The old bull Tavern

When Summer and Winter dance

Irene is frowning annoyed, how couldn’t she? When her friend fooled her, and she wants to know why she is wearing a formal prince-looking velvet coat, along with black pants.

Leaving aside her wavy caramel arranged hair and her little bangs adorning her forehead, she turns to look at Jennie who is wearing a long black and fancy dress.

“Jennie, why in the name of Summer you are dressing me like my sister? And why are you wearing that type of dress?” Irene narrows her eyes.

“Remember the distraction purposes? Well, we are going to be one, I organized a ball, you know how annoying and noisy can some nobles be, it was the best way to distract them.” Jennie shrugs and arranges the final touches on her dress.

“And you want me to join the Queen and you to that ball? Are you crazy? Anyone can recognize her.” Irene frowns worriedly.

“No, blade prodigy, we, you and me, are going to distract the nobles, the people of the citadel, and the nobles know you are here.” Jennie looks at the light brown puzzled orbs

“And who is going to be with the Queen?”

“Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé are going to watch and guard her room, although she can watch the ball if she wants from her balcony.”

Irene nods lightly, she feels a little worried about the Queen, but she can trust Lisa enough about the security of the Queen and muses.

“So, I’m going to be your dance partner tonight?” Irene shows a half-playful smile.

Jennie answers with a wink. “We are going to be the most beautiful dance partners on the ball, unnie.”


Joy walks through the hall of the Castle, she is going to the temple where the muses and the warrior sisters are.

An angry aura makes her stop her steps and turns around slowly. “I thought knights show their faces as soon as they want to talk with someone, or you are different from the others? Sunmi-sshi.”

Sunmi frowns and steps closer to the muse she was following. “I was planning on doing that Sooyoung-sshi.”

The taller woman narrows her eyes, analyzing the armored woman in front of her, feeling the angry and jealous aura emanating from the knight.

“Why don’t we go to drink a cup of coffee?” Sooyoung suggests, earning a subtle nod from the knight.

Sooyoung and the knight walk to one of the snowy gardens of the castle, the maids set the table before they go hurriedly after sensing the tense atmosphere between the muse and the knight.

The Summer muse sits first, pouring coffee in her cup and the knight’s cup.

“Go straight to the point, Sunmi-sshi, I don’t like s.” Sooyoung drinks her coffee softly looking at the warrior with her deep brown eyes.

“I heard some rumors, about your partner, there are people searching for her, bad people, I’m deeply worried about the security of our Queen.” Sunmi points out with a firm tone.

Sooyoung plays with the hold of her cup before sighing and trying to remain calm, she knows that’s not the principal reason, the emanating jealousy she is sensing from the knight confirms it.

“And what’s your point exactly?” The summer muse links eyes with the knight's angry black orbs.

“My point is, there are dangerous people after her, why? Is she related to them? with muggers? Because that’s one of the many possibilities as a target of those people, if there are twenty or thirty of them, what is she gonna do?” Sunmi hardens her gaze.

Sooyoung chuckle makes the knight frown puzzled. “Let’s be honest here, shall we?” The Summer muse looks at her with a severe gaze. “Did you forget I can sense human feelings and emotions? I know your worry for the Queen is not the main reason for your accusation against Irene, Sunmi-sshi.”

Sunmi opens her eyes wide, feeling astonished, she completely forgot the muses' abilities, she clenches her fists angrily.

“It’s true, there are dangerous people after her, but you don’t know anything about Irene, it doesn’t matter if there are thirty people after her, she will take care of every one of them the same way she did with you, and even worst.” Sooyoung grips the hold of her cup. “I would appreciate if you leave my dear partner aside your evident jealousy.”

The Summer muse gets up and looks harshly and angrily at the knight before smirking. “But even if Irene was a mugger, she can’t steal something that is not yours, can she?”

Sooyoung turns and leaves the fuming knight behind, she hears the sound of a cup crashing when she is walking through the hall, she scoffs and thinks.

