Sunflower Trail

When Summer and Winter dance

Wendy sighs for the nth time, she watches Joy ruffling her rust-red hair with annoyance, they have read all the books along with Dahyun and Mina, however, they didn’t find a single clue about what is happening to Sana and the Kingdom.

“It can’t be.” Joy’s voice sounds irritated, Dahyun, and Mina turn to look at her.

“We know.” Dahyun says as she closes the book she was reading.

“This is so frustrating.” Wendy sits as she looks at the pile of books beside them. “There’s really nothing about what is happening, not a single clue.”

The four muses remain silent until Mina opens her eyes wide, she rushes to one of the book shelters, she searches with hurry.

The winter muse's actions make the other three raise a curious eyebrow until Mina puts three books on the table, she opens them, her brown orbs filled with enthusiasm.

“This.” Mina signals the open book’s pages. “I remember reading these books, they talk about some of the former Kings and Queens, but there’s something really weird.”

Wendy, Joy, and Dahyun exchange looks but decide to read what Mina says regardless.

The Queen’s muse is the first one that knows what Mina is trying to tell them, she frowns with uncertainty and surprise. “This is so…strange, I thought only one Queen disappeared.”

“Well, according to this, she was not the only one, there have been at least ten Kings and Queens that have disappeared.” Mina continues. “But that’s not the only odd thing.”

“The odd thing is that all of them were twenty-one.” Dahyun almost whispers and turns to see Wendy with wide eyes. “That’s-“

“The Queen’s actual age…” Wendy says, surprise filling the winter muse’s voice.

The four muses feel astonished by the sudden clue Mina has revealed, Joy frowns worriedly as she searches in the book, desperate for answers only to find the same thing at the end of the Queens and Kings Biography.

“Cause of demise: Mysterious disappearing.” Joy reads carefully and frowns even more when she doesn’t find anything else on the page and what is stranger is that you can barely read the cause of disease.

“This seems like someone wanted to erase this.” The Summer muse points the page with her finger. “The ink feels weird.”

It is now Wendy’s turn to frown, she approaches Joy and touches where Sooyoung is pointing feeling the odd texture. “What in the name of Winter….”

Seungwan bites her lower lip and sighs deeply. “We don’t have another option then.”

Dahyun and Mina look at her with questioning gazes.

The oldest muse looks at the three muses. “I will go to see the former King.”

Mina and Dahyun open their eyes wide, not everyone can go to where the Queen’s parents live unless the Queen gives her permission.

“I will go too.” Sooyoung stands up.

“No.” Seungwan’s voice sounds too firm and Joy can’t help but look at her surprised.

“I can go if the Queen gives me permission, however, I don’t know if she will let you go with me, Joy.” Wendy looks at the tall muse with soft eyes.

“You are not going to travel alone, it’s dangerous.” Sooyoung looks at her with worried eyes.

Seungwan smiles softly. “I will be okay, the retirement lands are not too far.”

Sooyoung doesn’t look too convinced and shakes her head. “You don’t know what could happen, an animal or someone can hurt you.”

The rust red-haired muse walks to Wendy until they’re face to face. “I can’t stay here with crossed arms while you are out there.”

Wendy opens her eyes surprised, she forgets about Mina and Dahyun for a moment feeling trapped in the warm and worried deep brown eyes looking at her.

“Why?...” Seungwan whispers.

“Because I’m worried about you, I-“ Sooyoung ruffles her hair remembering the horrible day that chases Joohyun and her, she remembers the children and maids along with other innocent people she felt she couldn’t protect, people she couldn’t help.

“I can’t lose you.” Sooyoung looks at her and Seungwan feels like someone is piercing her heart when Joy looks at her with deep hurt and sorrow. “I can’t lose you, not when I have the opportunity to protect you.”

Wendy feels astonished, feeling the sad emotions hitting her like a blizzard, she doesn’t know how she is managing to hold her tears because Joy's emotions are too strong and filled with deep sadness.

The Winter muse swallows ’s knot and gives her best smile to the rust red-haired woman. “I will ask our Queen Sooyoung.” Wendy lifts a hand to caress Joy’s head with deep care. “If joining me makes you feel calmer, then you will accompany me.”

