Icy palms, cozy promises.

When Summer and Winter dance

A loud cough caught the attention of the golden copper-haired girl, who is entering their humble shelter, a hole in one of the logs of the trees helped them to harbour.

“Sana-unnie!” Tzuyu calls worriedly leaving the fruits she managed to find, groaning in pain every time she moves her arm, even with the slight treatment she managed to provide to her arm, still, it hurts.

The spring muse opens her eyes lightly, looking at the worried gingerbread orbs, she manages to smile weakly. “I-I’m…going to be…fine.”

Tzuyu bites her lip, she wants to cry so hard, it pains her horribly to look at her lover in this poor and weak state.

Sana is currently lying down on a leaves bed, The Princess whishes Sana health would be as green as the leaves under her, she wonders what is happening to Sana, the few healing herbs she found seem to help her but only a little, sometimes Sana wakes up feeling better, sometimes she can barely open her eyes just like now.

The princess approaches and carefully she makes Sana drink the liquid she made with some of the healing herbs, the light honey blonde accepts it despite the bitter taste and leans against Tzuyu's arms.

Tzuyu caresses the blonde locks with concern, she decides to lay down with her lover, Sana instinctively searches for the warmth of her lover, the Princess' long arms hug carefully the Spring muse, frowning deeply when she feels the now usual coldness of the Spring muse.

Pressing her lips in a tender kiss on the muse's temple Tzuyu closes her eyes, praying for her sister to find them, is still strange to her, she sent a bird requesting her sister’s help, however, she didn’t see the bluebird again, the bluebird she and her sister use to communicate with each other disappeared, but she never loses hope, she believes her sister will search her.

She only wishes her sister finds her before it’s too late for her lover.


Joy stops walking, making the Winter muse in front of her turn to look at her. “Joy, did something happen?”

“Yes, Irene is feeling strange.” Sooyoung looks at her with a frown.

Wendy looks at her with her eyebrows frowned too in a worrying form. ”What does that mean? Strange like how?”

“Something or someone made her uncomfortable.” Joy knows this feeling of Irene, she feels like this when someone reminds her or speaks about ‘white rose’

“It must be, Seulgi felt anxious and…scared” Wendy almost whispers, Joy raises her eyebrows and pursed her lips.

“They must have found rebels or muggers.”

Wendy nods slowly and worried, Joy pines softly. “The Queen is going to be okay, Irene won’t let anything happen to her.”

“Of course, I trust the warrior but I can’t help but feel worried.” Wendy looks down her hand caressing her elbow.

Joy turns around to look if they are alone, she grabs the Winter muse's hand, surprising the petite muse who yelps when the tall woman hides them with one of the big curtains.

Opening her honey eyes wide, her hands are on the tall muse's shoulders who, now has one of her hands on her waist while the other is on her back.

Before the petite muse can say something she feels Joy arms circling her body and pulling her close in a tight embrace, she feels rust red-haired woman's cheek against her head.

She feels completely stunned, the action of the tall muse was definitely something she didn’t expect, still, she just answers with a soft squeeze, looking aside feeling her cheeks flushed, at the soft pressure of the tall muse's body, leaning her cheek on the tall muse's strong shoulder, the silk of the black blouse caressing her cheek.

“Is Wendy-unnie here?” The voice of the muses with cinnamon and ash blue hair ask to one of the maids who shakes her head.

Wendy opens her eyes surprised but Joy shushes her putting a finger on her lips, the petite muse frowns confused until she feels the tall muse lifting her softly from the ground.

She suppresses a yelp, inside her head, she wonders why she is following the almost childish actions of the muse but she can’t find an answer.

Hearing the steps of the muses and maids disappearing, both hidden muses sigh relieved but Wendy looks down to find her forehead almost touching the tall muse's forehead, linking eyes with the brown orbs, she feels like she is going to faint, being this close to the rust haired beauty makes her feel dizzy and with her heart racing fast.

Joy slowly puts Wendy feet on the ground again before smiling warmly, she checks the hall before they come out of the curtain and she pulls the almost fainting petite muse out of the curtain.

