Cherry and vanilla.

When Summer and Winter dance

“This is delicious!” Irene explains with delight as she munches the toast and the meat Yeri kindly prepared for them.

Yeri chuckles softly as she puts more bread and fruits on the table, she smiles softly when she notices the young Queen is also eating delightfully.

“Joohyun is right, this is amazingly delicious.” Seulgi smiles and looks at Yeri who gives her a kind smile as she seats in front of them.

When both women finish their breakfast, Seulgi looks at her cup of black coffee. “I was amazed by you, Queen.”

The witch’s voice makes the young Queen lift her head and link her hazel eyes with the kind blue ones. “The medicine you created for the muses is stopping very well the ‘thing’ Sana has.”

Yeri takes a sip of her juice before speaking again. “Even the gods were somewhat surprised.”

Seulgi opens her eyes a little bit wider when she hears what Yeri said, the witch smiles. “I have been watching, and honestly, that’s why I said Kangs with hazel eyes are different.”

The Queen frowns softly. “Why?”

“Because whenever I meet a Kang with hazel eyes, they tend to outstand the other Kangs, they seem to be born as a genius, and not only that, they are extremely humble, they are just like the color of their eyes. Unique.” Yeri smiles as she links eyes with the now timid Queen.

“That’s really nice to hear, I hope that as time passes by I would become one of those unique Kangs.” Seulgi smiles widely making the witch hum softly.

“What do you mean?” Irene’s voice makes them look at her, the warrior is looking at Seulgi with serious and honest eyes. “You’re already one of those Kangs.”

Seulgi opens her eyes wide as she feels a light blush invading her cheeks, it gets worse when the warrior smiles gently at her, she swallows and covers her face shyly. “Thank you…”

Irene nods softly and turns to see Yeri who coughs a little and smirks when she looks at the warrior. Irene only looks aside making the witch laugh.

The young Queen seems to remember something and turns to see Yeri. “Then…what is the ‘thing’ Sana has? How can we cure her? Is related to what you told us?”

The pink-haired woman purses her lips, she nods slowly. “Is related, and unfortunately, even with all the powerful medicine you could create, the thing Sana needs is something almost impossible to obtain.”

“Almost impossible.” The young Queen states. “What do I have to do? Or where do I have to go to obtain it?”

Yeri feels surprised, she smiles softly for a little before speaking. “Sana needs to drink the water from the fountain located on the Sun and Moon shrine. However…”

Irene and Seulgi frown. “However?

“Every time a Queen or King is tested, the fountain becomes empty…And it will function again when the test is over.”

Seulgi purses her lips and she lets out a long sigh, she rubs her nose’s temple. It frustrates her, the fact that everything is related to this ‘test’. She feels like a trapped mouse.

She stops rubbing her nose when she arrives at a rare conclusion after thinking for a while.

“You mentioned, that I have to choose mind or heart to have a possibility of passing this test.” The young Queen starts. ”But, you mentioned I surprised them with the medicine I created, that should count as ‘Mind’, doesn’t it?”

Yeri nods slowly but before she can speak, Seulgi speaks first. “Nevertheless, they are not satisfied with that, don’t they? They want me to prove myself even more to them.”

The witch feels even more surprised now, even though she was going to tell that to Seulgi, it amazes her that the Queen is smarter than what she thought.

“I was going to reveal to you that, but I’m amazed that you deduce it.” Yeri lets out a light chuckle before speaking again. “You are correct, that’s why I told you something-“

“How much can you endure this curse?” Seulgi interrupts the witch as she looks at her.

“Exactly. I will put this very simple.” Yeri sighs, she brings a rock with her powers and holds it with one hand. “You are this rock, and my hand is the gods.” The pink-haired woman starts squeezing the rock, Irene and Seulgi can hear the small cracks coming from it.

“They will push and push until you reach your limit, and even more, if you manage to pass the test, then they will stop, but…if you don’t.” Yeri keeps squeezing it until it breaks loudly.