Joy merely nods, she focuses on the muse’s soft hand instead, because she can feel how Wendy is trying to calm her with that soft action making her heart feel less heavy.


Seulgi frowns when she reads Wendy’s letter, she is asking her for quite unusual permission, she even rubs her sleepy eyes, the Sun is still hiding but not so much before Sunrise.

“She wants to see my father, but she is also asking me to let Sooyoung accompany her…” Seulgi thinks and leaves the letter aside for a moment.

Is not that she doubts her own muse, but it’s extremely weird for her, since Wendy tends to travel alone or with her, whenever she goes to see her father or mother.

The Queen lets out a long sigh before writing her response, she decides to let the Summer muse accompany her muse, Joohyun has told her that Joy can defend herself and others, she assumes that is the main reason of why her muse is asking her to let Joy join her trip to the retirement lands.

She watches her white bird flying fast until she can no longer see him, closing softly her room’s window she decides to take a shower to calm herself.

Inside the tub with warm water and soft vanilla scent, she submerges until her hazel orbs are only visible.

It’s barely morning and her deep thoughts are already filling her head.

She remembers her sister’s angry features when she remembered about their father’s behavior, always hiding things from them, she can’t help but think, that maybe her father knows what is happening but he is not moving a finger because he wants her to resolve it with her own way.

Or maybe her father is just as clueless as her and doesn’t know what is actually happening to the kingdom and Sana.

“Oh snows, he is so complicated.” Seulgi passes a hand through her face with frustration and sighs deeply.

After some time, she is now sitting and drying her hair gently, even if her hands are moving her mind is on another place, she is still thinking about the possibilities of her father knowing about what is actually happening and she shakes her head when she arrives at a conclusion.

“He doesn’t know, if he knew he would have told me because Sana’s life is in danger and a muse…. death is catastrophic for us, it can’t happen.” The Queen whispers and starts brushing her hair. “And Tzuyu doesn’t deserve it…”

When she finishes arranging her hair she walks to the door, hoping that maybe a good breakfast will help her to clear her mind, the moment she opens the door she encounters the Summer lady almost knocking and looking at her with surprise.

“Taeyeon!, good morning.” Seulgi greets surprised and smiles mildly.

“Good morning your grace, I know it’s quite early but I was wondering if you were already awake since you like to get up early.” Taeyeon smiles.

“I’m totally awake and full of hunger.” Seulgi chuckles.

“That’s actually perfect.” Taeyeon laughs softly. “I came here to ask if you would like to join me for breakfast.”

“That would be wonderful Taeyeon.” Seulgi closes her room’s door and smiles.

“Then, follow me please, I hope you like pancakes or I can ask for something else for you.” Taeyeon and Seulgi start walking and The Queen shakes her head softly. “I’m fine with pancakes, I only ask for black coffee please.”

Taeyeon raises a curious eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t like it.”

“When I was a child I didn’t need it like now.” The light blonde explains. “I need it when I have a rough morning.”

The Summer lady frowns worriedly. “Did something happened?”

Seulgi nods and sighs. “A curious letter, I will tell you later.”

Taeyeon looks at the Queen for a moment before nodding slowly and continues walking.


Wendy and Joy horses are galloping fast, they are currently going to the Snow Mountains, where the former King and Queen live, after receiving the Queen’s permission they didn’t take too much time to get ready, time is crucial and the King having the possible answer to all of this makes them go even faster.

Seungwan stops and Joy stops with her turning to look at the Winter’s muse. “We are here.” Seungwan says with an agitated voice, they have traveled for three hours without breaks, Wendy is quite surprised with herself, she has never done a trip like this but maybe having Joy by her side is a big help.

Sooyoung, on the other hand, feels this little trip like a soft version of what she is used to traveling with Irene, however, she can feel her hands are about to freeze, but she couldn’t care less, not when they are now in front of the medium size castle, that looks like a fortress.

The guards notice Wendy and let her pass immediately, even with Sooyoung they don’t question the muse’s company, a cold wind greets them when they enter finally.

“Suns, the energy is so-“

“Cold?” Seungwan finishes the rust red-haired woman sentence, and breathes deeply. “It’s the former King’s energy and his emotions.”

