Apple woods.

When Summer and Winter dance

Seulgi turns to look at Sunmi who is giving the last orders to the soldiers to start their trip to return to Winter, the Queen feels like she has mixed feelings, a part of her is calm and the other one feels slightly sad, even when Sunmi and she were not lovers, it feels a little sour to see the knight who used to be the one holding her hand almost every day.

“Snowflake.” Irene calls, making the young Queen turn to look at the dancing warrior, when she looks at the cherry lips woman's gentle smile she feels the little sour feeling disappear slowly, she bites her inner cheek wondering if it’s allowed for her, to feel this warm feeling that the warrior provokes in her.

“Apollo is ready, we can go whenever you want to go.” Irene speaks softly and Seulgi nods, when she is about to walk to the black horse Seunmi's voice makes her stop.

“Dancing warrior.” Sunmi calls as she approaches.

Irene narrows her eyes and starts walking to the knight until they are face to face, the Queen grips Apollo’s neck slightly, she dislikes the tension between the two women but she can’t do anything about it.

“I apologize for my immature behavior.” The knight talks as she breathes deeply, her words make the warrior frown feeling taken aback.

“I was deeply controlled by my jealousy again, and yes I admit it I was and I am jealous of you.” Sunmi keeps her gaze on the surprised light brown orbs. “Nevertheless, I also admire you, as a knight and as a woman who knows when it’s the moment to step back from where I don’t belong anymore.”

The warrior frowns even more with the last sentence. “Excuse me, but, what are you talking about?”

Sunmi chuckles and steps closer to the warrior to whisper in her ear. “I’m talking about you being the winner of the Queen's heart”

Irene opens her eyes wide and turns her head to look at Sunmi, but the knight speaks again. “I admit, I lost with a somewhat good opponent, you better take care of the Queen's heart or I will beat your .”

The warrior still feels surprised but scoffs when Sunmi warns her. “For someone who couldn’t hit me or cut me, you sure brag a lot.”

Sunmi answers with a challenging look. “Next time we fight, you are going to swallow those words.”

Laughing loudly, Irene covers before smirking arrogantly to the knight. “Sure, I’ll kick your even harder than the first time, but I’m glad you have hope in something that is not going to happen.”

The knight clenches her teeth feeling annoyed but sighs looking at the warrior with worried eyes. “Just…take care of her well, all right?”

Irene stops smirking and purses her lips, she looks at the knight for a few moments before nodding.

Sunmi nods back and turns around to go to where her soldiers are now ready to go, along with the carriages, she mounts her horse and gives a last look to the Queen who is grabbing the black horse’s mane, looking at her with her calm and slightly bitter hazel orbs.

She smiles lightly and bows along with the soldiers, then she makes her horse turn to start cantering to Winter, the other soldiers follow her and Yoongi stops to share a smile with Irene, the warrior answers with a subtle smile and the knight nods following Sunmi.

Taehyung and Jimin look at the Queen and Irene from the carriage's back window and wave with bright smiles to both women.

Seulgi smiles softly and waves along with Irene until the carriages and the soldiers disappear.

Irene hears the Queen's light sigh and the troubled look in her hazel orbs, she smiles lightly and extends a hand making Seulgi look at her with curious eyes.

“Let’s go.”

The young Queen chuckles and nods, when she puts her hand on Irene’s palm the black horse snorts, making the warrior and Seulgi jump a little surprised.

Raising an eyebrow, Irene looks at her horse. “Apollo, what is it, pal?”

Apollo snorts again and starts kicking the ground with his right hoof, the warrior notices this and frowns putting Seulgi behind her.

“Irene, what’s the matter?” Seulgi asks with worried eyes as she stays behind the warrior who is looking around them like she is searching for something.

“Apollo is warning us, he tends to do that when he feels a treat or someone coming.” The caramel-haired woman explains shortly, the light blonde opens her eyes surprised and starts looking around, she wonders if there are more rebels or muggers, or maybe something else? Like an animal?