Seulgi purses her lips, the pink-haired woman doesn’t need to say anymore, she nods slowly and looks at her cup of coffee again until she feels a soft hand caressing her hand gently.

The young Queen lifts her head to meet the warrior’s gentle and fierce eyes, she smiles softly and takes the warrior hand as she intertwines their fingers.

Feeling the warrior warmth makes her feel a little bit better in this messy situation.


Seulgi sits on the grass as she looks at the warrior and the witch, training at one part of the lake that is not so far from where she is, she can’t help to remember that Yeri told her that she relieves her angry emotions with training, however, Irene doesn’t seem to be angry.

The young Queen gasps when she notices Irene can’t land a clean hit on the witch even with her two katanas and dagger, the witch is on another level, she notices the witch is blocking all her movements only with her golden cane, just when Irene thinks she has an opportunity the pink-haired woman dodges her swing and uses her cane to punch her stomach.

Yeri opens her eyes surprised when her cane is blocked by one of her katanas, she smirks. “Good move, however…”

The pink-haired woman in a swift movement removes the protecting katana, she swings it and punches the warrior’s stomach.

Irene feels all the air coming out from her stomach before she falls on the water she manages to kick Yeri’s face.

The warrior falls on the water with a loud splash and Yeri blinks, still surprised that Irene even after receiving that blow, she still managed to react.

“She asked me to fight seriously, and even when she couldn’t land a clean blow, she still managed to keep my pace, and even for a short time, she reacted faster than me when she kicked my face…”

“Humans scare me sometimes.” Yeri concludes now speaking her mind out loud, she kneels to take the warrior but loud splashes catch her attention when she is walking out of the lake.

The Queen is running towards them, she is wearing a worried and agitated expression.

“Joohyun!” Seulgi looks at the unconscious warrior and then she looks at the witch. “Is she going to be all right?! There’s nothing broken right?!”

Yeri blinks and nods slowly, feeling taken aback by the sudden loud voice coming from the Queen. “Y-yes, she just needs to rest, I will give her a tea and she is going to be as good as new.”

The Queen sighs relieved and the pink-haired woman lets out a chuckle. “It’s really endearing, how you two care so much of each other.”

Seulgi feels her cheeks getting red and she bites her lip. “It’s just that… very important for me, even if I haven’t known her for so long, it’s unreal and hard to describe how much she matters to me..”

“Sometimes our connection with someone is really strong and extraordinary that even in days they can become someone incredibly important to us, that’s because…” The witch shows a soft smile. “It’s not the time, it’s the person.”

Seulgi blinks feeling surprised by the witch words, she doesn’t notice Yeri starts walking until she is a little bit far and she walks fastly after the pink-haired woman.


Joohyun opens her eyes slowly, only to meet the familiar hazel orbs.

The warrior blinks for a while and starts to rub her eyes to cover her blush when she realizes she is resting on the Queen’s lap.

“Are you feeling better?” The Queen’s soft voice makes Irene look at her again.

“Yeah.” Joohyun answers, feeling indeed a little bit better but she purses her lips when she remembers why she passed out. “She won, right?”

The Queen smiles a little bit and nods. “But, you hit her face at least.”

Joohyun nods slowly and bites her lip turning around to see the calm lake instead of the kind and worried hazel orbs.

“Is not enough.”

Irene’s words make the Queen frown. “What is not enough?”

“Only being able to hit her once and barely.” The warrior sighs.


“Because….” Irene purses her lips and sighs. “It’s nothing.”

The warrior sits up and stretches her arms, the popping sound coming from her bones makes the Queen flinch a little bit surprised but the stops Irene when she is about to get up.

“I’m not going to obligate you, but….you know you can tell me anything right?” Seulgi says with a kind voice.

Joohyun remains deadly quiet for seconds that seem to be eternal, however, after letting out a long sigh she sits again.

“Yeri is…almost like a demi-god, she is certainly more powerful than us, humans, but her power is extremely far from gods powers.” Joohyun starts explaining, her back is the only thing the Queen can see.