“Are you feeling better now?” Sooyoung doesn’t let the petite muse's hand go, looking at her with her deep brown orbs.

Wendy manages to nod, but she still feels her cheeks painted with a gentle pink, Sooyoung smiles and starts walking to the hidden library where they have been searching for the past days.

“Excuse me for my boldness, you looked extremely gloomy, and I couldn’t bear doing nothing.”

Looking up, the petite muse opens her eyes wide feeling her cheeks now flushed with red, but she notices she is not the only one blushing when she manages to see the tall muse's pink cheeks.

She smiles timidly and squeezes the tall muse's hand, letting her know in a silent language her agreement, the rust red-haired muse smiles and squeezes back the petite muse's hand, feeling how the coldness of the hand of the honey eyes owner melts slowly.


Irene is currently sitting on her futon, she leans against the bed where the Queen is sleeping profoundly, playing with the strings of her brown leather corset, even after she has taken a bath, she can smell the vanilla aroma of the Young Queen.

After the encounter with the grey-haired man, she tries to remember if she knows that man from somewhere, but she fails not finding that face in her memories.

Pursing her lips in a straight line, she takes a deep breath, she is worried, not because of her, but for the Queen, she is considering, that man has allies, but are they going to act against them? Are they planning on kidnapping the Queen? Are they the ones behind the Princess and muse demise?

She shakes her head, sighing, so many possibilities and no clear answers, it frustrates her, really.

“What is tormenting you so much? Irene”

The Queen's low voice makes her turn to find the Queen looking at her with her hazel orbs still laying on the bed.

“Is it about that man?” Seulgi asks and Irene tenses, The Queen thinks she hit the red circle of the archery target, just as she expected, the warrior nods lightly.

“Do you think…he is the one behind Tzuyu and Sana demise?” Asking hesitantly, the Queen looks at the Summer unsure eyes. “I would consider it as a possibility.”

Gripping the sheets, Seulgi makes a worried sneer, thinking that maybe the poor muse and her dear sister are under the control of that mad man, she shivers at the thought praying furiously that Tzuyu and Sana are not with that horrible man.

Irene stands up and takes a deep breath. “We should get going if we are fast enough maybe we can arrive at the Tower of the Autumn lady.”

Seulgi only nods, the warrior steps out of the room to give the Queen time to shower and get ready, looking at the warrior's expression of grief she looks down, thinking about what the man said about Irene.

White Rose.” “Are you going to show your thorns?”

“That must be related to her disliking for white roses, still… that expression, I have never seen her eyes look so… grieving, almost like she is carrying a heavyweight on her shoulders, a haunting weight.” Thinking, The Queen gets up to shower, when she pours water on her face she keeps thinking about the warrior who hides so many things from her, she decides internally. “I don’t know what torments her so deeply but…I don’t want to pressure her, I want her to tell me those hidden secrets by herself.”


Waving goodbye to the grandma mounted on their horses after getting out of the guesthouse, the hazel eye owner frowns worriedly. “Is she going to be all right?”

“Yes, I already sent a bird to Jennie asking for security for her.” The warrior looks at the Queen who looks at her with a questioning gaze while their horses canter. “Did you bring a bird?”

“Kind of, is a trained bird, maybe you have heard of them. They react to their designated whistle” Irene shows the ceramic whistle she takes out from one of her bags.

“Indeed, even horses can be trained like that if I’m correct” The Queen softly takes the ceramic whistle in her hands analyzing it

“Yes, Apollo is trained like that too, just as the birds come or react at the specific sound, he can recognize it too, let me show you.” Irene dismounts Apollo, taking the ceramic whistle gently from the Queen’s hands, she hides not so far but not so close, making sure she is looking at her horse but Apollo can’t see her.

Irene blows the ceramic whistle, Seulgi turns to look around, she finds the little melody quite unusual but interesting, she notices Apollo neighing and galloping to search his owner until he finds Irene hiding behind a tree, Apollo neighs happily when he finds his owner making Irene laugh, mounting his horse again, she canters to where Seulgi is.