“Humans can be so volatile if you use the correct words, their emotions are truly interesting.”


Wendy notices and feels along with Dahyun and Mina the muse's angered state entering the temple, the warrior sisters turn to look at her but gulp feeling scared of the muse's current state.

“Sooyoung, what happened?” Wendy approaches the muse, she doesn’t fear the angry look in the brown orbs.

“You should ask the lover or whatsoever of the Queen.” Sooyoung scoffs

Feeling surprised Wendy asks. “Sunmi? What did she do?”

“I was on my way to arrive here, but I felt her following me, her angry and jealousy aura was annoying me too much so I decided to confront her after we went to one of the gardens of the castle to ‘drink a cup of coffee’, she made serious accusations against Irene.” Joy sighs trying to forget all her anger.

“What? Serious accusations?” Wendy frowns.

The Summer muse who was covering her angered face with her hand now feels like she opened too much. “Damn it, my confidence in her plus my anger made me speak too much, .”

Joy takes Wendy's hand to pull her outside of the temple, after she is sure no one is watching or hearing them she sighs. “I’m sorry I swore Irene I would not say anything, but I will tell you what I’m allowed to.”

“Irene is someone who can’t stand horrible and rotten people, when she has made justice against them, the followers of that people search for her in order to obtain revenge.” Joy breaths deeply looking at the worried honey eyes of the winter muse. “But it doesn’t matter, they are usually inexperienced warriors just dominated by lust and avarice, Irene can take care of them, the security of the Queen is her priority and she is not going to let anyone hurt our Queen.”

Wendy nods lightly and sighs worriedly. “Of course, being a warrior comes with consequences.”

Joy agrees silently but sighs. “At least you didn’t make awful assumptions like Sunmi, well it is not like you are the one acting like a spoiled and jealous brat.” The Summer muse scoffs.

The Winter muse quirks a brow, she knows that attitude of the knight since the moment the warrior and the Queen met she has been acting quite…odd. “Then what assumptions did Sunmi say?”

“She said in hidden words, that Irene was related to the ones searching for her, and that she was, oh, so so, worried for our Queen safety.” Joy snorts.” Worried my , she is worried about Irene ‘stealing’ the love of her life.”

Wendy chokes softly and can’t help but laugh at the straightforwardness of the Summer muse who looks at her puzzled.

“I’m sorry, it’s just your honest and straightforward attitude still surprises me.” Wendy smiles.

The rust red-haired muse smiles with surprised eyes but she shakes her head. “I don’t like s, it is better to tell something like it is, not to cover it with sugar words.”

Wendy hums and nods agreeing with the tall muse, sometimes it's better to be bluntly honest.

“Certainty, Sunmi is talking with her feelings and not with her head, I’m a little disappointed, she being the principal knight should know to handle her emotions well.”

“Well, love can make someone act harshly or sweetly, is an amusing emotion.” Sooyoung shrugs.

The honey orbs owner nods agreeing with the Summer muse. “I will talk to her later, for now, why don’t you see with us the dance Mina is going to show us?”

The Summer muse turns to look at the petite muse with sudden interest. ”Maybe Momo can join her, she is an excellent dancer too, I even would like to say she is a dancer sent by the gods.” Sooyoung hums proudly.

“Is that so? I would like to see it, our Mina is a graceful dancer, highly praised by Seulgi.” Wendy smiles while she and Joy enter to the temple again.

Sooyoung half smiles but she notices the lion cub talking animatedly with Mina who is shyly talking and Momo explaining something about her swords to the ash blue-haired muse who is looking at her with full attention.

The Summer muse blinks and thinks “Love is everywhere, Irene are you surrounded by couples too?” Joy sighs softly looking at the snowy sky thinking about her tiny partner.


Hearing the music playing clear and light, Irene leans against one of the pillars of the ballroom, her light brown orbs covered by her elegant velvet and black mask, looking at the Autumn lady who is showing her practiced false smile against the awful nobles, and showing a kind smile to the unpretentious nobles.