Irene growls when she hears fast gallops, but frowns when she can notice the galloping sound is just of one horse.

A familiar white horse appears, running towards them, Seulgi gasps shocked “Snow Angel!”

However, the mare is out of control and doesn’t seem to recognize her owner and the warrior, when the warrior notices the mare is not going to stop, she makes the young Queen step back fast, putting the young Queen behind the left side of her black horse who stays strong and firm in front of the Queen.

Snow Angel stops and neighs loudly standing on her two legs, Irene runs towards the wild mare to jump and grab the saddle’s horn, the mare starts running around, dragging the warrior like a leaf.

“IRENE!” Seulgi calls loudly, almost yelling, feeling death worried about how her mare is dragging the warrior who refuses to let go of the saddle’s horn.

The warrior manages to sit on the mare’s saddle, grabbing the reins and pulling them with force, making the mare neigh but the white mare stops, like the forceful pull made her go back to her senses.

Chuckling between her heavy breathing, Irene caresses the white mare's neck softly, making sweet noises to calm the mare totally. “It’s all right, it’s me Irene, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Seems like the mare recognizes the voice of the warrior since she stops breathing harshly and her eyes seem calmer, snorting softly, Irene smiles and sighs deeply, giving more caresses to the mare’s neck.

“You are a wild girl, huh.” The warrior chuckles and turns to look at the shocked Queen who is looking at her with open wide, making the caramel-haired woman laugh.

“Are you insane?! That was extremely dangerous!” Seulgi scolds the warrior as she approaches making Irene closes her eyes a little bit. “You are welcome?” Irene gives her a nervous smile.

Seulgi rubs the bridge of her nose and sighs, she can’t believe the warrior’s response but she looks up to find the warrior grinning, making her little anger go away.

“All right, thank you for taming and calming Snow Angel, but you could have easily been knocked out if she gave you a kick.” Seulgi talks to her worriedly and the warrior smiles gently, dismounting the mare.

“I have experiences with taming wild horses, and honestly Apollo was even wilder, the important thing here is that your beloved mare is back, the kind mare who was a gift for our Queen.”

Seulgi opens her eyes surprised when she hears Irene remembers about Snow Angel being a gift, she also remembers about the warrior telling her Apollo was and is not an easy horse, but still, she was insanely worried for the warrior safety despite her amazing abilities.

Irene tents the reins of the mare to Seulgi, the young Queen takes it softly along with her hand, surprising the warrior.

“Please always be careful.” Seulgi looks at her with her concerned hazel orbs and the warrior chuckles.

“I will, I will, only because you care about me.” Irene waits for the Queen to answer her with her usual denial but the serious and firm eyes tell her otherwise.

I do.” Seulgi finally says with an unwavering tone, her profound and gentle hazel orbs never leaving the surprised light brown orbs

After a brief moment, Irene looks aside and coughs, feeling her ears getting red and warm, she turns to go to her horse, using her horse to hide her flushed face. “Let’s go, you can mount Snow Angel now, we are not that far from Spring.”

The warrior mounts her horse and waits for the Queen to do the same, still not looking at the light blonde.

Seulgi smiles softly and chuckles silently, this time she managed to see the red cute ears the warrior badly wants to hide, she looks at her mare who snuggles her hair softly and snorts like saying she has missed her, the young Queen hugs her mare. “I missed you too.” The mare snuggles her hair again making the young Queen laugh.

When Irene hears the happy laugh bubbling from the young Queen's lips she smiles quietly but sweetly, the Queen's melodious laugh is like music for her ears.

Seulgi mounts Snow Angel who patiently waits until her owner is sitting on her seat, the mare walks softly until she is beside the taller black horse.

Nodding quietly, Irene makes her horse start galloping followed by the white mare.


Momo extends her hand softly at the same time her legs move lightly and slowly approaching the black swan who walks with dancing feet in her direction, the midnight black-haired woman smiles liking the harmony she and Mina have, for dancing she is like the perfect partner for Momo.

