Berries river

When Summer and Winter dance

Pale skin, soft but strong shoulders, enchanting cherry lips, heated and lustful light brown orbs.

Seulgi wakes up, noticing the unexpected heat she felt yesterday is now gone, however, the warrior’s blurry image is still inside her head.


The Queen shivers when she remembers the warrior’s husky voice calling her, just like the familiar cherry scent she feels beside her.

Around her waist she feels the slender hand holding her tight, the other hand rests on her head, the slender fingers tangled with her light blonde hair.

Opening her eyes wide when she looks up, she swallows a loud gasp when she finds the exotic warrior’s face, looking more beautiful and breathtaking, their faces are closer than yesterday’s morning.

Seulgi swears she can hear her heart, beating loudly and fastly because of the warrior’s closeness, it gets even faster when she feels their legs tangled.

Gulping she feels her cheeks impossibly warm, it’s the first time she has been so close, physically with another person that is not Wendy or her sister.

What surprises her the most is that this proximity doesn’t bother her at all, on the contrary, she likes it.

The fact that she likes it too much makes her feel confused and worried, she doesn’t understand why, why the warrior’s warmth is so enchanting, why she wants and craves more of it and more of Irene.

Irene groans and frowns like she is having an unpleasant dream, the young Queen smiles softly when she sees the warrior’s face.

“How cute.” Seulgi thinks as she carefully lifts a hand to caress Irene’s mushy-looking cheeks.

The caramel-haired woman eases when Seulgi touches her, purring when Seulgi starts caressing softly her cheeks.

Seulgi opens her eyes surprised, she didn’t know that the warrior purrs, it makes her giggle silently. “Oh, snows, you keep showing your perfect hidden secrets when you sleep, you are not your best ally sometimes, Irene.”

“Secrets.” The young Queen thinks, remembering how little she knows about the person in front of her, she looks at Irene who is now sleeping peacefully again.

Maybe because its morning, there’s still no track of her usual shyness or part of her yesterday’s irrational act is still there.

“Or you are bottling up feelings we know we have for her.”

Shaking her head refusing her deep thoughts, she breathes deeply, looking at Irene again, she snuggles closer to the warrior’s body, hiding her face in the caramel-haired woman neck.

“Just a little bit more…let me stay like this…even if you make my head messy I can’t get enough of you…” Seulgi whispers very lowly closing her eyes again.

She doesn’t notice someone is already awake, watching the wall with silent eyes, and she also doesn’t notice the mixed emotions face the person is wearing.


Nayeon and Jeongyeon breathe heavily, shaking and looking like lifeless dolls on the wooden ground of Nayeon’s studio.

“More cold water?” A female voice asks them from Nayeon’s chair.

Both of them shake their heads rapidly. “Good, I think you have learned your lesson, dumb troublemakers.”

“W-we…have.” Nayeon can barely talk hearing the woman hum, the spring lady coughs standing up along with her shaky muse. “Jihyo-unnie, t-that was quite cruel.”

Is not like Jihyo threw them to the usual cold, berries river, and made them walk soaked to where they are now.

Well, maybe she actually did that.

“I hope that cooled your head, sister.” Jihyo gives them an annoyed glare. “I don’t know how you two had the guts to do the stupid both did.”

“But it was Jeong’s mistake!” Nayeon whines and yells like a spoiled child, not that she is not one, Jihyo and her parents spoiled her too much sometimes.

Only one more glare coming from her older sister is enough to make her shut making a pout, still shivering slightly.

“It was your mistake too, for not checking up where that beverage was, knowing too well it couldn’t be anywhere.” Jihyo scolds noticing her sister lowering her head ashamed.

“For whom it was that anyway?” Jihyo asks half of her wants to know and the other half doesn’t want to.

Jeongyeon speaks finally, her voice shaking because of her shivering body. “Jennie told us it could boost muses energy, but she told us it might have another use on humans.”

“I really don’t wanna know how Jennie discovered the other use.” Jihyo thinks with a plain face, rubbing her nose’s bridge.

“You two will be lucky enough if our Queen believes this before Irene make you girls suffer three times worse than I already did.” The former Spring lady speaks sighing.

Hearing the warrior’s name makes the two soaked women shiver and shake, they can’t help to remember Irene’s killing gaze towards them.

They jump when someone knocks the door after Jihyo lets the person enter, all of them bow.

Seulgi smiles softly. “Good morning.” The Queen opens her eyes surprised, running toward the former spring lady hugging her tightly making the older woman laugh.

“Jihyo! I thought you were at the retirement lands!” Seulgi separates a little while she holds the soft black-haired woman shoulders.