She would like to be accompanying Jennie, but she knows if they are seen too close with each other the nobles are going to make noisy rumors.

Still, every time she links eyes with the Autumn lady she shows a supporting smile, letting the Autumn lady knows she is there for her.

Above them, the light blonde Queen is looking at them, the beautiful hazel eyes are hidden behind her golden mask, she knows she can see the people below her balcony but that people can’t notice her.

Her hazel orbs turn to look at the summer warrior who is surrounded by ladies, she scoffs deciding to look aside, is not like the warrior looks almost handsome and beautiful at the same time, of course, it’s not that the reason behind the constant rapprochement of the noble ladies.

Jisoo laughs softly making her turn to look at her with a curious look. “What is it Jisoo?”

“There’s a funny emotion emanating from you every time the noble ladies approach the warrior, your grace.” Jisoo half-smiles.

Seulgi feels taken aback by the Autumn muse's answer and shakes her head.” Is just, I can almost hear her narcissist tone, mocking me, about the attention she gets from all that noble ladies.”

Jisoo chuckles. “Are you sure is that the only reason, your grace?”

The young Queen raises an eyebrow. “What other reason could I have?”

The Autumn muse shakes her head. “I forgot you are looking at the wrong prince, excuse me.”

“What-“ Seulgi frowns wanting to ask again but the change of music makes her turn to look at the ballroom again.

She notices Irene refusing the dance petitions from the ladies with disinterest and she walks to the center of the ballroom to meet with the Autumn lady.

Jennie smiles and bows softly, the warrior bows softly too, the warrior takes the lady's covered hand and the other hand rest on Jennie's back, despite the height difference, they manage to look elegant, the warrior's intimidating aura along with the fancy one of the Autumn lady has everyone gasping.

The Autumn lady's hand rests on the warrior's arm while she follows the lead the warrior set.

Seulgi can see it, the mild laughs and smiles the warrior and the Autumn lady share, while they dance looking like a perfect…couple.

The genuine care showed on the warrior's smile while she dances with Jennie makes her purses her lips and feel a sting in her heart.

Jennie has noticed this, she feels the half unpleasant feeling in her head, she knows how her friend looking from the balcony must be feeling right now, but she knows her dear friends, the one dancing with her and the one looking are too stubborn and slow to realize about the feelings that are slowly blooming inside them.

She doesn’t mind being the one giving them a little push, even when Seulgi is with someone, she knows Seulgi is looking at the wrong prince, everyone knows it, and she can bet the Queen knows it too, the unrevealed truth, deeply hidden inside her cold heart.

“You should take the one with dreary eyes to my exclusive pumpkin garden, nobody can pass, Lisa and Rosé will guard both of you.” Jennie whispers to the warrior's ear who frowns not understanding Jennie's words.

Jennie signals her with the eyes to look discretely up, Irene looks up discretely and finds the light blonde Queen wearing an unreadable expression despite her mask.

When Seulgi notices Irene's gaze on her, she disappears from the warrior's view.

The Autumn lady claps, making everyone come to the dance pavilion, creating the perfect opportunity for Irene to go to where the Queen is.

Irene doesn’t need to think twice, she goes to where the Queen is, the expression on the Queen's face makes her feel uneasy, and with an urgent need to go with her.

Jennie smiles and turns to find her lover, her dear muse, extending her hand for her.

The Autumn lady smiles with love, taking the silent proposal of her muse, diving in the embrace that envelops her along with the music surrounding them.


Rosé and Lisa smile to the warrior who asks them to let her pass where the Queen resides.

Entering the room, she notices Seulgi sitting in the corner of the window, looking at the starry night.

The warrior approaches and knocks one of the drawers softly, making the Queen jump a little and turn to look at her, finding the little smile of the caramel-haired woman.

“I didn’t know you know how to dance.” Seulgi's low voice resonates in the room.