“Woah.” Dahyun says for the nth time as she watches with an open mouth the strong but fluid dance of the midnight black-haired woman.

Sitting beside the tofu, Chaeyoung looks with attentive eyes at the graceful black swan dancing elegantly, she gasps and smiles surprised when both of them jump and turn.

“Momo-unnie really…she is like a dancer sent by the gods.” Dahyun smiles surprised still looking at Momo’s fluid dance.

“And Mina-unnie dances so elegantly, she is indeed the graceful black swan of the Winter castle!” The lion cub moves her feet excitedly.

When both women stop dancing they bow to each other and turn to look at the loud claps the ash blue-haired muse and the lion cub give to them

“Momo-unnie! Mina-unnie! Your dancing is so wonderful! I feel so so like ‘woah’” Dahyun says when the two dancers approach them.

“Yeah! It was like a “woah, oooh, woaaah!” Chaeyoung moves her hands with excited movements and the pale muse nods excited, laughing when she feels the lion cub understands her.

Momo and Mina smile softly, the tenderness of the women in front of them makes them feel like they are melting.

The tallest warrior rubs gently Dahyun’s ash blue hair as she crashes the muse in a tight hug, making the tofu show her kind eye smile.

Mina pats Chaeyoung’s creamy blonde head smiling, even more, when the giggles of the lion cub invade her ears.

“Why don’t we go to have breakfast?” Mina suggests softly making the three women nod furiously causing her to laugh.

Walking out of the Winter temple, Momo circles her arm around the pale muse's shoulders talking with the smiley tofu, Mina nods as she listens to Chaeyoung's cheerful voice as they walk close to each other.

The maids are fast to put food and fruits on the table where the four women are going to have breakfast, in one of the icy gardens of the castle, Momo helps Dahyun to sit and Chaeyoung helps Mina, making the muses blush a little.

Momo starts almost devouring her food as soon as she has her fork making Dahyun chuckle and clean the corner of Momo’s lips making the midnight black-haired woman smile shyly, Chaeyoung extends her fork to give Mina a strawberry, smiling brightly at the muse.

Mina blushes lightly and opens softly feeling the strawberry inside , chewing quietly, she nods and smiles gently when the little warrior asks her how is it?

Above them, Joy smiles as she leans against the wall, looking through the open window of the room.

“It seems like they are having a great breakfast.”

The tall muse turns to look at the petite muse who is beside her also looking at the scene below them.

Sooyoung chuckles and gently takes the petite muse's hand surprising the winter muse slightly.

“Why don’t we have a great breakfast too?” Smiling, the rust red-haired woman signals with her head the table where she brought the breakfast for them.

Wendy smiles softly and nods, following the tall muse when she guides them to sit on the bed again, she and Joy lean against the headboard, pulling the table quietly closer to them

The petite muse smiles even more when she notices the big plate with fruits, the fact the tall muse took the time to ask for fruits and bring the breakfast mostly for her, makes her feel so so warm inside her chest, the sweetness of the tall muse makes her feel really happy and light.

Hearing the giggles and laughs coming from below, Seungwan smiles and leans even more on the headboard.

“I’m glad since Momo and Chaeyoung arrived, Mina and Dahyun seem to be in a better mood, they were gloomy not that I blame them, especially Dahyun with this whole situation but I’m relieved they seem to have high spirits now, Summer people is like a Sun, bright and full of energy.” Wendy sips her coffee humming.

“You seem less gloomy too Seungwan, is it because of me?” Joy winks as she munches a part of her pancakes.

Wendy feels her cheeks getting red and she is actually grateful that Sooyoung decided to say that after she took a sip of her coffee.

“I’m obviously joking Seungwan! I know you are less gloomy since your precious younger muses are feeling better now.” Joy laughs as she keeps munching her food.

“What if…I have been feeling better since you arrived?”

Sooyoung snaps her head fast, meeting the flushed cheeks and Wendy’s brave honey eyes, even if the petite muse voice was low she heard it clearly.

