jennie, I don’t care how many years have passed, I still worry a lot for that brat.” Taeyeon frowns a little concerned. “Joo can be pretty dense sometimes you know?”

“Baechu-unnie is going to handle everything almost heavenly, I can guarantee you that, The Queen will be safe with her”

“Baechu-unnie? Joo? Are they talking about the warrior?” Seulgi raises her eyebrow with curiosity.“Why do they call her like that? It doesn’t make sense with her name.”

The ladies notice the Queen's presence and feel shocked, they didn’t notice her presence until now.

“Your grace!” Both ladies exclaim in a surprised tone.

“I couldn’t help to hear your conversation while I was walking, Jennie, Taeyeon. I wonder with who am I’m going to be safe?” Seulgi smiles a little curious.

“Oh! We were just talking about the dancing warrior and her adventures.” Jennie laughs nervously.

“Baechu-unnie and Joo, do you call Irene like that?” The Queen narrows her eyes suspiciously.

“Irene?” Taeyeon asks with a confused frown.

“Yes, Irene, the dancing warrior.” Seulgi confirms narrowing her eyes even more. “Didn’t you know her name, Taeyeon?”

Jennie and Taeyeon exchange looks before the Summer lady sighs tiredly and Jennie chuckles softly making the Queen even more confused.

“Yes, your grace I know her name very very well, actually, I have to go to check some things with Irene, excuse me, your grace.” Taeyeon bows before she almost runs to the barn again

The muse and the Queen look at each other with puzzled looks but the Autumn lady's voice makes them look at her.

“I apologize for the confusion, your grace, you will know later why... just please respect Summer traditions and if you want to punish Irene I will take the punishment for her.”

Seulgi is even more perplexed, why Jennie is asking her respect for Summer traditions and, even more, why she thinks she will punish Irene later?

She keeps getting more questions about the dancing warrior instead of answers, making her feel puzzled but even more intrigued about the warrior.


Irene is currently putting all their luggage on the back of her horse, Apollo, a tall, imposing and prideful black horse who doesn’t welcome strangers very well and only allows, Irene, Irene’s muse and Taeyeon to touch him if anyone who is not them, touch him, well, they can say hello to the harsh hoof of the black horse.

Feeling the presence and smell of her sister Irene looks around to find a Taeyeon with one of her hands on her waist and with her eyebrows frowned.

“Oops, what did I do now?” The warrior chuckles still looking at her annoyed sister.

“I thought you were going to tell her your real name and from where you come. In the name of Summer, she is the Queen!” Taeyeon speaks in an exasperated tone.

“Yeah, well, you and the ladies are an accomplice here too, you know? You all could have just told her since the moment Jennie suggested me.” The warrior shrugs.

Taeyeon opens to argue but the warrior has a point, she rubs her temple with her eyes closed. “Blame my freaking honor, I, we respect the promise you asked us.” Taeyeon opens her eyes groaning. “I know, you are partially using that name because one of our traditions, and because you like to travel like a normal kingdom people, but have you considered the consequences if she knows you are almost lying to her?”

“I have.” Irene turns to look at her with a serious look. “You are right, those are almost all the reasons why I choose to introduce me as Irene, but, remember the other reason?”

Taeyeon nods almost tiredly. “Yes, you want to know how she treats noble and normal people and if she is a good Queen, I know, it’s a good reason, I remember clearly agreeing to that, but I really thought you would tell her after exchanging words with her.” Taeyeon looks at her with questioning eyes.

“I just exchanged words with her, still, I want to know her better, you know, actions are better than words.” Irene smiles.

Taeyeon raises her eyebrows, surprised, she laughs softly. “I hate when you use my own words against me.” The summer lady approaches her sister to hug her tightly, surprising the warrior who takes a while to answer the hug even tighter.

“Whatever decision you take, or path you may follow, I will be there for you, you are my precious little bunny after all.” Taeyeon speaks in a soft tone, when Irene hears the ‘little bunny’ she laughs genuinely.

“I’m not a little bunny now, sister, I’m twenty-four years old not ten.”

“No matter how old you get, you will be forever my little bunny.” Taeyeon separates a little to grab her little sister's face smiling warmly.

Irene smiles brightly and starts laughing, causing her older sister to laugh too, the barn soon filled with the sunny laugh of the Summer sisters.