The Queen opens surprised and can’t help to clap, delighted by the demonstration making Irene chuckle softly at the adorable sight.

“He really found you! That’s really impressive!” Seulgi speaks still in awe.

“That’s because Apollo is a smart boy.” Patting the black horse's neck Irene smiles until the Queen’s voice makes her look at the young Queen.

“Can Snow Angel learn that too?” Seulgi asks with an excited smile while they canter to the path that guides them to the tower.

“We could try, I could show you how to do it once we arrive at the Tower, do you like the deal?” Irene winks and the Queen half-smiles nodding. “Sounds perfect for me, Irene”

Humming the warrior looks to the path where they are cantering until she remembers something that made her curious.

“May I ask you a question?”

Seulgi quirks a brow, it’s unusual, the warrior is not the type that takes the first step to ask a question usually she is the one asking the warrior, however, she doesn’t deny the request from the caramel-haired woman.

“Of course.” The Queen looks at the warrior slightly.

“When that man appeared, you acted bravely, is not that I think you are a coward Queen, but I didn’t expect it, also when the polar bear attacked us, despite your fear you, moved.” Irene talks while she is focused on their path. “My question here is, are you used to those unpleasant surprises? Or you react like that by instinct?”

Seulgi stops the canter of her horse to look down, thinking deeply, gripping lightly the reins of Snow Angel, she is taken aback by the warrior’s question, the cherry lips woman is indeed a very very observant woman, she wonders, how much the woman has analyzed her behavior, to see through her ice walls like that, when is not easy.

She also knows, Irene won’t demand an answer from her, which makes her feel at ease, knowing that the warrior won’t push her in order to know answers, both of them are respectful and understand the limits of each other.

However, she decides to share the answer with the warrior, inside her heart she feels slight guilt, knowing the warrior will know an answer that Sunmi doesn’t know.

Still, maybe because the warrior emanates a different aura, like the aura of a close and authentic friend, maybe that’s why Jennie, Nayeon, and Taeyeon have her as a really close friend.

Taking a deep breath the Queen links eyes with the calm and waiting light brown eyes.

“Do you remember when I told you about the wolves, the first time we found them they were badly injured?...”

Irene nods and Seulgi decides to continue. “Well, later, Tzuyu and I found the reason behind the wounds, and let me tell you it wasn’t a very pleasant reason.”

“It was at that time, when I was curious about daggers and knives, and just in case of an emergency, I always carried one whenever we went to see the wolves.” The Queen narrates as she looks blankly at the trees.

“Then, one day, when we went to visit them, the wolves were almost completely cured, but there was a hunter, a tall man, with a long spear, using the fur of one of the wolves as his cloak, the alphas were trying to defend themselves and their pups, then Tzuyu throw a rock to his face, she hurt the man's forehead, when the man throw the spear to us, I swear for Winter Irene, I believe gods helped Tzuyu to avoid that spear or we wouldn’t be talking right now...however, she fell but she couldn’t stand up, the man was about to pounce to Tzuyu, since the wolves were still trying to run to him, maybe having the same intention as me, save Tzuyu, I was closer to her, I held her close, putting her behind me, I…”

Seulgi starts shaking and biting her trembling lip. “I took the knife… and stabbed him on the neck…”

Irene opens her eyes wide as plates, she was definitely not anticipating that, she is completely shocked.

“I was too scared of my own actions, watching the man struggle to live…the blood slowly sliding out just as his life was…” Seulgi starts to tremble, she wants to cry, the memory of taking away the life of a person despite the sins the person committed is still traumatic for her, maybe because she is not trained for that as Sunmi or Irene, but still she cannot shake the man's face slowly agonizing in front of her.

“The few times I have ordered to cut the head off some people that definitely deserve it, I would always go to my room after everything was over, Wendy hugging me until I stopped shaking because I see it Irene, the face of that man, every time I see the death in the eyes of the felons.”

She is still shaking and even breathing irregularly but is not until she feels Irene's gentle hands, taking her hands carefully, making her jump at the sudden return to reality.