The rust red-haired muse feels her heart beating fast, her cheeks are feeling warmer, her deep brown eyes never leaving the honey orbs as she slowly puts a hand on Wendy’s the pink cheek.

“You…are getting braver and cuter, how do you do it?” Sooyoung speaks lowly, her gaze getting softer and warmer making the petite muse have a hard time to breathe. “Today I woke up in your arms, taking care of me silently, maybe I should stay here more…so I can wake up in your arms…or maybe you in my arms…”

Seungwan doesn’t know how she is still managing to look at the deep warm brown orbs, her heart is beating so fast that she can hear it and the thought of waking up inside the embrace of the tall muse doesn’t help her too much.

Joy narrows her eyes when she notices the parted lips of the blushing petite muse, her heart is screaming her to taste those lips, those pink and soft-looking lips.

However, Sooyoung decides to hold back, fearing the petite muse's rejection and following her head telling her is not the right time.

So she just leans back on the headboard, sneaking her long arm on the muse’s shoulders pulling her softly to her side, making Wendy’s head lean against her neck and shoulder.

Wendy purses her lips timidly, she is now used to the closeness of the tall muse, she is not going to lie, she likes it’s when the tall muse is too affective.

Snuggling softly into the tall muse’s embrace, Wendy keeps eating quietly her fruits, Joy smiles softly and puts her cheek on the petite muse’s head with eyes closed and unfading smile.


The black and white horses are head to head, galloping fast, they enter to the green forest filled with red apples a beautiful sight for Seulgi but is not until Snow Angel stops abruptly making Seulgi hug her mare’s neck to hold herself.

“Queen!” Irene calls as Apollo stops and neighs, approaching fast to the Queen who seems shocked still hugging Snow Angel neck.

“Are you all right?!” the warrior asks alarmed and sighs relieved when Seulgi manages to nod.

Snow Angel snorts calling both women's attention and seems to be uneasy like she wants both women to notice something, Irene frowns and starts looking around along with Seulgi.

Seulgi squints her eyes and opens her eyes wide, she dismounts Snow Angel fast and runs surprising Irene but the warrior dismounts her horse too and follows Seulgi who kneels and takes something from the ground.

“T-this i-is…”

Irene notices the Queen’s trembling hands and kneels beside her looking at what the Queen has in her hands, the warrior frowns with curiosity when she notices a blue dead bird on the Queen’s hands.

“I-Irene…this is Tzuyu’s bird…” Seulgi manages to speak as she keeps looking at the dead bird.

The warrior opens her eyes astonished along with looking at the dead bird with her wide open light brown orbs.

Irene slowly analyzes the bluebird noticing the bird doesn’t have a wound or a cut, she frowns. “This bird wasn’t killed, then…what did happen to this bird?”

Seulgi turns to see Irene with questioning eyes she wants to speak but words don’t come out of , what if someone poisoned the bird? And if that didn’t happen, then why the bird is dead?

The warrior slowly puts a hand on Seulgi’s trembling ones, her eyes soft, and her voice firm. “I’m pretty sure this is shocking, but I want you to breathe and maybe this is going to sound idiotic but I want you to stay calm.”

The Queen nods little by little and starts breathing in and out, feeling the warrior’s hand assuring her until she is calm again she looks Irene and nods.

Irene nods back and Seulgi starts digging the ground with her slender fingers, she puts the dead bird inside the little hole she made and starts putting dirt on him until the bird is nowhere to be seen, the caramel-haired woman half-smiles when she looks the Queen’s actions finding the act somewhat kind.

They stand up and Irene holds tightly the Queen’s hand, they approach their horses and Irene takes Apollo’s reins and Seulgi takes her mare’s reins.

“We are going to walk around this perimeter, in case we might be near to a clue the princess and Sana’s location, or even close to where they actually are.” Irene’s voice is firm, gripping Seulgi’s hand softly.

Seulgi answers with a soft grip too and Irene shows her a half assuring smile, they start walking in the direction where they believe the bird came, following their instincts.