“I…” Joohyun breathes deeply. “This may sound stupid or useless for you, but I want to be stronger, it doesn’t matter if I break my bones. I…”

Irene turns to meet the curious hazel eyes with her straightforward gaze. “I want to be able to protect you from them.”

The Queen opens her eyes wide with the warrior’s words, she feels deeply touched, she didn’t think the training she was doing with Yeri was for this. For her.

The warrior’s tiny chuckle makes her come out from her mind.

“It is stupid, right? I’m a mere human, how can I-“

“Is not.”

Joohyun lifts her head only to feel surprised by the Queen’s deep look.

“It’s incredibly touching for me, Joohyun.” Seulgi smiles widely. “It makes my chest warm to know and see what you are willing to do for me, doing it because of who I am and not because I am the Queen.”

“I wouldn’t like you to be hurt…but I know you are not going to listen if I tell you to stop so.” Seulgi takes the warrior's hand between her hands and smiles fondly. “I will cure every scratch or cut, it doesn’t matter, I want to be there for you as well.”

The warrior blinks feeling surprised and also feeling the very familiar butterflies inside her stomach, she doesn’t control the wide smile that shows on her cherry lips.

“So, you will be only there for me when I get hurt?” Irene teases a little.

“No! That’s not what I mean! I-“The Queen nervously starts rambling but the warrior smirk makes her pout.

“You are so unfair.” The Queen sighs and rolls her eyes crossing her arms.

Irene smiles and sits beside the Queen leaning her head on the Queen’s head.

Even though Irene can’t see it, there’s a tiny smile hiding on the Queen’s lips.


The next day, Seulgi notices Irene is not around Yeri’s house, she decides to sit in front of the extinguished fireplace, she hugs her legs as she hides her face on her knees.


That’s the word that has been chasing the young Queen since yesterday, the fact that the gods were somewhat surprised but not satisfied with the medicine she created for the muses is making her lose her head.

What else should she do then? When the only ingredient she needs to cure Sana right now is completely out of her reach.

What about using heart?

The swift question appears on her head making her blink as she gets on deep thought.

Using ‘heart’ is the option that would take her life away if she is not approved by the gods…

“But, even if I’m gone, the kingdom is going to be safe again…” The Queen speaks slowly and grips her knees tighter.

It is not that she is completely afraid of death, the thought of leaving her precious little sister and friends behind is what hurts her.

And the fact that she wouldn’t be able to see and be with one of her most important people, Joohyun Bae.

“Your sadness is too strong young Queen, what is chasing your mind?”

The witch’s voice makes the Queen look behind her, only to find the pink-haired woman wearing a calm and soft smile.

“Haven’t you read my mind?” The Queen smiles sadly.

“Should I?” Yeri asks back with a kind smile.

The Queen purses her lips and shakes her head slowly. “I was thinking about the consequences if I choose heart…”

“The bad ones I assume.” Yeri sits on the couch beside the Queen. “I know for a fact that you are quite positive, but, why are you thinking about the bad consequences?”

“If I remember correctly, it is almost impossible to survive, is almost like a sacrifice.” The Queen turns to look at the witch.

“Almost, is the keyword here.” Yeri reveals a tiny smile. “Certainly, I can count with my fingers the number of Queens and Kings that have survived to it, but that happened because they were partially sure about their love, not fully.”

“And gods don’t like incomplete things.” Yeri looks at the Queen with deep eyes. “The reason why gods took the Queens and Kings lives was because of their lack of love and confidence.”

“If you love completely the person who you are dancing with, the love of your life. And, your kingdom, you will pass.” The witch keeps her deep gaze on the attentive hazel orbs.

“If you don’t give a fierce fight, how do you expect to win?”

The Queen opens her eyes wide when she hears those words, she turns to look at a blank point, the witch words hit her like a wave of cold water.

She breathes deeply and smacks her face with both hands so hard that Yeri flinches.

Seulgi lets out a long sigh and turns to see the witch again, this time the pink-haired woman opens her eyes with surprise when she notices the fierce look on the Queen’s eyes, the sadness, and worry she had before now completely forgotten.