The warrior's voice makes her hazel disturbed orbs return to their usual calm state little by little.

“Breathe with me, slowly…just like that…don’t look at your memories, look at me.” Irene breaths slowly making sure the Queen is breathing like her, until the young Queen and her link eyes, she notices how the scared hazel orbs return to their usual calm form.

“Listen.” Irene calls. “I know, killing people can be traumatic, the first time I killed someone I wouldn’t come out of my room, Joy was the one dragging me out because I even forgot to eat.” The warrior grips softly the young Queen's hands. “Killing people is not something a warrior or knight should be proud of, yes, sometimes you don’t have other option, some people don’t deserve a place on this world because of the horrible crimes they have committed, and I know sometimes you have to do it in order to survive.”

Seulgi nods understanding the point the warrior has, and she feels relieved, the warrior mindset about killing people eases her, now she knows even better, Irene wouldn’t kill someone unless it is ‘necessary’.

“Since you were and are not used to that environment, plus the situation, of course, it would be even more traumatic, you were a child, trying to protect your sister but still, it felt wrong.” Irene looks at her, her light brown eyes looking at the trembling lips, knowing the Queen is holding back her tears.

“I…remember I was even scared of touching Tzuyu, to stain her… maybe the gods forbidden her of seeing what I did, because she fainted when she fell, the fear betraying her, the wolves surrounding us, I was shaking…covered with the hunter's blood on my face and hands, Grey Fang me until I had no blood in me, it was like he understood my fear and guilt…still it was a challenge to hold Tzuyu, but I couldn’t hold back when I noticed my sister was safe and with no scratches, I hugged her so tight I feared I was going to break her thin body.”

Seulgi takes a deep breath, swallowing her tears, she doesn’t like to cry it makes her feel like a child, when she is not one.

“But even if that was an unfading memory and this might sound incoherent.” Seulgi looks up, a caring smile adorning her rosy lips.

The view of that caring smile, the tearful eyes, feels like a sword stabbing the warrior's heart, but the Queen's next words are the ones that make her feel shattered, her brows knitted in an anguished form.

“I would live that memory a hundred times, if that means my sister is going to be safe.”


The warrior’s hand refuses to let go of the Queen's hand while they canter, following the path to the Autumn tower, not that the Queen refuses or feels disgusted by the touch, she actually…likes it.

Coldness meeting warmth, the opposite temperature of their hands, molding in a delightful feeling.

She looks at the warrior's profile, who is wearing a concentrate expression but from time to time, she feels the warrior's smooth thumb caressing carefully her knuckles, like she is letting the Queen know she is there for her.

It’s a silent but tender language for her, it amazes her how the warrior doesn’t need to talk a thousand words to let her know she is there for her, like the warrior has said, actions are better than words.

“Irene.” The light blonde calls making the caramel-haired woman answer with a hum.

“May I ask you a question?”

Irene thinks for a moment before nodding slowly, waiting for the Queen question.

“About that man’s words…showing your thorns, what does that mean?”

Irene stops for a moment the caresses on her knuckles before answering. “A Rose, usually hurts you when you try to pick them right? Because of her thorns.”

Seulgi looks at the warrior who’s not looking at her completely and nods.

“I’m not ready to share that…story. If you can call it like that, forgive me…” Irene looks down but she looks up to find the hazel worried orbs making her smile lightly. “But, I will tell you, believe me.”

The young Queen nods smiling gently but the warrior takes a deep breath. “However, I want you to promise me something.”

Seulgi blinks, feeling surprised. “A promise? For what?”

“For your safety.” Irene gazes at her with an unreadable expression. “For your inner safety…because I’m sure when you see my thorns, everything is going to change, I don’t want to…scare you.” Irene thinks pursing her lips.

Hesitantly, Seulgi nods.

“If we find that man again or that type of people…stay where I tell you and don’t look at me.”

The light blonde frowns deeply confused. “Why?”

“Just…do it, please.” Irene pleads with sorrowful eyes, the young Queen feels surprised to see that look again, the same look Irene had when she was in front of the white rose bush.