“Well, I’m the dancing warrior after all, and maybe my sister and Jennie taught me to dance.” Irene approaches slowly to the Queen who when she hears her friend's name purses her lips, remembering the image of the warrior and Jennie dancing.

“You and Jennie are really close.” The Queen comments now looking at the starry night again.

“We’re childhood friends, it’s quite normal from my point of view.”

“Of course, it’s quite normal to laugh and smile so affectional to each other, of course.” Seulgi thinks but she frowns shaking her head. “What am I thinking?”

“Snowflake.” The warrior calls making Seulgi turn to look at her and open her eyes surprised to see the warrior clothes, she feels almost falling, she looks like an elegant Prince, her caramel hair wavy and silky, and the slight bangs are the ones that make her heart stop because Irene looks absolutely stunning.

The warrior chuckles and extends a hand to the Queen. “Follow me, I would like to show you something.”

Seulgi narrows her eyes but looks at the gentle light brown orbs and sighs, she takes the warrior's hand who pulls her softly making her walk beside her, letting the Queen's hand go, while they walk where Irene guides her.

They don’t walk for too long, the secret path of the tower guides them to a garden that makes the Queen gasp surprised.

It’s a big pumpkin garden, with trails of golden acorns adorning the path of the garden and big trees with orange-colored leaves, she notices there is a font not so far from them, she can still hear the light and soft music from the ballroom.

The warrior extends her hand again and bows softly wearing a soft smile on her cherry lips.

“Would you give me the honor of this dance?”

The light blonde Queen feels taken aback by the sudden proposal but she looks at the light brown orbs finding nothing but gentleness.

She feels like she is letting something enter her heart if she accepts to dance with the warrior who has been teasing her and making her feel annoyed but despite everything, the caramel-haired woman has made her feel strangely secure and comfortable around her.

The Queen bows in response to the warrior before putting her covered hand on the warrior’s hand, she thanks Jennie silently to have the idea of a masquerade ball, because the mask helps her to cover her pink cheeks.

Smiling widely the warrior takes the Queen's hand, putting their holding hands beside them before she starts leading them through the path of the garden.

Seulgi understands immediately, the warrior is dancing with her with their hands beside them because it’s a sign of respect for her space, she thanks deeply to the warrior and smiles following the lead of the caramel-haired woman.

Slowly they start to close the gap between them, the warrior puts the Queen's hand on her shoulder before she puts her hand on the Queen's slim waist.

Noticing the Queen doesn’t decline the change of position she smiles warmly and keeps leading their dance, she swears, the light of the Moon lets her see the Queen's pink cheeks despite the mask covering her.

Irene feels her heart beating irregularly, it has been beating like that since the moment she saw the Queen wearing the long brown dress that fits her perfectly and makes her look even more beautiful.

Seulgi links gaze with the warrior feeling her heart beating irregularly, she swallows shyly and bites her lower lip and feels the warrior stop their dance.

The caramel-haired woman is looking to her lips before she looks up to link her light brown orbs to her hazel surprised eyes.

Irene breaths deeply, before she separates from the Queen, but she decides to take the Queen's covered hand, carefully, smiling, and guiding the Queen to the font.

They silently decide to sit, both of them looking at the fishes inside the font, the warrior’s hand never leaving the Queen’s hand.

“These fishes look like the ones she has.” Irene comments.

“The witch?”

“Yes.” Irene chuckles. “She is an interesting person and quite unique.”

“Is that so?” Seulgi smiles.

Irene nods. “I have learned so much from her, battle skills, life learnings, so much.” The warrior looks nostalgically at the fishes. “She made me grow and become mature, I remember when I was old and worthy enough, she gave me the katanas I use.”

The Queen opens her eyes surprised and hums connecting some dots. “That’s why your katanas don’t break when you fight with sword users.”

Turning to look at the Queen with a surprised smile the warrior nods. “Yes, how did you…?”