Joy merely nods, she can feel the strong and cold emotions coming from the former King, she feels intimidated by him, even though it’s the first time she is going to meet him.

When they dismount their horses and enter to the castle finally, Sooyoung walks behind Seungwan, noticing how the castle has few maids and butlers, she greets them politely along with Wendy until they are in front of the hall’s big door, where the former King and Queen must be.

The Winter muse knocks the door and a deep voice speaks. “Come in.”

Sooyoung lets Wendy enter first, as soon as they step inside the hall both kneel and bow. “Your highness.”

“You may stand up now, Seungwan and…”

“Sooyoung, your highness, it’s a pleasure.” Joy speaks still bowing, she doesn’t know why but the former King energy is too intimidating, different from the cold but gentle energy from the Queen.

“The pleasure is mine, Summer muse, Sooyoung.” The former King speaks firmly. “You may look up.”

When Sooyoung looks up she is greeted by a man with black hair and piercing blue eyes that combine perfectly with his navy coat covering his black shirt, his sharp cheek resting on his covered knuckles.

Sooyoung can definitely see from where the Queen got her intimidating aura, however she notices even though the former King is handsome, the Queen doesn’t look a lot like him, physically speaking.

“Seungwan.” The former King speaks again. “May I know the reason for your visit?”

“I’m here to ask you something, your highness.” Wendy speaks as she holds close the books where Mina found the mysterious clue.

The former King looks at the books and narrows his blue eyes. “I suppose this is about what is happening in our Kingdom, isn’t it?”

Wendy nods. “Yes, your highness.”

The former King stands up, and Sooyoung notices from where the princess got her height, he walks until he is in front of them and stretches a hand to Seungwan.

Seungwan gives him the books, he notices a sheet separator and starts reading the page, when he arrives at the final part of the page he breathes deeply closing the book carefully.

“I know what you want to know, Seungwan.” The former King looks at them and sighs. “However, I can’t tell you.”

Seungwan and Sooyoung frown with surprised eyes, the former King purses his lips and breathes deeply. “Do you really think I never told Seulgi and Tzuyu anything because I totally wanted them to learn by themselves?”

The former King looks at the books for a moment before looking at them again. “Of course, I wanted them to be independent women, women that don’t need to wait for answers.” The former King explains. “But it was also because I know what our Kingdom is facing, I knew Seulgi was going to face it too.”

Both muses want to say something but words don’t come out from their mouths, the former King decides to speak again. “If Seulgi is going to see the witch…. we can have some hope.” The tall man purses his lips. “After Seulgi does what she has to do, I will be able to tell you what is happening, but I can’t tell you at the moment.”

“But.” Sooyoung finally speaks. “A muse life is in danger, your highness! We-“

“I know.” The former king looks at her, impotence filling his deep blue eyes. “I know everything, but unfortunately I can’t do anything, the only one that can do something is Seulgi and only her.”

“Why?” Seungwan asks, the muse’s voice filled with uncertainty.

“Because the gods are not looking at me.” The former King speaks, firm but worried. “They are looking at her now.”


“The only thing I can say to you is that I’m alive because of intelligence and the strong love I have for our people, I hope my daughter to do what her heart or mind tells her what to do, she has to choose for us, heart or mind.”

Seungwan and Sooyoung are on their horses, the horses are walking slowly, just like their minds are trying to process the former’s King words.

“I don’t understand.” Sooyoung stops and Wendy stops too, turning to look at the Summer muse.

“We always guide them to the good path, why the gods are doing this? At this point, the only answer I have for all of this is that they are punishing everybody, but…for what?” Sooyoung frowns feeling extremely lost.

“If we analyze our brief conversation with the former King.” Seungwan’s voice makes Joy look at her. “This is not the first time this happens, along with Mina’s discoverment… we can say some of the former Kings and Queens didn’t…survive to this whole gods enigma, but the question here is why?”

“You know our gods don’t think it twice when someone is not suitable for the Kingdom throne.” Sooyoung words sound crude but it’s the truth.

“Yes, I know.” Seungwan sighs deeply. “But, that’s why we are here Sooyoung, our job here is to make them good people to avoid gods’ punishments, and even when someone is not suitable for the throne our gods are not that…extreme.”