Immediately, she knows, the warrior is talking about that topic, ‘white rose’.

But, why? What can be so forbidden about that topic, that Irene asked her to look aside when they are facing an unpleasant situation? Why the cherry lips woman is so careful?

Still, it doesn’t matter how much she thinks about it, she can’t find the reason, not even in the light clues and words the Irene has commented about the white rose.

Sighing, she nods, looking at the warrior, this time is her, the one taking the warrior’s hands raising their holding hands at the height of the woman cheeks her hazel orbs never leaving the confused light brown eyes.

Slowly, Seulgi lets the warrior's hands now making their hands just touch, feeling the warm palms of Irene against her cold palms.

“You are a living mystery, but, I will respect your silence and privacy, I can feel you don’t have a single piece of malice in you to doubt your silence, so I will not look at you when we are in that situations, I promise.”

The young Queen's voice is firm and clear, she lets a gentle smile adorn her lips, making the warrior answer with a kind one, a genuine one that makes the Queen’s cheeks get a little flushed.

“Thank you.” Irene’s husky and smooth voice makes her body shake.

A strange but enchanting feeling vibrates her body, nevertheless, she is sure she is not the only one feeling it.

The orange leaves trees are witnesses of their promise, of their palms touching and their gazes never leaving each other.


“Wendy-unnie.” Dahyun calls for the fifth time the lost muse who looks like she is searching for something in the paper in front of her desk but she is not, and the ash blue-haired girl knows it.

Wendy is still thinking about the rust red-haired woman's boldness, normally she would have kicked the of the person that decided to hug her without permission but she has to admit she needed and liked that hug, still, she wonders why the tall muse's actions doesn’t upset her.

Dahyun sighs and decides to poke the petite muse's head making Wendy finally snap from her thoughts. “Excuse me Dahyun, were you calling me?”

“Yes.” Dahyun sighs and chuckles. “I called your name for a really long time, it’s unusual Wendy-unnie, you usually respond to the first call.”

Wendy nods smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry Dubu, I was so immersed in my thoughts I didn’t hear you, but tell me, what do you need?” The honey eyes owner rests her elbows on her desk and her jaw on her hands looking at the ash blue-haired girl.

“I wanted to inform you there are two warriors from Summer, requesting to see you, they told me the Lady of Summer sent them to give you books she thought may help us.”

Wendy nods lightly, she knows the important books are in the library where Mina, Dahyun, Joy and she have been searching, however, she doesn’t discard the possibility of a missing clue in the books Taeyeon sent.

“Let them pass, please.”

Dahyun nods and she goes to the door of the studio of the right hand, getting out of the room, she enters again after the two warriors.

Seungwan honey orbs look at the two warriors in front of her with an inquiring smile, she founds somewhat adorable and amusing the sight of the warriors.

One of them is taller than the other with two swords on her back in a crossed position, the midnight black wavy hair along with bangs that highlight her big eyes and vibrant smirk, wearing a sleeveless leather black blouse and tight leather black pants the only piece of cloth that is not black is her cloak which is brown despite her dressing she still looks somewhat adorable.

The other one makes her feel tenderness, the girl beside the taller warrior looks like an excited child, her curious walnut eyes and her bright creamy blonde hair, she is wearing too, a sleeveless leather blouse but in her case the blouse is red and brown, along with leather shorts and petite boots, wearing one sword behind her back, her tiny arms carrying three books.

She notices the taller warrior carrying the cloak of the tiny one, a red cloak that can’t help to remind her to the rust red-haired woman.

Coughing a little, she clears before speaking. “Welcome to Winter, Summer warriors, I’m the muse of our Queen, may I ask the purpose of your visit?”

Bowing softly to the Right hand, both girls look at her but the midnight haired warrior decides to talk. “The lady of Summer, sent us to give you these books personally.”

The little creamy blonde warrior approaches timidly handling the books to Wendy who takes them smiling warmly. ”Thank you.” Putting the books on her desk, she looks at the warriors. “Excuse me for my rudeness, May I know your names?”