After walking for a considerable amount of time, Irene stops Seulgi, bending, and narrowing her eyes when she notices parts of wood and barely visible horse prints, she stands up and pulls Seulgi’s hand making the Queen follow her.

Apollo neighs and Irene puts Seulgi behind her when they notice a dangerous rock path, Seulgi grabs Irene’s shirt tightly as she looks the dangerous rock path.

The warrior narrows her eyes, noticing parted and broken rocks like something hit them or kicked them, she purses her lips and when she is about to walk there Seulgi stops her.

Irene turns to meet the Queen's worried eyes “Don’t you dare to put a foot there.”

Smiling softly, Irene squeezes lightly Seulgi’s hand. “I’m not going to be too close to the rocks, but I have to see what happened, it can be helpful.”

“Or a very wrong idea.” Seulgi answers making the warrior chuckle and shake her head.

“I will be all right, trust me.” Irene’s light brown orbs look at the worried hazel eyes and Seulgi purses her lips, hesitantly, she lets the warrior’s hand go when Irene feels her hand free but somewhat empty she breathes deeply and turns to go to the broken rocks.

When Irene steps carefully the ground when she is close to the broken rocks, she looks at them and frowns noticing the rocks are even more broken like a waterfall, following the direction of that waterfall she opens her eyes as wider as ever, she steps back slowly and she shakes her head turning to look at Seulgi with astounded and uncertain eyes.

Irene doesn’t want Seulgi to see what she saw, but when the Queen notices the look in Irene’s eyes she feels a shiver running through her spine, running to where Irene is she barely hears the warrior’s voice calling her.

Seulgi looks down only to gasp horrified even if she wants to scream she can’t not with the sight she is seeing.

The navy carriage she well knows to whom it belongs is barely recognizable, shattered like glass on the ground, the pool of now brown blood and the smell, the horrible smell of death makes her stumble and fell on her , she is shaking uncontrollably, and finally screams when she sees the feet and hands of the unknown people who are crushed below the carriage.

“NO NO NO!!!” Seulgi starts screaming even more and Irene has to use almost all her force to stop the Queen from going down to where the carriage is.

“IRENE! LET ME GO!!! MY SISTER! MY TZUYU IS!!” The light blonde shakes and tries to escape from the strong arms stopping her.

“STOP!! CALM DOWN!! YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW FROM WHO IS THAT BLOOD!!” Irene tries to make the Queen go back to her senses as she keeps dodging Seulgi’s kicks and mad hands.

It seems like the warrior’s words make the Queen go back, Seulgi breaths heavily and stops throwing kicks and mad hands to Irene.

Irene sighs relieved but she doesn’t let the Queen’s waist go until she feels the slender body less tense she then grabs Seulgi’s hand again.

“I know it’s going to sound raw and even cruel, but we have to go down there to see…better and maybe that people is not the Princess and Sana.” Irene’s tone is careful and low.

Seulgi doesn’t know how but she manages to nod and follow the warrior, with every step she feels even more heavy and scared, her tears are about to fall but she has never prayed so hard until today, praying her sister is not the one crushed by the carriage.

Even the steps of the horses make her shake and feel even more the hard knot she has in , until they are in front of the carriage, Seulgi has to hold herself to not look aside, to not look aside when she feels Irene’s hand letting go of her hand and walking to the destroyed carriage with heavy steps.

Irene notices women and men hands she swallows hard and starts lifting broken wood parts of the carriage to see the identities of the dead bodies.

The sigh of relief but also slight sadness makes Seulgi frown, the warrior turns to look at her.

“Is not them, these are soldiers, Queen.”

Seulgi swears she has never felt so relieved, she almost falls on the ground again but Irene’s hands on her waist stop her, she looks at the warrior who has the same look, relief but sadness because of the dead soldier’s.

The Queen grips the white silk blouse and breaths deeply, almost like she is taking strength from the warrior, she sighs and swallows the hard knot in .