Yeri smiles, she doesn’t need to hear something more from the Queen.

Because the hazel eyes are demanding answers now.


“When someone chooses heart, they have to wait for a full moon, since it’s the time when gods presence is stronger.” Yeri explains to the Queen who is now sitting in front of her.

“You and your beloved one have to travel to the Moon and Sun shrine and dance for the whole night, if you take a break the gods will take your life away in that moment.” The Queen blinks surprised but nods.

“When the Sun enlightens the fountain, you have to stop dancing.” Yeri purses her lips. “You have to dance like there’s no tomorrow, with everything you have, the dance you and your beloved one are going to show it has to be powerful and extremely expressive.”

The Queen takes a deep breath. “And how do I know if I passed? If we passed?”

“You will know.”

“What?” The Queen frowns. “How am I going to know? Don’t you should also know how?”

“I can’t enter to the fountain salon until your ‘test’ is over, when the door opens I have two options, find you both alive or both death. There’s no more.” Yeri looks at her with serious eyes.

The Queen feels a shiver down her spine, she feels like she is walking on a tightrope.

Either she falls and dies or stands and survives.

“Not only you. Your beloved one too.”

The thought makes her snap from her mind again and then she remembers she doesn’t have a ‘beloved one’.

Seulgi falls on her chair as she purses her lips and passes a hand through her face.

How is she going to dance to demonstrate her deepest love when she doesn’t know who the love of her life is? When not so long ago she was crying because she couldn’t answer Sunmi’s feelings because she doesn’t know what is to be in love.

Her hand stops. Sunmi? Maybe Sunmi is-

“I kinda know what you are thinking even if I’m not reading your mind, and that person is not your beloved one.”

Yeri’s words make her look up with great surprise. “How-“

“Well, as I said, I’ve been watching you and you make a certain face when you think about love.” Yeri shows a tiny smile. “And, your eyes don’t shine when you think or talk about her too.”

The Queen opens her eyes even wider.

That means that maybe, just maybe Yeri knows who her beloved one is then.

“Then, you know who? Who is my beloved one?” The Queen asks with hopeful eyes.

Yeri lets out a mysterious smile. “That’s something you should discover by yourself.”

The Queen puts her head on the table letting out a long sigh. “How? I don’t know about this feeling, I don’t know what is to be in love.”

“Oh believe me. You do.” Yeri smiles and makes the Queen look up. “But even if you are too intelligent, you can be pretty dense too.”

“Listen well, young Queen.” The pink-haired woman snaps her fingers.

Seulgi looks at the witch’s fingers with a quirked brow until she hears tiny coughs.

The Queen frowns and slowly looks down.

She almost falls from her chair when she sees a cherry and a vanilla bean looking at her with a pout.

Seulgi rubs her eyes furiously, she believes this is a dream because of how in the world-

Wait, of course, this can be possible, the witch is right in front of her.

Speaking of her, Yeri lets out a loud laugh that makes the cherry, the vanilla bean and, her jump a little bit surprised.

“DEAR MOON! HAHHAHA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!” Yeri keeps laughing hard until she can hardly breathe, she removes the tiny tears that are on the corner of her eyes.

The Queen’s serious but not so serious face makes her cough and recovers her posture.

“All right, all right.” Yeri resumes. “These little friends, are going to help me to show you something about love, watch carefully.”

“Love has different expressing ways or forms.” The witch starts. “I will name a few of them.”

“We can express it silently, even when the other doesn’t know.” The vanilla bean lays down and starts to sleep but it also starts to shake.

The Queen worries because maybe the vanilla bean is cold, but then, she notices the cherry bringing a leaf, the cherry uses the leaf to cover the vanilla bean and starts rubbing the vanilla bean’s head.

“Love can be pretty vocal too, our heart has a voice and when it starts to talk it never stops.” The pink-haired woman looks at the cherry and the vanilla bean.

The vanilla bean now gets up and is in front of the cherry, the vanilla bean starts making cute sounds, the young Queen watches the somewhat cute interaction and the cherry starts to giggle.