Both horses are currently waiting, along with Irene who is mounted in her horse, until they notice the Queen's presence.

Irene looks at Sunmi who is walking with the Queen, behind them is the Queen's muse and her muse, Sunmi helps Seulgi to climb onto her horse until she is mounted on her fine and elegant white horse.

“Hey, katana girl.” The rust-haired woman calls Irene making the warrior stops looking at the knight and the Queen talking along with Wendy.

“Don’t be too reckless, I know you are the Ace of the Kingdom but still, be careful.” The summer muse looks at her with puppy sad eyes.

Irene smiles softly and stretches a hand to pinch one of the cheeks of her muse lightly. “We will be okay, tall puppy, trust me.”

“I do.” Smiling proudly, the Summer muse makes the warrior laugh. “Will you stay here?” The warrior asks.

“I will, just for a few days, I have never been here in Winter, and I heard the small muse, over there, Wendy, it’s going to search in the books if there’s something that can help you and the Queen, I want to help too.”

Irene pats her head pleased to hear her muse's words, her muse has always been one of the sweetest and helping persons she ever knew, it’s no surprise the tall woman wants to help her until the last drop.

“Irene.” The Queen calls approaching her with her white horse. “Are we ready to depart?”

“Yes, your grace, whenever you want.” Irene looks at her noticing the Queen's simple clothes, she looks like a normal person of the kingdom, she really took seriously her words of not be too suspicious.

“Then, we shall depart now.” Seulgi makes the soldiers open the big door that connects them directly to the Snow Forest, to avoid the uncalled attention of the people of Winter.

The big doors open and the horses start walking out of the castle, Irene gives a last smile to her muse before turning to look at the snow path that means the start of the Snow Forest.

Seulgi smiles to her worried muse and looks at Sunmi, smiling to her too before she goes after the warrior.

Sunmi and the muses look at their backs, slowly disappearing when the big doors are closing slowly until they do not see them anymore.


When they’re a little far from the castle, Seulgi notices Irene’s horse carrying all their luggage, even if they’re not heavy things, still, her horse can help too.

“Irene, why your horse is carrying everything?”

“Oh, that’s actually one of his habits, when he sees a thin horse or a mare, he doesn’t let me put some weight on them.” Irene chuckles caressing the neck of her horse. “He can be pretty stubborn and gets angry if I try to.”

Seulgi raises her eyebrows surprised and stops. “Can you show me?” she asks in pure curiosity.

Irene stops and chuckles again. “Already not trusting me? Your grace?”

“No, no, I’m just curious, I have never seen a horse be a…gentleman?” Seulgi shakes her head almost embarrassed by the wrong use of her words, afraid of causing the warrior to have another idea.

Irene laughs. “It’s okay, your grace, I was just teasing you a little” the warrior winks playfully.

Seulgi frowns looking like a little annoyed kid, this warrior dares to , and to think she was feeling embarrassed just a moment ago.

Irene grins and gets down of her horse. “Relax, your grace, we need to have some fun on this trip and forget the tension for a moment.”

The hazel eyes owner makes a little pout almost like a grimace, the warrior has a point but she is not going to admit it, she chooses to stay silent just looking the movements of the caramel-haired woman.

Irene takes one of the bags from her horse and turns to put it on the white mare, her black horse gives a loud neigh along with his hoof stepping angrily on the snow.

Seulgi jumps a little surprised by the horse's actions, Irene laughs. “Okay, no need to get angry Apollo.” The warrior starts putting the bag again on her horse, gaining a proud and happy snort form the black horse.

The hazel eyes owner chuckles covering her lips with the palm of her hand. “He really gets angry, what a curious horse he is.”

“Oh yes, he is, since the moment I met him he has been an interesting horse.” Irene mounts the horse again with easiness despite the tall height of the black horse surprising Seulgi again.

“Interesting horses are the best, right? Snow Angel.” Seulgi caresses the neck of her white mare, the mare snorts softly at the touch of her owner.

Irene tilts her head with interest when she hears the white mare's name but she hears a howl.

“Wolves, we better move fast or find a shelter, or else we will have problems.” Irene thinks and moves her horse to the track where they were walking.

“We better move fast your grace, we should avoid certain company.” The warrior looks at Seulgi and her horse starts galloping the light blonde frowns a little but follows the warrior.