When Irene notices the Queen looks somewhat stable she decides to speak. “There’s the possibility of the Princess and Sana being near, would you like to search here?”

“Yes.” Seulgi doesn’t doubt and looks at Irene with her always brave hazel orbs despite being scared.

Irene smiles and nods, she lets go the Queen’s waist to hold one of her hands, like when they were up, they start searching and walking again, their horses following them quietly.

Snow Angel neigh makes them turn fast to what the horse is neighing at, both women running to the direction only to find a tall and big tree with a hole in his log, a large hole looking like a hiding spot or shelter.

Seulgi runs to that big tree with the warrior following her, she and the warrior bend to look inside the large hole.

The Queen feels her lips trembling and her hands shaking, gasping and feeling tongue-tied, she can’t talk not when her sister is holding Sana tightly and sleeping profoundly right in front of her.

Seulgi can’t believe it, she feels like she is dreaming, extending a trembling hand she caresses Tzuyu’s cheek feeling the days and nights of dirt and dust.

When the Queen knows her sister and Sana being in front of her is not a dream she crashes them in a tight hug, hugging her sister more than Sana, Seulgi smells her sister’s golden copper hair, kissing the top of her head as she feels tears rolling through her cheeks.

Irene looks at the sensitive and deep scene in front of her, Seulgi’s face is hidden on the golden copper hair, but she knows the Queen is crying, she even dares to think is the heaviest and silent tears she has ever heard, filled with relief, sadness and happiness, sour and happy emotions all mixed in those non-stopping tears, the shaking slender arms holding the Princess so tight she fears Seulgi is going to break her own sister and even Sana.

“Tzuyu…my precious sister…you are safe now…unnie is here…I’m here…you are safe now…my big baby…my cookie princess…”

She feels her heart shatter when she hears the quiet sobs coming from the Queen, the broken brave voice calling the princess with deep care and love.

Irene decides to not look aside, despite the pain she feels at the sight of the Queen shattering into pieces and breaking her somewhat cold and impenetrable image, putting her sister’s head on her chest and caressing it with careful and deep care.

She decides to not look aside because of the gladness she feels when the Queen’s hair moves and shows her most genuine and relieved smile.


The warrior and the Queen take the profound sleeping ladies with them, Irene decides to take Sana with her and Apollo, leaving the Princess with the Queen and Snow Angel, is an amusing and rousing sight, the Queen making the tall Princess hug her despite her sleeping state, the height difference makes her chuckle even when they have been cantering for a while she notices how the princess snuggles and holds onto her sister, maybe because she feels the familiar warmth or scent.

Sana, on the other hand, doesn’t look as well as the princess, she looks as pale as the snow, even when she is sleeping deeply her sleep seems to be even more profound and worrying than the princess sleep, Irene holds the pale Spring muse and frowns when she feels the cold temperature coming from Sana’s body.

“Is she cold?” Seulgi seems to have read her mind making her turn to meet the worried and concerned hazel orbs

“Yes, she is, and she is sleeping so…profoundly, it’s the first time I see a muse in such a worrisome condition.” Rubbing softly the muse’s arm, she hears the Queen’s deep sigh, she knows that sigh and she doesn’t like it too much.

“I would have liked to check her when we found them but even if Taehyung brought me more healing supplies, I don’t have the required supplies to check her, I hope Nayeon received Jennie’s new healing supplies.”

Irene raises a curious eyebrow. “New healing supplies?”

“Yes, Jennie has been working for a while in this ‘new’ supplies and when we tried the first ones she made with Wendy, they worked even better than the ones we had, and I asked her to send them to Spring since they need to be at a normal temperature,” Seulgi explains carefully as her horse and Irene’s horse keep cantering.

“Muses health is very complicated, they are not human, therefore our human treatments don’t work as well as they do with us, humans, for example, I can take honey tea if I have cough problems, but if Wendy has the same thing, she has to take something different, more specific, if she takes honey tea the cough will be less problematic but is not going to disappear, in that case, she needs to take Marshmallow root syrup because that’s the herb that her body accepts just like the other muses bodies.”