The Queen smiles softly, she thinks that the vanilla bean is maybe telling how much the cherry means to it or something else that makes the cherry giggle so heart warmly.

“We can show our love trough physical actions or affection, sometimes they can express what our voice can’t”

The cherry runs to the vanilla bean and jumps to hug it tightly, they spin and keep hugging each other so tightly and humming cute little noises again.

Seulgi laughs a little when she sees them walking like penguins because they keep hugging each other, she smiles softly, she can understand them, whenever she hugs or receives a hug she can feel so much coming from the other person, is almost like a language sometimes.

“Sometimes, even our ear is the receptor of the sounds that calm our soul, the sound of love.”

The vanilla bean now starts to swing the cherry and humming almost like it is singing a lullaby for the tiny cherry who answers with softs hums and rubs its face on the vanilla bean even more.

The light blonde smiles widely is true, sometimes certain sounds make us feel so comfortable and safe, she wonders how many times has she heard the sound of love.

“And finally, but not less important, love can be visual too, since our eyes seem to be able to speak sometimes.”

The vanilla bean and the cherry separate from each other, they look at each other eyes for what seems to be an eternity.

The young Queen looks at them with soft eyes, certainly, our eyes can express so many things, when she sees the cherry shiny eyes she can’t help but remember the witch’s words.

Maybe her eyes have been shining but she doesn’t know for who.

The witch snaps her fingers again making Seulgi look up for a moment, when the Queen looks down she opens surprised when she notices the vanilla bean and the cherry look normal again.

“I’m not going to ask how you did it since all of this is magic, but I feel grateful for the explanation you gave me through…them.” Seulgi smiles kindly.

“Is nothing young Queen, maybe this little clues can help you.” The witch gets up and keeps looking at her. “Maybe you should sleep for a while, dreams can be powerful and they can show us interesting things sometimes.

With that, the witch turns around and disappears leaving Seulgi alone and still full of doubts.

However, she decides to follow the witch suggestion, she gets up and goes upstairs to the room Yeri kindly gave to her.

She lays on the bed looking at the wood ceiling for a moment before closing her eyes and dive into a deep sleep.


“My name is Irene. Irene from Summer.”

There she is, at the very first moment she had with the warrior. It feels like she is only watching everything from a limited point of view because when she wants to see the beautiful and warm light brown eyes, she can’t.

It seems like a journey inside her head, she is currently dreaming about her memories.

She remembers the soft smile Irene was wearing when she was laying on the wolves hearing her talking about Tzuyu.

She sees the warrior laughing loudly when she told her she couldn’t pronounce Wendy’s name correctly.

She can feel the warrior’s warm hand when she was holding it after telling how and why she killed someone.

She remembers Irene’s kind and bright personality when she was talking to the grandma in Autumn.

She sees the triumphant smirk she had whenever she and called her “Snowflake.”

She remembers the calmness Irene always expressed whenever she was telling her something about her, acting like Seulgi and not like the Queen.

She feels her heart skip a beat when she sees the way she danced so freely with Irene at Jennie’s ball.

She also feels her heart sting when she sees what happened after. But she also feels her heart relieved when she remembers the feeling of smelling the cherry scent again even if it was covered in blood, to feel Irene’s warmth even if she was terribly cold.

She bites her lip when she remembers Irene’s arms were the only thing that could stop her from jumping to the broken carriage where she thought her sister was dead.

She feels like she is about to cry when she sees how hard she cried against Irene’s when she woke up after being incapable of helping Sana.

She definitely starts crying when she sees Joohyun’s pained expression when they were in front of the greenhouse where she saw Irene cry for the first time.

She is cleaning her own tears inside her memories dream until she hears a very familiar voice.

“Snowflake? What happened? Why are you crying?”

She turns to meet Joohyun’s worried eyes, she sobs and runs to hug her tightly. It doesn’t matter for her even if it’s just a dream, she buries her face on the warrior’s neck smelling the familiar cherry scent.