“I know I’m not someone who uses swords or another weapon, but the sword blade is tougher, is used against armors, and the blade of the katana is lighter if I’m not mistaken their field is with unarmored people.” The Queen explains briefly. “That’s why, for me it was quite odd, to see your katanas staying strong after clashing with swords”

Irene hums satisfied. “You know a lot Queen, I’m impressed”

“We have an enormous library, when I couldn’t go out to the town, I used to stay and read, sometimes Wendy and Tzuyu carried me to my room.” The Queen chuckles timidly.

Irene laughs too, imagining the princess and the petite muse carrying the Queen to her room.

“You…look wonderful today.” The Queen's compliment makes her stop laughing and turn to look surprised at the blushing Queen.

Irene purses her lips feeling somewhat shy. “Thank you, you look ethereal as…always.”

Seulgi links eyes with the light brown orbs looking at her warmly, she feels her cheeks red by the compliment of the warrior and smiles wide, but she frowns a little, wanting to see behind the warrior's mask and chuckles.

Even in the physical part of their life, she wants to take away the warrior's mask.

Slowly and hesitantly she lifts her hands, touching the sides of the velvet and black mask.

Irene tenses a little but she doesn’t stop her movements, taking the clue to continue, Seulgi slowly lets the mask fall.

Her heart beats even faster now that she can look at the warrior's slight pink cheeks, her light and expressive orbs shining with the moonlight.

The warrior smiles kindly and she takes the Queen's hands, looking at the hazel eyes, searching for permission, Seulgi nods, feeling the gloves slowly disappearing from her hands.

Her cold hands collide with the warm hands making her feel again the delighting feeling of their temperatures molding almost perfectly, lifting their united palms at the height of their faces, just like when they were on their way to the tower.

Seulgi looks at their hands noticing the warrior's skinny and little hands, she smiles noticing the tender size difference.

The Queen feels she wants to intertwine their fingers, but she feels an imaginary barrier between them, even when the warrior is not wearing her mask she still feels far from her and purses her lips.

The silent barrier makes her remember, the knight who is waiting for her in Winter, she shakes her head and slowly separates her hands from Irene’s hands

Her heart is screaming her to stop thinking about the knight, but her head doesn’t let her hear her heart.

Irene frowns and searches for the hazel orbs that are hiding in the wavy light blonde hair.

“I’m sorry.”

The warrior opens her eyes wide and the Queen looks up, her eyes filled with guilt and sorrow, making Irene feel her heart hurt deeply, she understands, the Queen's apology, the guilt in the young Queen's eyes makes her understand.

They get up and walk, distanced from each other, and Irene looks at the Queen from time to time, she feels jealous now, of the knight of Winter, because she can at least hug and have the Queen in her embrace.

While she can only see.


The warrior lets her know she is going to prepare their horses, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé exchange looks, they notice the distance between the Queen and the warrior.

Jennie can’t help but feel everything is her fault, she looks at the Queen who hugs her tightly, she answers the embrace before the Queen moves to hug her muse, exchanging whispers and low words with her.

The Queen turns to go to her mare and the warrior hugs Jennie feeling the warrior sadness through the embrace she looks at the light brown eyes, wanting to talk but words don’t come out of .

When they see the warrior and Queen’s silhouettes, cantering to leave the tower, the four women exchange worried looks.

“I totally ruined everything.” Jennie starts

“No.” Jisoo speaks making the Autumn lady look at her along with the Spring muse and the knight.

Jisoo breaths deeply and sighs. “Even though she knows deep inside her, about her feelings, that stubborn Queen won’t hear her heart, but is understandable, someone is waiting for her and before starting something new, you have to finish what you left.”

And with that, Jisoo starts walking to the tower again, Jennie nods, understanding the hidden meaning behind her lover's words.


The cantering of their horses is the only thing that can be heard in the leaves forest, the previous bickering and laughs now forgotten.