The warrior gasps in awe, feeling surprised and interested in the topic, she remembers when Joy used to get sick she would take different medicines and even took a longer time to recover than her.

“But, how can you know that?” frowning with curiosity, the caramel-haired woman asks.

“Because the ancient muses papers have some information about the muse’s care, however, is not too much, the human diaries about the muses health have been more helpful, plus the ladies of each station have discovered new herbs or treatments over the years, this time Jennie and Nayeon have been the ones discovering new herbs and treatments, even if I’m a good healer without their discoverments it wouldn’t be the same.” The queen keeps looking at the path in front of them as she smiles softly. “Even if you are good at what do you do, you cannot do everything alone, without the blacksmith the knight cannot have a sword despite their ability to fight.”

“Just like the Sun needs the Moon, and the Moon needs the Sun.” Seulgi smiles looking at the light brown orbs for a moment before she turns to look at their path again.

Irene feels stunned by the Queen’s explanation, she knew the Queen was highly praised not only because of her healing abilities or ethereal beauty but also because her deep interest in discoverments and hunger for new knowledge, she chuckles as she finds that as a similarity with her, she is also always interested in new things, that’s why she travels around the Kingdom, and craving for more sword-art abilities and even knowledge about their own Kingdom.

“And you never feel full, do you?” Irene asks noticing the Queen’s side-eye look, she chuckles and continues. “Craving and wanting, almost greedy for what we have left to know, to discover, feeling something is missing causing you to never stop learning or searching,”

“How do you..?” Seulgi looks at the warrior with surprised eyes, she feels taken aback by the warrior’s almost perfect description of her desire and determination to search and keep searching, never stopping.

“We might be completely different most of the time, but I’m starting to think we are more similar than we thought.” The warrior winks and shows her a mild smirk. “We are insanely curious, but that’s exciting, isn’t it? Our appetite for knowledge never ends and that keeps us livelier, what’s life without curiosity and freedom?

Seulgi feels slightly open making the warrior laugh softly as she makes Apollo gallop faster, the Queen’s feels her usual irregular and excited heartbeat as she feels amazed but not surprised by the warrior’s mind, she smiles and chuckles following the bright and free spirit in front of her.


The well-known floral Spring entry greets both women breathing somewhat agitated by the past fast gallop of their horses, archers, and soldiers guarding the closed floral door, until they feel shocked when they see the unique light blonde hair.

“Open the door! Open the door! The Queen is here!” The lead soldier commands as they kneel and bow to the Queen who nods and passes fast with the warrior following her, she also notices the people of the village bowing and gathering to see the Queen in person but the Queen and the warrior gallop fast to the principal wooden house where Nayeon resides.

They both stop when they see the big wooden house with a red door, along with the Spring lady waiting for them leaning against one of the house’s wooden pillars

When Nayeon sees the Princess and Sana she gasps shocked and has a difficult time stopping her relieved tears since she knows the muse and the Princess need medical attention right now, there’s no time for hugs and welcoming tea, they don’t have time to waste.

Opening the red door, the Spring lady helps Seulgi to carry Tzuyu to one of the rooms she had prepared for Seulgi and Irene, however now she would need to give the Queen and the warrior other rooms but that doesn’t matter right now, Irene follows them carrying Sana on her back, when both sleeping girls are on their specific beds, Seulgi turns to see Nayeon.

“Please give me a ribbon, did Jennie sent the new supplies?” Seulgi asks as Nayeon gives her a ribbon, the Queen ties up her long light blonde hair preparing herself to start with her sister’s and Sana’s treatment.

“Yes, I will go for them.” Nayeon runs as fast as she cans and returns with a bag filled with the supplies Jennie sent.

Irene searches and takes the nearest table she puts the table in the middle of the two beds, Seulgi smiles gratefully, she being the one who is going to treat the deep sleeping women she needs the supplies in a good position.