“I was, but I visited Taeyeon a while ago, then I came back but my sister greeted me with a…unpleasant surprise.”

Seulgi frowns and turns to see the soaked and nervous women in front of them she gasps. ”Oh, snows! You two are soaked! What happened?!”

Nayeon laughs nervously. “J-Jihyo-unnie punished us…”

“Tell her for what Nayeon.” Jihyo commands as she crosses her arms looking at her sister's nervous state.

Nayeon swallows and starts laughing even more nervous. “Y-You see…um…there was something J-Jeong left yesterday…in your room…”

Seulgi frowns not quite liking to where this is going.


“An aphrodisiac.” Jeongyeon finishes Nayeon's sentence with her head low.

The Queen remains silent, she wears a shocked expression remembering yesterday events, now she knows why she acted the way she acted.

“WE’RE SO SORRY!! I BEG YOU DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO JEONG!” Nayeon kneels and bows begging for her life.

“UH!? WHY ME?! IT WAS YOUR MISTAKE TOO, !” Jeong turns to see the kneeled and bowing woman who happens to be her lover but right now she is considering to don’t have a lover anymore.



Seulgi raises one hand, making both women stop instantly their usual loud argument, the Queen is used to these loud arguments since they have been always like this.

However, now is not the time to think about her 2yeon friends relationship, Seulgi rubs her temple, breathing in and out.

“All right…. it was a mistake, I will let it pass this time.”

The three women inside the room look at her with shocked eyes, they knew Seulgi is known for being extremely kind-hearted and calm but they definitely didn’t expect the Queen to break the limits.

“W-What?!” Jihyo asks in disbelief. “Not even a little punishment?”

“You already did it, and…maybe Irene will give them one later, why should I add one more?” Seulgi sighs, sitting on the couch Nayeon has in her studio. “I would be really mad if…things were different today.”

The muse and her lover frown not understanding too much what The Queen means, on the other hand, Jihyo has a little idea based on the warrior’s personality.

“You two should thank Irene actually…” Seulgi breaks the silence feelings her cheeks a little bit rosy. “She really surprises me.”

Nayeon and Jeongyeon open their mouths wide, they are thinking if Irene and the Queen did something beyond their…limits, they can’t believe it. However, Jihyo is just smiling mildly.

“It’s because of her that I could keep unbroken my crown vows.” Seulgi speaks softly looking aside remembering Irene’s image and coughing a little, trying to keep away those impish thoughts.

The couple lets out a big breath when they hear the Queen’s words, making Jihyo shake her head knowing what the troublemakers thought.

Before her sister and Jeongyeon tell something that will mess up, even more, the situation, Jihyo decides to speak.” That’s something Irene would do, she may be really playful but she is very respectful and upstanding.” The former Spring lady chuckles. “She was like that since she was little, but her older sister and parents also helped with her attitude.”

Seulgi raises a curious eyebrow, the warrior’s family is one of the biggest mysteries that the caramel-haired woman hides extremely well, and the fact the Station ladies have that information well-kipped makes her have even more curiosity.

Jihyo laughs softly making Seulgi look up. “I know what are you thinking, don’t worry, she will tell you really soon.”

The Queen raises her eyebrows surprised, she smiles slightly and nods, putting her cheek against her palm.

Just like someone invoked her, Irene enters to the room after Seulgi lets her pass, Nayeon frowns along with Jeongyeon when they notice the warrior wearing a long red scarf, almost looking like a cape, which covers her neck and chest, only her corset and pants along with her boots can be seen.

Jihyo smirks as she links eyes with the warrior who frowns when she sees the former spring lady smirk.

Nayeon breaks the silent stares game between her sister and the warrior. ”Why are you wearing that unnie? Are you cold?”

“It’s part of my awesome warrior clothes.” Irene shows a subtle smirk to the Spring lady who just rolls her eyes.

Irene chuckles until she feels someone watching her, she turns to find the well-known hazel orbs looking at her with surprise and shyness.

The warrior gulps and looks aside, feeling timid because of yesterday's events, for luck, her big scarf covers her light pink cheeks.

The other three women inside the same room share looks as they watch the Queen and Irene avoiding each other but what surprises them is the shyness everyone can feel inside the room.

Nayeon, being impatient as always scratches her head and steps in between the shy women, making Irene and Seulgi jump, the Spring lady shows her hands to them, signaling the women to take them.

Both women frown but decide to put their hands on Nayeon’s palms, the chestnut holds their hands.

Jeongyeon and Jihyo know what the Spring muse is going to do, they silently agree with Nayeon, when the chestnut starts walking and almost dragging the women following her with questioning looks.