She can feel something covering her back, the warrior covers her cold back with her green cloak and envelops her in a silent hug. Even if it’s a silent hug, she can feel what the warrior is trying to say.

A soft humming makes her look up slightly, Joohyun’s warm hum makes her feel even calmer.

When she finally looks up, she finds the warm and gentle light brown orbs she was searching a little while ago, looking at her smoothly in such a unique way that makes her heart start beating like crazy.

Joohyun lifts a hand to touch her cheek gently and remove the tears from the corner of her eyes.

“You are very important for me, Seulgi.” Joohyun starts. “You’ve made so much impact in me, you always try to understand me instead of judging me, Thank you.”

Joohyun places a kind kiss on the Queen’s forehead and separates to look at her with a wide and genuine smile.

Her heart stops for a moment when she sees Joohyun’s bright smile, and then-

Everything makes sense.

This moment she is having with Joohyun is almost the same she saw with the cherry and the vanilla bean.

That’s why Yeri used the cherry and a vanilla bean.

Because it was her and Joohyun.




She wakes up abruptly, her hazel eyes look around as soon as she gets up, she jumps out of the bed and runs passing through Yeri when she opens the door.

The witch smiles widely as she sees the Queen’s back running fast. “Your heart will guide you to her.” Yeri whispers before she enters her house.

Seulgi keeps running and running, her lungs are demanding air even more but it doesn’t matter she needs to find her.

Her instinct is guiding her through Yeri’s enormous forest, jumping and running until she sees the familiar figure sitting on a big tree log that is above a little and somewhat calm stream that connects with the lake.

She is breathing harshly, and even if her heart is beating like crazy because of all the running she did, she also knows her heart is beating irregularly because of the person sitting on that tree log.

Joohyun Bae is currently sitting calmly on the big tree log, the warm sun making her smile and shine even more

Seulgi knows she is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen.

She looks at the caramel-haired woman for long seconds, admiring the unique and soft figure yet so strong and fierce.

Taking a deep breath, she pushes her body even more and runs towards the calm woman.

Joohyun opens her eyes when she hears the hurried steps and when she is about to look she feels someone crashing her in a tight hug, the slim arms circle around her neck and she barely has time to hold the waist of this person and not falling into the stream.

“Suns! That was so close! Queen, don’t scare me like that!” Joohyun says between surprised laughs.

The Queen only squeezes herself even more on the warrior making Irene feel a tiny blush on her cheeks, the Queen rarely hugs her this tightly, and the position makes it even closer because the Queen is currently between Irene’s legs, their chests pressing dangerously close.

Joohyun swallows and decides to let her arms circle around the Queen’s slim waist. “All right…what happened snowflake?”

When Seulgi hears the soft sobriquet she smiles tenderly and slowly separates a little from the warrior.

Seulgi purses her lips, feeling her cheeks bright red, looking at the warrior’s eyes now seems like a great challenge.

“I…” The Queen bites her lower lip and Joohyun can’t help but look at the Queen’s soft lips.

“I have something to tell you.” Seulgi finally decides to look at Joohyun eyes only to feel her blush increase even more.

Joohyun nods slowly and she rubs kindly the Queen’s waist in a silent way of encouragement, Seulgi plays with her fingers even if her arms are still circled around Irene’s neck.

“I believe that I’ve known this for a while but, my dense self couldn’t discover what it was. I understand my sister’s words now.” Seulgi smiles shyly. “I finally found my blizzard.”

Joohyun keeps listening, her eyes never leaving the hazel orbs.

“I also understand your words now, I prefer a naturally sweet apple instead of the sugar-coated apple.” The Queen smiles widely when Joohyun frowns with evident confusion.