Seulgi rolls up her dress sleeves and breaths deeply, analyzing for a brief moment who she treats first.

After the brief moment, she starts treating Tzuyu since it’s the ‘easiest’, her hands reach for ointments and bandages as she starts cleaning and treating her sister’s wounds, she notices a patch made of herbs on her sister’s shoulder, she squints her eyes as she carefully removes it until she gasps shocked when she sees the blue and purple shoulder when she touches the purple area she bites her lips feeling one of the shoulder’s bones not in it designated place.

“It’s dislocated….she must have protected Sana since Sana doesn’t have too many wounds, but still she is lucky is not so out of place or broken” Seulgi purses her lips. “Still, this needs to be… readjusted.”

Breathing deeply and swallowing hard, the Queen puts her hands on her sister’s shoulder with the correct technique she has, she can put the shoulder bone where it belongs, but is not an easy task not when it’s about her sister’s shoulder.

Gulping again she bites her lips making Irene and Nayeon shiver at the cracking bone sound along with the princess’s faint wail.

Seulgi swears she feels the air entering to her lungs again after she has fixed Tzuyu’s shoulder, she covers the shoulder with bandages, cleaning her forehead’s sweat she sighs, turning to the Spring muse when she is done with her sister.

Nevertheless, the light blonde frowns when she feels the tense air as she approaches Sana, she felt it when she hugged her but now is stronger.

When she starts cleaning the wounds, the muse starts coughing lightly, until the Queen’s hands touch her skin directly to treat her, Sana coughs even harder.

This makes Seulgi feels extremely taken aback, she doesn’t know why the muse reacted like that when she felt her direct contact, she tries to shake it off but when Sana coughs blood is when she stops abruptly, her eyes wide because of the shock.

“S…top….your…gr…ace….y..ou…are…” Sana manages to speak and open her almost blank eyes slightly.

Seulgi starts shaking when she looks at the state of the muse in front of her, the blood she coughed rolls through the corner of her lips slowly and she looks at her with pleading eyes, pleading her to save her, to make the pain she must be feeling go away.

The Queen’s breathes heavily, lifting her shaking hands, she is the one with the connection with the muses, she is supposed to be one of the purest people, how can she hurt Sana? How? HOW?!

Am I the cause of all of this? Sana’s pain? Did I make something wrong? A Fault to our Gods? What is this unknown punishment?!!

She puts her hands on her head as she shakes her head trying to escape from the thoughts that are willing to eat her alive, she wants to scream, to cry, she doesn’t understand anything, so many unanswered questions appearing inside her head, she feels like someone is hitting her head with a big hammer, provoking her an uncontrollable headache.

“Nayeon!!” Seulgi manages to call the Spring muse who is looking at the Queen and Sana with wide shocked eyes along with the warrior’s perplexed light brown orbs.

“NAYEON!” The Queen calls loudly making the Spring lady jump surprised when she steps out of her trance.

“Y-Yes!” Nayeon approaches to the heavy breathing Queen looking at her with alarmed eyes since the Queen still has her hands on her head.

“G-Give her…the Boswellia and dandelion herb tea Jennie…mentioned, i-it’s the…… strongest and more helpful m..edicine…” Seulgi pauses between her words as the pain she feels in her head increases.

Nayeon manages to nod as she notices Seulgi panting harder, she doesn’t know if the water drops falling from the Queen’s face are sweat or tears, feeling her own shocking fear stopping her from looking at the Queen’s face.

Seulgi’s knees feel like shaking leaves, as she trembles even harder, a chocked sob along with a painful groan is the last sounds the light blonde makes before she feels everything getting dark, only hearing the warrior loud scream calling her along with Nayeon’s and Irene’s scared blurry faces.


Um, hi *sipping coffee* I know maybe you are thinking there are more mysteries buut don't worry you will get the answer soon.

I hope you are having a good night or day!

Ehem, well, I will see you later guys, remember to rest well. c:

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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!