Seulgi looks at the warrior beside her, wearing her green cloak that covers her ethereal face, she looks down, hiding in the cap of her cloak.

It seems like the night of yesterday was a dream, a dream that can only live inside her heart.

Why? She is doing the right thing, setting distance between her and the warrior, she knows she is starting to go in the wrong direction.

“Following your heart is the wrong direction?”

Seulgi shakes her head and stops her mare, making the warrior stop to and look at her.

“Is everything all right?”



The warrior narrows her eyes but sighs. “Queen, if you want to tell me something, you can.”

Seulgi laughs bitterly. “The one who makes everything complicated telling me that. I have to laugh.”

Irene frowns and looks at the Queen with a puzzled look. “Excuse me?”

“You act so sweet right now, as if you are not constantly messing with me.” The Queen feels her bottled anger emerging, the anger of her missing her sister, of her, almost betraying Sunmi, her anger towards herself for not knowing what she wants.

“Is it fun? To make me feel mad and then just act cutely to make me confused? Is that your way of having all the ladies confused and interested in you?”

“No, stop, you are talking with your anger, you don’t even know what you are saying” Seulgi inner voice tries to make her stop but fails.

Irene approaches her with Apollo, looking at her with angry eyes. “Do you really think I act the way I act to look interesting? To have ladies behind my back?”

“The ladies almost begging for your attention yesterday makes me think that.” Seulgi answers with her bitter tone.

“Maybe you should stop thinking and assuming with that intelligent head of yours.” Irene counters angrily. “I thought you were perceptive enough to know why I act the way I act, and you should know I don’t treat everyone the same, but I was wrong”

“Don’t talk to me like that.” Seulgi warns, she knows Irene has a point and that she shouldn’t talk the way she is talking to Irene but she can’t control herself

“Oh, so you can talk to me like that but I can’t? Is it because you are the Queen?” Irene looks at her with rage. “Ah, I know why, you want to call your shining knight.” The warrior chuckles with a sour tone. “Just like the tales you are waiting for her to come to rescue you from your own thoughts and from a woman that you can’t control with your orders.”

Seulgi feels her fist clenching and her body trembling because of her anger.

“Was it a lie? A dream? An act? Your words and your actions don’t match Queen, should I believe you? Shoul-“


Irene feels perplexed and frozen at the Queen's sudden yell, she hears the Queen's almost sobbing voice shattered and with a sour tone. “I’m sorry you have to take care of an incapable Queen, I’m sorry I can’t be a worthy person for your trust, I’m sorry for ignoring my heart, I’m sorry for yelling and taking out my anger on you, I’m sorry I can only apologize.” A chocked sob makes the warrior swallow hard. “I’m sorry because I can’t choose you.”

Seulgi makes her mare run and leaves Irene behind, she hears Irene calling loudly for her, Snow Angel runs faster than ever, knowing her owner wants to be alone, doesn’t want to be seen crying.

She runs and runs until her mare stops, she dismounts her horse and cries hard covering , feeling her emotions and feelings in disorder creating a disaster in her head worse than the disaster she just created.

Hearing the laughs of women and men, she stops crying feeling surprised, cleaning her tears, she manages to look at the signal outside a wooden house “The old bull Tavern”

She can see some men getting out of the Tavern barely capable of walking, obviously drunk, the men approach her like some animals in heat making her tremble of fear, Irene is not here to protect her.

Then she looks, blood and more blood, her mare neighs scared and starts to kick the men that try to mount her and hold her, until she kicks one of them knocking him out and runs scared leaving Seulgi behind.

Seulgi is frozen, looking at the men’s blood cover her cheek, everything is happening so fast, dead men in front of her and some on the ground kicked by her now gone mare.

Hearing a familiar and wicked laugh makes her shiver and turn around slowly, to find sapphire eyes and a man with familiar grey hair now covered with blood.

“Hello, Queen.


..... hehe, surprise?

*sips coffee*

Rest well please! and see you later! 

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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!