“It’s thanks to your naturally sweet nature, the one that you revealed to me after I gained your confidence, the one who is kind to others not caring about who or from where they come, the one who told me the things straightforward but also taking care of my heart, the one who risked her life to search me after being a brat, the one who takes care of me even when I’m not looking, the one who listens to me attentively, the one who teaches me patiently, the one who smiles like the bright sun, like a beautiful sunflower, the one who helped me to grow and discover so many things, the one who made adventures funny and joyful, the one who asks what I would like to eat for breakfast, the one who hugs me tightly when I’m having a hard time, the one who is my pillar when I can’t keep being the strong Ice Queen, the one who has suffered a lot but is still so kind, so empathic and unselfish, the one who holds my hand warmly and strongly, the idiot narcissist who captivated me even if she teased me so much…this one person has made me feel so many things I’ve never felt…and honestly, I wouldn’t like to feel this with anyone.”

Seulgi takes a deep breath because she is almost crying. “Everything hit me like a blizzard, this…love. It made my head feel like it was going about to explode but it also made my heart experience this wonderful feeling, it took me by surprise but I don’t regret it, actually, I think it is…wonderful.”

“I finally know what words describe every single thing I feel for you, they are not so long but they are certainly powerful.” The Queen’s hands leave the warrior’s neck to take the warrior’s face gently.

“I love you.”

Joohyun was already surprised by everything but her eyes got even wider when she hears those three words, she blinks as she is also at the verge of tears, she lets out a chuckle mixed with a sob. “You are really something, Kang Seulgi.” The warrior can’t believe this is happening, she thought her love was going to be always unrequited.

“It took you so long!” Joohyun laughs and Seulgi can’t help but join her both women laughing wholeheartedly.

Seulgi feels the warrior’s hand gently caressing her cheek with her thumb, the look Irene gives to her is so so warm and endearing that she feels she is going to melt.

“I love you.”

Seulgi opens her eyes wide and now the tears roll thought her cheeks freely she smiles wide as ever and Joohyun crashes her into a tight hug, Seulgi hugs her tightly too, her hands gripping the warrior’s back tightly wanting to feel even close to her.

Irene smells the light blonde hair, the vanilla scent making her heart calm and excited she leaves a tender kiss on it as she starts to separate from the Queen, using her gentle lips to clean the remaining tears hiding on the tender hazel orbs.

Seulgi’s hands caress Joohyun’s soft cheeks tenderly, she smiles warmly when Joohyun closes her eyes and smiles, she decides to caress the warrior’s cheeks even more until her eyes travel to the soft cherry lips.

Her heart starts to raise even more at the thought and she slowly approaches those soft cherry lips.

Irene opens her eyes wide as ever when she feels a pair of gentle and shy lips on her lips, her heart races like crazy at Seulgi’s boldness and because she is finally feeling the vanilla lips she has dreamed about so much.

Joohyun’s hands travel to Seulgi’s waist again as she answers the kiss with deep love, she squeezes Seulgi to her impossibly closer, wanting more and more of the vanilla lips.

They separate when Seulgi demands air and the warrior only looks at her breathing a little bit irregularly before she kisses Seulgi again, this time even deeper and passionate.

Seulgi feels like her heart is about to explode the intensity of the feelings Joohyun is sharing with her thought their kiss is overwhelming but in such a lovely way.

She separates again this time breathing even more harshly than the first kiss, Joohyun decides to kiss the Queen’s face gently, Seulgi’s sweet giggle makes her kiss her face even more until Seulgi kisses her again on the lips.

The kiss is sweet and innocent this time, just like their love.

Warm and soft like the sunlight who is giving an even brighter light to this sweet love.


Dear God, it feels like ages since the last time I've been here! 
Even if it hasn't been so long I was starting to feel like it was, time travels fast.
And it feels like that, even more, when so many things have happened these past months...good and bad things...

Ejem, well I will stop my little ramble here. 
Sooo, it finally happened! Honestly, I wanted to make Yeri give Seulgi a  shake because she was so dense omg (says the one writing her like that lol)
Also La Rouge it's just wow. Wow! For me it's the best concert so far, they sang Kingdom come T.T I still can't believe it!!
And Mina also showing up in the past concerts I'm-

I will stop my ramble here again jejeje.
I hope you all have been eating well, please stay healthy! 

See you later C:

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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!