Jihyo is the one opening the door behind Nayeon’s desk, waving goodbye to the dumbfounded women who are almost running behind her sister.

Nayeon guides them hurriedly, never leaving the women’s hands until they arrive at the river where Jihyo threw her and Jeongyeon, the Berries river.

Both women look around, noticing the different berries bushes that are around the somewhat silent river.

Nayeon lets go of their hands, making the women frown with curiosity while they look at her.

The Spring muse turns around smiling softly and sighing tiredly. “You need to talk since you arrived I noticed a lot of untold things hiding inside your gazes, before we gather and discuss what to do with Sana’s and the Kingdom situation, you dear ladies, need to clear whatever thing is happening between you.”

Irene and Seulgi feel taken aback by the Spring lady statement, they are about to argue and deny it but Nayeon shakes her head.

“Stop being stubborn, both of you.” Nayeon sighs as she starts walking away, not before speaking loudly. “CLEAR THE SULTRY TENSION BECAUSE WE ARE CHOKING HERE.”

Seulgi and Irene start coughing feeling embarrassed with Nayeon’s last words, they can feel their cheeks heating.

“That girl, I’m really going to beat her a-“ Irene starts to walk after Nayeon but a soft hand holding her wrist makes her stop and turn.

Irene meets the Queen’s shaking head. “Let her, she…actually has a point.” Seulgi almost whispers.

The warrior opens her eyes surprised and sighs, nodding tiredly looks at Seulgi hazel orbs. ”You’re right, but.” Irene holds the Queen’s hand softly, making Seulgi look at her kind light brown eyes.

“Should we walk first?”


They walk like they’re following the river, holding hands silently, only hearing the water’s course.

After they walk for some time they stop, both of them looking just at the river until Irene’s voice calls Seulgi attention.

“There are…a lot of things we have to talk about…but there’s something I have to tell you before we start talking about those things.” Irene sighs feeling nervous.

Seulgi frowns worriedly when she notices the nervous warrior’s voice tone, nevertheless, she remains quiet, waiting for the warrior to talk.

“As you may know…I have a lot of secrets, I’m a reserved person since birth but there have been situations that made me even more closed to share my thoughts and even personal information.” Irene keeps looking at the river in front of them with nostalgic and dreary eyes.

“Still…I would like to tell you those secrets if we get to go to Summer, because they were all born there.”

The Queen raises her eyebrows surprised and nods lightly, making the warrior notice she is being listened to and how Seulgi wants her to continue.

“But.” Irene turns to see Seulgi. “There’s one mystery I cannot hide anymore, not because I feel pressured, but because you don’t deserve to be ignorant of that information.”

Seulgi looks at her with her silent hazel orbs. “Why?”

“Because you have shown me you’re not like the other noble people, you are someone who is at the height of her title, someone who I can trust enough this ‘secret’, this ‘secret’ I started and begged for the ladies silence because of my freedom craving, my wariness toward noble people after I saw how impolite and horrendous they can be to someone who doesn’t have the same rank as them, to avoid unnecessary attention, and unwanted kind-masked people.” Irene’s voice filled with rage and disappointment.

“I cannot stand them, those presumptuous and scumbag nobles, always false, only wanting to humiliate and increase their crappy ego, always wanting to have more gold and jewels.” Irene frowns enraged, showing a displeasure grimace

Seulgi blinks feeling surprised at the sudden angry state, she looks at Irene, noticing how tense the warrior is, she purses her lips, Irene must have had a bad experience with horrendous nobles.

Irene breathes in and out, wanting to calm down her heated angry tone, she sighs, the irritated and somewhat frustrated frown still on her face.

The warrior growls. “I hated it…when they approached me to ensure their future noble position, or when they tried to be close to my older sister only for her status.”

The Queen blinks and frowns, wearing a confused expression but not stopping the talking warrior.

“I have always felt I don’t belong there, even if I was born there, I always felt nature and freedom calling me.” Irene speaks with a calm tone now. “That’s why I could tame Apollo because he felt the same, he didn’t like the freedom deprivation, just like me.”

“When I was old enough, I decided to use one of our traditions, maybe you have or not heard about it.” The caramel-haired woman looks at the Queen. “When you are recognized as a warrior, you can choose to have a ‘warrior’s name’.”

Seulgi frowns and shakes her head slowly after thinking and trying to remember if she knows that Summer tradition, nevertheless failing at the attempt.

Breathing in with a heavy chest, Irene lets out the air nervously, even if for not many people is a big revelation, for her, it’s extremely important, along with the guilt that has been eating her for technically lying to the Queen.

“My warrior’s name is Irene, but that’s not my real name.”