Seungwan has a point, a heavy point, and Sooyoung decides to bite her lower lip, this feels like a puzzle that doesn’t have a solution, for every answered question there’s a contradiction and that’s making Joy lose her calm.

The Queen’s muse senses Joy angry emotions, she can’t blame the Summer muse, she feels extremely frustrated too but exploding is not the best decision right now.

So she decides to guide her horse until she is beside the Summer muse, taking Joy's hand softly.

Sooyoung was so focused on her angry emotions that the soft touch on her hand makes her jump and turn to look at her right side, she finds the sweet honey eyes looking at her.

The Summer muse feels her angry emotions vanishing gradually, she decides to dive into the cold but sweet gaze Wendy is giving to her, sighing deeply, Sooyoung squeezes kindly the small hand holding her slender hand.

Wendy nods softly and smiles slightly, even if she is also frustrated and angry, she decides to let it vanish along with Sooyoung angry emotions, after all, someone has to be the cold head here and she is completely sure that the summer muse can’t be that head, not when she was about to explode.

Giving a sign to the horses, both horses start to canter, and even if their horses are already moving, Seungwan doesn’t let Sooyoung hand go, she holds it firmly.

Sooyoung only looks at their hands and thinks that maybe, the winter muse needs something to hold on to, Wendy’s hand is shaking slightly, she can barely feel it.

The rust red-haired intertwine their fingers and promises silently that she will be Seungwan strength, she will be the support Seungwan needs right now.

Seungwan remains silent but Joy can see the tiny smile on the winter muse’s lips and she can’t help but let a tiny smile form on her lips.


Seulgi munches her last piece of pancake and lets out a relieved sigh, Taeyeon can’t help but laugh a little.

“You were very hungry, your grace.” Taeyeon lifts her eyebrows when she sees the Queen ate like a hungry bear that is about to hibernate.

“Well, what can I say? Your food is very delicious, and I was missing something heavier, not that I don’t love Nayeon’s fruits and vegetables but I needed something stronger.” Seulgi chuckles.

Taeyeon laughs and agrees with the Queen, she notices Seulgi cup empty and her worry for the Queen emerges again. “Why did you need black coffee? If you don’t mind me asking.”

The light blonde breathes deeply and looks at the Summer lady. “Wendy asked me for permission to see my father, but…she also asked me to let Sooyoung go with her.”

Taeyeon frowns. “Sooyoung? Joohyun’s muse?”

“Yes.” The Queen confirms.

The Summer lady frowns even more. “Did she tell you why?”

Seulgi shakes her head lightly. “She almost begged me in the letter to let Sooyoung go with her.”

“That’s quite odd.” Taeyeon points out. “However, maybe they discovered something together and wanted to ask or tell the former King?”

The Queen nods slightly but purses her lips with a light chuckle. “If she went to ask my father I hope he gave her the answers she hoped to get.”

Taeyeon notices the slight discomfort behind the Queen’s words and smiles apologetically, she knows the former King doesn’t say a lot of important things to his daughters, she also remembers the Queen used to get angry, even more than her sister, however, if you don’t know the Queen a lot you can’t know she is raging inside when she looks so calm on the outside.

“Are you angry because of that?” Taeyeon asks softly.

Seulgi opens to deny but chuckles defeated, Taeyeon knows her well, maybe because of the long-time, she has known her or maybe because the Bae sisters have the special ability to read people like open books.

“Yes.” The light blonde sighs. “I’ve been thinking a lot about my father knowing about the reason of this whole…mess and knowing how he is, I can almost bet he decided to do anything and let me resolve it.”

Seulgi rubs her face with frustration. “But also, I think about the possibility of him not knowing what is happening, however…” The Queen purses her lips. “The fact that he knows the witch is making me have even more doubts.”

“I never thought he would hide that information from you and the princess.” Taeyeon sighs. “It’s quite odd…but don’t you think… maybe he has a reason?”

Seulgi feels taken aback but decides to think for a moment, the only time she decided to confront her father about his silence was a year ago, when she was about to succeed him.