Shaking their heads in denial makes Wendy think they are even more adorable.

“I’m Momo, and this is my sister Chaeyoung, we are both apprentices of Irene-unnie.” Talking shyly, the taller warrior looks at the Winter muse.

“Irene-unnie, the dancing warrior right?” Wendy smiles and both girls nod. “It’s wonderful to hear that, I’m Wendy, please feel free to stay here as long as you want.”

Before the girls can answer someone knocks, Wendy quirks a brow but sighs softly when she notices the presence of the rust red-haired woman behind the door.

“Come in.” Wendy says as she puts her cheek on her hand, Joy opens the door. “Wendy, I have a request, can you please ask for more raspberry jelly? I-“ Joy looks up to find the warrior sisters looking at her with surprised eyes.

Joy opens surprised but laughs running to take the hand of the taller warrior and hugs her tightly. “You food maniac! what are you doing here?” Joy separates and turns to look at the little warrior crushing the girl in a tight hug too. “Aww! my lion cub is here too!”

“U-unnie…I can’t breathe.” Chaeyoung pats the tall muse's back “Oh, suns. I’m sorry Chae.” The tall muse lets the little girl go gaining a relieved sigh from the lion cub.

“We came here to bring some books, The Summer lady asked us to deliver them personally to the right hand.” Momo explains smiling brightly to the tall muse.

Frowning curiously Joy turns to look at the simple three books Taeyeon sent and she chuckles, knowing there’s an intention behind the delivery, why Taeyeon would send one of their best warriors to deliver only three books?

“All right, I know those books might help us, but what’s the real reason behind your visit?” a subtle smirk showing in the lips of the muse.

Wendy and Dahyun exchange looks, listening carefully, did Taeyeon make a hidden request to the warrior sisters?

Chaeyoung chuckles and shrugs. “She might have asked us to check how are you doing here and if we need to and I quote.” Before speaking she turns to look at the curious eyes of the Winter muses. “Excuse me for my language.”

“If we need to ‘bring your damn back before you cause problems with that coquettish mouth deeply influenced by that little .’ “Chaeyoung coughs and Joy takes a moment before she laughs loudly.

Dahyun covers surprised by the language of the Summer lady but Wendy only shakes her head with a little smile knowing very well how Taeyeon may look like a Prince with her formal clothing but she knows the Summer lady since she was a child, therefore she is very well informed of that amusing mouth of hers.

“That little learned from me, I’m deeply offended, but oh well, I expected it from Taeyeon.” Joy shrugs.

Wendy chokes when she hears Sooyoung words and everyone turns to look at her worriedly, shaking her hand to signal she is all right, she clears .

“I’ll write a letter to Taeyeon-sshi to let her know everything is going…correctly with Sooyoung, besides, we need her presence her, she is very helpful.” Seungwan smiles lightly and looks at the ash blue-haired girl.

“Dahyun, please show them the Castle, I will see you later with them in the ballroom with Mina.”

The pale muse nods and smiles brightly to the warrior sisters. “Have you two eaten yet?”

“Oh, no we are starving!” Both sisters whine making the pale muse chuckle.

“I’m hungry too Dahyun!” Joy joins them and follows the girls that are getting out of Wendy’s studio, everyone bow lightly to the right hand who nods with a half-smile.

Wendy wonders, just how close and bright the Summer people can be with each other, they seem to look like they treat everyone as their family, smiling softly, putting her glasses to read better since her eyes are a little tired, she opens the book Taeyeon sent but a letter greets her at the moment she opens the book.

She can’t help to laugh reading the content of the short letter, she shakes her head.

“If that cheeky raspberry crazy tall muse bothers you please inform me, I will personally beat the out of her, and the of that little who is her partner.”


Hellooo! Maybe you will see me more often since I have more time jeje, also thank you so so much for your comments it gives me energy c':

Did anyone saw the vertical MV of Zimzalabim? JeSus ChRist guys I felt so gay with that video omg and the quality was really good.

Weeell I will see u soon, please remember to drink water and rest well c:


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Kimchi43 0 points #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!