The Queen opens her eyes shocked and her face seems unreadable as she looks at Irene with disbelief.

Before Seulgi can ask, Irene then, reveals her true identity, she fears the Queen’s reaction but she is willing to endure even the hate of the woman who stole her heart.

With a determined voice, Irene declares. “My name is, Bae Joohyun… The next Summer lady.”

Seulgi widens her eyes, she lets the warrior’s hand go, to cover her wide-open mouth.

The missing strings now start to connect, she remembers Taeyeon calling her ‘Joo’ and Jennie calling her ‘Baechu-unnie’, the warrior gentle and caring look whenever she mentioned her sister.

She remembers Taeyeon always talking about her little sister but never mentioning her name.

Taeyeon’s anxious expression, almost choking Jennie right there, when Jennie suggested the warrior when they had their meeting to find her little sister.

Seulgi doesn’t know how to feel, even if it’s not a bad revelation at all, that’s not the thing that has her somewhat angry, but the warrior’s silence is the thing making her let out a deep angry sigh.

She understands why Irene remained silent about her name, even she could come out as a smug noble or worst.

Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop the little angry feeling she is feeling currently, despite knowing the warrior is wary with nobles because of her past experiences, there’s this sting in her heart.

“Why?” Seulgi looks at Irene with an unreadable expression.

Irene looks at her with understanding and silent eyes. “Because it’s better to be ‘the dancing warrior, Irene’ than “Bae Joohyun, the next Summer lady.

“I started using Irene as my own name because I didn’t want to call unnecessary attention inside and outside Summer, being a ‘normal citizen’ made me feel…free, free from masked-people, false people, I wanted to be treated like a normal person.”

“And who or under what circumstances do you reveal your name?” Seulgi asks, wearing a serious expression.

“I only reveal my name to genuine people, people I know they will treat me equally, not only for my rank.” The warrior answers mildly.

Seulgi sighs deeply, turning around to sit in front of the river, she ruffles her hair with frustrated hands.

Irene only looks as she stays still, waiting for the Queen, gazing quietly at her thwarting.

Surprisingly, her angry part is just a little, compared to the calmness? Her other part is feeling.

The Queen comprehends why Irene didn’t tell her about her real name, is not like she hasn’t wish, not to be the Queen for a day, to be able to wander around the Kingdom without her heavy title.

But it makes her feel a slight gaiety, to know she is a worthy person, that the warrior doesn’t consider her as a smug noble.

Maybe because of the big importance the warrior has in her life now.

“Then…” Seulgi breaks the silence. “Am I a good Queen? A trustworthy person?”

The caramel-haired woman smiles. “Of course, I can’t even count the times you proved you are not only your title, besides…”

“You are a very good Queen but for being who you are, as I have said to you, you are loved because of you, not for your crown.

Seulgi straights up when she hears the warrior’s words, the caramel-haired woman’s voice sounding smooth but firm.

Patting softly the spot beside her, the warrior takes the clue and slowly approaches, sitting beside the quiet Queen.

"I understand everything but I want to punch you." Seulgi sighs and chuckles lightly.

The warrior laughs loudly at the sudden and unexpected confession. “You really know how to break the ice, uh.”

Seulgi can’t help to laugh, the warrior’s bad joke making her cover her laughing mouth. “That was a horrible joke!”

“But you are laughing!”

“That doesn’t mean it’s good!” Seulgi keeps laughing, but she stops when Irene turns to show her cheek.

“Go ahead, punch me.” Irene says, still showing her pale cheek.

Seulgi stays in silence, sighing she speaks again. “Look at me.”

The caramel-haired woman turns her head slowly to meet the Queen’s eyes but a flick on her nose makes her yelp, putting a hand on her nose, Irene turns to look at the Queen with questioning eyes.

“That’s all, you are ‘forgiven’” Seulgi chuckles softly.

“Uh?” Irene frowns in extreme disbelief. “I thought you were…angry?”

“Well…I would be lying if I said I wasn’t but…maybe for my cold nature I can’t be angry with someone important for too long unless they did something really harmful.” Seulgi shows the warrior a half-smile. “As I said, I understand, as someone who is a noble too, there have been moments where all I wanted was to throw my crown and run away.”

“Besides, it is not an unpleasant revelation at all, I finally know who is the mysterious ‘Young Bae’.” The light blonde smiles softly.

Irene chuckles but she can’t help to frown incredulous, the Queen viewing the positive side instead of the adverse side, surprises her greatly.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how can you be so compressive and…view the bright side first?” Irene asks softly.