“My silence is not only for you and your sister’s growth, I have a reason that you will know later, I hope you can understand.”

Her father’s words are still fresh in her mind but she wonders if the problem the Kingdom is facing is because of the reason her father didn’t tell her.

“He has one.” Seulgi whispers. “A reason behind his silence, but…he also didn’t tell me.”

Taeyeon frowns worriedly when she notices the Queen looking like a lost child, she can’t help to remember the Queen’s lost look whenever she faced a problem and the former King let her resolve it on her own.

She knows the former King wanted his daughters to be strong and independent but she doesn’t agree with the former King's way of doing it, even in Summer, her father was like an iron wall but not at the extent of the Queen’s father.

Not that he is entirely cold with his daughters, he is actually really warm with them and Taeyeon knows the Queen knows it, but of course, parents aren’t always the way we hope them to be, and later when we grow up, sometimes we understand why they raised us in a certain way.

However, in this case, neither Taeyeon nor the Queen knows the reason behind the former King's way of raising his daughters, even if Seulgi tries to understand and find a single clue, she fails.

Seulgi blinks softly thinking that maybe her father knew they would face something like this, something where they needed to be extremely strong and sufficient, emotionally talking.

She may not know the reason behind it, but she is sure that her father wanted her to be ready for that reason.

Maybe the answer to her questions is not in her father hands as she has always thought.


Taeyeon decides to let the Queen think alone in her private Sunflower Trail, where only Joohyun, Tiffany and of course Taeyeon can enter, hoping that maybe this will give some peace to the messy thoughts inside the Queen’s head.

Seulgi walks and breathes deeply the fresh air she desperately needed, looking around and finding the colorful Sunflowers making her smile.

After walking some time she looks up and stops when she finds a familiar woman sitting and reading on one of the trail’s benches.

The Queen feels speechless, suddenly all the thoughts about her father and the Kingdom disappear when she sees the caramel-haired woman standing out even more with the sunflowers surrounding her. It makes her look even sunnier and more beautiful, her exotic and calm beauty makes Seulgi swallow hard.

Joohyun senses someone watching her and closes her book, a smirk adorning her cherry lips.

“How long are you going to stay there? Queen.” The warrior turns to look at the frozen Queen, she notices the blush covering the light blonde cheeks.

Seulgi doesn’t answer, she starts to walk to the warrior direction and sits beside the caramel-haired woman feeling the light brown orbs never leaving her.

“Well, you didn’t bark at me as always, is there something bothering you? “ Irene chuckles softly.

“Bark- I’m not a dog Joohyun!” Seulgi exclaims feeling her cheeks getting redder.

“I never said you were a dog, but if you feel like one…” Joohyun teases the Queen, her smirk turns into a grin.

“You are unbelievable.” The light blonde rolls her eyes and sighs.

“All right, all right.” Irene lifts both hands in surrender. “Enough teasing, what happened?”

The Queen looks at the warrior only to find Irene wearing a calm expression, her smirk is now a soft smile, the soft smile that never fails to make Seulgi heart beat like crazy.

“It’s just about my father and his will to keep things in secret from Tzuyu and me.” Seulgi sighs. “But I don’t want to talk about it at the moment.”

Joohyun wants to push the topic but looking at the Queen’s expression she decides to let it go for now and nods slowly.

Seulgi looks down to see the book Irene is reading and raises a curious eyebrow when she sees the title.

“The Sun Prince's life?” The light blonde reads and looks at the warrior with a questioning look.

Irene looks at the book and chuckles. “It was my favorite book when I was a child, Taeyeon-unnie used to read it for me.”

The Queen feels even more interested and smiles with curiosity, the warrior understands the silent message and starts speaking. “I used to like hearing what the Sun prince did, I looked up to him, I wanted to follow his steps…he was a something out of this Kingdom, always seen as he was kind of unreachable.” Joohyun chuckles. “I was amazed by the way he fought and the way he was described as someone unique and almost impossible to defeat, I liked the way he always stood up against injustice and unnecessary violence, everyone loved him and they describe him as a.” Joohyun opens the book and laughs reading. “A moron who is always smiling even in the worsts situations.”