After some time in the Snow Forest, Irene decides to give the horses some water, the forest is enormous and it’s better to keep the horses hydrated in case of an emergency.

Seulgi separates a little to watch The Great Lake, she narrows her eyes trying to look better, then she notices few breakages on the ice, she frowns deeply, when The Great Lake has breakages it doesn’t mean good news.

Irene feels her horse tensing and starting to get anxious, then she gets the answer of the current state of the horse when she hears, paws.

Looking around them, she counts, one, two…six wolves, she can take two down but what about the other four? She breathes in trying to create a quick plan, although she finds it strange, the calm of the white mare, not fearing the six wolves surrounding them.

“Queen, come here, don’t make too much noise.” Irene keeps an eye on the wolves who are looking at them, when she doesn’t get an answer she turns slowly to look at the Queen. “Hey, Ice Queen, I need you to come here right…now?” She talks slowly when she looks at the Queen who is currently hugging and petting two of the six wolves almost like an excited child with puppies, and the wolves are wagging their tails, nuzzling their noses against the young Queen's face.

Irene feels her jaw dropping at the sight, is it because she is the Queen and she is practically animal-friendly? Or it’s the rumors of Winter animals are the calmest with humans true?. She feels so many questions popping out in her head until the Queen stops her thoughts.

“It’s okay Irene, remember animals don’t attack unless you provoke them.” The Queen keeps petting the wolves amorously. “Besides, this pack are friends of me and my sister.”

“Well, animals can be somewhat unfriendly if they’re starving and you look like the food of the year.” Irene speaks in a sarcastic tone not believing the wolves are acting so friendly with them.

The Queen chuckles and walks to her with the two wolves following her. “Right, I can’t deny that point, but they’re really friendly, I promise they don’t bite.” She then points the two wolves who followed her. “Let me introduce you, they are the alphas of the pack, Grey Fang and White lady.”

“All…right? Do I need to give them a pawshake or something?” Irene asks while she looks at the two wolves who are smelling her.

“Very funny, dancing warrior, but no, just let them smell you.” Seulgi almost rolls her eyes at the woman's sarcastic humor.

“And what if they don’t like my smell?” Irene asks a little worried.

“Well, then I’ll be sure to tell Wendy to write you on the history books to be fully remembered.” Seulgi smiles teasingly.

Now it’s Irene turn to be surprised, she didn’t expect a sarcastic answer, she chuckles, shaking her head a little. “Was that revenge?”

“Maybe, I don’t know.” Seulgi keeps her teasing smile.

The wolves seem to like her, and give an approving howl, making Irene raise her eyebrow. “Can you translate that? Please?”

“That means they like you, so you don’t need to be worried about getting eaten.”

Irene puts a hand on her chest, a soft sigh leaving from her lips. “What a relief. I thought I would be remembered like the warrior who was food for wolves for not giving a pawshake.”

Seulgi snorts and covers , she has to admit the warrior is funny but again she is not going to admit that out loud.

The wolves start roaring, not to them but to another unfamiliar intruder, now even the horses are neighing, scared and anxious, both of them turn to look at the loud and stronger roar, looking at the big polar bear, who is now, running at them.

Seulgi feels paralyzed by the fear, the bear is not as big and neither gentle as the brown bears who live in the Snow Forest.

Irene reacts faster and takes her out of the bear's range, she puts the Queen behind a tree, luckily the wolves are helping to attack the beast but still is a heavy task even for the six wolves.

“All right, you are going to stay here, don’t move, just for the love of Summer don’t move.” Irene almost pleads to the scared Queen who manages to nod, she gets up but Seulgi takes her hand. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to help our furry friends, what else?” Irene answers shocking Seulgi.

“Are you out of your mind? You can die!” Seulgi speaks in a low but loud tone.

“Can, that’s the clue word, I can die, but, If we don’t take him down he will kill the wolves and then us…” the warrior looks at the Queen's deadly worried eyes but smiles softly.” I’m not going to, trust me.” Irene winks and takes away her warm hand form Seulgi’s cold one.

Irene throws a stone to the bear who is fighting with the six wolves, turning his head to the warrior, he runs to her, the warrior rolls and cuts the bear making the beast roar painfully, she keeps doing that until the bear manages to hit her with one of his paws even though Irene tried to avoid the attack the bear managed to hit her, not with all his force but he caused the warrior to roll and almost hit her head with a tree.