Seulgi laughs lowly. “First, I always like to look at the things with the eyes of the other person, I dislike creating my own assumptions, I rather hear an unpleasant truth than break my head with my own imagination, even when sometimes my imagination wins, I try furiously to stop it before I act harshly without facts.”

“Second.” The Queen raises two fingers. “Why look at the negative side, when I can decide to choose the bright one?”

“Of course, it depends, because not every situation has a bright situation as well as not having a negative side sometimes either.” Chuckling softly, the light blonde turns to look at the surprised light brown eyes.

“And…even if you are the next Summer lady, you are always going to be the arrogant narcissist warrior to me.”

Irene burst into laughs as she covers her face, she can’t believe she was afraid of the Queen's possible rejection but she didn’t expect that nervous situation turned out into a one filled with laughs.

Seulgi joins Irene when she starts laughing too until their laughs start to cease, Irene is the one talking first.

“You are really…unique.” The warrior smiles wide as she turns to look softly at the warm hazel orbs.

The light blonde looks down feeling her cheeks turning pink. “Thank you, Joohyun.”

The warrior opens her eyes surprised when she hears her real name coming melodically great from the Queen’s vanilla lips.

She can feel her heart beating fast when the Queen looks up after calling her, smiling timidly and wide, Seulgi looking incredibly beautiful wearing that wide and innocent smile.

“Ah…you really…” Irene thinks as she chuckles softly.

Looking at the Queen with her gentle light brown eyes, she answers. “You’re welcome, Seulgi

Now it’s Seulgi’s heart turn to beat fast, when she looks at the bright and gentle light brown looking at her so warmly, she feels like she is melting.

“Like a Sunflower…I really like how brightly and kindly you call my name.”


Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo look up to the door when someone knocks, “Come in.” Nayeon says.

The light blonde and the caramel-haired woman enter the room quietly, they notice the three women analyzing them.

Nayeon smirks. “Finally, we can breathe normally now.”

“You better enjoy it before I choke you and Jeong.” Irene answers with a not-so-angry frown.

“Besides, you are not in a good position to talk right now, sister.” Jihyo looks at Nayeon with a raised eyebrow.

The spring lady pouts and lowers her head feeling the two unnies attacking her like a pup against two adults.

“Now, now.” Seulgi’s light voice makes the four women look at the calm Queen. “We should sit and talk about more important things now, and Nayeon.” The Queen looks at the chestnut with a teasing smirk. “Don’t start fights you can’t win.”

The chestnut wants to contradict, but she only makes a bigger pout with her cheeks nodding like a scolded kid.

Seulgi chuckles mildly and signals everyone to take a seat, the four women follow and sit, Nayeon, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon sitting in front of Seulgi and Irene.

Coughing softly, the light blonde starts talking. “I would’ve liked to have this reunion with Taeyeon and Jennie too, but we can’t lose even more time.” Seulgi sighs lightly. “My sister and Sana have been found, however, we have a bigger problem to face now, Sana’s condition.”

“Apart from Sana’s condition.” Jihyo speaks. “The mysterious situations every Station is facing, they have been evolving at the point that is concerning.”

Nayeon decides to speak too, now that her sister has talked about the topic. “As I have told you, the fruits harvests are starting to die or stopped growing, Taeyeon-unnie said besides the ground moving some days, the Summer sea has been acting wild, Jennie told me, now it’s nearly impossible to find materials.”

Seulgi frowns as she hears the Spring lady explaining to her, she purses her lips, rubbing her forehead with her fingers, the young Queen turns to look at Irene.

“Can we still go with the witch?”

Irene nods. “Yes, we are not so far now, after we pass Summer we will find her in a blink.” The warrior explains.

The Queen looks at the warrior and nods slightly before turning to meet the three women in front of her. “I will go with her” Seulgi signals Irene. “To see the witch as it was originally planned, this is a situation we don’t have the power or knowledge to know anymore even if Wendy is searching in the ancient books, we need major help to know what is happening.”

The three women agree with a nod, the women inside Nayeon’s studio comprehend the situation, the only thing they have to fear right now is the obscure Gods anger.


Hello! I'm back with a little update, I have been busy these days and I will be even busier since my vacations are going to end T-T but I will try to keep updating regularly! :(

However, I wanted to give you guys this chapter as a present for the girls fifth anniversary! Omfg, Red Velvet is five years old now! (Well, the girls are like cute little five-year-old kids let's be honest here.) 

Man, I haven't been with them since the beginning but they are the first kpop group that I followed, seeing them celebrate another year as Red Velvet, really warms my heart, I love them so much asheje

Anywaay! Let's enjoy this important and lovely date! (and If it has already passed in your country, I hope you enjoyed it! ;D) 

Please remember to rest well! See you later c:


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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!