“That’s what the Autumn Prince said if I remember correctly.” Seulgi laughs too and raises a teasing eyebrow. “Well, you are certainly a moron who is always smiling even in the worsts situations too, so I think you did a great work following his path.”

Joohyun laughs and raises her eyebrows surprised. “Queen, I’m deeply offended, you called me a moron.”

“You told me I ‘bark’, we’re even now.” Seulgi smiles proudly and that makes the warrior laugh.

Seulgi turns to see the warrior when she hears the genuine laugh she adores to hear and she can’t help to smile fondly.

Joohyun turns to see her and frowns a little, lifting a hand to arrange the Queen’s hair gently, when she finishes she smiles warmly. “Perfect, now you look even more beautiful.”

The Queen blushes and looks down when she hears the warrior calling her beautiful, shyness suddenly controlling her body. “Thank you…”

Smiling, even more, Joohyun eyes never leave the shy Queen. “You’re welcome.”

After some moments of silence, Irene decides to speak again. “He…said that…when he met the Moon princess he felt relieved and calm, because the cold but gentle Princess made him feel like he could share his fears and feelings, something he was not used to sharing since he always felt he had to be ‘unbreakable.’

Seulgi looks up again, finding the warrior looking at her with deep and sincere eyes that make her heart skip a beat.

“Now I can understand what he meant.” Joohyun smiles warmly. “After telling you my worst nightmare, the thing that had me chained and filled with guilt….”

The warrior puts her slender and tender hand on the princess's soft hand. “I feel I can tell you everything Seulgi.” Irene slowly intertwines their fingers kindly.

“You are never going to judge me, instead, you try to understand me.” Joohyun looks at her even gentler. “I feel that I can cry, talk and even yell with you…that’s something I only do with Taeyeon-unnie but…you have made so much impact on me that I can barely believe it…”

“Thank you, Seulgi.” Joohyun smiles widely and in such a genuine way that Seulgi doesn’t know how her heart can handle it.

Seulgi squeezes gently Joohyun’s hand as she speaks softly to the warrior. “The Moon Princess described that…she felt alive and free after meeting the Sun Prince, he made her explore, and discover so many things and feelings…I think I can understand her.”

“You have made an impact on me too, Joohyun.” Seulgi gets closer to the warrior putting their foreheads together as she closes her eyes.

Joohyun feels a sudden blush on her cheeks and swallows hard but she decides to close her eyes too and listen to the Queen’s gentle voice.

“This trip has made me learn so many things, I feel so free whenever I’m with you, the adventures never cease when I’m beside you, there’s always something new to learn, to discover…I was unconsciously frozen but you made me feel alive after you melted me…Thank you, Joohyun.”

“Thank you for your patience…thank you for your understanding…thank you for your warmth…thank you for your sweet and sunny smile…” Seulgi whispers for the warrior and decides to follow her heart silently, for once.

Joohyun can feel the Queen’s hand cupping her cheeks and opens her eyes wide when she feels the soft and gentle lips touching her forehead.

The Queen places a shy but gentle kiss on the warrior’s forehead, she keeps her lips there for a moment until she separates slowly and gives the warrior a wide and sweet smile when she meets the surprised light brown orbs.

Irene can feel the kiss on her forehead even though the Queen’s lips are not there anymore, she purses her shy lips and snuggles on the Queen’s neck hiding timidly.

Seulgi giggles softly and hugs the warrior’s head gently, smiling on the warrior’s caramel hair when she notices the warrior red ears.

It’s sweet and innocent, but is also slow and quiet, just like a flower blooming, her love for the warrior is blooming even more under the precious Sunlight, even though she doesn’t know it.


Hello Hello! this is a smol chapter but I hope you like it, I've been busy these days but I somehow managed to write a little bit jejeje. 

Our Red Velvet girls are in Switzerland right now and I'm begging SM for Level up 4 in Switzerland ;((

Also, I don't know how I managed to survive after I saw Mina's teaser and the comeback pictures, I wanted to cry when I saw her it was too emotional for me TT.TT

After watching the OT9 teasers honestly, I don't know how I survived because they look AMAZING, FLAWLESS, PERFECT and-

Well, I will end my tiny note here, I hope you can rest and eat well! I will see you later! C:

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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!