The warrior shakes her head, dizzy from the attack, but grabs a thick branch not having enough time to take one of her katanas or her dagger, that are currently spilled on the snow, the bear bites the branch trying to get Irene’s face, of course, the warrior doesn’t have the strength to move the bear who is above her.

Seulgi looks the whole scene with wide and frightened eyes, she notices one of Irene’s katanas in front of her, she looks at the furious bear almost eating Irene and then the katana, she fights against her own fear of the bear and stretches her hand fast until she takes the katana with shaking hands.

One of the alphas jumps to the back of the bear bitting furiously his neck, the bear roars and tries to shake off the wolf from his neck.

“IRENE!” Seulgi calls when the bear has now focused on the wolves again.

Irene turns to look Seulgi with one of her katanas, the young Queen throws the arm to her, the warrior catches the katana, running to the mad beast, the bear shakes off the wolves from its body, standing in his two feet when he turns around, the warrior stabs her katana in his heart.

The bear groans painfully, Irene takes out her katana from the now red chest of the polar bear before the beast falls to the snow.

Irene breaths heavily, she feels her body falling to the snow but instead she feels soft fur on her face.

One of the alphas wails worriedly for her and she smiles holding to the worried wolf. “Thanks pal I’m all right.”

“Irene!” Seulgi calls her and the Queen runs to her taking her in her arms with soft and heavy concerned care. “Oh, holy Winter!” Seulgi looks at the big cuts from the beast's claws on Irene's right ribs.

With a tired laugh, Irene manages to get on her feet with the support of the Queen's hands on her waist and arm.

“It’s not that bad, I just need some herbs and I will be fine.” Irene coughs and Seulgi shakes her hand looking at her incredulously. “Are you out of your mind?! Those are cuts from CLAWS!, That needs serious attention, and I’m the one taking care of it.” The Queen’s voice is hard and serious.

Irene remains silent, she is not used to strangers being too worried and concerned about her, but she lets the Queen do as she wishes.

The Queen takes her with effort to where their horses are tied, still frightened but relieved to see their owners.

“Snow Angel, please, kneel I need your help” The Queen pleads to her white mare when she manages to untie the horses from the tree.

Irene raises an eyebrow, a horse kneeling? She has never seen anything like that, even though she is the Queen she doesn’t believe the horse is going to kneel.

Snow Angel looks at her owner before kneeling with her four legs, Irene opens shocked by the mare's obedience.

Seulgi puts Irene on her horse with delicacy and soft care, she gets sure the warrior is not going to fall and nods, when she nods Snow Angel gets up little by little until she is standing again on her four legs.

Then the hazel eyes girl gets on her horse, being behind Irene she gently grabs firmly part of the warrior's waist surprising the woman, when Seulgi is sure the warrior is secure enough, she looks down to the wolves who are making her signals to follow them.

Maybe because it’s been a while since Irene fought with a big animal, but she feels the exhaustion of the fight take control of her, she feels her eyes starting to close.

“Why am I being such a light-weight right know? Is it because she inspires me trust? Or Is the wound really that bad? Is it because I’m in such an unfamiliar place?” Irene keeps thinking while she faintly hears the gallops of the horses and the paws of the wolves, breathing the light vanilla scent from the Young Queen who haves her head under her jaw, the slight height difference giving her advantage right now.

She doesn’t know the answer of all of her current questions, she decides to focus on the vanilla scent from the hazel eyes girl, making her even calmer, until she feels the exhaustion dominate her.

Seulgi feels even more weight on her chest, even though the warrior is almost like a living legend, she is still human, and it’s a miracle that she is alive, she has never heard of someone surviving to a bear's attack, she secures her hold on the now sleeping warrior feeling the soft skin of warrior's forehead on her neck, she is not used to having so much physical contact with strangers, but maybe the physical contact with this annoying and heroic stranger doesn’t bother her too much.


Hello again! here's a little update hehe c:

Zimzalabim is out now and wow WOW is such a roller coaster song! Did u guys like it? I really liked it, it shows RV unique colors imo uwu

Anywayyy, I will see u later! Have a nice day! c:

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Kimchi43 0 points #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!